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Text Chapter 997 World War III (Finale)

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    The pace of the war has never stopped, even though there are rumors all over the world that Russia intends to unite NATO to fight the rise of Somalia.  But neither NATO nor Russia has officially issued a statement in this regard.  But the dynamics of the Russian army seem to indicate this.  In recent months, Russia¡¯s military has been mobilized frequently, and various military districts have conducted multiple large-scale joint military exercises in just a few months.  A large number of troops began to gather westward. Within the Russian Navy's most powerful North Sea Fleet, four aircraft carrier battle groups have been highly active in the Atlantic Ocean, and they are in no conflict with the NATO fleet.  At the same time, Russia has also rapidly strengthened the Black Sea Fleet and the Baltic Fleet, especially the amphibious combat forces of the two fleets.  Every day, a large number of tank landing ships go to the Mediterranean Sea, and of course there are a large number of troop transport ships.  Although Russia¡¯s military mobilization is very frequent, there is no formal action.  On the other hand, the NATO troops and Somali troops, who were still fighting on the battlefield, also became quiet.  Just when the whole world thought that this war would subside like this, the Somali army suddenly broke out.  In the battlefields of the Middle East and North Africa, a sudden attack involving one million troops was launched against the NATO troops. For a time, the NATO troops on the two battlefields had to retreat steadily.  After a month of high-intensity fighting, all NATO troops in Africa were squeezed into Morocco near Gibraltar, losing control of Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia.  ¡°On the battlefield in the Middle East, the one million troops that NATO still maintains have found a full-scale attack by nearly two million troops from the main forces in the Middle East and Somalia.  The battle lines were forced back from Iraq and Syria into Turkey.  However, just when everyone was speculating on when Li Lan would send troops to Europe.  The momentum of the attack suddenly stopped.  This was completely beyond the expectations of the whole world, and Li Lan did not take the opportunity to expand the results of his victory.  Instead, it drove the enemies out of the Middle East and squeezed the enemies in Africa into a corner.  ¡°Just when the world was speculating about Li Lan¡¯s purpose, the Mediterranean Sea was boiling.  ¡°I don¡¯t know when, on the Mediterranean coasts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, towering cannons appeared here.  In the next half month, the NATO navy in the Mediterranean ushered in the greatest disaster. Giant cannons continued to bombard NATO ships in the Mediterranean.  ¡°When no more NATO ships are seen in the Mediterranean, the European continent will suffer.  All the cannons were aimed at the hinterland of Europe.  This bombardment lasted for three months from the first day to the end. In addition to the giant artillery, thousands of bombers also participated in the attack on the European mainland every day.  The industry and economy of the entire Europe are facing unprecedented losses. Countless Europeans have lost their homes. The European continent is crying under the heavy artillery and aerial bombs.  Although the NATO air force has worked very hard and organized a strong counterattack force every day.  But it was difficult to stop Li Lan's determination to attack Europe.  At this moment, the United States has also become a place of refuge for all Europeans.  However, the security of the United States did not last long, and the sky came to the skies above the mainland of the United States.  It directly destroyed the NATO Supreme Command in the Andes, destroyed the North American Air Defense Command, and also destroyed two major U.S. shipyards.  It is the only thing that all Americans feel lucky about.  This attack did not target any city in the United States.  This is not because Li Lan is kind.  But now is not the time to destroy the United States, of course.  The most important thing is that Li Lan does not want to arouse the idea of ????death together in the United States.  At this time, Somalia can already declare that it has secured victory in this war.  Because at this moment, NATO is no longer able to compete with Somalia on the frontal battlefield.  However, NATO did not declare its defeat.  A month later, Li Lan still had no intention of attacking Europe, even though NATO was already ready in Europe for a decisive battle with African and Middle Eastern armies.  On the Atlantic Ocean, the Somali Navy suddenly took action and directly blocked the coast of Morocco, driving the NATO Navy directly to the North Atlantic.  ??The Mediterranean is also controlled by the Somali Navy, and of course the Russian Navy.  At this time, NATO has no chance. But at this point, NATO is still preparing for a decisive battle in Europe.  ?Obviously, NATO does not intend to surrender.  And for several months, Russia still has not taken any action.    This also made Li Lan feel very confused. He believed that Russia was ready, and he gradually forced NATO to the point where it could only conduct a decisive battle on its own.  But Russia didn¡¯t seem to see it at all and still didn¡¯t make any move.  His doubts were soon answered because Putin made a sudden visit to Somalia.  At this time, Putin had left the political center of Russia and did not arrive as the president of Russia, so the outside world hardly knew Putin¡¯s whereabouts.  It seems that Putin does not want anyone to know about his itinerary, and Li Lan is also obliged to keep his arrival secret.  So the two chose to meet in an informal setting, in the private room of an inconspicuous Chinese restaurant on Bagua City Old Street.  The two of them sat facing each other.  ¡°Li Lan has always regarded Putin as half of his friend, and Russia also gave Somalia a lot of help.  Until he had to make a decision due to conflicts of interest, Li Lan still cherished this good friendship.  ¡° Having reached the level of Li Lan, it is difficult to enjoy friendship in this life. It is also very precious to be able to maintain a friendship as much as possible.  No matter what the purpose of Putin¡¯s arrival, Li Lan wanted to entertain him well.  This small restaurant is actually a secret property of the intelligence agency. The two of them will be very safe here and no one will disturb them.  To his expectation, Putin had almost no entourage, only two bodyguards following him.  After he saw Li Lan, these two bodyguards were immediately sent away by him.  And Li Lan also went to the appointment alone.  The two of them are located in this clean restaurant.  The conversation started with nostalgia and reminiscing.  At this time, the two of them got together.  There is no airs of leadership, and Putin is very relaxed in his conversation, without the slightest bit of a politician.  This also made Li Lan feel very relaxed. It must be said that this was the first time that he had such a relaxing chat with Putin.  The two of them talked a lot about their childhood, their past lives, their career progress step by step, and their future ideas.  On the small dining table.  Several empty bottles of vodka were already placed, and the appetizers on the table were half eaten.  And the topic became more and more in-depth as the conversation progressed. But as the topic became more and more talked about, eventually, unknowingly, the conversation got down to business.  "I have always said that your success cannot be replicated. I originally thought that NATO could dominate the world for at least half a century, but I never thought. I can see the fall of NATO in my lifetime, which makes up for a lot of my life.  "It's a pity." Although the two of them had drunk a lot of wine, Putin was still very sober and spoke with a bit of sadness and emotion.  "Coming to Somalia today, I have no regrets in my life, because I feel your friendship. It's just. I don't know how long this friendship between us can last. Sometimes life is fucked up. We have everything,  But I also lost everything. I had the power that everyone looked up to, but I lost the freedom and life that a normal person should enjoy. Now everyone should be happy for me. I have built a strong Russia, and now I will be.  I don¡¯t need to show my strong side in front of the world, and I don¡¯t need to devote my time to this country. I can do everything I like to do, and I don¡¯t need to worry about it anymore.  Those so-called taboos However, what I cherish most now is the friendship I have always maintained with you. People like us don't have friends, which is really sad to say, but I am very lucky to have a friend like you.  "Li Lan nodded seriously and added: "I am also very lucky to be friends with you." Putin then said: "Unfortunately, we have to end this friendship because of the relationship between the camps.  "I have my own beliefs and country, and you also have your own beliefs and country. It is destined to be difficult for us to maintain this friendship." "This is a matter of family and country. Neither you nor I can choose. I will not blame you, and I believe you will not either."  You will blame me." Li Lan said with a heavy heart.  "We can only blame this world. If we don't have those so-called identities, I believe the two of us will definitely become close friends." At this point, Putin smiled bitterly and asked Li Lan: "You are very curious about my sudden visit.  "Li Lan nodded, but did not speak. Instead, he looked at Putin, waiting for his next words. Putin did not keep him waiting for a long time, and then said: "I have only one purpose here, about the future.  world situation."nbsp; Putin continued: "Originally, Russia planned to send troops to Europe. I believe you can guess this purpose. However, how much value in Europe today is worth Russia's risk? Therefore, the purpose of my trip is to  On behalf of Russia, I hope to cooperate with Somalia to completely eliminate NATO and jointly divide all NATO interests." Upon hearing this, Li Lan showed no expression and signaled that Putin could continue.  "As long as all the interests of NATO are divided, our two countries will sign a non-aggression treaty as soon as possible, unite all countries in the world, and re-establish the United Nations order. In the future, the interests of mankind should be placed in the universe, and we should not continue to focus on the small earth.  Small planet. Our two countries can also continue to cooperate on space projects, and even unite the world's science and technology to jointly explore the future development path of the universe. I believe that such cooperation is in the interests of everyone now and the future world.  The environment and the comprehensive cooperation of mankind are in line with the development trend of human history." At the end of Putin's speech, he also emphasized: "I hope you can think about it carefully." Li Lan did not give an answer immediately, but was slow.  He stood up slowly, walked to Putin and said, "Is this the attitude of the Russian government?" "Yes." Putin nodded.  "Haha!" Li Lan suddenly laughed, but the next second his face immediately became extremely serious, and he said to Putin: "Don't you know? Hillary also heard this sentence a few days ago. And  Say more. Be more detailed. " "What does this mean?" Putin's face suddenly changed, and then he seemed to think of something.  He said hastily: "You mean, they are using me." "Yes, I was not sure at first, but now I am basically sure." At this point, Li Lan's face became extremely serious and said:  "It's no longer suitable for you to return to China. I will arrange for you to stay here and no one will hurt you." As soon as Li Lan finished speaking, she walked out.  Putin was left looking in disbelief.  As a former KGB agent who has worked hard in politics for most of his life, how can Putin be a fool?  This time he was obviously sold, by the current domestic government.  Because even he himself knows that it is unreasonable for this kind of thing to happen to Russia.  ¡°I just didn¡¯t expect that the current Russian government would be so concerned.  