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Volume 2 Changes Volume 2 Chapter 029 Changes Part 3

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    Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria was born in a small town near Sukhumi, the capital of Abkhazia, Georgia. Both his parents were farmers.  After graduating from a technical school, he joined the Bolsheviks in Baku in March 1917 and participated in revolutionary activities in Azerbaijan and Georgia.  In 1921, he joined the Cheka, the first political surveillance organization in Soviet Russia. He served successively as the chairman of the State Political Security Service of Georgia and the political leaders of the South Caucasus republics, and helped these republics join the Soviet Union.  Hungry.  After the Great Purge began in 1934, he became one of the main executors of the Great Purge. He was Stalin¡¯s confidant and one of the important leaders of the Bolsheviks in Soviet Russia.  After the end of World War II, he was promoted to military marshal by Stalin, and before Stalin's death, he became the de facto number two figure in Soviet Russia. However, his current identity is only the Minister of the Interior, in charge of all Chekas.  After receiving Stalin¡¯s order, Beria took a plane to Far East China that day. After several transitions, he finally arrived at the northwest Five Flags Town where the Datong Party Party Central Committee was located.  Wuqi Town is said to be a small town. In fact, after several months of construction, it has now become a sizable small city. However, it is still mainly a military fortress. Not only is the Zhongy¨¡ng Jingwei Regiment stationed in it to protect the party Zhongy¨¡ng  , as well as the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University and the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers Technical College. Among them, the Military and Political University and the Technical College occupy the largest area. Many people from the Red Army also lived there temporarily to study.  When Beria arrived at Wuqi Town, the Datong Party had already built a simple airport outside Wuqi Town. It was said to be simple, but in Beria's opinion it was already very good, because most of the airports at this time were  It only needs to be slightly flat. There are no airports that are very smooth with cement like Datong Party.  Looking at the "airstrip" in front of him, Beria had to sigh with emotion. Overseas organizations are indeed very wealthy, and the temporary airports are all made of cement.  After getting off the plane, Beria saw the people who greeted him. There were not many people, but they were all heavyweights. The only one he knew was Wang Ming, so he immediately said hello to Wang Ming.  .  Among the people responsible for welcoming him, Wang Ming's Russian was the best, so he naturally became Beria's translator. He smiled and introduced the leader of the Datong Party to Beria. This was General Secretary Zhang Wentian.  , that is Chairman Li Shengshi, and there is no clue that he had a conflict with the Party Central Committee of the Datong Party not long ago.  Following Wang Ming's introduction, Beria said hello one by one. When facing Li Shengshi, he said a few more words because he understood that the real person in power of the Datong Party at this time was not Zhang Wentian, the general secretary, but Li Shengshi, the Military Commission.  President.  After the brief meeting, the Datong Party prepared a small welcome ceremony for Beria to review the military might of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.  On both sides of the airport, neatly dressed Red Army soldiers were lined up. Everyone was wearing regular uniforms, and the dark green military uniforms were particularly dazzling. In addition, the Red Army soldiers had experienced the baptism of blood and fire.  His temperament almost shocked Beria for a moment, and he didn't even pay much attention to the new rifles in the hands of the soldiers.  After reviewing the military might of the Red Army, Beria was taken down to enjoy some Chinese delicacies. Although the Datong Party has always advocated diligence and frugality, they still try their best to keep the hospitality as rich as possible, not to mention that they are not now  Since he was short of money for a meal, he naturally entertained Beria with the highest standards, which made Beria reluctant to leave.  After the welcome banquet, the Datong Party was not in a hurry to discuss cooperation with Beria, but gave him some rest time.  The aircraft of 1936 was not comparable to the luxury airliners of the 21st century. After continuous flights, Beria was already tired. If he didn't take a good rest, how could he have the energy to continue the cooperation negotiations between the two parties?  After Beria regained his energy the next day, the Datong Party paid another visit. However, they were not in a hurry to discuss cooperation. Instead, they took Beria around Five Flags Town, from military equipment to industry.  From equipment to medical equipment and medicines, he went through everything on the cooperation list. It wasn't until Beria became itchy that he formally discussed cooperation.  After seeing the physical items on the list, Beria was indeed quite excited. Although he had already seen the specific situation of all the materials from the information, he still maintained a certain degree of doubt in his heart. After all, those things were too advanced, even the most daring ones.  Scientists in China do not yet have corresponding scientific theories, but overseas organizations have directly reached the stage of actual use and completed research on mass production.  If someone tells these things, he will definitely be called a madman, and Beria is no different. However, as an intelligence officer, although he does not believe it, he does not deny it. There are many things that have not been confirmed personally. It is difficult for you to  He can distinguish the authenticity of specific items, so he flew to northwest China without hesitation after receiving the order.   