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Volume 2 Changes Chapter 012 Parents and Relatives Part 1

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    When the May Day Incident broke out, Li Keji, one of the "chief culprits", rarely had time to visit Li Erniu's hometown.  As early as when Li Erniu died to save him, Li Keji had the impulse to take over Li Erniu's parents to support him, but he finally gave up the idea after Cheng Zhigeng's persuasion.  Although he has good intentions, sometimes good intentions often turn into bad things. Some things are not just what you want, just like when he wanted to take back Li Erniu's parents.  There are tens of thousands of Red Army soldiers, each one has left his hometown, each one has parents and relatives, and no one is special than the other.  If Li Keji forcibly took back Li Erniu's parents just for his own peace of mind, what would the other soldiers think? They also have their own parents and want their parents to live a stable and peaceful life.  You said that Li Erniu¡¯s situation was special and he died to save you, Li Keji. But what about the other Red Army soldiers who died? Their situation was not special, and their sacrifices were not sacrifices for the revolution.  "As the saying goes, you don't worry about scarcity but inequality. You are as public-minded as the Red Army soldiers, but they are also more or less selfish. If Li Keji took Li Erniu's parents to the northwest alone, other soldiers would inevitably be jealous.  After being lectured by Cheng Zhigeng, Li Keji finally gave up the idea of ??taking back Li Erniu's parents. However, now that he has come to Ganxi, his conscience will always be a little uneasy if he doesn't go and see for himself.  Wu Hao understood Li Keji¡¯s thoughts, so after arriving in western Ganxi, in addition to actively restoring the base area in western Ganxi, he also paid extra attention to the situation in Comrade Li Erniu¡¯s hometown.  Although it had been known for a long time that Li Erniu's parents were still alive at home, he did not let Li Kenji go out to explore because he was busy all the time. However, he still told Li Keji about Li Erniu's family situation.  Li Keji himself was very grateful for Wu Hao's concern. Although he was already very familiar with the Datong Party, he would not take advantage of the Datong Party for his own personal affairs.  Originally, he wanted to finish his busy period and then go look for it himself when he was free, but he didn't expect that Wu Hao had already found out clearly for him.  With the situation at Li Erniu¡¯s family in mind, when Li Keji thought that he could finally make up for the sacrifice of Li Erniu, the regret hidden deep in his heart finally became lighter.  In order to be able to visit the two elderly people as soon as possible, Li Keji continued to devote himself to his work with 200% enthusiasm.  After the public trial of Kang Ze ended, Li Keji sent the intelligence he collected to Shanghai City.  Although the underground intelligence station in Shanghai City suffered great damage after losing contact with the central government, it recovered to a similar extent after regaining contact. In some respects, it was even worse.  The reason why the Shanghai underground intelligence station was able to be restored so quickly was that, in addition to Yang Yinong's initiative to send a group of retrained talents to Shanghai overseas, another important factor was that the Shanghai underground party was no longer short of money.  As we all know, money plays a very important role in intelligence work. Without certain funds for activities, it will be difficult to carry out a lot of intelligence work. Even if it can be barely maintained, the efficiency is frighteningly low.  As the saying goes, money can make all the difference. With sufficient funds in hand, many things will progress very smoothly.  "It's just that the Datong Party has always been poor. Not only is it unable to provide funds for intelligence personnel, but it also needs intelligence personnel to contribute funds. Most people rely on their own efforts. If they were members of the People's Party, they would have given up their jobs long ago.  Despite this, the intelligence officers of the Datong Party in history still completed their work loyally and infiltrated the People's Party from top to bottom like a sieve, which made future generations like Li Keji have to have deep respect.  As the unknown heroes on the hidden front, they have too many stories that no one knows. It was not until many years later that the mysterious veil was gradually unveiled. Although it was just a glimpse, it shocked millions of Chinese people.  What surprised Li Keji the most was that many people endured the pain of separation and "cruelly" sold their own flesh and blood in order to raise funds for party activities.  As a modern person who grew up in a peaceful era, it is difficult for Li Keji to imagine what kind of sacrificial spirit it would take to reluctantly sell his children in order to raise funds, and how those children who were sold will view their children when they grow up.  Parents who sold themselves.  What kind of revolutionary spirit is hidden under those clusters of sad past events?  Li Keji admired them. Although he didn¡¯t know how many stories of joys and sorrows had happened now, he hoped that after his appearance, the Datong Party¡¯s underground intelligence agents would no longer have such human tragedies. Therefore, after getting in touch with underground organizations from various places, he used  With Yang Yinong's convenience, he provided sufficient funds for underground parties everywhere.  As an important hub of the underground intelligence station, Shanghai was naturally the first unit to receive a large amount of assistance. After knowing their specific location, Li Keji used the teleportation function of the portable base.?Provided them with sufficient silver dollars, and asked the security bureau personnel who were subsequently transferred to the Shanghai Station to deposit a large amount of gold in foreign banks such as Citibank to use it to obtain funds for the Shanghai underground party.  