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Volume 2 Changes Chapter 004 Trip to Western Ganxi Part 4

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    After breakfast, the villagers happily went home with the supplies they received. Wu Hao also gathered Xiang Ying, Chen Yi and others to discuss the next matter. The first step was to gather the guerrillas from the eight southern provinces.  Give them all a makeover.  After seeing the strength of overseas organizations, the troops left behind in western Jiangxi were full of confidence in the future and took the initiative to contact guerrillas from various places. Wu Hao acted as the mediator and was responsible for the overall situation.  As for Li Keji, he went to teach the villagers in Zhaojiacun how to use chemical fertilizers and scientific poultry raising methods. In addition, he still took on the role of "technical consultant" and was on call.  In order to avoid being wiped out by the White Army, after the main force of the Red Army retreated, all the remaining troops were broken into pieces and scattered to various places to fight guerrillas. Even Xiang Ying, Chen Yi and other leaders of the eight-province guerrilla forces were unable to do so in a short time.  They have all been found inside, so the progress of the costume change is very slow.  Wu Hao was not in a hurry about this. He just wanted Xiang Ying and others to accurately find the specific locations of the guerrillas in various places, and then Li Keji would directly fly over with an Osprey helicopter to change their equipment on the spot. If there were few people, he could also directly  Take the Osprey helicopter back to the Ganxi branch headquarters, which is now Zhaojiacun.  Zhaojiacun is located deep in the mountains, rarely visited by people, and the White Army was almost unwilling to go to such a remote place. Wu Hao temporarily selected this place as the new revolutionary base in western Ganxi to facilitate the troops to change gear and rest.  After contacting the left-behind troops in western Jiangxi and learning about their specific difficulties, Wu Hao reported all the situations to the Party Central Committee.  After deliberation and decision by the Party Central Committee, several groups of cadres were subsequently added to the western Jiangxi area. At the same time, a group of left-behind troops in western Jiangxi were also selected and sent to the northwest Soviet area for supplementary study.  Regarding the decision of the Party Central Committee, the left-behind troops in western Jiangxi did not have many objections. Such cadre exchanges are very common within the Red Army. It is also a tradition within the party for comrades at all levels to return to school for further studies after a period of time. Many people are very happy to do so.  Like a warlord army, they cling to their own territory.  In order to mobilize cadres on both sides, Li Keji, the only pilot, had to fly in the sky frequently. As more and more cadres were arriving, Li Keji gradually got to know many names recorded in history books, but  They could no longer get excited. Instead, these people were extremely excited after learning the identity of Li Keji's overseas organization.  After the cadre swap, the original Central Branch of the left-behind troops in western Ganxi was also changed to the western Ganxi branch and no longer existed in the name of the Second Central Committee. Wu Hao became the secretary of the secretariat of the western Ganxi branch, Xiang Ying was the deputy secretary, and Chen Yi remained.  Commander-in-Chief of the Guerrilla Forces of Eight Provinces.  After the internal reorganization, the revolutionary base in western Gansu with Zhaojiacun as the center began to expand, and the surrounding guerrillas gradually gathered together to form the Western Ganxi Independent Regiment, and the other units were also moving closer to Zhaojiacun.  The reason why the guerrillas from all over the country were able to gather together so quickly was that, in addition to receiving material supplies as soon as possible, more importantly, Li Keji provided radio stations for each unit, so that units scattered in various places could communicate with each other conveniently and quickly.  , connecting the entire battlefield instead of being as scattered as it was in the past.  After the communication is connected, the Ganxi Branch will be able to fully control the troops in various places, and the command will be countless times more convenient than in the past. There will almost no longer be the situation in the past where the troops have been eliminated for a long time, but the headquarters has never been aware of it.  With convenient communications and the local people¡¯s support for the Red Army, the Ganxi Branch¡¯s grasp of intelligence is far better than in the past. As long as there is a slight disturbance, it can understand and eliminate the danger as soon as possible.  ¡° In this situation where the battlefield situation is completely transparent and the command and dispatch are very strict, the troops are moving closer together faster and faster.  With a large-scale concentration of troops, the White Army cannot remain blind. Although it is not known what happened within the Red Army in western Jiangxi, it is very optimistic about the success of the Red Army's gathering and allows the guerrillas in western Jiangxi to gather.  The main reason for this situation is that warlords in various places are too disturbed by the Red Army's guerrilla warfare methods, and they want to fight but can't.  Now that the Red Army in western Jiangxi has gathered automatically, it is convenient to annihilate them all, so we are naturally optimistic about the success.  Although the main force of the Red Army made a lot of noise in the northwest, and even Hu Zongnan's First Army in the World was completely annihilated, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is because the Red Army received support from the Soviets in the northwest, and it is not because the Red Army is strong enough to easily  Kill the Kuomintang troops, otherwise they will not continue to stay in the northwest.  "Compared with the strength of the main force of the Red Army in the northwest, the Red Army in western Jiangxi is much weaker. After more than a year of suppression, the Red Army has gradually been in the hands of the People's Party, with only a small number of guerrillas hiding in Tibet.  