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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 035 Changes 9

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    Xia Xiangning took the initiative to ask, and Li Kenji remembered that there was still this problem. It was because he had been at home for too long before, and he had no idea about it at all. When he thought about it, he couldn't help but wonder why Lu Wei didn't remind him this time.  After the embarrassment, Li Keji chuckled and said, "You see that Lu Wei and I eat so well, do we still need to praise your cooking skills verbally?" "Really?" Xia Xiangning expressed doubts.  "The mouth can tell lies, but the taste can never deceive, right?" Li Keji pointed at Lu Wei who was still holding shredded pork in his mouth and said, "Look at the way Xiaolu eats. If the food is not particularly delicious, his  How could he look so ugly? " "Really?" Xia Xiangning turned her eyes to Lu Wei.  Seeing Xia Xiangning looking at him, Lu Wei had to quickly swallow the shredded meat in his mouth and said hurriedly: "Yes, Comrade Xia Xiangning's craftsmanship is very good." "Look, am I right?  "Li Keji added later.  Although she was still not satisfied, Xia Xiangning stopped worrying and picked up the bowls and chopsticks to eat.  After finishing the meal, Li Keji took out his notebook and started typing up the marriage application report. When Xia Xiangning packed up the dishes and came back, he had almost finished writing it.  Xia Xiangning didn't know what he was doing, so she came over curiously to ask. When she got closer, she saw the contents of the wps document. She couldn't help but said shyly: "Are you really planning to report to the organization?" "Of course.  Do you regret it?" Li Kenji kept his hands on his hands, but turned to look at Xia Xiangning.  "No" Xia Xiangning instinctively wanted to say no, but realized that she was being too shameless, so she added, "I'm just not ready yet." "Not ready?" Li Keji asked.  "Yes." Xia Xiangning said with a blushing face.  ¡°Then what should we prepare?¡± Li Keji then asked.  Xia Xiangning did not expect that Li Keji would ask such questions, so she could only continue to talk nonsense with a shameful face: "For example, a new house, a wedding dress, a matchmaker, parents, relatives, friends" "Comrade Xia Xiangning, we are a revolutionary marriage, we can't do those things  It's something from the old society. I think it's enough to just hold a banquet and ask the Party Central Committee to be a witness." Li Keji didn't want it to be so complicated, so he interrupted her.  Xia Xiangning was just being reserved as a girl, but she didn't really want to make it that complicated. After hearing Li Keji's determined look, she didn't insist on it. She just said with a shameful face that she had classes in the afternoon and had to go back to school first.  Seeing her running away like flying, Li Kenji couldn't help but shake his head. He originally wanted to tease Xiao Nizi more, but now he had to turn his attention back to the marriage report.  After finishing writing.  After carefully checking it a dozen times, Li Keji printed it out with a small printer, took the application report and went directly to the Party Central Committee.  After meeting the Party Central Committee, although the chairman and others strongly agreed that Li Keji could find a home in the Datong Party, they still pushed back his preparation for marriage. Stalin had already arrived in Kashgar, Xinjiang, and they were the only ones who could not catch up with the Datong Party.  It's over.  Although the matter of marriage is important, Li Keji can still distinguish what is important. As early as in the morning, when the chairman talked to him about Soviet Russia matters.  We have already talked about the signing of the agreement in Kashgar, Xinjiang.  There are no qualified pilots in the Datong Party, so Li Keji will need to make a personal trip at that time. Moreover, the Chairman will go deep into Soviet Russia alone. Li Keji also has the responsibility to ensure the safety of the Chairman.  Although Soviet Russia would not force the chairman to be placed under house arrest.  Sometimes it's better to be careful.  After submitting the marriage application to the Party Central Committee, Li Keji transferred to the Technical College. Without him as a top instructor, I don¡¯t know how the recent teaching progress is.  After arriving at the technical college.  Principal He Changgong introduced him to the recent situation so that Li Keji could intervene in teaching in a timely manner and avoid being out of touch with the students.  If it were before.  Many things require Li Keji to teach him step by step. As long as he leaves for one day, the technical college will suspend classes for one day.  Now that the first few batches of technical backbones have been trained, and later some technical personnel sent by the Soviet Union were accepted, he no longer needs to teach in all aspects, only to provide guidance on key points. It is far less busy than in the past.  After learning the specific situation, Li Keji had to admire the learning spirit and learning methods of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. During his trip to western Ganxi, not only did the courses at the technical college not fall behind, the progress was much faster than before. Most of the students  All credit must go to those who graduated early and adopted a group-by-group teaching method, quickly passing on what they learned to others step by step, which allowed the number of technical personnel to expand exponentially in a short period of time.  Although these technicians are still not good enough in Li Keji's opinion,There are not many, but for the impoverished Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, they are already very talented people, and all of them are treasures in the army.  Among the many technicians, tractor drivers are trained the fastest and have the largest number of trainings. The reason is that after the change of equipment, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army has become more and more dependent on logistics. Without a strong transportation group, how can the combat effectiveness of the army be guaranteed?  , so the main energy of the technical college is devoted to tractor driver training.  