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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Horror -> Qin Emperor Mausoleum

Text Chapter 353: Sophora japonica tree spirit, extra update with 1,000 votes

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    I felt that the strange black shadow I saw that night might live in this locust tree. Thinking like this, I said to Rabbit and Zou Yang: "I know what this thing is. It might be the one who smoked it that night."  "Let's be careful about that monster with crow energy." Knowing that it is this thing, the three of us basically have no fighting power. It is basically a matter of Gu Zhi and Xiao Jin.  But I have no intention of getting bigger.  I had no choice but to control the ancient corpse and move forward. This thing sucks the yang energy of living creatures, and it doesn't even let go of the yang fire on my body. I think it must be a problem. I don't know why I didn't see it when I came here last time. Master  Back then I said that the Land of the Cornucopia was very evil, but now I can see it.  The ancient corpse walked up to this thing. I was not polite at all. I controlled the ancient corpse and violently bent the branches hanging down from it. I only heard a click and the branches broke. I don't know if it was my imagination.  , I actually felt that the sound of the branch breaking was very similar to the sound made when human bones are broken.  I couldn¡¯t help but hold the sharp knife in my hand a little tighter. Although I knew it was of no use, it would at least make me feel more at ease.  Although the branch was broken, it has not fallen down. There is still a large part hanging on the tree. If it is provocation, this should be enough, but the tree is like an ordinary tree, not moving at all.  The three of us couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.  At this time, the sharp-eyed rabbit shouted: "Oh, what is that!" Following the rabbit's gaze, we saw that the branch broken by the ancient corpse just now had a little bit of red liquid oozing out, and the tree was actually bleeding.  Got it!  I have heard before that trees will bleed when they are cut down after they become spirits. Unexpectedly, we have actually encountered this problem. But look at the trees that people say are very old.  Although the locust tree in front of us has been around for a long time, it has definitely not reached that level!  Usually when encountering this kind of situation, the person who cut down the tree will stop cutting down the tree for fear of retribution. We are not ordinary people, but when we saw this thing at first sight, the deep-rooted thoughts in our hearts came out. What if there is retribution?  manage?  Rabbit was the first to say: "Qin Guan, are you really sure this thing is the ghost thing you saw last night?" I said: "I don't know if it is, but I saw that the hem of the thing looks very similar. Besides, on it  Not far away is the dead pig. How could such a coincidence happen?" My tone sounded a little weak. In fact, I was also thinking about it, right?  Zou Yang didn't have so many taboos. After seeing the ancient corpse break the tree, the locust tree didn't move at all, so he walked to the tree and took the machete and struck hard at the trunk of the locust tree.  Cut it down hard.  This locust tree is only as thick as a hug. If it were an ordinary locust tree and Zou Yang slashed it with a machete, although it could not break it in half, it would probably be able to chop it in hard. But when Zou Yang  When he struck the tree with the knife, he saw a stream of sparks appearing where the knife collided, and there was a crisp clang sound.  And the knife only split a small part of the locust tree, not even a wound as thick as a finger. But Zou Yang, I saw that his hands seemed to be numb from the shock, and he could not help but tremble slightly.  .  Zou Yang pulled out the machete that was stuck in the locust tree a little bit, and said to us: "It's so hard." Following Zou Yang's words, red blood began to slowly ooze out near the wound on the tree, like blood.  The liquid flowed from the wound to the root of the tree.  The three of us are in trouble at this time. What should we do? Although we know that this locust tree is not a good kind, the key is that we don¡¯t know what it is. Although we are Taoist priests, we are not the kind to kill monsters when we see them.  Master Hun, Rabbit said at this time: "The things inside don't seem to be here. Either we wait here, or we go to see the things in the deep pool first." I glanced at Zou Yang and asked for advice.  In response to his opinion, Zou Yang shook his head and said: "This thing is not a kind person. It is better to strike first." Zou Yang's attention actually destroyed the locust tree directly.  I frowned and saw the ancient corpse still standing around the locust tree, still holding the half-cut branch in his hand. I gave an order to the ancient corpse to take down the half of the thing. It was an eyesore.  !  The ancient corpse exerted force on its hand and pulled hard on the locust tree branch. Although this thing looked quite brittle, who knew it was like brown candy. The ancient corpse pulled several times, but it still failed to break the branch.  When he was pulled down, the crown of the locust tree shook.  This locust tree is a crooked locust tree, not straight, so many of the main trunks are hidden in the crown. When the crown shakes, we can see that there seems to be something on the trunk inside.  