For these guerrillas, warlords everywhere are not afraid at all, but they think the Red Army guerrillas are too annoying like flies.  Everyone wants to swat annoying flies, but the Red Army guerrillas are so elusive that it is difficult to catch them without precise information.? It is not worth going to war for a small group of Red Army guerrillas, so we can only turn a blind eye.  When the Red Army guerrillas gathered together, the Western Jiangxi Security Brigade and the Southern Hunan Security Brigade were also secretly deploying troops, hoping to eat up the gathered Red Army.  Originally, they wanted to ask Chairman Standing Committee to mobilize more troops, but the situation in Guangdong and Guangxi became increasingly unstable. Chang Kaishen transferred most of the main forces to Guangdong and Guangxi to confront Chen Jitang and Li Zongren, unable to send more troops to them.  Although not a single soldier was dispatched, Chang Kaishen still strictly ordered the Western Jiangxi Security Brigade and the Southern Hunan Security Brigade to defeat the guerrillas assembled by the Red Army. After losing the No. 1 Army in the World, the Chairman's temper became increasingly violent.  , yelling at people at every turn.  Being scolded by the chairman of the committee, the two security brigade commanders were helpless, but they could only bear it obediently. Who allowed them to make a living under the chairman of the committee.  Although there are no reinforcements, the two brigade commanders are still full of confidence in the upcoming encirclement and suppression campaign. They know very well what is happening with the guerrillas in western Jiangxi now. They are armed even worse than bandits. As soon as the army arrives, it can destroy everything.  wipe out.  The only thing that worries them is that the Red Army guerrillas are too cunning, and their guerrilla tactics are very annoying. If they are allowed to disperse again and go deep into the mountains, they will probably let the Red Army guerrillas escape again.  ¡°The two security brigades alone cannot completely encircle and suppress the Red Army guerrillas, so they asked the Chairman of the Standing Committee for reinforcements.  Without reinforcements, the two brigade commanders could only carry out the original plan and wait for the Red Army to gather together before sending troops to encircle and suppress them.  While waiting, what they didn't expect was that the Chairman's reinforcements did not arrive, but Kang Ze's Rangers took the initiative to come to help.  Unlike their security brigade, Kangze's Rangers are not under the jurisdiction of the local government, but directly under the chairman of the committee. Their power is boundless, and it is rumored that Kangze will be the heir trained by the chairman, so most people have no regard for Kangze.  All very polite.  In addition, Kang Ze¡¯s methods in western Gansu also made the generals in western Ganxi very frightened. Although most of them had been fighting for half their lives, they had never seen such a cold-blooded and ruthless guy as Kang Ze.  According to incomplete statistics, the Kangze Rangers almost reduced the population of the original Soviet area in western Jiangxi by half in order to re-govern the areas that had been reddened. Even many people within the People's Party could not bear to see the blood on their hands.  The two security brigade commanders were happy with Kang Ze's arrival, but they also had some lingering fears. They didn't know what this murderer was planning to do again. Don't let them bear a bunch of blood debts. When the time comes, the main force of the Red Army will come back.  , they don¡¯t even have a chance to clear themselves.  While the two brigade commanders were terrified, the Ganxi branch in Zhaojia Village was also keeping abreast of changes in the surrounding situation. After the underground party organizations in various places were re-established, intelligence networks were also established at the same time. Almost everyone had a radio station.  Under such circumstances, the Datong Party's intelligence transmission speed is astonishingly fast.  Over there, Kangze had just contacted the commander of the Ganxi Security Brigade, and the Ganxi Branch in Zhaojiacun received information that Kangze's Rangers were preparing to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the Ganxi guerrillas.  Hearing that Kang Ze would also participate in the encirclement and suppression operation, the former comrades in western Jiangxi gnashed their teeth and wished they could catch Kang Ze immediately, eat his flesh and drink his blood, to comfort the thousands of innocent people who sacrificed their lives in the Soviet area in western Jiangxi.  "Kang Ze has also come out? It's great. I'm planning on how to catch this kid." "Vice Chairman, since Kang Ze has come out, no matter what, we must catch him this time and help our Jiangxi Soviet Area  Thousands of innocent people have sacrificed their lives. " "Yes, I will not take revenge on others." "I will not take revenge on others." "I will not take revenge on others.  I swear I won¡¯t be a grudge.¡± Seeing the excitement among his comrades, Wu Hao didn¡¯t expect that Kang Ze could arouse everyone¡¯s hatred. After knowing what Kang Ze did, he couldn¡¯t help it even if he was rational.  Extremely angry.  However, as a member of the Datong Party and the leader of the Datong Party, it has become a compulsory course for him to keep calm at all times. Seeing that the comrades were agitated, he first signaled the comrades to be quiet with both hands, and then said calmly: "Comrades,  Kang Ze, a reactionary, killed thousands of innocent people in our Soviet area in western Jiangxi. As a normal person, no one will forgive Kang Ze's reactionary behavior. For the sake of the innocent people who sacrificed, the people of western Jiangxi should avenge Kang Ze.  Datong Party members, we cannot simply execute Kang Ze in revenge. Then we would be no different from other warlords, just for personal revenge but not for justice. So comrades, Kang Ze must be arrested.  We live, not for our own selfishness, but for justice, for the sake of the countless sacrifices made by countless people.The people demand justice and use justice to judge the reactionaries whose hands are stained with the blood of innocent people.  Warn these reactionaries that we working people are not so easy to bully. As long as the Datong Party exists for one day, we will seek justice for all oppressed working people.  "
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