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Volume 1: The Essentials of the Absolute Meridian Chapter 191: Passage to the Spirit World

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    The waning moon in the "Landscape of the Vulture" painted by the old monk, there is a folk proverb: "Up, up, west and west, down, down, east and west." This means, first quarter moon (new moon), first half moon, first midnight  , the sky in the west is bright in the west; the waning moon (waning moon), the second half of the moon, the second half of the night, the sky in the east is bright in the east.  Therefore, the painting corresponds to the second half of the night on the 22nd and 3rd day of the lunar calendar, indicating that the spiritual world channel will only be opened at this time.  Mo Can and Xiaoshan Gui climbed up to Yuju Peak one day in advance. Although the wind and the cold weather were blowing on the mountain, fortunately, they had strong internal strength and were wearing the fur vest, so they didn't feel too cold. Xiaoshan Gui's skin was rough.  Rouhou was even more indifferent. After being imprisoned in the world for more than 1,500 years, he was about to return. Ling'er was naturally extremely excited.  The "Dragon Pond" surrounded by rhododendron shrubs at the top of the peak is still rippled, and the water is dark and faint, like a mirror, reflecting the night sky, which makes people feel confused and confused, so that they can't distinguish between the sky and the earth.  It was under this pool of water that Mo Can found Mr. Mu¡¯s body. Now the tomb under the blue-grey rock peak and stone screen has been covered with thick white snow. He has been dead for five or six years in a flash.  Times have changed, and now it is Mo Can who comes to explore the spiritual world passage of Yuju Peak. What should Mr. Mu think if there is knowledge under the spring? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Ling'er himself is a monster. He has cultivated to the ninth stage at the end of the "refining period". He has lost the bone in his throat and can speak human words. However, he was accidentally drawn into the channel by the vortex of spiritual energy and entered the mortal world by mistake.  Of course this situation is extremely rare.  As far as it knows, humans in the spiritual world are also divided into races.  The giants are more than two feet tall.  The dwarfs are less than three feet tall, but generally they are similar to human beings.  It is said that there is also a kind of "corpse man", which is very secretive and strange, and Ling'er has never seen it.  Ling'er said that the spiritual energy there is very abundant, and the lifespans of animals and plants are extremely long, so that both humans and monsters are keen on practicing and one day be able to ascend to the fairy world.  There are many immortal cultivating families, and there are also some casual cultivators who are practicing silently alone.  Conflicts often break out between cultivating families and between them and monsters. The scenes are bloody and tragic, with each side winning or losing.  Mo Can also asked about the cultivation of monsters. Ling'er said that in the mortal world, many techniques have "seven" as the highest level, while in the spiritual world, "nine" is the limit.  For example, the "refining period" of its cultivation is equivalent to the "qi refining period" of human cultivation. As for the levels of cultivation, it only knows that people have the qi refining stage, the foundation building stage, the golden elixir stage, the Yuan Ying stage to become gods, etc.  There are nine stages, and monsters also have corresponding levels.  It's just that the name is different. At that time, Ling'er had already reached the ninth level, the highest level of the "Refining Stage".  The spirit ape family it belongs to lives in Zhongzhou in the spirit world.  It is said that the immortal cultivating families there have eight major factions: Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, and Kun. Each faction leads eight smaller factions, just like the eight and sixty-four hexagrams in the world.  "Which sect has the best cultivation method?" Mo Can asked it at that time. His jade slip mental method belonged to the "Genshan sect", and he didn't know if it was considered superior.  Ling'er replied that the various schools are almost the same, because the five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior, but depends on the practitioner's understanding.  "Then what exactly is a 'corpse man'?" Ling'er heard that they were formed by people in the spirit world who transformed into corpses due to some kind of adventure after death. They were extremely violent and they practiced secretly in a remote place.  , very cruel and terrifying.  "Master, if you encounter the 'Corpse Man' in the future, you must avoid them." I still don't know if I can enter the spiritual world. Why would I want to go so far? Mo Can thought to himself, people in this world desperately want to go to the spiritual world.  Run away, the people and monsters in the spirit world are practicing hard and want to go to the fairy world, but the people in the fairy world are really like Laibu said, "their greatness is endless".  No matter what, since Ling'er can enter the earthly world through the channel of the spirit world, it is entirely possible for him to shuttle back and forth and take his father, mother, and Jin Danzi couple to the spirit world.  Two days passed without any abnormality on Yuju Peak. Mo Can couldn't help but feel uneasy. Tonight was the 23rd day of the lunar calendar, the last day specified in the "Lingjiu Landscape Map". If he missed it, he would have to wait another month.  .  "Wangfu cloud" usually appears during the day, but rarely occurs at night. At least Mo Can has never heard of it.  "Ling'er, if there is still no sign tonight, we will have to wait until next month to come again." Mo Can was a little frustrated.  After about midnight, the two of them were nervously observing the eastern night sky. The waning moon was dotted with stars, and occasionally one or two shooting stars passed by.  At this moment, a white cloud appeared in the moonlit night sky and hovered on the top of Yuju Peak.  Suddenly, from?Gradually darkened, rising higher and higher, pulling out a long black shadow, shaped like a slim woman with disheveled hair and wearing a black mourning dress. The "Wang Husband Cloud" finally appeared.  At this time, looking at the Erhai Lake in the distance, the white waves are surging, and the sound of waves can be vaguely heard in my ears.  The two of them suddenly became nervous. Mo Can held the spider armor amulet in his left hand and the golden sword ghost-slaying amulet in his right hand and stood ready. The little mountain ghost had his bow and arrow ready, ready to light the fuse and fire at any time.  Suddenly, the water in the "Dragon Pond" splashed everywhere, and a whirlwind suddenly rolled up into the sky. Suddenly, the sky was covered with thick fog, and the stars in the sky were completely gone. The clothes were covered with clothes, and the eyes could hardly open.  At this moment, a long roar was heard, and an eagle's head poked out of the gray haze whirlwind in the mid-air. Its sharp eyes, its huge and sharp beak, and its sinister gaze were fixed on Mo.  On the torn fur vest.  "Spiritual Bird Gu Eagle!" Mo Can shouted, throwing out the spider armor amulet, and instantly a faint black light enveloped himself and the mountain ghost inside.  The Gu Eagle flapped its wings and flew out of the smog whirlwind and landed in the pool. It looked like it was more than two feet tall, and the water in the pool was only half of its long legs.  "Be careful, this is the refining stage monster!" Ling'er exclaimed.  Mo Can already understood at this moment that the hole in Mr. Mu¡¯s head was pecked through by the Gu vulture¡¯s sharp beak. He hoped that the spider armor amulet could block its fatal peck.  Gu Diao stretched out his head as big as a bucket to reach outside the black light shield of the amulet. He turned his head sideways and carefully examined the fur vest Mo Can was wearing with one eye. His nostrils kept sniffing, and his originally sinister and sharp gaze slowly slowly  His voice became softer, and he moaned softly, as if he was calling for something.  Mo Can lowered his head and glanced at the waistcoat he was wearing, and thought to himself that the Gu Diao must have recognized the Gu Diao's fur and eliminated the hostility.  "Master, it's strange, this monster doesn't seem to want to harm us." Ling'er said in confusion.  "I know, it must be Gu Diao's mother. When she saw this Gu Diao's fur vest, she just gave it back." Mo Can took off the fur vest and threw out the protective mask.  The female Gu Eagle gently pecked the leather waistcoat with her long beak. Her eyes seemed to be filled with tears. She let out a long cry and disappeared into the whirlwind.  "Zheng Gong Yu, Zheng Gong Yu, Shang Zheng Zheng Yu Shang Zheng, Zheng Zheng Gong Zheng Shang Jiao Zheng" At this moment, Mo Can raised his energy and sang the "Death Stanza" with a rich voice.  The desolation penetrated the whirlwind of haze and echoed on the top of Yuju Peak for a long time.  At this moment, the pool water began to ripple slowly, and the rotating water flow became larger and larger. After a while, two water walls formed, exposing the bare bottom of the pool. Zhenhun could clearly see a transparent circular channel at the moment.  , the door to the spirit world opened Mo Can could not suppress the excitement and nervousness in his heart, and he said in a trembling voice: "Let's go in." The two of them slowly moved towards the passage,  The protective light shield also moved accordingly.  The transparent door to the spiritual world seemed to be an invisible restriction, blocking them out. Mo Can quickly continued singing: "Zheng Gongyu, Zheng Gongyu" The sound penetrated and tore apart.  Breaking the air barrier, the two finally stepped inside.  At the end of the song, I heard the sound of rushing water. The two water walls overturned and the pond returned to its original state. At this moment, the whirlwind of haze disappeared quietly, and the Erhai Lake at the foot of Cangshan Mountain in the east was also calm.  There was a bright moon and stars in the night sky, and the sky was as clear as water. There were no traces of people on Yuju Peak, and the passage to the spiritual world was closed again.  A few years later, the "Wangfu Cloud" on Cangshan Mountain rose and fell year after year, but no one knew that the "Dragon Pond" on Yuju Peak turned out to be another void passage to the spiritual world.  On an early winter night, Jin Danzi and his wife suddenly disappeared from Yindan Cave under Tianzhu Peak in Jizu Mountain. Also missing were Mo Wenli, a blind man from a wealthy family in Dali City, and his wife Su Niang. No one knew they were there.  where.  The verse debate meeting held every seven years in Gantong Temple is held as usual. Learned people from all over the world still have different opinions and cannot agree on it, and it has not been solved to this day.  Today, three hundred years later, a tourist came to Gantong Temple at the foot of Shengying Peak and saw a gurgling stream with clear and sweet water. He asked the local villagers and learned that the stream was called "Mocan River". As for the origin of the name,  But no one knows.  (End of the book) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster! ps: This book ends here. Thank you.
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