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Chapter 56 The universe is all chess and the truth finale

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    The Earth Federation acted very quickly. The remnants of the Romulan race were still waiting for rescue. Little did they know that in another galaxy, the allied civilization they were waiting for had already been at war with the Earth Federation. A cosmic-level civilization was far beyond the reach of the Earth Federation.  Those who can compete, after all, the current Earth Federation has only entered the peak civilization of the system level and stepped into the domain level civilization.  It is undoubtedly unwise to fight against an established cosmic-level civilization in the universe, but this does not stop the decision of the Earth Federation, or to be precise, the decision of the temple.  Temple Pope Baite, who has the ability to predict the future, was over 100 years old and had just attended his 115th birthday banquet. He predicted what was about to happen. After the banquet, he issued the highest order.  Immediately after this order to start a war with the cosmic-level civilization was issued, it was like a flame falling into an oil barrel, erupting instantly. The entire Earth Federation civilization was in an uproar, and everyone focused on the Temple of Destiny in the mortal world.  The highest existence exists in Pope Baite.  Although everyone firmly believes that the decision made by their pope must be correct, the gap in strength between the two has caused some small groups of people to begin to shake their centuries-old trust in the church.  You must believe in God, but you don¡¯t have to believe in the church.  Although God and the church are inseparable, there is still a huge gap between the two. The church is the church, and God is God. Belief in God does not necessarily require belief in the decisions made by the church. After all, the church is only a force in the mortal world, replacing gods.  The institution that governs mortal believers.  But soon everyone discovered that their worries were completely unnecessary. The connection between God and the church was inseparable. Soon, Zeriel, a goddess in charge of the four seasons under Tulo, the master of destiny, sent a clone.  Arriving in the outer galaxy.  A huge fleet of starships in the galaxy are heading towards the safety of the Milky Way, and this is the rescue invited by the Romulans. However, the other side has no intention of rescuing the Romulans, and instead sets its goal directly on the Milky Way.  For this cosmic civilization.  Those Romulans have lost all use value, and the Earth Federation civilization in the Milky Way galaxy is the object they want to conquer.  They learned from the Romulans that the star field controlled by the Earth Federation is terrifyingly extensive, at least three to four times the territory controlled by their cosmic-level civilization. Such a huge land is controlled by such a weak civilization. This is something they  It seems.  This is simply a big fat pig that has no power to restrain a chicken. It can be eaten by anyone, braised or steamed.  The Earth Federation¡¯s army blocked the star fleet of the cosmic civilization heading towards the Milky Way.  It seemed a bit unbelievable that the dense and huge star fleet was suddenly blocked by a small grasshopper, but in fact it was so. If they had taken action in the past, they would have directly destroyed each other and continued to move forward.  But now this civilization has to consider this star fleet from the Earth Federation Civilization, because they have always been somewhat doubtful about the ability of a system-level civilization to control such a huge star field.  This seems like the universe is playing a trick on the entire universe.  "Civilizations ahead, stop your weapons. This is already the border of the Earth Federation. If you go further, the Earth Federation will declare war on your country!" This is a colonel who graduated from the Earth Star Air Force Academy. Although he is only around 20 years old,  , but he is a famous colonel on earth, with a very high reputation.  The information transmitted by this beam instantly caused everyone in the universe-level civilization in front to collapse instantly. Who could have imagined that an ant actually challenged the starry sky giant.  This is a joke.  "A joke? The humans of the Earth Federation are absolutely crazy!" A high-ranking commander of a cosmic-level civilization in front of the Earth Federation was completely dumbfounded, shaking his head while holding his own water glass.  The disease of madness exists throughout the universe.  Caused by many mental reasons.  "You are declaring war on our great Sak civilization!" The commander-in-chief of the Sak civilization instantly made the light brain reply to the opponent. At this time, he had to express his inner shock, and at the same time, the suspicion in his heart became even stronger.  A weak civilization would never dare to make such a threatening move towards a civilization many times more powerful than itself, but the civilization in front of it did not do so, and it was also very serious.  It is as if the differences in levels of civilization do not exist.  "Sir, is the other party confident? Or is it just a pretense to confuse us?" An officer with a rank lower than the commander-in-chief of the Thacker Civilization fleet raised his doubts. If the other party is just a pretense, it's okay.  