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Volume 2 Changes Chapter 016 Family Reunion Part 2

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    After understanding the general situation, Li Keji followed the visitors and left the Left Bank Cafe. After making many twists and turns, he arrived at the children's temporary hiding place. It turned out to be a church school, dressed in Christian clothes, which made Li Keji  I couldn't react for a while.  As an atheist, what bothers Li Keji the most is those nagging things, especially some religious preachers, who follow you every day and tell you what to do if you are guilty. As long as you believe in a certain religion, your sins can be redeemed.  The mess made him want to kick the opponent a few times.  Relatively speaking, although the local religions in China are also more annoying, they are not like flies hanging around in front of you all day long. Those monks and Taoists generally focus on collecting money. When they find that there is no hope, they move to the next target.  It's not like the so-and-so religion stalks you.  New China respects freedom of belief. Li Keji actually has no opinion on this. If someone wants to be deceived, that is someone else's business. Just don't bother him.  What really made him feel disgusted with a certain religion was that some yellow-skinned and white-hearted banana people thought they were so superior and talked about how Chinese people are a race without faith. Then God turned around and said that a certain religion was so good because it had  Only European and American countries can develop so well. If China wants to develop well, it can only introduce the beliefs of a certain religion.  The only criterion to support their bizarre remarks is that in developed countries around the world, the main belief in each country is a certain religion, which is really disgusting.  After being so disgusted by someone once, Li Keji basically had no good impression of these religions, so when he saw the Christian primary school, he felt a little unhappy.  "In the past, Li Keji might have turned around and left, asking Qiu Yijun to move the children out. But now he is not so embarrassed. Although he doesn't like this place very much, he still goes in.  It is similar to the foreign language college at Li Keji¡¯s time. Most of the primary school students are Chinese with yellow skin and dark eyes. They still use foreign language when talking. I don¡¯t know if they are practicing their spoken English or trying to show off their superiority.  As Qiu Yijun gradually went deeper, Li Keji realized that half of the investment in this elementary school came from the Shanghai underground party, so here, the people from the Shanghai Intelligence Station have a strong say.  Ever since the Party Central Committee asked the Shanghai Underground Party to start looking for the children, the Shanghai authorities have been considering how to place the recovered children. Two or three are nothing, they can be treated as children of relatives, but once the number increases,  , it will inevitably not arouse suspicion.  So at this time, Dong Jianwu, one of the intelligence officers, proposed that all the children be sent to the church school. Only in such a place, a large gathering of people would not attract the attention of the People's Party Intelligence Section.  And in church schools, with the help of foreigners, the People¡¯s Party does not dare to offend them easily and can have good protection.  In this way, the Shanghai underground party gradually took control of most of the assets of this church school, and the children it found were also collected into the church school in the name of the church rescuing orphans.  Hearing this, Li Keji couldn't help feeling that these churches were still somewhat effective, and he felt less ill-will towards a certain religion. However, what made him more concerned was the person who made the suggestion. It seemed that he had heard his name somewhere.  I just couldn't remember it for the moment.  "I asked directly when I couldn't remember. This was Li Keji's usual style. After asking, I suddenly realized it was him.  ¡°If they had not deliberately searched for some information, perhaps many young people like Li Keji would not even know who Dong Jianwu was, and it is even less likely that anyone would know the famous ¡°Red Pastor.¡±  Although Qiu Yijun didn't say much, Li Keji was able to recall the basic information about Dong Jianwu. Dong Jianwu, who was born in Qingpu, Shanghai, came from a Christian family.  During the Qing Dynasty, a foreign pastor came to Qingpu to preach and lived in the Dong family. The Dong family became the first target of the foreign pastor's mission.  Starting from Dong Jianwu's great-grandmother, the Dong family began to believe in Christianity. Later generations were influenced by her and were taught by others. Dong Jianwu was already the fourth generation believer.  In 1928, Dong Jianwu secretly joined the Datong Party in Xi'an, and then moved to Shanghai to engage in secret intelligence work for the Central Special Section of the Datong Party. In 1930, he sold his land and established the "Datong Kindergarten" to adopt the children of central leaders and martyrs.  An orphan, the kindergarten had to be disbanded due to lack of funds.  In Li Keji's original history, Dong Jianwu always used his identity as a priest as a cover. He once escorted many historical figures into the Northwest Soviet Area. In the early days of liberation, he made major contributions in eliminating enemy agents in Shanghai and was known as the "Red Priest."  ".  After Dong Jianwu proposed to gather children in church schools, the Shanghai underground party used Dong Jianwu's status as a pastor to inject a large amount of capital into St. Peter's Church of the Anglican Church, and graduallyControlled the voice of the school affiliated with St. Peter's Church.  