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Text Chapter 609 Eternal Era

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    While Zhou Yi was thinking, a ray of light rushed out from the Ugrathil World Tree. The colorful light enveloped her. There was a stern look on her face, and she seemed to be in a very bad mood. There was a trace of the King of Gods.  The breath rolled away in all directions. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A sword light soared into the sky, and a figure, whose whole body was glittering with golden brilliance, was obliterated in this sword light, and turned into a crystal the size of a human head.  Zhou Yi glanced at it and saw what it was. It was the most fundamental immortal substance in the body of the Eternal.  Taking a deep breath, Zhou Yi looked into the void and said: "It seems that God is helping us. All the actors have gathered, and the unification of the universe is about to begin." Three days later, Zhou Yi Myth Federation issued a notice, which spread quickly  throughout the entire universe.  "The Universal Unification Conference will be held in ten days at the top of the World Tree. The Myth Federation, the Alliance of Gods of the Universe and the Starry Sky, and the Kingdom of Immortal Knights will all participate to discuss the unification of the universe." This news is like a storm.  It spread throughout the universe, and countless powerful creatures accepted the reality in shock.  For countless years, except for the age of mythology, the universe in no era has been truly unified. Chaos has spread throughout history. But today, someone suddenly told them that the unity of the universe is about to come, and all living beings were shocked.  Either surprise, fear, or confusion spread among countless creatures. They discussed and looked forward to the coming era of peace.  Ten days is neither long nor short, and countless powerful people gathered in the starry sky to watch this grand event.  The Mythical Federation is the most terrifying. Countless starry flying saucers lift off from the lower world and fly towards here. The scene is spectacular and shocks countless creatures.  Zhou Yi was the first to appear on the top of the World Tree.  As an inviter, he naturally cannot be late. Today he will meet several of his acquaintances to discuss the future of the universe.  At the top of the World Tree, a dense set of colorful leaves loomed in the void. They were so dense that they almost looked like a colorful earth.  Countless elemental elves are flying here, cleaning up all the debris on the tree tops, like cleaners, flying around Zhou Yi curiously.  At this time, a round table has been set up here, and three wooden chairs are quietly placed around the round table. Zhou Yi is sitting on one of the wooden chairs.  A force of cosmic power has blocked the sky above the World Tree, and only those who are allowed can enter here.  In the starry sky, countless powerful people gathered, looking here one after another, but they could not see a trace of the scenery above the World Tree that was blocked by the power of the universe.  As time goes by, the Federation of Gods in the Universe and Starry Sky is located.  A colorful ray of light streaked across the void like a shooting star, rushing towards here. On the upper golden continent, a gray ray of light also fell towards here.  The auras of the two kings of gods filled the void, and the truths in the universe were cheering, as if cheering for their master.  Countless strong men felt the huge aura of the two kings of gods, and looked at the two rays of light with respectful expressions.  Shocked and envious.  Jealous thoughts are floating here, and sounds are heard in the void.  "This is the God King. Has the era of the King of Gods come again?" At the top of the World Tree, three figures have gathered around the round table. They are three old friends, Zhou Yi and Artoria.  Beatocelli is the president of the mythical federation, the commander of the alliance of gods in the universe and the stars, and the king of the kingdom of immortal knights.  A strange atmosphere circulated between them.  Zhou Yi looked at the two of them and said slowly: "It's been a long time, you two. I didn't expect that we would meet under such circumstances." Artoria looked at Zhou Yi with complicated eyes, feeling his extremely profound power.  , a calm voice sounded softly: "Yes, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I thought we would never have the chance to see each other again in our lifetime." A trace of melancholy flashed across Beatocelli's beautiful face: "Yes, it's true  I didn¡¯t expect that the former Zhou Yi boy has now become the strongest person in the universe. This is something I have never thought of. Your growth is really shocking." Zhou Yi looked at the two equally beautiful faces.  