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Text Chapter 417 Uncle

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    After I said this, I felt as if all my strength had been drained from my body. I could only compromise. For this woman I owed something to last time, I compromised. I no longer want to care about what you haters want to do.  , I don¡¯t want to know what happened a thousand years ago. I just want to save my grandfather and let him have a good reincarnation.  As soon as I finished speaking, I saw Zuo Han's eyes wide open, as if he couldn't believe it, staring at me behind me, and the high priest was trembling unnaturally. We looked back  , suddenly took a breath of cold air, what is going on?  I don't know when a bridge appeared on the cliff in front of us. Above this bridge, a blood moon hung high. Walking alone on this bridge were ghosts wearing prison uniforms and covered in blood.  These ghosts are almost all headless ghosts. We have seen these things before, the blood moon we encountered when we were looking for the ancient corpse, and the infiltrating ghosts we saw.  I was still in shock when I heard the priest behind me shouting loudly. The three of us subconsciously looked back and saw a red shadow rushing towards the priest. The high priest was holding those figures on the human skin on the ground.  The thing rushed towards me and Zou Yang like a blood streak. Everything happened so fast that I didn't even have time to react before my body was knocked up.  The speed of the high priest, Zou Yang, and I was simply faster than the bullets coming out of the barrel. When I reacted, my body had already fallen to the bottom of the cliff quickly, and the head of the high priest in front of me had turned into  A huge bald head with a face full of curses. Behind this huge head, I saw the figure of a woman following her. Zuo Han, why did Zuo Han jump down?  I don¡¯t know why the high priest thought about dying with us, but now even if Zou Yang and I want to save ourselves, it¡¯s impossible and we can only fall quickly towards the bottom of the cliff.  I don¡¯t know if they were attracted by the whereabouts of us, but the ghosts walking on the bridge rushed towards the three of us. They jumped directly over Zuo Han¡¯s body and rushed towards us quickly. Waiting until the ghosts  After rushing to our side, he quickly rushed towards me with his teeth and claws bared, but the high priest's head was now transformed into Taotie. Before these ghosts could rush over, he turned his head, opened his mouth, and sucked in these ghosts.  The ghosts were swallowed into the mouth one after another.  If ordinary ghosts were sucked by Taotie like this, they would definitely be wiped out, but after these things were sucked into the mouth of the high priest, the high priest's huge head seemed to have suffered some great pain, and with a "wow" sound, these things were given back to him.  Spit it out.  These spitted out ghosts and those that came immediately quickly surrounded us. Not only that, the falling force of the three of us slowly decreased. Suddenly, my eyes blurred. When I could  When I saw things clearly, I found that the environment I was in was no longer the falling cliff, but a place littered with corpses. There were wars and corpses everywhere. I couldn't tell the direction at all, and I had no idea.  Where to go.  I don¡¯t know if this is an illusion. I can even smell the smell of burnt corpses in the air, and I can even hear the painful groans of others coming from unknown places. I looked at myself  Standing on the scorched earth, I did not find the high priest or Zou Yang. Everything that happened just now disappeared. I even had a strange thought in my mind. I would not be traveling through time.  Come on!  But as soon as this idea came into being, I heard the sound of drums beating not far away. The sound sounded very loud, like thunder. I walked involuntarily towards the sound of drums, maybe  If you follow the sound of the drum, you can find the way out. Where am I?  Could it be that I fell to the ground and died?  The soul went to hell?  I was a little confused, but I still walked slowly towards the place where the drum sound came from. Strangely enough, as I walked, the surrounding environment gradually became lighter. When I looked back, I found that it was still the same place.  The scene of the battlefield was extremely clear, but looking forward, the surrounding flames of war and corpses seemed to be covered with a layer of frosted glass, making it impossible to see clearly.  I don¡¯t know how to describe this situation. Anyway, I know that if I follow the sound of the drum, I will definitely get out of this strange place that I suddenly entered.  I walked faster and faster, and the surrounding environment became bigger and bigger. The corpses and the flames of war had disappeared, replaced by ghosts and ghosts in prison uniforms. I knew that I must have slipped out of that illusion now.  out.  When those ghosts saw me coming out of that environment, they rushed toward me like crazy. Many ghosts jumped directly on me, pulled my legs, and dragged me back hard, trying to pull me back.  I dragged myself to the unknown battlefield again.  