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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> Goddess probation period

Text Chapter 305 Taeyeon I love you

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    Please walk slower in the wind, please walk slower in the rain. If you don't let me accompany you, I can only follow closely behind.  ??¡ª¡ª"Quotations of Zhang Xiaoxian" Kim Taeyeon is angry, she is really angry.  Roaring anger surged forward, but Kim Taeyeon, who had no expression on her face, grinded her teeth and stepped on the man's hand. The clear sound of bones being crushed and the scream of pain accompanied Kim Taeyeon.  Yan's roar of a ferocious smile echoed in the night sky: "I, a blind man, can't see anything, so I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know what I stepped on." As she spoke, Kim Taeyeon pressed harder, almost trying to knock the other person off.  His hands destroyed and trampled it to pieces.  Looking at the beautiful Kim Taeyeon who was trampling and trampling others like crazy with anger, she couldn't stop crying. She was scared of Taeyeon like this. The man who smiled tenderly and gave her gifts before seemed to be someone else.  Taeyeon, who enjoyed being clean in the sun, is now integrated into the night. Her calm eyes are now wide open with excitement and she is smiling so dirty and full of blood that it makes people tremble from the bottom of their hearts.  Where has the Taeyeon she knew gonewhich one is Taeyeonwhich one is it?  The doubts were like a huge whirlpool that made the beauty feel like the world was spinning and she fell to the ground. The facts in front of her were too cruel. The clear sense of existence and visual impact made it impossible for the beauty to deceive herself and say that everything was false.  "Taeyeon, stop, stop" The beauty cried loudly and shouted to Kim Taeyeon.  The back of Taeyeon was shocked. Kim Taeyeon, who had a distorted expression, slowly slowed down her movements and then stopped and stood with her back to the beauty for a long time. The beauty's cries came intermittently from behind her.  There is no more wailing sound under the feet, and he may have passed out.  Kim Taeyeon turned around and walked towards the crying beauty and stretched out her hand.  "Don't touch me." The beauty opened Kim Taeyeon's hand with a "pop" sound.  With tears in her eyes, the beauty looked at Kim Taeyeon's face, which was stained with blood. Even though she was rejected, Kim Taeyeon still stood coldly without even frowning when her hands were opened.  She shook her head in pain, this terrifying man was not the Taeyeon she knew.  "You're not Taeyeonyou're not." Jiaren loudly refuted the facts she saw with her eyes.  "This is me, the beauty." "You are not." The beauty's tears flowed even more fiercely.  The cold fingertips gently touched the beauty's cheek, and the coldness of the fingers made the beauty's heart tremble.  These hands had just taught those people a terrible lesson.  Kim Taeyeon once again answered affirmatively: "This is me. I told you a long time ago!" "Taeyeonwho are you?" Her agile skills, calm attitude and cruel explosive power make it impossible to imagine her.  Become an ordinary person, an ordinary office worker working in a big company.  After what happened just now, Kim Taeyeon's body seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious white veil, making her origins and life experience even more confusing.  Hearing this question, Kim Taeyeon's gray eyes showed a puzzled look, as if she was stumped by this question and as if she wanted to play a prank, she said in a bad and pleasant tone: "Who do you think I am? I am who you are, in your mind  The ideal Taeyeon is me too. Who do you think I am?¡± This time, the beauty was asked.  Her question just now was too sharp and selfish, as if she was angry because she was disappointed because the current Taeyeon was not her ideal.  Taeyeon is right, whether she is gentle or cruel, she is who she is, and it is she who perfects Taeyeon's image without permission.  "I'm sorry, Taeyeon. I" Putting a finger on Jiaren's lips, Kim Taeyeon shushed softly: "You don't have to apologize to me. Jiaren. Do you understand? We are not from the same world, you  You can think that the me you see now is the real me." Kim Taeyeon pulled her fingers away from the beauty's lips.  "Go back." "But your injury" Because she rejected Kim Taeyeon just now, the beauty is a little embarrassed now, but she is still worried about Kim Taeyeon's injury. Besides that she still likes her deeply, she is also hurt for herself.  of.  Kim Taeyeon responded to the beauty's worries lightly: "I'm used to this little injury. I'll deal with it myself when I get back." Looking at Kim Taeyeon's moving back, the beauty pursed her lips tightly.  She said she was used to it?  It seems that she often encountered these things in the past.  Would a secretary get used to this kind of thing?  The beauty is very curious, but also knows that Kim Taeyeon will not say anything to her.  She always kept a distance from herself.  You could also say it was a rejection.  Refuse others to approach and refuse others to enter her restricted area.  Smiling at others is just Taeyeon's usual disguise. Those cold eyes are always paying attention to the vulnerabilities in others, and then seize their gaps to execute them.  "Finally found it." ?Wang Long, who was opening the door, glanced backwards from the corner of his narrow eyes.  His eyes flashed excitedly and brightly in the darkness, and he quickly and powerfully raised his back elbow and struck back violently.  A pair of big hands suddenly blocked the defense and whispered in a low voice: "What a special meeting gift." Wang Long suddenly turned around with cold eyes and was stunned for a moment. His face was covered with frost: "Why is it you?" He stood in front of her and smiled.  The man with a disgusting look was none other than Wang Jianchun.  He and Wang Jianchun didn't count as acquaintances, and they shouldn't have crossed paths like this.  Why did Wang Jianchun appear in South Korea?  