After seeing the real objects in the information, Beria's mood can only be described as shocked. He really couldn't believe that it only took overseas organizations a few years to master these things, if only with a huge amount of funds.  , it can still be explained, but Beria can still understand how much time and money it takes to design and manufacture weapons. It is impossible for overseas organizations to complete production and manufacturing from design, research and development in just a few years.  But the facts are right in front of you, and you can¡¯t deny it. Beria ultimately had to attribute this to the fact that there are already scientists or research laboratories in the world carrying out these designs and research and development. Overseas organizations just happened to meet these scientists.  He only keeps the results of the research laboratory for himself.  Only in this way can we explain the source of technical data in the hands of overseas organizations. Relying on overseas organizations to develop their own research is not something that can be completed in a short time.  After the shock, Beria suddenly realized why the central leaders were willing to take huge risks to cooperate with overseas organizations. If it were him, he would also want to take everything owned by overseas organizations into his own pocket. It was simply too much.  Too tempting.  Among them, the tank that Beria liked the most was a tank called "T-34". Just the moment he saw it, Beria fell in love with it.  When the T-26 was still being used in China, the T-34 was simply a killer weapon on the battlefield. Its 76mm l/30.5 cannon L-11 far exceeded the 37mm cannon used by most tanks today, and its firepower was overwhelming.  Overwhelms all current tanks.  Compared with the powerful firepower, the T-34's defense is also very good. The body armor is 45 mm and the turret armor is 60 mm. The armor thickness far exceeds that of the T-26, and the T-34 also adopts features that Beria had never thought of.  The sloped armor makes the actual armor thickness of the T-34 much thicker than the data indicates.  According to experts from the Datong Party, sloped armor can not only increase the actual armor thickness of the tank, but also has an effect on defense that vertical armor cannot match, which is to increase the probability of XX, making the T-34 tank better than other tanks.  Have better survivability.  In addition, compared to traditional tanks, another advantage of the T-34 is the engine, which uses an unprecedented diesel engine. It is not only powerful, but also has a much smaller chance of catching fire after being shot than tanks using gasoline engines.  Beria knows that most of the tank losses in the world are not directly destroyed, but are caused by the fuel tanks being ignited.  After using a diesel engine, the probability of fire is reduced, and the survival rate will naturally increase exponentially.  In addition to reducing the chance of fire, the viscosity of diesel also allows diesel engines to fight in more severe weather, unlike gasoline engines that cannot even start when encountering low temperatures.  This aspect is most suitable for Soviet Russia, because Soviet Russia is located in Northern Europe and is in a low temperature state all year round. It snows more often than it does sunny days, and it often happens that the gasoline freezes and cannot be started.  After switching to the T-34 tank, this worry has been completely resolved. Can Beria not be excited?  Excited, Beria quickly regained his composure during the actual negotiations. He was careful about the replacement conditions of every piece of technology, constantly lowering the price, and striving to obtain the maximum benefits at the minimum cost.  Although the Datong Party was in urgent need of additional technical personnel, it would not take advantage of it and began to bargain tit-for-tat with Beria. Cheng Yun, Li Shengmin, and Deng Xiaopian took turns in the battle, arguing with Beria until his mouth went dry.  There was nothing left to say, and we finally settled on a price acceptable to both parties.  After negotiating the price, there is the actual issue of personnel placement. This is the purpose of Beria coming in person.  As before, the Datong Party¡¯s promised method is still to control people¡¯s travel, completely confine them to China, and never leave China for the rest of their lives.  On this point, the upper echelons of Soviet Russia have basically agreed, but they still put forward various opinions to the Datong Party on detailed issues, such as not being able to join the military, not being political, not being able to hold important technical positions, and not even being able to have an identity.  The Datong Party understood the concerns of Soviet Russia, so they agreed to these conditions one by one. Their original purpose was not to ask Soviet technical personnel to help them build, but to serve as instructors to cultivate technical talents, focusing on teaching and working.  As a supplement, only by having its own technical talents can the new China in the future truly become prosperous and strong.  In addition, for some important figures, the Soviet Union hopes to maintain a certain state of surveillance so that these technicians who come to China will not form gangs and eventually become a force that cannot be underestimated.  Regarding this point, the Datong Party has the same attitude. No one wants to raise tigers in their own backyard. After the Soviet "support personnel" arrive, most of them will be dispersed to various places to carry out teaching work, and they will never be "connected"  opportunity?.
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