Rabbit swallowed his mouth and said: "I, I seem to be"When we arrived, there was an eye on the locust tree!  "Rabbit's words are so perplexing that I would rather hear him say that he saw a ghost. How could there be eyes on the tree? Unexpectedly, Zou Yang also nodded at this time and said: "It seems so.  "Although I scanned something just now, I didn't see the eyes they were talking about. I just saw some bulges like tree knots. With a click, the ancient corpse finally pulled the branch.  I controlled the ancient corpse to lift up the crown of the tree. The locust tree was not high and there was a big stone around it. The ancient corpse could just reach the locust tree by stepping on it. After the ancient corpse got my order,  He threw the bloody branch in his hand to the ground, then slowly grabbed a large piece of the tree crown, and lifted it up with all his strength. The three of us bent down and headed towards the branches under the tree crown.  Looking at it, the ancient corpse was not very high this time, but we did see a big bulge on the branch inside, but it was far from the eyes that Rabbit and Zou Yang said. This thing was fat.  It¡¯s so cute, it¡¯s divided into two parts, the upper and lower parts, which are close together, like, like lips! Rabbit and I said in unison: ¡°Lips!  "These damn lips are like enlarged thick lips several times!" Rabbit muttered: "That's not what you saw just now!"  "The position of the tree crown that the ancient corpse grabbed this time was wrong. Now it can only lift the tree crown to this extent. The three of us saw that although the locust tree looked strange, it seemed that there was no danger, so we walked over and asked each other.  Let¡¯s see what is showing off in this thing. We walked forward and reached the bottom of the locust tree. A faint fragrance came from the locust tree. It was a bit like jasmine, but it was more jasmine than jasmine.  The smell of earth is hard to describe. I walked up to it and asked the ancient corpse to put down the tree crown first, and then controlled him to grab some upwards, so that he could lift the tree crown higher. At this time, Xiao Jin was also very excited.  Holding his own head, looking very interested, the ancient corpse grabbed it up this time, and then pushed it up with both hands. When we saw what was under the tree crown, we were all stunned. This was actually  It¡¯s a human face! The thick, tightly closed lips, and the low bridge of the nose, which is a little flat. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the one eye on this face, standing straight from the bridge of the nose.  She has a big eye, but the eye is tightly closed, and the eyelids are tightly clamped with eyelashes, exposing a gap, otherwise we would not think it is an eye.  The three of us were shocked by the weird human face in this chapter, not only because it looked weird, but also because we discovered that this thing actually grew out of a tree, not a tree carved by a person!  It¡¯s become a spirit! Rabbit was a little curious when he saw this lifelike face. He couldn¡¯t control his steps and moved towards the thing, murmuring: ¡°This is really a locust tree spirit!  "As I said that, I stretched out my hand and touched the face. I took Rabbit's hand and said to him, "This thing looks weird. Don't make trouble."  ¡± The rabbit nodded coquettishly, but I could control the rabbit, but I couldn¡¯t control Xiao Jin on top of my head. When I pulled the rabbit, Xiao Jin jumped onto the locust tree, curiously there.  Jumping around on its mouth, seeing that this thing was not dangerous, the rabbit finally couldn't help his curiosity, and reached out to touch the face on the tree. But when the rabbit's hand touched it.  When he touched the lips of his face, the rabbit jerked back as if bitten by a snake, and he shouted: "Softsoft!"  "My scalp felt numb when I heard it. Could it be that I really saw a monster today? People often take drastic actions to protect themselves when they are frightened. When I heard the rabbit say that the face was soft, the sharp knife in his hand  Without saying a word, I stabbed the tree hard in the face. With a pounce, the locust tree that was still invulnerable just now was actually stabbed with a knife by me. What happened next was almost  The three of us were frightened half to death. The tightly closed mouth suddenly opened. Xiao Jin couldn't dodge, but he was actually swallowed by this big mouth! "It's alive, this locust tree is alive!"  I shouted, "Xiao Jin!" Then I pulled out the sharp knife that was inserted into the face of the locust tree and stabbed it in hard. Without saying anything, Zou Yang also pulled out the machete and slashed at that face.  Yes, we chopped off the face to pieces, but Xiao Jin¡¯s shadow was never seen again. The face was now scratched one after another, and there was still red blood on the wound, which looked very ugly.  It¡¯s scary. I couldn¡¯t find Xiao Jin. The sharp knife in my hand never stopped, just stabbing hard at that face. Rabbit pulled me and said to me: ¡°He, he smiled!  " I looked towards the blood-stained tree face, and sure enough, around the thick lips, the cracked face slowly gathered some wrinkles, looking like a sinister smile. With this sinister smile,  II saw an old woman giggling from among the trees!
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