Without Qilian, he just said plainly: "Yeah, I didn't expect to reach the pinnacle of life so quickly." After a few words of exchange, an atmosphere of silence spread among the three of them, and they sat  Around the round table, they looked at each other, with all kinds of complicated emotions and thoughts in their eyes.  After a long while, Zhou Yi took the lead to break the silence and said: "In addition to reminiscing about old feelings, my main purpose here is to ask you if you are willing to set up aA unique force.  " Hearing Zhou Yi talk about official matters, Beatocelli and Artoria both looked serious, and then looked at Zhou Yi and said: "Becoming a unified force is not a simple matter. You can tell me your thoughts first. We must do it.  Consider your own people.  " Zhou Yi looked at the two familiar people and said in turn: "The name of the force I want to establish is - Shenting.  " Looking at the curious eyes of the two people, Zhou Yi continued: "The so-called Divine Court is a force composed of powerful people above the level of gods. Within this force, only people above the level of gods can enter.  " Beatocelli and Artoria both looked at Zhou Yi with slightly frowning eyebrows: "What about those beings who have not reached the god level?  " Zhou Yi said: "It's very simple. They will all be integrated into the Mythical Federation. The Divine Court is a management organization that manages all orders and powerful people in the universe. In the future era, any god-level existence will not be allowed.  Feel free to leave the world where the Divine Court is located and enter the mortal world. Mortals and gods must be separated.  " Artoria said: "It's a good idea, but if you separate gods and mortals, where will you let the gods live? And what's the point?  " Zhou Yi heard this and said: "Of course it makes sense. Gods' direct interference in the world of mortals often causes various force majeure forces, causing all kinds of harassment to the development of mortals. For the development of the universe, gods and mortals must be separated. God-level  Beings only need to control the order of the universe and remotely control the Mythical Federation.  " "As for where the gods live, I have already prepared. I have an immortal mark of the universe here. I will merge it with a perfect world of the kingdom of God and turn it into a complete universe.  At the same time, it will be integrated into the world of Ugrahir to create a region called the God Realm. This divine universe and the world of Ugrahil are connected, and their origins will be connected. They are also boundless and most suitable for gods to live.  " Hearing Zhou Yi's words, Beatocelli and Artoria were both shocked and said: "What you said is true.  This amazing thing can be made.  " Zhou Yi nodded when he heard this and said: "Of course there is no problem. I will not lie about this kind of thing.  " At this time Zhou Yi said again: "The existence of the Divine Court will cover all the god-level powerful men in the entire universe. They must enter the divine realm. Their existence seriously interferes with the development and advancement of the universe. You can see from history that countless  years.  The entire universe is in chaos because their existence has hindered the unity of the universe. Now that I have become the Eternal, I will naturally contribute to the development of the universe. I hope you two agree with this.  " Artoria and Beatocelli both lowered their heads and thought slowly. At this time, Zhou Yi took out two information modules, handed them to the two of them, and said slowly: "You can take a look.  The various design drawings included will help you understand a lot of things.  " The consciousness of the two god kings linked to the information module and began to obtain a massive amount of information. After a while, they looked at Zhou Yi in shock and said: "Your plan is too huge.  " Zhou Yi heard the words and said undeniably: "This is necessary. The existence of the Divine Court cannot be delayed. Two Eternals have arrived outside.  They have set their sights on the fat world of Ugrathir. Only by gathering the existence of all the gods in the universe and operating all the truths, laws, and rules of the entire universe to form a perfect armed mechanism can Ugrathil be guaranteed.  World security.  " Listening to Zhou Yi's words, Arturia and Artoria's expressions changed slightly. The two Eternals. Coupled with the Twilight Demon King who may escape at any time, the world of Ugrathil will face the threat of the three giants. " Take a deep breath.  After a breath, Arturia and Beatocelli looked at Zhou Yi and said: "Okay, I'll do as you say.  " Zhou Yi smiled slightly and said: "Your decision is very good.  Soon you will see how wise your decision was.  " As the three giant forces reached an agreement, the universe and space were shaken. Countless powers of destiny were trembling in the void. The powers of destiny of the three giant forces quickly gathered here. " The three of Zhou Yi looked at  Seeing the power of destiny coming like a torrent, they were all slightly surprised. Then Zhou Yi smiled and said: "In this case, it is better to choose the day than to hit the sun. I will complete the foundation of the God Realm now.  " After finishing speaking, Zhou Yi waved his hand, and a huge hole appeared on the top of the World Tree. Then a huge crystal with a diameter of tens of kilometers fell from it, and a primitive breath came to his face, like a newborn universe.  Zhou Yi took one step forward and came to the crystal. He looked at the crystal under his feet and said slowly: "Then let's get started.  ¡± The outer layer of the cosmic crystal wall began to slowly break apart after the mind communicated with it, turning into a twisted space barrier.??Countless laws are derived from it, and are connected and integrated with countless laws and rules in the world of Ugrathil.  The consciousness of Zhouyi simultaneously communicates with the origin of the world of Ugrathir and the origin of the divine universe. Through the existence of the bridge of Zhouyi, the origin of the immortal mark in the divine universe has established a connection with the origin of the world of Ugrathil.  A kind of resonance was generated between the two universes. I don't know how long it took, but something mysterious happened.  When the resonance reached three thousand times, the world of Uglasiel changed. Countless powers of destiny flowed from the void to the divine universe. Even the eternal river of destiny changed its direction and passed through  The divine universe.  The most tremendous change is that all the original power of the world has been transferred to the God Realm. 70% of the power of the world of Uglasir has been transported into the God Realm. Countless creatures have felt the floating power in the universe.  The energy concentration is declining rapidly.  The reaction of countless god-level powerhouses was the most intense. The power of both the Golden Continent and the lower world was passing away, various rules became more obscure, and the power that an individual could unleash became weaker and weaker. In the past, a legendary powerhouse could easily  It can destroy a large mountain, but now it can destroy a small mound of dozens of square meters at most, and the physiques of countless powerful creatures have also begun to decline with the passage of various forces.  There are only millions of ordinary kilometers of the God Realm, which is filled with countless energy sources and laws.  rule.  The rules are extremely complicated.  The laws and original truth have almost turned this place into a paradise for cultivation. Any living being who exists here can see these mysteries of the universe revealed in the blue sky and white sun.  But this time.  Zhouyi's consciousness was connected to the God Realm, and an invisible force immediately imprisoned everything here. Countless revealed rules, laws, and truths were obscured, and the endless energy was transformed into energy veins, which were sealed under the earth of the God Realm.  , transformed into an existence similar to spiritual veins, and countless mountain peaks are spiritual mountain treasures.  A full nine days have passed.  The Book of Changes completely organized the divine world, and the entire world was dotted with spiritual mountains and treasures.  With the formation of the God Realm, countless god-level beings feel that their power is rapidly declining and passing by. Although their own levels will not decrease, the power they can control is rapidly decreasing.  They don't know what's going on.  An undercurrent flows in the world of gods.  It wasn¡¯t until a joint statement from the three giants in the universe spread throughout the world that everyone knew the reason.  The God Realm appeared in the sight of all living beings for the first time, shocking all beings at the god level.  In the universe, the three most powerful beings issued an order, and no god or other strong person dared to refuse, because anyone who refused would be deprived of all power in an instant.  The terror of turning into a mortal is simply chilling in one's heart.  Watching a rebellious god lose all power and turn into an ordinary creature in the light falling from the sky makes all the gods freeze to the bone.  Zhouyi showed no mercy to these rebellious gods. Under the general trend of the universe, they could not resist.  Not killing them was considered a kindness, and Beatocelli and Artoria didn't say anything about this. Under the catastrophe of the universe, the existence of form cannot be seen clearly, and the only fate is destruction.  A migration trend occurred in the universe, and the gods had no choice but to enter the divine realm, under the control of Zhou Yi.  A detailed organizational framework was quickly established, and the virtual godhead system was widely used in the divine world. Each god quickly took its place under the arrangement of the virtual godhead.  