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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Horror -> Qin Emperor Mausoleum

Text Chapter 365: The turtle among the turtles

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    As soon as the three of us saw Zhuo Shen's performance, we knew that he must be in trouble now. We swam towards him without any hesitation. Before we reached him, I suddenly felt a numbness in my legs.  It was like being electrocuted. I didn't pay attention at first, but after swimming for a few times, the needle-pricking feeling in my legs became stronger and stronger.  It felt like my legs were being bitten hard by insects. I had to stop and look down at my legs. When I looked at them, I actually found that my legs were covered with strips of almost  Transparent and thin, something like a long worm.  Seeing so many little snake-like things on my legs, I quickly waved my hands to drive away the transparent little snakes, and Zou Yang and Rabbit also stopped. Now I know what Zhuo Shen is doing, and his feelings are affected by this.  Things were electrified. Although one of these transparent little snakes didn't hurt at all, there were many of them together, and the feeling was a bit unbearable.  Seeing us stop, Zhuo Shen also began to wave his arms to drive away the transparent snake. Knowing that he could not wait any longer, he suppressed the strange feeling in his body, waved at us vigorously, and motioned for us to follow, and then  He plunged towards the water plant.  The three of us were already entangled in the little snake. When we saw Zhuo Shen saying hello to us, we quickly endured the stinging pain on our bodies and swam forward. I don¡¯t know what species this transparent little snake was.  , and it also discharges electricity like an electric eel. As long as we can tolerate it, we can tolerate it, but who knows if this is the only thing this thing can do?  Zhuo Shen swam to the place where the water plants were standing. He first chased away the small snakes around him, and then fiddled with the water plants in front of him. However, Zhuo Shen's movements were very slow. From behind, it looked like he was  It was quite strenuous. At this time, the three of us arrived near the water plants with the ancient corpses. Our bodies were already covered with those transparent little snakes. We could still feel numb while wearing the water support. If we didn't wear anything, I guess we would  Everyone will be shocked by this little snake.  Zhuo Shen struggled to uncover the water plants in front of him. There was actually a big hole behind the water plants. When I saw this, I suddenly realized that no wonder there was an undercurrent. It turned out that the water flow in the big hole was too fast, which caused an undercurrent in the deep pool. Now that I found it,  Once we have found the source, we can carefully go around it. But we don¡¯t know where the water in the cave comes from. Why is it so powerful?  Zhuo Shen found the source of the undercurrent, waved to us, then bypassed the undercurrent at a distance and dived diagonally downwards. He was swimming in front, and I saw from behind that his body was already covered with dense  The little transparent snakes looked like leeches. I have trypophobia. When I saw this one next to a little transparent snake, my scalp started to feel numb.  Fortunately, Zhuo Shen had already bypassed the undercurrent and swam towards the bottom of the deep pool, widening the distance between him and me. The three of us quickly followed him. When we were close to the water plants, I felt the sound coming from the undercurrent.  With bursts of pulling force, the small transparent snakes on my body were also pulled by this strong force.  Now that we know where the undercurrent is, it¡¯s much easier for us. The three of us slowly walked around the undercurrent with the ancient corpse and swam towards Zhuo Shen. Zhuo Shen stopped in front at this time.  Turning around, I didn't know whether to clean up the little snakes on my body or to wait for us.  But when he turned his head, the face in the helmet suddenly turned white, and his eyes were full of fear. Then without any hesitation, Zhuo Shen turned his head and plunged into the deep pool.  When the three of us saw Zhuo Shen's appearance, we knew that something terrifying must be coming behind us. This was not like being in the water on land. The three of us didn't dare to worry about it, so we quickly fidgeted with our flippers and moved forward with all our strength.  Run away.  Zhuo Shen was swimming very fast in front, and he didn¡¯t care about any undercurrents or whirlpools. He just rushed forward with all his heart. The three of us were not slow, and the distance between us and Zhuo Shen was not widened at all, which was only two or three meters away. I have the intention  I wanted to see what was behind me, but it was difficult to look back while wearing a helmet.  When I secretly prayed that it was not a monster like a kappa, the waves of electricity on my body suddenly disappeared. I looked forward and found that the small transparent snakes on Zhuo Shen's body left his body one after another and piled up into a long transparent snake.  The formation was swimming towards the edge in confusion. Before I could figure out what was going on, I saw Zhuo Shen in front of me spinning around randomly as if he was out of control.  No, there¡¯s an undercurrent ahead!  