But if they are confident and have enough power to destroy their fleet, then they will be in trouble.  But now we are riding a tiger with a hard time getting off.  If we leave here, the Thacker civilization will definitely become a big joke in the universe, but if we encounter the first situation in the battle with it, then "No matter what must be like this, although the Thacker civilization is not powerful in the universe, it is still  ??As a member of the cosmic civilization, although the reputation is not high, it is still in the middle. Do you know what the consequences will be if we retreat like this!  "The commander's face was cold, and his eyes never left the picture on the light screen in front of the country. It was the optical brain that analyzed all the attributes and structures of the opponent's warships, but some places showed that they were unknown. The Earth Federation received a signal from the opponent's warship.  The translator quickly translated the reply, ¡°This is the other party¡¯s reply!  " "Humph, declare war?  No, war is only led by gods!  "This colonel has participated in no less than a hundred wars like this and is already familiar with it." Start praying. Facing such a war, weak humans can only ask for God's help!  " The colonel said, and then he said cautiously again: "Remember, this is just a request for help when we are unable to reach it. Humanity needs to strengthen itself. Only the simultaneous progress of faith and technology can bring a bright future!  " This sentence from the holy scripture is a warning from God, which directly explains the path of civilization's progress and strength. " Prayers rang out among the battleships, and countless voices condensed into one, huge and magnificent. There was a faint sound between them.  The trend of shaking the vacuum. This has shown that the sound of prayer has affected energy and has inexplicable power. People in the Thacker Civilization have begun to understand that there has been no movement for a long time.  New considerations, the Thacker civilization is a branch of the Viking race, which has 80% rational thinking on everything, while the remaining 20% ??of the Sagittarius Rowe race is very weak.  It has 100% rational thinking. As for the Romulun race, it is different. Although it has the same ancestor as the Luo Wei race, it has divided into two different civilized races. In fact, the three civilizations are all one kind of Vikings. "Humph!  How dare a department-level civilization use such hypocritical means to confuse us!  "The commander of the Sak civilization sharply focused his eyes, and his ruthless expression became apparent. Murderous intentions suddenly arose. "Get ready to fire and destroy these ignorant civilizations!  "    "Yes, sir!  "But at this moment, a portal opened instantly above the galaxy, and the holy light suddenly emerged from the portal, and the hymn also fell into everyone's ears. The hymn after passing through the law was enough to survive in this vacuum environment.  They spread downwards because they vibrate space. ¡°What is this?  ¡± A red alarm instantly lit up on the huge starship mothership. Commander Thacker looked at the optical brain analyzing the opponent¡¯s energy status. The immeasurably high indicator made his face change drastically. In this situation, only  Only the top of the starry sky beasts can do it. Could it be that this is a starry sky beast? Before he could think of anything, Zerrell, the goddess of the seasons, was already a little tired.  She doesn't know how many battlefields there are. Sixteen incarnations of the Temple of Destiny rush to the battlefields of various civilizations in the universe, solving the crisis of faith in other civilizations and taking advantage of the opportunity to develop and expand  "Lord God, have you made a breakthrough?  "Zeriel's true form stood respectfully next to Tullo, with some admiration and respect in her eyes. Over the years, she has broken through to the realm of domination, although she is inferior to the progress of the main god Tullo.  Too far. In fact, she is already satisfied. It takes less than a hundred years to reach a great level. Such a thing is simply unimaginable in the Crystal Wall Universe. Not to mention cultivating believers, just competing for the resources of believers is enough for all gods.  I feel a headache. In this universe, without the existence of gods, faith is impossible. Moreover, the number of creatures is hundreds of times or more than that in the Crystal Wall Universe, and these are all empty resources of faith.  They guide. What makes Zerrell respect Tulo is not only this, but also the exquisiteness of the other party's layout. Every step and every piece has been planned on track. This is simply controlling his destiny.  , making it impossible to escape. Just like what Zerrell discovered when he once wandered around a powerful civilization, an ordinary person was blown to the ground by a strong wind on his way home from a cold, and a sneeze frightened another person.  An old man got stuck in his throat when he ate something, and he was healed instantly. In return, the sneezing man got a fortune and started a business, and a few years later he became a big boss.  