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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 037 A Brand New Life 1

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    It¡¯s far from hot in the northwest in summer, and Chuikov wasn¡¯t really so hot that he was sweating. But in order to cover up his nervousness, he continued what Li Keji said: ¡°Yes, I don¡¯t know why, but the weather is particularly hot today.  " Seeing that he was telling lies, Li Keji did not continue teasing him, but turned to the next one, shocking the Soviet and Russian representatives into a cold sweat.  Unlike the representatives of the Soviet Union, the chairman and others knew that Li Keji had just deliberately made things difficult for Chuikov. They thought that this boy was being naughty again, but they could only shake their heads and smile bitterly. As long as he didn't really want to cause trouble for Chuikov, it wouldn't matter.  Worry.  After the friendly meeting, the group of people left Wuqi Town together and parted ways at the entrance of the town. The parking place of the Osprey helicopter and the temporary airport used by the Soviet representatives were located in different places. The reason for doing this was just that Li Keji temporarily opened the  He didn¡¯t want the Soviet Union to know the secret of the Osprey helicopter.  After getting on the plane, Li Keji checked the flight preparations with the chairman and others before starting the Osprey to fly into the sky.  Not long after flying, he saw two Soviet and Russian aircraft slowly coming behind him. Without guessing, Li Keji knew that it was the Soviet and Russian representatives who wanted to take a close look at his new aircraft in the air.  Although Li Keji was not worried about what they could tell from the appearance, he still accelerated his speed and left the Soviet aircraft behind.  At first, the Soviet and Russian aircraft could barely keep up. When Li Keji continued to increase altitude, Beria and other Soviet and Russian representatives had to give up. Their climbing height was far less than that of the Osprey helicopter.  By the time Li Keji and others had flown to Kashgar, Xinjiang, Beria and others were still far behind. Moreover, their transition distance was not enough and they needed to land once in the middle. Their speed could not keep up with Li Keji's Osprey helicopter.  .  When arriving in Kashgar, Stalin had already led people to wait at the airport early. When they saw that the Datong Party's plane could land vertically, everyone was horrified.  They had never thought that there was such an aircraft in the world, especially the military personnel who followed Stalin. They were shocked and suddenly opened up new shooting ideas.  After getting off the plane, only two of the accompanying security personnel were left to look after the Osprey. The remaining people escorted the chairman towards Stalin and his party not far away. Stalin and others also stopped after the propeller of the Osprey plane stopped.  Slowly greet the chairman and his party.  As the two people walking at the front, the Chairman and Stalin took the lead in shaking hands and saying hello, as if they were two good friends who had not seen each other for many years.  At this time, one person was wearing a Soviet military uniform and the other was wearing a black Mao suit. The moment when their hands were clasped, a historic moment was captured by the photographer on the side.  After the two bosses briefly said hello, they introduced their entourage to both parties. Since both of them came from afar, and most of the accompanying personnel were guards, they did not take much time to introduce them.  But when introducing Li Keji, Stalin paid special attention to him.  Stalin paid special attention to Li Keji, and even bullied the chairman for not knowing Russian when communicating with him.  And when there were no other translators around, he directly used Russian to win over Li Keji, hoping that in addition to this cooperation, Soviet Russia could also cooperate with overseas organizations in other aspects.  See him behaving like this.  Li Keji was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said in Chinese: "Comrade Stalin. I am just a small liaison officer for overseas organizations and cannot lead the external cooperation of overseas organizations. I can only accept your kindness.  But I can¡¯t bring any overseas organizations to give you any reply.¡± Li Keji suddenly switched to speaking in Chinese. Stalin was a little overwhelmed for a moment. After listening to the translation by the translator next to him, although he was very surprised, he didn¡¯t show it at all.  Instead, he continued to smile and said, "Mr. Li doesn't have to refuse so quickly. We have plenty of time to talk slowly." When the chairman on the side heard Li Keji's words, he knew what was going on without having to guess. Although he was a little unhappy, the Soviet Union thought  Skipping the cooperation between the Datong Party and overseas organizations was actually mocking Stalin's ignorance in their hearts. If they had known Li Keji's true identity, they would never have done such an unwise act.  After the two sides introduced all the entourage, Stalin invited the Datong Party and his party to a newly built hall in Kashgar, where the signing of the treaty would also be held. However, before that, the Soviet Union had to conduct some interviews with the Chairman and his party.  After dusting off, a small banquet was held.  Although the banquet was not big, it was particularly different because there were heavyweights like Stalin and Li Shengshi. However, Li Shengshi did not have much appetite for the delicacies prepared by the Soviet Union. Without the pepper, nothing he ate was very fragrant.  .  Fortunately, Li Keji was with the Chairman. No matter what he lacked, Li Keji could "take out" new ones from his backpack. When he saw that the Chairman had no appetite, Li Keji quietly "take out" them.  Got a bottle of chili sauce.  