Build your own palace and complete your own tasks.  In the God Realm, a huge palace floats quietly in the sky in the center. At the entrance of the palace, a huge stone tablet stands, with perfect divine laws clearly written on it, which all members of the Divine Court must abide by.  Divine law.  Under the order of the Book of Changes, every god-level being must write his or her name on the stone tablet.  No one can refuse, and the only consequence of refusal is to become a mortal. Zhou Yi, Beatocelli, and Artoria used pure violence to complete the establishment of the Divine Court.  When countless gods signed their names, the appointments spontaneously flowed from the stone tablets into the consciousness of countless gods, letting them know what they should do. The stone tablets are the virtual godhead that manages the order of the entire divine world.  system.  The Divine Court is not a simple organization, it is also a control mechanism for the order of heaven and earth. From now on, countless gods will join in the operation of the universe every day. The past days of muddle-headed carefree life are gone forever.  You have to pay for everything.  As for those wizards at the god level, they cannot be idle. Other tasks have been arranged for them, that is, the establishment of the underworld  The path pointed out by Zhouyi to the wizards is to let them connect and integrate their worlds with each other, and use Huang Tian Fu Zhao's ability to build an underworld time and space.  Zhou Yi condensed a virtual priesthood of reincarnation in it, and merged it with Huang Tian Fu Zhao to achieve the underworld of heaven. Countless god-level wizards became the underworld gods of the underworld in time and space, and became a member of the Huangtian divine system.  The supreme leader of the pantheon is Artoria's master, the King of Wizards.  Zhou Yi knew that he had obtained part of the immortal material of the Twilight Demon King and could extract infinite power from it, but he still could not condense a perfect universe, so he gave him this opportunity to rule the time and space of the underworld and control the reincarnation of dead creatures in the entire universe.  This is the second path given to the creatures in the universe by Zhou Yi, so that even if they cannot become gods, they will not completely die due to the disappearance of their souls. They still have the opportunity to reincarnate, which is also beneficial to the order of the universe and makes the power of the universe more powerful.  Diversification can accumulate more power.  All plans are operating according to Zhou Yi's instructions. Zhou Yi became the divine emperor of the Divine Court. Beatocelli, Artoria, and the King of Wizards all became the three divine kings of the Divine Court. They are in charge of the truth and countless gods.  Under the control of Zhou Yi, all the power of the universe was activated.  The universe, which had been silent for countless years, seemed to come alive.  Countless rules and laws began to rotate rapidly like gears.  Laws, rules, origins, and truth are intertwined and turned into a huge network all over the universe. An inexplicable repressive force envelopes the universe. Under this kind of emotional suppression, even the Eternal One cannot avoid it. This is the ultimate reason for Zhou Yi to build the Divine Court.  root cause.  With the passage of time, the Divine Court¡¯s control of the Ugrathil universe has become more and more smooth.  The world of Ugrathil has completely returned to the level of its heyday. Gods have been promoted and dismissed by Zhou Yi. They are in charge of laws or rules that have not been manipulated by others, and have perfected the pyramid structure of the gods.  In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed. The two saints who were violently attacking the crystal wall of the universe showed a hint of joy, but they were far away on the other side.  The seal of the Twilight Demon King also showed traces of cracks.  Outside the cosmic crystal wall, the aura of the Twilight Demon King vibrated, causing Zhou Yi, who was sitting on the throne in the God Realm, to notice something was wrong. Endless brilliance shrouded the palace all year round, and the seven truths complemented each other here, shocking the gods.  At this time, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and his voice echoed softly in the palace: "Is it finally going to begin? Everything has been arranged, and it's time to end everything." Hong Zhongda Lu's voice rushed out from the palace, spreading  Throughout the God Realm and the universe, a chilling atmosphere filled the air between heaven and earth.  Today¡¯s God Realm, after a hundred years of development, has given birth to countless new gods as the Book of Changes continues to adjust the laws, rules, and power structures of the universe and the God Realm.  