With sufficient funds and personnel adjustments in the Security Bureau, the Shanghai Underground Party quickly recovered. Only then could Li Keji use the power of the Shanghai Underground Party to carry out propaganda work on the Kangze incident.  Although newspapers during the Republic of China all flaunted free speech, they were not swayed by power and wealth, and showed a temperament that would rather bend than bend.  In fact, as long as you have enough connections and enough money, newspapers will not turn people away at any time.  Especially when criticizing the current government, these public opinion mouthpieces are always happy to do so. Not only do they not accept money, but they also give you money.  The Datong Party has more or less connections in various newspapers, and many of its comrades work in these newspapers. It is naturally convenient and quick to use the public opinion effect of newspapers.  What¡¯s more important is that many of these newspapers are political opponents of Chang Kaishen¡¯s group. Of course, they are enthusiastic about things that can make Chang Kaishen suffer.  Therefore, after Li Keji sent all the information to the Shanghai Underground Party, the hype about the Kangze incident was secretly put on the agenda. In the end, it swept all public opinion positions with overwhelming force and defeated Chang Kaishen's People's Government.  Even though they had abandoned their armor, there was nothing they could do against them.  Although Li Keji wanted to see Chang Kaishen's furious appearance, he had to return to the Ganxi base after sending the information. Compared with watching Chang Kaishen's jokes, there were many more important things to do.  After every war, innocent people are always injured. After the Ganxi Security Brigade established its base, it almost destroyed all the food that the people of Ganxi had just planted. In order to prevent this year from losing all crops, the war began after the war.  All troops were dispatched to seize seeds.  Although Li Keji is known as a "technical consultant", no one wants him to work in the fields, but during the busy farming season, if he is asked to do it on the sidelines, he will die.  In the past, if he could stop working, he would have run away to play games with a smile. Feeling the changes in himself, Li Keji couldn't help but feel relieved.  After the seed rush was over, Li Keji had a rare free moment, so he took the opportunity to visit Li Erniu's hometown. He only brought along his guard Lu Wei and a guide.  Since Li Erniu¡¯s hometown is in southern Jiangxi, which is a certain distance from western Ganxi, Li Keji chose to take the Osprey helicopter in the past.  After flying with Li Keji countless times in the sky, Lu Wei still didn't understand many things, but he had a good grasp of the basic operation and driving. He was barely able to serve as Li Keji's deputy. However, before he could not be sure of 100% safety, Li Keji  Still don't dare to let Lu Wei try to take control easily.  You must know that if a plane accident occurs, it will cost people's lives. Not everyone can practice driving by crashing a plane like him.  Li Keji attached great importance to the life safety of everyone around him, and he did not want Li Erniu to sacrifice himself for him to happen again.  It doesn't take much time to take off from western Ganxi and transfer to southern Ganxi. Although it is not too long, Li Keji has already learned about the general situation of Li Erniu's family from the guide. What he did not expect was that Li Erniu's family  Seven brothers, everyone is a Red Army soldier.  Four of them are the children of Uncle Li Erniu's family. Since their parents died early, they stayed at his house and were called Dahu, Erhu, Sanhu and Sihu. The three brothers on his side were called Da Niu.  , two oxen, three oxen.  The seven sons in the family are not from a wealthy family. Dahu, Erhu and Daniu went out early to look for things to do. They traveled to many places and could barely fill their stomachs. It happened that Chairman Li Shengshi opened the first revolutionary base of the Datong Party. The three of them  He surrendered to the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.  Later, Dahu and Erhu died in the war, but Da Niu was deeply influenced by the revolutionary ideas of the Datong Party and gradually became a believer in Datongism. After returning to his hometown, he encouraged his brothers to join the Red Army.  The Li family is a poor family, and they really like the Datong Party, which makes decisions for the people. Three Tigers, Four Tigers, Er Niu, and San Niu all joined the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.  In the brutal anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, the Three Tigers, Four Tigers, Daniu and Sanniu died one after another. In the end, only Erniu was left to follow the main force to the northwest. However, no one expected that the last single seedling of the Li family would also kill themselves.  His life was dedicated to the revolutionary ideal of world unity.  After learning about the situation of Li Erniu¡¯s family, Li Keji couldn¡¯t help but sigh. He really didn¡¯t expect that for such a big family, seven brothers would all sacrifice their lives on the road to revolution.  When Li Keji sighed, the guide couldn't help but sigh. In fact, the situation in Li Erniu's family is very common in western Jiangxi. Except for a very few people, many young people have chosen to join the Red Army.  .  The reason why this situation occurs is not only because the Red Army is the people¡¯s army, but more importantly, it is to break the White Army¡¯s control.During the suppression campaign, the Red Army almost drained the Soviet area of ??western Jiangxi of all its manpower and material resources.  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª PS¡ªNew Year¡¯s greetings on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and I wish you all a happy New Year!  !  !
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