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Text 160, Taeyeon¡¯s dilemma

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    Umcan I beg for mercy?  I was delayed on some things over the weekend, and I haven¡¯t finished typing it until now. I know that the recent updates have been too frustrating, but sometimes I really don¡¯t have time. It¡¯s still 3K words per chapter. There is always a way to finish writing more than 2k words.  ImpulsiveI'm sorry!  !  The following text: The apartment was extremely quiet, and you could only hear the gradually heavier breathing of everyone in Girls' Generation, especially Taeyeon, who looked at Li Zhong with an expression of disbelief.  Everyone knows that Taeyeon has given up on the college entrance examination. After debuting last year, Girls' Generation's popularity has been rising. It just so happened that Taeyeon had to consider whether to go to college last year. After making a difficult choice, Taeyeon decided to give up.  Don¡¯t go to college after taking the college entrance examination.  This is unbelievable in Korea, a country where academic qualifications are paramount. Although Taeyeon's family is also opposed to it, there are many times where choices have to be made on many things.  "Is what uncle said true?" Taeyeon asked tremblingly, and everyone looked at Li Zhong in disbelief.  "Yeah!" Li Zhong nodded. Seeing everyone's disbelieving looks, Li Zhong continued to explain, "My mother is a senior professor at Dongguk University. She has a recommended place in her hand. As long as she passes the interview, Dongguo University will  National University can grant admission. It just so happens that you all have time this year, and Yoona, Sooyoung, and Yuri also have to take the college entrance examination. You still have to take care of it. Taeyeon should be able to find time as long as she arranges the notices carefully. " Girl.  Everyone in the era had never known what Li Chong's family was like or what Li Chong's parents did. Now that they heard that Li Chong's mother was a professor at the university, they didn't know what to say, so they could only remain silent now.  Li Zhong saw that Taeyeon didn't speak, and others didn't speak either, and the atmosphere was a bit depressed. He smiled and said, "What? Are you shocked by the news?" Before Taeyeon could speak, Pani nodded eagerly and said, "Yeah  "Uncle, Taeyeon has always wanted to go to college. If we hadn't just debuted last year, maybe Taeyeon would be a college student now! Well, uncle, can I go too?" Pani looked at her with pitiful eyes.  Li Chong.  Others looked at Li Chong longingly when they heard Pani ask this.  Li Zhong reached out and knocked Pani on the head.  "Dapani, with your mushroom head, you can't even speak Korean well, and you still want to go to college?" Li Zhong looked at the others again, "Yuri and Xiuying have always been good in their studies, so I don't need to worry, Yoona.  Well, I can help her apply for a recommendation spot for art candidates. " Li Zhong paused, "Does anyone else have any ideas? " Xiaoxian will be a senior in high school next year, so there is no need to consider it this year; Jessica and Pani are coming back from abroad.  Yes, their thinking is not as traditional as that of Koreans, so they do not plan to apply for college. Hyoyeon and Sunny have no plans to take the college entrance examination at all, so everyone shakes their head and expresses that they have no idea.  "That's enough. Can you guys go home? It doesn't matter if a bunch of girls stay here all the time. I still have to take a shower, work, and sleep!" Li Zhong started to chase people away.  There were only a group of women at home, and Li Zhong had the illusion that this was no longer his home.  After everyone from Girls' Generation bowed to Li Zhong and thanked them, they walked out one by one. Taeyeon was the last one, looking at Li Zhong with a complicated look, as if she wanted to say something to Li Zhong, but didn't know where to start.  Speaking of.  Li Zhong also saw Taeyeon's expression, smiled at Taeyeon, and waved his hand to indicate that he didn't mind.  The girl¡¯s thoughts are very strange, and Taeyeon is very confused now.  After coming out of Li Chong's apartment, Taeyeon did not go back to the dormitory. Instead, she said hello to her sisters and ran out by herself.  Others also knew she should be given some alone time to digest the good news.  Han River Bridge, in front of it is the Han River that nurtures this country, and behind it is the bridge with traffic flowing like a dragon. Taeyeon stood on the bridge and looked at the dark water of the Han River in a daze. Just now, Li Zhong's words "I want Taeyeon to go to college" made Taeyeon  Yan's still very immature heart was not at peace. Taeyeon never thought that she would be attracted to this uncle Li Zhong.  From the moment she met this uncle, Taeyeon only regarded Li Zhong as a very good oppa. Although they always called him Uncle Li Zhong, Li Zhong was like their biological brother who could chat with them and play tricks with them.  It wasn't until the day of the dream concert that Lee Joong was deeply imprinted on Girls' Generation's hearts, and Taeyeon was no exception.  Girls all hope that a prince charming will come forward when they are in crisis. Li Zhong's behavior at that time was like this. Taeyeon's affection for Li Zhong has increased greatly in the past half month. As they grew up,  In the discussion about Li Chong, everyone summarized all aspects of themselves and Li Chong, and found that Li Chong is really a man with history, stories, ideals and talents, which is very consistent with what girls want from Prince Charming.  fantasy.  Today, Li Zhong¡¯s words completely hit the weakest point in Taeyeon¡¯s heart. That was her most painful decision before.Determined, Li Zhong gave her hope today.  At that moment, Taeyeon knew that Li Zhong's confident face had completely stayed in her heart.  