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Volume 2 Changes Chapter 001 Trip to Western Ganxi 1

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    I was so crazy that I actually spent six hours coding this chapter today.  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª After the vigorous northwest encirclement and suppression campaign failed, Chang Kaishen had to face many objections within the party, but the Red Army took the opportunity to continue to expand its sphere of influence westward.  Although the three horses were destroyed, the situation in the northwest was still very complicated. There were so many horse bandits in various places that the Red Army had to spend a lot of time and energy on suppressing bandits in order to establish a stable rear area in the northwest.  As early as after the Dingbian Battle, Nie Rongzheng's second division had penetrated deep into the territory of the Ma's Army, and its troops were pointed directly at Yinchuan. Ma Hongkui, who was left behind in Yinchuan, was frightened and fled.  After occupying Yinchuan, Nie Rongzheng left one regiment to garrison, and the other two regiments continued to pursue Ma Hongkui's tribe, and successfully annihilated the main force of Ma Hongkui's tribe in the Wuwei area.  After wiping out the last remnants of the Ma Jiajun, all that was left were the horse bandits and militia groups, which basically had little combat effectiveness. So Nie Rongzheng broke the troops into pieces and carried out targeted elimination in companies and platoons.  In the direction of Qingyang, after the destruction of the First Army, in addition to the Military Commission Column and the First Division, the other 3rd, 4th, and 5th Divisions also participated in cleaning up the banditry in the northwest region, and used the shortest time to destroy the dead and destroy the dead.  Stabilized the entire northwest region.  After the Military Commission column and the First Division turned around, they only took a brief rest and then used pliers on the left and right to clamp the Northeastern Army between the two armies to prevent the instability of the Northeastern Army.  After this battle, the originally silent Datong Party once again appeared in front of the public. No one expected that the Red Army had fled for 25,000 miles, but would resurrect in this barren place in the northwest, reigniting the raging fire.  Party organizations in various places that had lost contact quickly got in touch with the Party Central Committee. The Soviet Union also approached the Datong Party at this time. The pro-Soviet elements in the party suddenly became active. Although they were no longer excluded as before, the actual discourse  There is still not much power.  Li Keji was relatively shallow in politics. Although he did not like people who were pro-Soviet, he did not say anything casually. Instead, he left these matters to the chairman and others to handle. He believed that the chairman's wisdom would be able to handle the issues within the party well.  All kinds of relationships.  The situation was just as he thought. Even if they had to contact the Soviet Union, the pro-Soviet elements still had a very low voice in the party. I don¡¯t know how the chairman and others did it.  After getting in touch with the Soviet Union, although the attitude of the Datong Party was still friendly, it was no longer as obedient as it was at the beginning, and seemed to be vaguely independent from the Communist International.  The Soviet Union did not know what changes had taken place within the Datong Party. Although they were somewhat dissatisfied with the current attitude of the Datong Party, they did not show any signs of it and just sent Wang Ming back.  Li Keji was the most unhappy about Wang Ming's return, but he was no longer the foolish young man he had been before. After the Northeast Army strike and the Xia Xiangning incident, he would not speak casually and just watch the handling of the Party Central Committee with a cold eye.  Every day, Li Keji spent time at the Military and Political University and the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers Technical College, cultivating batches of much-needed technical talents for the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.  In addition, military depots in various places are also being set up urgently. Because the domestic transportation is too backward, Li Keji has to establish a material storage point similar to the 5450 area every 100 kilometers for the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. However,  The scale is much smaller than that of Area 5450. It is mostly used as a supply point and material transfer station for the troops. It is arranged by Mu Cheng, the head of the Logistics Department.  While the Northwest Soviet Area was busy expanding, the Fourth Front Army and the Second Front Army also successfully reunited. After a short rest, they headed north together. After Wu Hao completely calmed down the internal mood of the Fourth Front Army, Li Keji took over the first one with an Osprey helicopter.  Come back.  The reason why the Party Central Committee brought Wu Hao back in advance was mainly to deal with the problem of the remaining troops in western Jiangxi.  Since the victory of the anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, party organizations in various places have contacted the Party Central Committee, including the left-behind troops in western Jiangxi.  As early as the Wuqi Town Expansion Meeting, one of the strategic goals of the central government was to provide assistance to the western Jiangxi troops and restore the western Jiangxi base area after the northwest Soviet area was stabilized.  At this time, the northwest Soviet area was basically stable, and contact was made with the remaining troops in western Ganxi. The strategic goal of assisting western Ganxi was put on the agenda.  In addition to aid, another important goal is to provide revolutionary guidance to western Jiangxi. The strategic changes of the Party Central Committee have been too drastic and a highly respected person is needed for overall management. After discussion by the Party Central Committee, it was unanimously agreed that Wu Hao is the most suitable candidate.  .  After finishing the affairs of the Fourth Front Army, and then the left-behind troops in western Jiangxi, Wu Hao ran back and forth several times without any complaints. After discussing the specific details with the Party Central Committee, he prepared to go south to western Jiangxi.  