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Volume 2 Changes Chapter 014 Parents and Relatives Part 2

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    The chapter title of the previous chapter was wrong. It was not lower but middle. It has been corrected.  Thanks to the "Legendary Little Man" for the reward.  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª Although the three carts can¡¯t hold much, it¡¯s enough for the family to share a bag of rice, a bag of salt and some clothes.  Li Keji could have prepared more things, but there were too few manpower, and he could not blatantly take out supplies from the base. In the end, he had to prepare some oceans. Although a hundred yuan for a family was not much, it was already a lot for these farmers.  A very substantial fortune.  The villagers in Lijia Village had never expected that the Red Army would bring them food and clothing. When they finally received the 100 yuan, they were so grateful that they didn¡¯t know what to say. They could only keep saying good things to the Red Army with tears in their eyes.  .  After all the items were distributed, the villagers immediately borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha, and used the rice given to them by Li Keji to make rice porridge to entertain Li Keji and the others.  After dinner, Li Keji originally wanted to visit Li Erniu's parents' house, but couldn't help but the villagers kept following him, so he found an open space to chat with them.  The life of the villagers was very monotonous, and the parents didn¡¯t have much to talk about. In the end, Li Keji told them stories about the Red Army¡¯s war and what New China would look like in the future.  For the future, these farmers had no idea at all. They just wanted to have enough food, clothing, and a piece of land of their own. Therefore, they did not have much expectation for the New China that Li Keji told. On the contrary, the stories of the Red Army's war made them very excited.  interested.  Although Lu Wei is an old Red Army veteran who has experienced the Long March, he did not expect that he knows as many stories as Li Keji, ranging from the fourth degree of Chishui and the flying capture of Luding Bridge to the small and stubborn little Red Army.  , as if I had experienced it myself.  Time always flies by when telling stories. After it gets late, the villagers are too enthusiastic to continue pestering Li Keji, so they have to disperse. Li Kenji can finally visit Li Erniu's parents' house.  When we arrived at Li Erniu¡¯s house, although the house was a bit dilapidated, the hall, bedrooms, kitchen, woodshed, etc. were still complete, and the few scattered pieces of furniture were all of a certain age.  Back home, the two elders were busy greeting Li Keji, their newly adopted godson, who poured water and cooked.  Seeing the two elders busy, in the past, Li Keji would have been just waiting for food. He had been reforming with the Red Army for a long time. It was absolutely impossible for him to stay idle all the time.  Li Keji wanted to help, and the two elders thought about how to let these lowly servants work. They wanted to push him to rest, but he was pushed out of the kitchen by Li Keji instead, allowing Li Keji and three people to occupy the kitchen, saying that they wanted to do everything for Er Niu.  Filial piety, how can we make the two elders work hard?  After dinner, Li Keji rushed to wash the dishes, chopsticks, and clean the house. Finally, he chatted with the two old people for a long time and coaxed them to sleep.  After the two elders fell asleep, Lu Wei and Niu Gengsheng also took a rest one after another, leaving Li Keji alone to continue busy.  In the middle of the night, Li Keji was not busy with anything. He just helped the Li family repair the dilapidated house. In order not to make too much noise, he was always careful and did not finish the repair until almost dawn.  While the sky was still dark and the whole village had not yet woken up, Li Keji sent a lot of civilian supplies from his portable base. Although he had given a bag of rice to every household during the day, it could only meet their urgent needs and wanted to give them  To improve our lives, we need to add more supplies.  After dawn, there was no wake-up call, so Lu Wei and Niu Gengsheng still woke up at six o'clock. As soon as they got up, Li Keji called them out of the room to help. The supplies delivered at night were still piled outside the village, and they had to be delivered to their doorsteps one by one.  Lu Wei had long been accustomed to Li Keji unknowingly taking out a large amount of supplies at night, but Niu Gengsheng was a little surprised. As a local personnel, he had not had time to experience Li Keji's "airdrop" ability before the battle.  .  Seeing the pile of extra supplies outside the village, Niu Gengsheng was so surprised that he couldn't hold it in for a long time and said: "Mr. Li, where did these things come from?" "Comrade Gengsheng, these supplies were organized by overseas organizations yesterday.  It was airdropped at night. Since we have to avoid the eyes and ears, most of the time our overseas organizations take action at night," Li Keji explained simply.  Although Niu Gengsheng had heard of mysterious overseas organizations for a long time, this was the first time he saw the power of overseas organizations. Although he didn't know how they did it, he still admired them very much.  After Niu Gengsheng recovered from his surprise, Li Keji asked the two of them to follow him and use the trolley that pushed food yesterday to deliver the supplies from outside the village to the villagers' homes one by one.  Although the villagers in Lijia Village did not have the morning wake-up call used by the military, they still maintained the habit of getting up early. When Li Keji and the others put the first car awayWhen he was sent to the village, the whole village almost woke up.  After Erniu's parents got up, they didn't see Li Keji and the others. They were looking for someone to ask them where they had gone. Not far away, they saw Li Keji pushing yesterday's cart filled with food towards the Li family. The cart was already empty.  