But Taeyeon also knows how valuable this recommendation quota is, otherwise Li Zhong would not have planned it before telling them, and they have never heard of any university professor having a recommendation quota before, which shows that this recommendation  The quota is really valuable, or very secretive.  Taeyeon didn't want to make it difficult for Li Zhong, especially since it involved Li Zhong's mother. What would happen if something happened?  But this temptation was too great for her. As long as she promised to pass Li Chong's mother's interview, she could enter the university of her dreams.  "What should I do? What should I do?" Taeyeon muttered softly.  Yoona dragged her tired body out of the nanny car. Today, the director was furious because of the ratings. The ratings of "You Are My Destiny" this week suddenly dropped by several percentage points without warning. This made Jin Ming, who was full of confidence,  Director Xu was very dissatisfied, so he was extra strict with the actors today, and he would reshoot if there were any mistakes. Yoona was already troubled by what happened in the morning, and she was not in a good state today. She kept thinking about what Li Zhong said in the morning.  This resulted in a large number of reshoots featuring Yoona. Today Yoona was scolded by director Kim Myung Wook so much!  After Yoona opened the door, she found a group of people in the living room looking at her. When she saw it was Yoona, she continued to do what she was doing.  Jessica, Hyoyeon and Yuri were watching TV, Sunny was playing PSP, and Pani, who was running out of the kitchen, heard the doorbell and ran out, "Taeyeon is back?" She turned around and went back when she saw it was Yoona.  .  "I'm back!" Yoona said weakly when she saw that everyone ignored her.  "Hmm" Jessica nodded.  Yoona saw that everyone was in a strange state and sat down next to Yuri, "Yuri, what's wrong? Why is the atmosphere so weird? You didn't even pay attention to me when I came back? And Sister Taeyeon went out?" Yuri nodded, "Taeyeon  My sister went out at night. We are also digesting a shocking news, so no one is thinking about it," Yuli said to Yoona in a low voice, and nodded Jessica and others with her chin.  Yoona noticed carefully that Jessica was watching TV shopping, Sunny seemed to have gameover several times in a while, and Hyoyeon was already nodding sleepily.  "Ah, what's going on? What news is so shocking? About Taeyeon's sister? What did Uncle Li Zhong say?" Yoona's curiosity was immediately aroused.  "Uncle wants Taeyeon to go to college!" Yuli said calmly.  "Go to college, just go to college. What's all the fuss about? I have to take the college entrance examination today." Yoona said smoothly as soon as she heard "go to college", but she immediately realized that something was wrong. Taeyeon had given up on high school.  Have you gone to college?  "Ah, sister Taeyeon? Going to college?" Yoona's eyes widened.  "Pfft!" Sunny looked up and saw Yoona's surprised expression, "Uncle said that Taeyeon can be sent to Dongguk University." Jessica interjected.  "Guaranteed delivery? How is it possible?" Yoona was also frightened and found it incredible.  Although it is not difficult for artists to go to college in Korea, they basically take the college entrance examination or achieve good results in a certain field. Is it possible for someone like Taeyeon to give up on the college entrance examination last year?  "My uncle's mother is a professor at Dongguk University, and she has a place for admission to Dongguk University, so this lucky opportunity fell on Taeyeon." Jessica said.  After hearing this, Yoona¡¯s mind was a little confused. She thought she already knew Li Zhong very well.  But after hearing the news, Yoona discovered that Li Zhong still had many secrets that they didn't know.  Taeyeon came back very late. When she came back, she looked very calm. No one asked her how she was doing or what she thought. Everything was waiting for Taeyeon to make her own decision.  Li Zhong went out again early the next morning. It turned out that the apartment was about to expire. Before, Li Zhong had to pay the rent once a year. Now he should also pay the rent for the next year. The agency was in the girl's office last night.  Not long after Times left, I got a call asking Li Zhong if he wanted to renew the lease?  Li Chongdang had no objection, so he agreed to sign the contract this morning, and the rent would remain unchanged for one year.  Before going out in the morning, Taeyeon came to the door of Li Zhong's apartment, "Ding dong, ding dong!" After waiting for a long time, no one opened the door. Taeyeon checked the time, took her mobile phone and sent a text message to Li Zhong, saying that she would talk to Li Zhong in the evening.  talk.  As soon as Taeyeon went downstairs, Yoona also came out of the dormitory. She took out the key and opened the door of Li Zhong's apartment. She originally planned to ask Li Zhong what was going on in the morning. But what Yuri and the others said last night made Yoona always feel incredible.  So I wanted to ask in the morning, but unfortunately Li Chong left early.  Yoona also sent a text message to Li Zhong, saying that he would come to see her tonight.?.  Li Chong received two text messages one after another. When he opened the first one, he saw that it was from Taeyeon. "Uncle, I'm going to see you tonight. I want to talk to you about college." Li Chong smiled, and then looked at the second one.  The note was from Yoona, "Uncle, what happened yesterday? Can you let sister Taeyeon go to college? I'll go to you tonight." Li Zhong replied directly, "Okay" Anyway, Yoona came back late, basically  It won't affect his chat with Taeyeon.  It was already ten o'clock in the morning when Li Zhong came out of the rent agency. Li Zhong planned to find a place to fill his stomach. This is when the call came. Li Zhong saw that it was Cheng Yuli. Cheng Yuli had not been memorizing scripts recently.  Practicing fighting?  "My dear, what's the matter?" Li Zhong answered the phone and asked.  "Hello, Director Li Zhong, I am Cheng Yuli's assistant. Xiaoguai fainted while practicing fighting. Come here quickly!"
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