From the main god to the ordinary god, it has completely restored its peak state in ancient times, and even surpassed the ancient mythological era because of its belief in Shinto.  Among them, there are 300 main gods alone, covering almost all the main laws, and more than one-third of them are gods of faith.  The emergence of trustworthy gods has greatly enriched the original power of the universe.  The civilizational truth of the Book of Changes has even condensed an origin in the world of Uglasir. Although it is far weaker than the five origins, it is full of vitality and full of huge potential.  And remove the Lord God.  Even the powerful ones at the level of true gods have reached an astonishing number of three thousand, covering the main branch laws, and the gods are even more terrifying, reaching 999,999, which is just stuck.  At the limit of one million.  In addition to these three levels of gods, there are four most powerful people in the God Realm. The first is Zhou Yi, the God of Gods, who holds the position of God Emperor, and the second is Artoria, Bei.  Adocelli and the King of Wizards are three king-level beings.  A huge divine pyramid structure has spread all over the God Realm, and the underworld time and space controlled by the Wizard King is placed at the bottom of the God Realm. A complete underworld divine system has been formed there, but all of it is subject to  Temperance in the Divine Court.  A huge pyramid shape has been formed in the world of Ugrahir, and the network of gods throughout the universe has been completely mobilized, forming a huge area of ??advantage.  After Zhou Yi felt the impact outside the crystal wall, an order was transmitted to the consciousness of the gods.  "The realms of the gods are all opened" "Boom" Endless laws, rules, and powers emerged from the void. A huge three-dimensional network enveloped the universe. The Ugrahir universe seemed to be divided into billions of pieces by countless rays of light, like building blocks.  Become.  Then slowly, all the light dimmed, and all the energy in the universe was mobilized towards the Internet.?Injection.  "Defeat or succeed, it depends on this time." At this point, three supreme beings appeared behind Zhou Yi, Beatocelli, Artoria, and the legendary King of Wizards. Their faces were heavy, and they were about to  The war that unfolds will be an extremely dangerous battle, and the worst outcome will be annihilation.  At the boundary of the universe, where the Demon King of Dusk is sealed, with a huge click sound, a figure wrapped in golden light stepped out, and a thunderous roar spread in the void.  "You are all going to die." A bright golden light burst out from his body. He looked back and punched in the direction where he was sealed. There was a looming figure sitting cross-legged in the crystal wall. It was the figure who had once been  The king of the gods, at this time his aura was dim and his eyes were silent, as if he was not far from death.  Facing the blow from this most powerful man, he could not avoid it and could not move.  When he was about to die, he just said calmly: "I really wish I could go back to the past." His thoughts were wandering.  His consciousness seemed to have returned to that era, when he and countless gods under his command lived in the eternally peaceful city of gods.  He raised the throne high and looked at the pet at his feet - the cat god Nekomata. His eyes were full of love. There were countless powerful people in the palace, and they were sitting on their thrones.  Sharing exquisite delicacies and holding huge banquets.  With a faint smile, the King of Gods turned into a rain of light and disappeared in the blow of the Twilight Demon King.  Seeing this scene, the Twilight Demon King flashed a cold look in his eyes and said: "Consider your luck, otherwise I will make you suffer in the fire forever." At this time, the Twilight Demon King's blow had already hit the crystal wall that sealed him.  .  It¡¯s like encountering a natural enemy.  The indestructible crystal wall was blasted into a big hole, and the Twilight Demon stepped into it without any hesitation.  At this time, Taoist Jieyin and Saint Taiqing, who were far away on the other side of the crystal wall, both noticed the fluctuations here. They immediately displayed their magical powers and turned into two divine rays, heading here.  When a ray of green light and a ray of golden light came here.  They immediately saw the gap in the crystal wall, and the two saints stepped into it without any hesitation.  At this time, the Twilight Demon King also noticed that someone had followed him to this world. He looked behind him and said with a gloomy expression: "It's you again. Your body has arrived so quickly. It seems that it is far away from here."  It¡¯s very close, your world.¡± The Taoist leader looked at the Twilight Demon King.  