Russia does not really want to unite with Somalia to destroy NATO, but hopes that Putin can stabilize Li Lan, and then fully unite NATO to destroy and defeat Somalia.  Because there will be no NATO in the future.  The united China-Somalia relationship will not be something that Russia can contend with.  From the beginning, Russia had no basis for cooperation with Somalia.  As soon as Putin thought of this key point, he immediately understood it.  But what can he do now?  Although Russia's strategy was formulated by him.  But the coolness of tea when people leave is the best interpretation of Russian politics.  Because almost every Russian president has overturned the strategy of the previous one.  He did not expect that he had been trying his best to avoid confronting Somalia.  The result After leaving the restaurant, Li Lan returned to the console immediately.  On the way, he did not arrange for Putin to stay in Bagua City.  He doesn¡¯t blame Putin, just because he understands Putin¡¯s character.  I just heard what Putin said.  Li Lan didn't realize anything at first, but he soon remembered that with the current relationship between NATO and Russia, it was impossible for the wind to suddenly change direction at this time.  Therefore, Putin must be being used, and these words are just to deceive Somalis into not being prepared for Russia.  At this time, as long as Russia launches a sneak attack, it can definitely severely damage Somalia, because Russia also has space-based kinetic energy weapons.  ¡°Coupled with Russia¡¯s military deployment for several consecutive months, it looks like it is marching into Europe, but it can also launch a surprise attack on Somalia at any time.  ???????????????With the remaining strength of NATO, it is completely possible to cause huge harm to Somalia.  And why NATO still wants to persist now, I am afraid it has a very direct relationship with this plan of Russia.  When these thoughts came together, a seemingly impossible, but most likely outcome appeared in his mind.  Russia has been preparing for a war in Somalia from the beginning. Before, everything was just for its own sake, causing it to make wrong judgments.  Back in the console, looking at Russia that had turned red on the map, Li Lan knew that his current judgment was correct.  However, before he could figure out how to respond, the messages came one after another.The bar appears.  "Reporting to the Commander, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces and Russian Navy submarines suddenly launched thousands of missiles at our troops in North Africa and the Middle East. A large number of ballistic missiles, numbering no less than a thousand, were launched in the Indian Ocean and from the Russian mainland and were heading towards  "Flying towards our homeland." "It was discovered that a large number of Russian transport aircraft fleets and fighter aircraft fleets were taking off from India, targeting the homeland." "Our naval fleet in the Indian Ocean was attacked by the Russian submarine force, and the navy is currently fighting back."  In the Atlantic, the NATO Atlantic Fleet and the Russian North Sea Fleet are launching an attack on our Atlantic Fleet, and our Atlantic Fleet has launched a counterattack. "At least five armies of the Russian Army are entering Afghanistan on the front line, and Pakistan is suffering from intensive Russian air strikes."  "Iran has also been hit by Russian missiles, and a large number of airports have been destroyed." "The main forces of the Russian Western Military District have passed through Georgia and Azerbaijan and have launched an attack on Iran. At present, the Iranian army has been retreating steadily, and the Iranian government has attacked us.  A request for support was issued. ""Turkey's NATO forces suddenly switched from offense to defense. Our air force was attacked by a large number of Russian aircraft in the Middle East and suffered huge losses. We requested air force support from the headquarters." "India sent troops to Pakistan. Hundreds of thousands of Indian troops have already been sent.  Crossed the border with Pakistan, and Indian missiles and artillery were launching artillery attacks on Islamabad. ""Russian paratroopers forcibly landed in Tehran" One piece of news was quickly gathered into Li Lan's hands, and all the report contents were almost the same as those of Russia.  It is related, and not only Russia participated in the war, but almost all countries with good relations with Russia participated in the war at the same time.  And before this, there was no sign at all. It is obvious that Russia has been planning this scene for a long time.  The entire front in the Middle East began to retreat steadily due to the addition of Russia's new force.  The powerful armored fleet of the Russian Army is rapidly entering the Middle East. Thousands of Russian fighter planes in the sky directly reversed the military posture of both sides. NATO troops also took the opportunity to counterattack.  And a large number of Russian missiles are heading towards Somalia. At this time, it can be said that it is besieged on all sides.  But Li Lan in the console suddenly smiled, very happily.  "The Third World War is indeed unavoidable." Li Lan took out his mobile phone and dialed a complicated number. After being connected, he said: "According to the plan, we will attack together. This war is no longer possible."  "Avoided." "We were ready, just waiting for the old man to make a move." The phone hung up, and a few minutes later, dense missiles flew from the south to the heart of Russia Over Vladivostok in the Far East.  , dense umbrella flowers are slowly falling Within the territory of the Somali Federation, missiles rise from the ground, fly directly out of the atmosphere, and fly towards the north In low-Earth orbit over New York and Washington, missiles are thrown into the sky  The ninth and tenth metal rods were dropped Over Somalia, Russian space-based kinetic energy weapons stretched out cold metal rods (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!
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