In addition, artillery, engineering, communications, etc. are also stepping up their training. Although the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army easily defeated the Central Army, they are not so arrogant that they think they are invincible. Next year's Central Army will  Japan is in a total war, but it is about to face an enemy that is countless times more powerful than the Central Army.  While training military personnel, the Datong Party did not relax at all regarding military and civilian matters, and Principal He Changgong did not dare to be careless.  Although Li Keji has provided good enough and large material assistance, the Datong Party will not think like the People's Party that everything can be bought. The idea that it is better to buy than to build has never been the mainstream in the party. The real mainstream is still self-reliance.  The first and most important thing is the food issue. As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. Without food, no matter how many weapons you have, it will be useless.  Although the land in the northwest is barren and the Guanzhong area is no longer as fertile as it was during the Han and Tang Dynasties, the Party Central Committee has always been very concerned about agricultural issues.  The Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Technical College naturally does not only teach military technology. Although the proportion of agricultural teaching is not large, it has not fallen behind.  After Li Keji brought agricultural technology and teaching materials for the next century, the Party Central Committee gathered many people to study together. Last winter, a large number of winter wheat was planted in the northwest region. When harvested not long ago, the average yield per mu reached  It weighed more than 400 kilograms, which made the Red Army soldiers and local people unbelievable.  A yield of four hundred kilograms per mu is considered by comrades to be an extraordinary harvest, but Li Keji is not satisfied. According to the standards of his world, the yield of winter wheat per mu is at least eight hundred kilograms to one thousand two hundred kilograms.  , but now it is directly reduced by half, which is really unsatisfactory.  Li Keji had no choice in this matter. Although he provided high-yield seeds and fertilizers, as well as relevant agricultural books, it was not that easy to build Rome in one step. Many farmers and soldiers knew how to use the simplest fertilizers.  If mistakes are made, it is simply a fool's errand to achieve the goal of benefiting future generations.  Li Keji was not too satisfied with the harvest of winter wheat, but the Red Army soldiers and farmers in the northwest were already very happy, boasting the effects of chemical fertilizers to the sky. Some farmers even regarded chemical fertilizers as magic medicine in the sky, thinking that they could cure diseases, which led to several  There were deaths due to accidental consumption of chemical fertilizers.  Li Keji was very angry when this kind of thing happened. He had obviously repeatedly emphasized the importance of science, issued a large number of popular science atlases about chemical fertilizers, and asked Red Army cadres to strictly follow the requirements, but something like this still happened. It¡¯s really  It's hard not to be angry.  Angry as hell, Li Keji couldn't really punish the Red Army cadres responsible for this matter. Even if the Party Central Committee gave him this face, he couldn't interfere too much in this kind of matter. He had no choice but to propose to the Party Central Committee  We should increase the intensity of science popularization and continue to instill scientific concepts into all party comrades, all army soldiers, and all the people of the northwest, hoping that this kind of regrettable thing will not happen again.  Compared with the joy of agriculture, the progress of industry has been much slower. Now only a few coal mine bases have been established to provide the northwest soldiers and civilians with fuel for daily cooking and winter heating. Ordnance manufacturing can only repair guns.  , but it is impossible to produce it.  Although Li Keji also provided a complete set of production lines for the military industry sector, there were unfortunately too few qualified workers, and there were still a large number of vacancies for just one rifle production line. He had no choice but to give up the illusion of production and focus on training personnel.  It is no longer possible to produce rifles, and there is no need to even think about machine guns and artillery. Li Keji just gave the military industry personnel some materials and objects to study and cultivate future artillery talents for New China.  After briefly understanding the general situation, Li Keji took the time to take a class at the Technical College, where he also had a simple meal for dinner. Then he transferred to the Military and Political University to make up two periods of mathematics and chemistry for the students of the Military and Political University. By the end of the class, he had  It's ten o'clock at night.  After leaving the classroom, Li Kenji discovered that Xia Xiangning had been waiting for him outside for who knows how long. When he saw him, he said sourly: "Were you very busy just after you came back?" Hearing her sour words, Li Keji couldn't help laughing.  After I sent my marriage application to the Party Central Committee, I knew that I would send the chairman to Kashgar, Xinjiang tomorrow, so I wanted to use the remaining time to visit the school, but I forgot to tell Xia Xiangning the good news.  Thinking of his negligence, Li Keji couldn't help but feel ashamed, because he had not yet reached the level of falling in love with Xia Xiangning, and just regarded Xia Xiangning as a lover.Faced with ordinary things, Xia Xiangning was ignored for a moment. No wonder she behaves so sourly now.  Feeling ashamed, Li Keji said softly: "I'm sorry, I was so busy with work that I forgot the most important things. But the Party Central Committee has approved our marriage application, and you will be promoted to Mrs. Li soon." (Unfinished)  To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! ps: Thank you to book friends "Undercooked Eggs" and "Legendary Little People" for the rewards, and thanks to book friends "Flowers Flying Leaves Fall" for your monthly tickets, you all  Your support is the greatest encouragement to the author. When the new book is released, please subscribe and recommend it. Don¡¯t dare to ask for a monthly ticket, just give it to me.
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