Slowly said: "It's just that the donor is too far away from here." The Twilight Demon King watched the two saints coming, feeling depressed because he knew it was impossible for him to swallow this world alone.  Just as the three of them were confronting each other, a huge pressure rose from the universe and suppressed them.  Zhou Yi transformed into a ray of light and rushed into the origin of the universe, temporarily merging with the origin of the universe with the will of his own god.  Control all the power of the Ugrathil universe.  In the void, three rays of light fell, covering Artoria and Beatocelli.  As well as the King of Wizards, streams of power were poured into their bodies, causing their aura and strength to rise steadily, reaching a point where they surpassed the God King and were comparable to the Saint. This is what Zhou Yi thought about for a hundred years.  The only way to come up with it is the way to compete with the three Eternals.  The first step is to use the realm of gods to suppress them and suppress their power to the sub-saint level. The second step is to borrow the power of the universe to bless the three king-level experts so that they can compete with the Eternal One in a short time. The third step is to  It's up to Zhou Yi himself. He will use the crisis of the universe to explore the last secret of the universe and attack the Eternal One. Once he succeeds, he can crush all crises.  Among the three rays of light, Beatocelli, Artoria, and the King of Wizards have been teleported to the three Eternals by Zhou Yi.  Taiqing Saint, Jieyin Taoist and Twilight Demon King all felt the pressure from the universe. The domain suppression composed of six truths directly compressed their eternal power to the position of sub-sage, and they could not resist it even if they were carrying heavy treasures.  Six existences that can be called sub-saints collided in the universe, and the battle began.  A sword light from Artoria has risen and collided with Saint Taiqing.  How terrifying Saint Taiqing is. The black and yellow exquisite tower above his head easily wipes out this sword light, and at the same time blasts towards Artoria with a palm.  Arturia was surprised by the treasure on Saint Taiqing's head, but an immortal radiance emerged from her outer body suit, blocking Saint Taiqing's attack. The two of them went back and forth, in an understatement.  Containing infinite murderous intent and power, every blow will destroy the void.Chaos emerged.  Beatocelli, on the other hand, controls the seven-colored truth, evolves countless energy weapons, and the power of nature, and guides Taoists to attack each other. Buddhism's highest magical power, the light of the cicada of death, sweeps across the void, destroying Beatocelli's light of truth every life.  He was blocked, and the Taoist leader was protected by a golden lotus, so the situation was tilting towards him step by step.  The battle between the Demon King and the Wizard King is even simpler. It is a real battle between gods. One is a huge demon that covers the sky, and the other is a huge yellow god. They fight in the void, with fists hitting the flesh and making sounds. Every blow will break the void.  . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? out out out out out out out of 2000s use to be destroyed.  Countless prayers echoed in the void, and the vast sounds gathered endless power.  Zhou Yi, who merged with the will of the universe in an instant, felt this new power. It was the wish power of all living beings, the real power of prayer, without a trace of motley, a roar issued in order to save his life.  For a moment, a flash of enlightenment flashed through Zhou Yi's heart: "Are all living beings the ultimate mystery of the universe?" Zhou Yi immediately understood that the universe of his own bloodline had fallen into the inferior category, although he had developed the race in it.  But they have everything under their control, just like free-range lambs, not wild goats. When a crisis comes, the sheep will just lie down and wait to die, but the wild goats will really fight to the death. This is the universe.  The final elegy.  If you succeed, you will escape, if you fail, you will be wiped out.  This pure, unadulterated power of wishing gathered in the universe and quickly integrated into the core of the origin of the universe. A trace of wishing power was quickly absorbed by Zhou Yi's immortal consciousness, and then Zhou Yi felt his own  The realm is improving rapidly and has directly reached a critical point.  Bang Zhou Yi¡¯s consciousness roared.  He knew that he had touched that layer of boundary, which was an invisible barrier, but at this time Zhou Yi clearly sensed that layer of barrier, which was covered with countless patterns, as if it were the Dao, astronomy, all things in the universe, and all living beings.  All the mysteries of time and space are in it.  Seeing this barrier, Zhou Yi felt clear in his heart.  He immediately summoned up all his consciousness and rushed towards it.  