The distance between western Ganxi and the northwest is thousands of miles. Of course, Wu Hao will not go by land, but will have to trouble Li Keji to do it again.?Dedicated pilot.  As the only pilot in the Red Army, Li Keji was used to being a full-time pilot for the Party Central Committee. After receiving the order, he put down his school affairs and made preparations for takeoff.  It is thousands of miles from the northwest to western Ganxi. It is impossible to fly to western Gansu with the range of the Osprey helicopter. However, Li Keji can replenish fuel anytime and anywhere. In his eyes, the so-called range is basically unlimited. The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is  For aircraft flight safety, systematic safety checks are required after flying to a certain distance.  Before Wu Hao and others set off, the Party Central Committee notified the left-behind troops in western Ganxi by telegram. By the time Li Keji's Osprey helicopter arrived, Xiang Ying, then General Secretary of the Central Branch of the left-behind troops, and Chen Yi, the commander-in-chief of the left-behind troops, had already taken them with them.  People were ready to greet them, but Ganxi now belonged to the White Zone. Xiang Ying and others did not dare to come out to greet them openly, but chose to go at night.  In the dark night, Xiang Ying and others did not dare to light torches. They just hid near the predetermined location and waited anxiously for Wu Hao's arrival.  Xiang Ying and others were unable to see in the dark, but Li Keji was able to see everything clearly. After flying to the predetermined location and circling around, he discovered Xiang Ying and others hiding in the dark, and then launched a missile over them.  A flare notified them that the center had arrived.  In the dark night, the sudden launch of flares was very conspicuous. Xiang Ying and others quickly discovered the joint signal agreed with the Party Central Committee. Before they could have any other reaction, the noise of propellers was heard above their heads.  With the faint moonlight, Xiang Ying and his party saw a huge object suddenly appear in the night sky. It looked like a kind of airplane, but it was able to stop steadily in mid-air. It was really shocking.  In their surprise, they saw the plane in the sky slowly descending. When it approached the ground, strong winds blew up, making it difficult for people nearby to stand still. They had to bend down and lower the center of their bodies to maintain balance.  When the plane landed and the propellers stopped completely, a group of people almost didn't come back to their senses. They had never seen a helicopter that could take off and land vertically.  While Xiang Ying and others were still in shock, Wu Hao, together with the security personnel and Li Keji, jumped off the Osprey helicopter and shouted from a few dozen steps away: "Comrade Xiang Ying, Comrade Chen Yi" Listen  Only when they heard Wu Hao's voice did Xiang Ying and his party react. After getting up from their hiding place, the first thing they said to them was: "Vice Chairman, what kind of plane are you on? Can it land vertically?" "Xiang Ying  Comrade Ying, this is called a helicopter. It is a new type of aircraft recently developed by comrades from overseas organizations. It is currently under confidentiality," Wu Hao said.  "Helicopter? Overseas organization?" Although the central government's telegram had already mentioned something, Xiang Ying was still a little confused when he heard this new term.  "These things are a long story. I will explain them to the comrades when I have the opportunity. Let me first introduce to the comrades. This person is Comrade Li Keji, the liaison officer of overseas organizations." Wu Hao did not continue to explain overseas organizations, but  It was to pull Li Keji out and introduce him to Xiang Ying and others.  This was not the first time that Li Keji met the central leadership. He had long lost his initial nervousness. After being pushed out by Wu Hao, he just said politely: "Hello to Secretary, Hello to Commander Chen" The two sides met briefly.  On the same day, Li Keji asked the accompanying security personnel to briefly hide the Osprey helicopter, and then headed towards the village with Xiang Ying and others.  After the Soviet area in western Jiangxi was defeated, although Xiang Ying, Chen Yi and others were left to continue the struggle, their strength was not as good as before. The entire guerrilla force in the eight provinces combined only had more than 2,000 people. At this time, Xiang Ying and others were entrenched in  In a small village called Zhaojiacun, this was a temporary stronghold chosen to welcome Wu Hao and others. Normally, they would not stay in the same place for too long.  After the Central Red Army withdrew from the Soviet Area in western Jiangxi, the People's Party carried out brutal retaliatory actions against the people of the former Soviet Area. Among them, the special forces formed by Kang Ze were the most brutal. They established "strategic villages" under the "protection system" and created many unmanned villages.  zone, killing nearly a million farmers in the former Soviet areas.  Under such a bloody storm, the guerrillas from the eight provinces hardly dared to stay anywhere. If they were not careful, they would be betrayed by traitors or harm the local people.  As a passionate young man, Li Keji was very angry when he heard these brutal incidents. He wanted to drop a few atomic bombs on the heads of the People's Party, but his reason told him that the matter could not be handled so simply and crudely. Otherwise, with his current ability, he would be able to travel through time.  It only takes one day to completely destroy the entire earth, so why bother to join the Datong Party?  He is not a war madman and does not like to use destruction to vent his unhappiness. As a young man with ideals, morality, culture and discipline who is lost in the materialistic real society, in this historical tide  , should be based on the great rejuvenation of liberating all mankind and the Chinese nationTake prosperity as your own responsibility and seek true self-liberation.  For the ideal in his heart, he chose the Datong Party and continued to work hard for it. He gradually moved from childishness to maturity and understood that many things are not just what he wants.  If he allows his freedom to continue to expand, the only result waiting for him is to "gameover" with the entire world.
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