The money has saved countless people, but most importantly, these donations have allowed a child to survive. After hearing the rich donor¡¯s propaganda about his deeds in the news, the child began to praise his fate.  The seeds were planted. More than ten years later, an organization of the Temple of Destiny began to grow and soon began to sweep across the entire civilization. Similar things happened everywhere in the universe, but the coincidences made people feel??Just bizarre.  Only Zerrell knows that these are all chess pieces played by the main god Tullo.  It was just the way the chess was played that made Zerrell stunned, everything was as expected.  None of the chess pieces have the influence of the main god Tuluo, but are guided by an unknown force, and what they exert is only an extremely weak power.  But it is these forces that lead to change throughout the universe.  The long river hanging in the kingdom of destiny is getting wider and thicker, and countless creatures are struggling in it, but it seems to be useless.  This is exactly Tuluo's destiny. At this time, Tuluo's understanding of the rules of destiny has reached the extreme, and he can reach the highest level in one step.  At this time, the Kingdom of Destiny also showed signs of becoming an independent technological universe.  Tuluo took a sip of tea. The tea tree was cultivated by divine power. This kind of tea has great effects. Although it is just a drink to the gods, the taste is so good that there is nothing to say.  This is why Tullo likes to drink this tea.  "The divine system is getting bigger and bigger. There are now over 10,000 gods, and my son has also broken through to the realm of domination. I hope you, Zerrell, can improve your strength and reach the Creator as soon as possible. Your priesthood of the seasons has begun to transform into the priesthood of time.  If you can understand reincarnation, your future will be bright, and you will have a place in the supreme world." There was a little worry in Tu Luo's eyes, "The catastrophe is about to arrive, and my chess pieces have already fallen into the wild universe.  After setting up the starry sky chess formation, the endless power of destiny gathers in my body, and the breakthrough is just a thought, but this is not the end. You and I should be able to sense that the Supreme may be just the starting point." Tu Luo said.  Is there a sequence appearing in it, showing a spiral shape, somewhat similar to human genetic structure (DNA)?  "I got this from the core of the origin of the universe. The Japanese original was boiling when I got it. Soon I learned the origin of this thing from the origin of the universe." Tu Luo threw the DNA-like object in his hand to  Zerel, the goddess of the seasons.  "All creatures in the entire universe have this thing, and I have also found the same substance from creatures in other universes. I think you should understand something." Tulo said calmly, looking at the face of Zerrell, the goddess of the seasons.  "This is the DNA of living things! The code of origin of all living things, and this code of origin comes from another living thing. We are the virus in the tiny things in its body!" Zerrell suddenly remembered something that was circulated in the Crystal Wall Universe.  A hymn handed down from ancient times.  No one knows what happened at the beginning of ancient times, but the gods of the crystal wall system in later generations all understood that it was a huge disaster. Only one hymn of the entire disaster has been preserved and has been passed down to this day.  Crystal wall, we are your threat!  Later he became your warrior!  You raised us, start training!  When the demon who claims to be righteous comes to purify the world!  We fought hard, but our homes were destroyed, our divinity was dissipated, our priesthood was ruined, and our divine fire was extinguished!  When we learn the truth ~ destruction is coming!  The so-called other shore is the spark that extinguished the mother, beyond this so-called chaos!  Similar songs are circulated in the technological universe and the prehistoric universe, but the versions are different.  Tu Luo looked at the goddess of the seasons Zerrell and showed a faint smile, "The great calamity has arrived for a long time and has never left. It's just that we don't know it. Your Highness Zerrell must speed up everything to convey my divine message."  The order allows the gods to start the craziest spread of faith. DNA cannot be changed, but souls and beliefs can. To reach transcendence, you only need to reshape your body. Then you will be a real human race!  Startled.  "Yes! The human race, all living beings are collectively called the human race!" Tu Luo's eyes were profound, as if he had seen through the past and future of the universe, and the original true face of the universe. It was a huge nuclear body, but the universe was round.  Countless universes form an inexplicable and huge creature.  PS: It¡¯s the finale. I¡¯m sorry. In fact, if I continue to write it, it will be the expansion of civilization. I plan to use this book as a foreshadowing for a future book.  Well~ I am very grateful to some readers for their perseverance. Xiaobi was moved late one night and I won¡¯t go into details later.  Hey, good night everyone.  I sincerely thank you all for your support, otherwise Xiaobi would never have gotten here.  .  (To be continued)
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