Boom boom boom boom I don¡¯t know how many times it hit, and Zhou Yi¡¯s consciousness was bounced back by the impact every time. Every time, his consciousness was shaken, as if his immortal consciousness was about to collapse.  At this time, Zhou Yi had already had a premonition that he could not break through this barrier by relying on his own immortal consciousness alone.  The immortal consciousness moved rapidly, and he thought of a way.  With indomitable determination flashing in his eyes, Zhou Yi was determined: "If you try hard, the big deal is failure. Just be suppressed for countless years." Boom Zhou Yi's blood world opened, and the Six Truth Badges rushed out from the World Tree, along his body, and integrated into it.  In the immortal consciousness of Zhouyi, they gathered around the truth of civilization.  Zhou Yi let out a roar: "Seven, seven, forty-nine great derivatives, the truth merges into one and merges with my soul." The seven truths emitted seven rays of radiance and turned into seven rays of light and rushed into Zhou Yi's consciousness. Zhou Yi's consciousness was fused with the truth.  Among them, it was once again raised to the extreme, turning into a bright light, rushing towards the astronomically dense barrier of the avenue.  After Zhou Yi, who integrated all the power, turned into the immortal brilliance, he had no distracting thoughts, only one thought and belief: "I must rush over." "Boom" An invisible brilliance swept in all directions with Zhou Yi as the center, making countless people  Looking into the void.  In the center of the world of Ugrathil, an infinite light rose, illuminating everything in the universe. Countless people were attracted by this light, and even the six strongest men who were fighting fiercely were alarmed.  The three Eternals felt a familiar wave, and they all said in surprise: "This is the light of enlightenment." A bad feeling came to their hearts, and they were about to retreat immediately.  They know that they have no chance. Once an enlightened person becomes one with the universe, they will never be able to compete with that kind of power. Look at Hongjun in the world, Taiqing Saint and Jieyin Taoist know the horror of it best.  But everything was too late. A supreme figure appeared above them with endless divine light, and slapped the three of them. The power of the universe gathered in his hands, and a cold voice sounded in the void: "Come on.  Don't be disrespectful. Now that you're here, don't leave." "Boom" Under the endless glory, the three Eternals resisted hard, but facing the crushing of the entire universe and Zhou Yi who was promoted to Eternals, they were destined.  failed.  In the endless gloryIn the middle, a huge millstone shone, with seven truths swirling in it, and three figures were involved in it.  There was a huge roar, and neither the immortal saint nor the devil could escape. Everything about them was worn away by the millstone, leaving only their immortal material, three crystals shining with mysterious brilliance, and the indestructible treasure.  , the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, the Tai Chi Diagram, and the twelve-level golden lotus platform.  The immortal consciousness of Taiqing Saint, Jieyin Taoist, and Twilight Demon King were all suppressed in the immortal material. A trace of power rushed out from it, trying to reshape the true body, but under the control of Zhou Yi, everything was in vain.  Zhou Yi, shrouded in the seven truths, waved his hand, and three huge crystals were sealed into the divine world. Countless spiritual veins turned into a huge seal around them, and traces of pure original power were extracted from the seal.  Emerging from under the earth, the immortal matter of the three Eternals became the new energy source of the world of Ugrathil.  Zhou Yi looked at Beatocelli, Artoria, and the King of Wizards, and said slowly: "We have won, and the future belongs to us." After saying this, a trace of sadness flashed in Zhou Yi's eyes, and he looked up at the infinite starry sky.  , a faint voice echoed: "Nekomata, you can rest in peace, I have avenged you.  "The eternal war is over, and the long river of time continues to flow, and countless years have passed in the blink of an eye. Under the remote control of Zhou Yi, the world of Ugrahir has developed a super civilization. The civilization of the Mythical Federation has reached its extreme, and even created  The small crystal wall space battleships turned into exploration ships and sailed into the endless void. A magical era of great navigation began. Countless stories will be born in this era of great navigation and super civilization.  , will spread throughout the void, spreading the fire of civilization to all crystal walls. (PS: Civilization has no limits. Science is our magic. I hope that in this era, we can see our great voyage.)
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