After understanding these things, Li Keji and the other three came to the independent apartment where An Ying and others were gathered. The first thing they saw was Dong Jianwu dressed in a priest's outfit. He was similar to what Li Keji had seen in the information. He was in his forties.  Although he is fifty years old, he is full of energy and gives people a heroic feeling.  Seeing Dong Jianwu, Qiu Yijun introduced each other: "Comrade Li Keji, Comrade Dong Jianwu, and the last one is Comrade Lu Wei." "Hello." "Hello." After a brief acquaintance, Dong Jianwu introduced the three of them.  After taking them in, there were no children in the hall on the first floor, but there were two women also dressed as priests. Li Keji didn't know who they were, but he also knew that they should be comrades of the party, otherwise they would not be here.  After entering the room, Dong Jianwu introduced Li Keji and Li Keji: "This is Comrade Zhang Ruihua, the wife of Mr. Nie Rongzheng, and this is Comrade Wang Genying, the wife of Mr. Cheng Zhigeng. These two are Comrade Li Keji and Lu who are in charge of picking up this time.  "Comrade Wei." "Hello, Comrade Li, and hello, Comrade Lu." Zhang Ruihua and Wang Genying knew that the two comrades in front of them were the ones responsible for transporting their children to the Northwest Soviet Area. Although it was just their first meeting, the affection they expressed when greeting them was because of their children.  And more sincere.  "Hello, sisters-in-law." Different from the sincerity of the two of them, Li Keji's greeting was a little more cordial. He did not address comrades as usual, but directly called sister-in-law, which made Zhang Ruihua and Wang Genying a little stunned for a moment.  How did they know that Li Keji was in love with the house and the bird.  Not to mention that Cheng Zhigeng had the best relationship with him, and the two of them were more familiar with each other than other comrades in the party. As for Commander Nie Rongzheng, as a person in the peaceful era, Li Keji was also very familiar with this future one of the top ten marshals.  gratitude.  Although young people like Li Keji all know the glorious deeds of the Republic's "two bombs and one satellite", few people know that in that special era, the "two bombs and one satellite" project almost failed.  The specific details have not been exposed for some reasons, but what is certain is that if Marshal Nie Rongzheng and others did not insist on continuing to engage in "two bombs and one satellite" even if they were wearing pants, the Republic would not be able to possess the protective umbrella of nuclear weapons.  .  Without this protective umbrella, anyone with a normal IQ will know that the Republic will not have such a stable development opportunity. Facing the two poles of the world, it has been eaten countless times.  For Marshal Nie Rongzheng, Li Keji admired him from the bottom of his heart, while Cheng Zhigeng was more like an old friend, an old friend who could chat and joke with each other without getting angry.  Facing the two wives, Li Keji naturally felt more cordial, and the words "sister-in-law" came out of his mouth.  After a brief greeting, Li Keji put away some of the excitement in his heart and continued: "This time I am sending the children to the Northwest Soviet Area, will the two sisters-in-law also go with them?"  No one expected that he would say something like this next. Dong Jianwu and Qiu Yijun didn't know what to say, but Zhang Ruihua and Wang Genying had dark faces after hearing Li Keji's question.  Seeing the situation of the four people, even though Li Keji was often short of strength, he guessed something, but he still felt incredible in his heart. He stared at Zhang Ruihua and Wang Genying and asked: "Aren't the two sisters-in-law leaving?" Although Zhang Ruihua and Wang Genying are  It was the first time they met Li Keji, but from Li Keji's cordial voice, they could feel that Li Keji had a good relationship with her husband. Seeing that Li Keji continued to ask them if they could leave, why didn't they want to leave with their children?  , but there are some things that they cannot decide on their own.  Li Keji asked about Zhang Ruihua and Wang Genying, but it was Dong Jianwu who answered. When Li Keji suddenly asked about this matter, he stood up and said: "Comrade Li Keji, the number of transfers is limited. The order of the Party Central Committee is to transfer the children.  Therefore, these places are given priority to children. Moreover, Comrade Zhang Ruihua and Comrade Wang Genying are very good intelligence personnel, and there are still many areas where their help is needed in Shanghai's underground intelligence work. "Although Li Keji knew Dong Jianwu's "Red Pastor".  name, when he heard that Zhang Ruihua and Wang Genying could not leave with the children, he was still a little angry.  Since coming to this world, he has completely lost his relatives in the opposite world. At the beginning, he thought he was going out to study, and he didn't particularly miss his relatives in the other world. However, as time went by, he gradually couldn't help but miss his relatives.  .  Especially during the Chinese New Year, he couldn't help but feel lonely when he was alone. It was also from that time that he cared very much about family reunions. Whenever he saw one family reunion after another, he would be very happy in his heart.    When he visited Li Erniu¡¯s hometown, he regarded it as his own home, and visiting Erniu¡¯s parents was as if he were going home to visit his own parents, so the calls of parents were very smooth.  Li Keji had just returned from a "family visit" and naturally wanted to see other family reunions, so when he heard that Zhang Ruihua and Wang Genying could not go with the children, he who originally did not want to interfere in party affairs could not help but do it again.  hand.  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª During the promotion period, please give me some recommendation votes!  !  !  Thank you book friends for your support.
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