The cart was filled with many supplies again.  Seeing the two elders going out, Li Keji shouted as he pushed the cart forward: "Mom and Dad, why are you up? You don't want to sleep for a while." Although Er Niu's parents have accepted Li Keji as their nominal godson, they heard that  Li Keji was called his parents, but he still couldn't adapt to it for the time being. It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be, and it wasn't until Li Keji got close that he asked: "Keji, what are you doing?" Seeing the second elder asking about the supplies on the trolley,  Li Keji smiled and said: "Although I sent some food to the villagers yesterday, it can only meet the immediate needs and will not be of much benefit in changing the future life. So I asked most of the comrades to airdrop some supplies last night.  "We already had enough things yesterday. How can we have the nerve to ask for more things from the Red Army? Keji, we all know that the Red Army revolution is not easy. Let's keep these things for those children who are soldiers. We can't ask for any more."  "Although the second elder didn't know what airdrop meant, he still understood that the car sent by Li Keji was sent by the Red Army last night. Remembering that he had already taken a lot of things yesterday, he immediately refused to accept it.  Seeing the second elder's refusal, Li Keji couldn't help but sigh. This was the first time he saw someone who didn't want to take something for free. Not to mention the time and space he was in, even now, where the people are said to be simple and honest, many people have advantages and don't take advantage of the bastard.  How can someone like the second elder still consider the Red Army when accepting things like this?  After sighing with emotion, Li Keji said: "Mom and Dad, the Red Army today is not the Red Army before. We now have no shortage of guns and food. Not only do we no longer need to collect food from the people, but we can also provide food to those who are in need every year."  Provide some assistance to the poor families who need food. Just take these things and don¡¯t worry about our Red Army.¡± ¡°The Red Army is not short of guns and money?¡± In the memory of the two elders, the Red Army has never been rich.  It is impossible to imagine the Red Army lacking anything.  "Yes, there is nothing missing." After confirming again, Li Keji pushed the trolley and sent the second elder home.  After returning home, I started to unload everything from the cart box by box. Bedding and quilts, clothes, pants and shoes, rice, salt and oil tea, fruits, vegetables and meat, pots and pans, these are daily necessities and food.  In addition, there are many things for self-reliance such as seeds, farm tools, and poultry.  Seeing so many things, the second elder was so happy that he didn¡¯t know what to say. He could only lament that he had a good son.  After unloading all the things, Li Keji said goodbye to his two elders and said there were other homes that needed to be delivered, so he pushed the empty cart out. He was overtaken by two old men before he took two steps. It turned out that they were also coming out to help carry the goods.  The two elders volunteered to help, and Li Keji did not refuse. Although the two old men seemed to be old, they were not inferior to the young people in doing physical work. Otherwise, how could Li Keji dare to let them work out.  When Erniu's parents came out to help, other villagers also came after hearing the news, and they went out to the village together. In less than two hours, everything was delivered to every household. Although they were exhausted and out of breath,  But everyone has a happy smile.  After unloading the supplies, everyone got together to make breakfast. Yesterday, there was only rice and salt to make rice porridge, but today there were a lot more vegetables and pork. After simmering them together, the taste made everyone happy.  I couldn't help but drool.  With such a simple dish, Li Keji himself would not be as dissatisfied as other villagers, but he is not very particular about food, as long as it can fill his stomach.  Yesterday, he only had rice porridge all day long. Although it was not difficult to swallow, it was really not enough to supplement his calories for his current high consumption. He was too embarrassed to start a small stove when everyone else was drinking rice porridge, so he has been hungry until now.  So when he smelled the aroma of meat, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and his stomach growled.  Hearing the growl of Li Keji¡¯s stomach, the villagers in Lijia Village couldn¡¯t help laughing, but it was not a mockery, but a kind and kind smile that contained a deep emotion.  Seeing the smiles of the villagers, Li Keji blushed a little, but he still laughed and said: "Uncles, aunts and uncles are laughing at me. I have been a big eater since I was a child, and I grew up abroad.  , I don¡¯t enjoy eating without meat every day. Although this problem has improved a lot after joining the Red Army, I still can¡¯t help but feel my stomach growling when I smell the smell of meat.¡± ¡°My child, I like to eat more meat.  Eat some, you brought a lot of raw pork this time, if you don't eat it faster, I'm afraid it will rot." After Li Keji finished speaking, Erniu's parents said with concern.    "If you can't finish it, you can make it into bacon, so it can be stored for a longer period of time." Although the meat provided by Li Keji is sealed with plastic wrap, the villagers in Lijia Village do not understand the role of plastic wrap.  It will tear, so Li Keji suggested that if they couldn't finish eating it, they could make it into bacon. This is the most traditional method of preserving meat among Chinese people.  "Yes, yes, if you can't finish it, you can make it into bacon." Amidst the laughter, the food was gradually prepared. After eating with the old people, Li Keji and Lu Wei had to say goodbye to them and return to the headquarters of the Ganxi Branch.  Niu Gengsheng, the local staff, was left to deal with the aftermath.
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