When I saw the chili sauce, I thought?My appetite was suddenly whetted, and I could eat a lot even if it was just bread dipped in chili sauce.  Stalin on the side saw that the chairman had a good appetite after using chili sauce, and he couldn't help but be curious about this bottle of Chinese red seasoning, so he wanted to try some, but he was so spicy that he was sweating profusely. Afterwards, he couldn't understand why Chinese people like to eat this kind of food.  thing.  Skipping the incident of chili sauce, Suo Maozi never drinks alcohol when eating. He pours high-quality vodka into his stomach like a drink. He not only drinks it by himself, but also likes to drink with others. What about the Chairman who has never been a big fan of drinking?  They were the rivals of these furry bears, so apart from the few courtesy cups at the front, Li Keji took the rest.  Although Li Keji doesn't like drinking, it doesn't mean that he can't drink. Before his body was strengthened, he could drink about a kilogram. Now after strengthening his body, his alcohol capacity has also increased exponentially. No matter how many people come to Lao Maozi,  , he was always drinking to drink, which shocked everyone in Soviet Russia.  After finishing the wine, Beria and other talents came belatedly. After they filled in a little independently, the formal meeting and negotiations began.  Although all the terms were negotiated in advance, before the final signing, both parties checked it carefully and had friendly discussions on some areas that they were not very satisfied with. After it was finally confirmed that everything was correct, Stalin and Li Shengshi both signed their names.  Once the treaty is signed, the cooperation between the two parties will be officially launched. Next, whether the Soviet Union sends "support personnel" to China, or China sends "aid materials" to Soviet Russia, these practical matters will be left to the people below.  Execution, leaders of both parties can already start raising their glasses in celebration.  That night, the Soviet Union held a grand party to celebrate the successful cooperation between the two parties. Although the chairman did not like drinking too much, he still could not refuse the Soviet Union's invitation.  At the party, in addition to the Chairman, Li Keji also became another center, not because he had been helping the Chairman to drink, but because the Soviet Union was too curious about overseas organizations and tried every means to dig out useful information from him.  .  Faced with this situation, Li Keji didn't refuse anyone who came, knowing that if he didn't give them a direction, they would just keep harassing him, so he had no choice but to tell lies, lead everyone into the gutter, and talk nonsense.  The nagging things, such as the Sages of the Bamboo Grove and the Freemasons, are all conspiracy theories that I have seen before, and they sound very horrifying.  Of course, Li Keji could not say explicitly that he was a member of these organizations. He only said that overseas organizations were widely involved, including the Bamboo Forest Sage and the Freemasonry, and major families and financial groups also had shares. As for the specific people,  , then only God knows, because no written information is ever stored within overseas organizations. All information only exists in the minds of a few people. It is impossible to know everything.  Although Li Keji was talking nonsense, the Soviet Union could not believe it. One of the key points was that overseas organizations brought too many things that were too advanced. It was basically impossible to reach this level by relying on the ability of one organization alone.  Even the most powerful countries in the world, such as the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, France, etc., could not reach the level of overseas organizations, so they had to believe Li Keji's nonsense, so that the Cheka spent a lot of time and energy in the later period.  above this.  Faced with such a mysterious and powerful force, even though Soviet Russia was very greedy and wanted to obtain everything from overseas organizations, it did not dare to do anything excessive to Li Keji and could only treat him as an uncle.  After the party, Li Keji settled the chairman's guards, but he didn't expect that Stalin sent Beria to look for him again. He didn't give up, and even thought about skipping the Datong Party and cooperating with overseas organizations.  Although he knew Beria's purpose of looking for him, Li Keji still pretended to be curious and asked: "Comrade Beria, it's so late, what important matter can't be discussed tomorrow? I asked you to come here overnight to find him.  "Me?" "Mr. Li, our Bolsheviks were able to successfully cooperate with the Datong Party this time, all thanks to the overseas organizations represented by Mr. Li. I am here to express my gratitude to Mr. Li on behalf of our party." Beria is not in a hurry.  Said slowly.  "Oh?" "Of course, it's not just to express gratitude to Mr. Li. After our party realized the strength of overseas organizations, it couldn't help but want to expand the scope of cooperation with overseas organizations. However, there were always people from the Datong Party in front, so it was hard to say for the moment.  Out." Beria continued.  "So, what kind of cooperation does your party need after receiving this assistance?" Although Li Keji had no idea of ??continuing to cooperate with the Soviet Union, he still wanted to know what other ambitions the Soviet Russians had.  ¡°For example, our party¡¯s military department and military industry department are very interested in the new aircraft that Mr. Li is using now,¡± Beria said using an analogy.  Li Keji knew that they saw the osprey flyingIn the end, I definitely wanted to get it together, so I turned to say: "Then what benefits can our overseas organizations get from cooperating with your party?" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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