I desperately wanted to stop, but I was running too fast to escape, and I couldn't stop the car at all. There was a strong suction force coming from the front. Without waiting for me to make any move, my body started to spin involuntarily.  When I got up, it was like falling into a whirlpool. My body was pulled into a big character, spinning like a top and falling downward.  The current here is too fast. I don¡¯t even have the strength to struggle here. It¡¯s like a stormy sea.It was like a small boat in the middle, but my body was tumbling and I turned around. I saw the rabbit, Zou Yang and the ancient corpse dancing towards me, but my mind was now occupied by those behind them.  I was attracted by that thing. On the top of its head, which was nearly one meter long, there was a scarlet flesh-crowned transparent water snake, which was chasing us like an arrow from a string.  This thing must be as mature as those transparent little snakes just now. If we are entangled by them, we will be electrocuted alive!  Before I could see clearly, the strong force around me turned my body over again. After Zhuo Shen and Zou Yang entered the whirlpool, they had no power to fight back. It was like we were being flushed down the toilet.  It spun and fell down.  There was no sign at all of the undercurrents and whirlpools in the deep pool. We followed the whirlpool and rushed towards the bottom of the deep pool. When I took the time, I saw that we were rushing towards the water tower.  Go, if we go at this speed, we will probably hit the water tower directly after we go down. Even if we are wearing helmets, we will probably end up in a mess.  It¡¯s not just me who is anxious now. Zhuo Shen in front relied on his water skills and kept trying to rush out of this unknown whirlpool, but all his efforts were in vain. Under this great strength, human power  It is really too limited. We are now less than ten meters away from the water tower. At this speed, it will only take two seconds. I hold back the panic in my heart and desperately want to control the ancient corpse. I hope  He can get us out of this whirlpool, but this time I can't call the ancient corpse.  The ancient corpse is now trapped in this whirlpool and can't get out. Seeing that the ancient corpse can't get through, I'm sweating all over. Seeing that Zhuo Shen is about to hit the water tower in front,  What can we do? By the way, Xiao Jin, if Xiao Jin wakes up, we will be fine. He is a good player in the water!  But Xiaojin doesn¡¯t know what¡¯s going on outside, and is sleeping soundly in my pocket without any sign of waking up. It¡¯s useless to say anything now, because Zhuo Shen is about to hit the water tower in front of him!  Seeing that Zhuo Shen was about to hit him, I subconsciously closed my eyes. I didn't want to watch Zhuo Shen's body being hit to pieces, even though I would be the next one.  Two seconds passed in an eye-catching moment. The sound of water flowing in my ears was still there. I did not hear the rumble of Zhuo Shen hitting the water tower in front of me. There was no pain in my body. After a while,  I felt that the force of the water flow around me was much weaker. Just as I was about to open my eyes, I felt a tap on my shoulder.  When I opened my eyes, I found that my body was slowly floating forward, and next to me was Zhuo Shen, are we not dead?  I looked at myself up and down and found that there were no wounds at all on my body. Before I could figure out what was going on and where we were, Zhuo Shen stared behind him with a smile.  I turned around and saw that Rabbit, Zou Yang and the ancient corpse were also floating towards us quickly, but their speed slowed down very quickly. By the time they reached us, the three of them had basically stopped.  He came down and lay motionless on the ground.  I looked funny, went over and kicked them, and then looked at the place around us. There seemed to be many windows above our heads. The bright light seeped in from those windows, but the top was dark.  It's so weird that you can't see the light on the water.  I looked towards the place where we were rushed, and there was just a passage with a slight light. Now it seems that this place should be the inside of the water tower. The place where we rushed in and the place with light on it are both here.  The windows of the water tower, this tower, is a hollow tower.  As for why the whirlpool rushed us here directly, it is unknown, but looking at this posture, the special geographical location formed by the tower and the terrain, such a special whirlpool appeared, which happened to be able to rush us in.  Rabbit and Zou Yang stood up and looked at their surroundings curiously. As soon as I turned around, I was punched hard on my body. When I looked back at Zhuo Shen, after he punched me, he was  I swam forward quickly again, my heart skipped a beat, and I quickly turned back. Sure enough, those densely packed transparent snakes more than one meter long were chasing after me again!  These snakes were obviously washed down by the current. When they saw us, they twisted their bodies and rushed toward us. This thing was simply invincible. I used my hands and feet to crawl forward and swam forward. We were washed into the water tower.  However, it is like we have become a turtle in a urn. Compared with the speed of these water snakes, we are far behind. It will only be a matter of time before we are overtaken.
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