I was startled, my ghostly energy increased, and I wanted toI was facing these ghosts, but suddenly I heard the sound of wind and thunder in my ears. I looked up and found the high priest in front of me. He was gently beating a small rattle-like thing. The wind and thunder  That's where the sound came from.  Following the sound of wind and thunder, the headless ghosts on my body began to make bursts of ghost cries as if they heard the Buddha's voice. They reluctantly stretched out their bloody hands towards me, and those with arms clamped  Their hanging heads were staring at me angrily, but none of this could stop their bodies from slowly retreating into the environment I just came out of. Finally, with the sounds of wind and thunder, those people wearing prison clothes  The ghost I took finally disappeared together with the strange environment I came out of.  At this time, I took a closer look at the environment I was in, and found that we had reached the bottom of the cliff for some reason. We were surrounded by dazzling rivers, which were mercury rivers. If we looked at it from above, the situation presented by these rivers would be  It looks like the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. In the middle of these two huge rivers, there are two huge bronze coffins. The coffin lids are not fastened. They stay there quietly. When I looked at one of them, I felt a wave of pain in my body.  The Emperor's soul, which had been intertwined with the extremely Yin soul, began to tremble restlessly. I quickly suppressed the turmoil in my heart.  Zou Yang and Zuo Han both fell to the side, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. The high priest tilted his head and looked at me. When he saw that he had finished looking at the place, he smiled at me and said, "Do you see clearly? These are the things in the Golden Burial Palace. Those two  There are two coffins. One of them is Qin Shihuang. Can you guess the other? "I said coldly: "You madman, can you tell me what happened now?" The high priest smiled at me, yes.  I said: "Of course, but you wait." As he said that, the high priest jumped into the mercury river. The density of mercury is thirteen times greater than that of water, so the high priest was not completely immersed after jumping in.  After entering, he seemed to be able to walk slightly on the waves, but he sank a little. He quickly ran on the mercury river, and after a while, he rushed to the two huge bronze coffins.  At this time, he turned around and said to me: "Qin Guan, go ahead and ask. Now, I will tell you everything. I want you to become a sensible person." I said, "Where is my grandfather?  , I just want to know, where is my grandfather?" The high priest smiled and said: "As expected of a filial child, I don't know if you will go crazy when you know the truth of the matter, your grandfather, look at this  Not your grandfather?" After the high priest said this, he took out a jade bottle and opened the top of the bottle, revealing a fluttering shadow. After a while, it condensed into an old figure.  Isn¡¯t it my grandfather?  When I saw my grandpa, I quickly turned into a line of black energy and rushed over. But before I reached that place, two mighty cavalry ghosts immediately appeared next to my grandpa. They looked at me eagerly. I don't care so much, even if it's  King Yama is there, I want to snatch grandpa back too!  I went over and beat the two ghost cavalry hard. Of course I remember that it was these two ghosts that brought my grandfather here. I also remember that these two things had a lot of hatred for me at that time.  But now, they all must die and be wiped out.  Maybe it was the anger in my heart that inspired my potential, or maybe the two ghost soldiers were simply vulnerable. I almost tore the two ghost soldiers to pieces alive. The high priest just looked at them coldly.  Looking at me, with Taotie on my body, I am no match at all. The Taotie in my hand is still on top, so there is no way to fight with the high priest.  I looked at my grandfather's ghost, feeling extremely sad in my heart, and shouted softly: "Grandpa" But my grandfather no longer had the same demeanor at that time, or in other words, he had lost his intelligence. I was very worried.  I shouted to the high priest: "What's going on? What happened to my grandfather?" I even forgot to think about why my grandfather's soul was in the high priest and why these two ghost soldiers were so vulnerable.  hit.  The high priest said to me: "Your grandpa, this is how it is." I was angry, took out a jade bottle from the treasure bag, collected my grandpa's ghost first, and then shouted to the high priest:  "You fart, why did my grandfather do this? I remember he was still smart at the beginning!" The high priest said to me: "Qin Guan, you are still too young, or in other words, you believe in favors too much, you know I  Who is it? Haha." Listening to the words of the high priest, the familiar figure I saw in the mirror of the underworld suddenly appeared in my mind, and I blurted out: "Uncle?" After listening to my words, the high priest  After laughing, his voice suddenly changed and turned into a voice that I was very familiar with, saying: "Qin Guan, you finally understand." This is really the voice of an uncle!  "I was more surprised this time than when I saw Zuo Han as a man in a bamboo hat,"??It's really the uncle's voice. What's wrong with this world? Who can tell me what's going on?
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