She knew very well that Zhang Xiaoxian was a wealthy man. Zhang Xiaoxian was very thoughtful but had clear likes and dislikes that others could see at a glance.  But Wang Jianchun was different. Every time she saw her, she had a smile on her face.  She thought that this kind of person was the most understanding and stupidest. In fact, it was just the opposite. Every time she looked into Wang Jianchun's eyes silently, she couldn't tell what Wang Jianchun was thinking.  It would be better to say that she was insidious and cunning. It would be better if you didn't offend her. If you did, she would not even know how she died.  "Don't you invite me in to sit down?" Wang Jianchun asked.  Wang Long tilted his head and sneered: "Am I familiar with you?" The smile on Wang Jianchun's face disappeared and she stared at Wang Long, who was not willing to be outdone and gave her an indifferent look in return.  "You think I should call the police and tell the police that there is a man covered in blood standing here. Are you injured somewhere? This won't work. Since I saw you, I will be responsible for taking you to the hospital." Wang Long gritted his teeth and glared.  Looking at Wang Jianchun, he took a deep breath for a long time and suddenly opened the door and made an invitation gesture: "Please come in." Wang Long grinded his teeth until he heard it.  After inviting Wang Jianchun into the house, Wang Long followed her. Seeing Wang Jianchun sitting unceremoniously on the sofa in his living room, he frowned slightly and went back to the room to change clothes without saying a word.  Soon after, she came out of the room. Wang Jianchun seemed to be thinking about something at this time, with a gloomy side face full of thoughts.  "I came to you suddenly because I want to cooperate with you." Before Wang Long could ask Wang Jianchun about his purpose, she explained it herself.  "Cooperation? Us?" Wang Long asked funny and surprised.  Did she hear it correctly? This man wants to cooperate with her?  What is there to work with between them?  The smile on Wang Jianchun's face deepened and became meaningful: "Yes. Let's work together to kill Li Datong, right?" Wang Long's eyes twitched and he quickly pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it straight at the sofa where he was sitting, smiling unabated.  Wang Jianchun: "Shut up." He shouted coldly.  The muzzle of the black hole's gun was pressed against her eyebrows: "You are so disrespectful to our elder brother, I should kill you now." Wang Jianchun was not afraid and did not shut up, because she had no intention of going back alive when she came, but as long as she is in this country  While she was still breathing, she would not give up her plan to kill Li Datong.  However, after more than ten days of investigation, she found out that the person who broke through this important plan was Wang Long.  "Are you angry because I told you your wish?" "Wang Jianchun." A file was dropped on the table in front of Wang Long. Wang Long picked it up and opened it, his face suddenly turned pale.  "Wang Long, male, 33 years old, orphan. At the age of 13, he smuggled to South Korea and lived on the streets with a gang of gangsters. At the age of 16, he got into a fight and was seriously injured because of the overwhelming number of people.  Jiang Jue, the eldest brother in the world, accidentally picked him up as his younger brother. In three years, you quickly grew into Jiang Jue's right-hand man and was put in her good hands. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long Jiang Jue died. "  Wang Long pulled the trigger finger and said, "Oh?" Wang Jianchun seemed to be very happy to see Wang Long's painful expression.  "Did Jiang Jue's death make you so painful?" "Wang Jianchun, I will never allow you to insult my eldest brother. Hearing that he saved my life, I only have admiration for my eldest brother." "It should be the 'former eldest brother'  Right?" Wang Jianchun corrected deliberately.  Wang Long glared at Wang Jianchun angrily, but she still did not pull the trigger of the pistol in her hand.  "It was Li Datong who killed him and then took the position of eldest brother. Am I right?" Wang Jianchun said every word with Wang Long's distorted expression in his eyes.  "What you saidis correct." Suddenly taking a deep breath of air-conditioning, Wang Long slowly put down his gun and sat on the sofa slumped, immersed in the memories of the past.  "I have been wandering on the streets since I was a child. After smuggling to South Korea, my life was no better than when I was in China. It was even more depraved. I did everything to survive. Stealing, robbing, and fighting were commonplace. Not like that.  make me possibleHe had no money to eat, so he was sent to a labor camp.  "As he spoke, Wang Long raised his eyelids and glanced at Wang Jianchun, who had a gloomy expression, and said mockingly: "I took drugs when I was playing crazy. I'm sure you, a young man who has been pampered since childhood, will not understand what I am saying.  " This sentence hits the mark on Wang Jianchun's pain point, because from the bright clothes and the sight of him living in a mansion now, it is difficult to imagine that Wang Long once lived such a low and dirty life. " "The fight when I was sixteen years old made me  He accidentally stabbed the opponent's leader to death with a dagger.  He was almost beaten to death.  That was my first time to kill someone, and it was also the first time I knew that a knife could be so sharp and penetrate the soft human body at an indescribable speed.  When pulled out, it will make a deflating sound and warm blood will spurt out.  " Wang Long described the scene to Wang Jianchun in a pleasant way. Seeing the wrinkles between Wang Jianchun's eyebrows deepening, she smiled softly: "Actually, I only remember falling next to a car and losing consciousness. I woke up.  I was brought back to the group when I was there. Someone later told me that it was Brother Jiang Jue who brought me back.  At that time, I was only sixteen years old and was helpless. How could my elder brother accept me as his younger brother? I was just one of her many subordinates. No, I couldn¡¯t even be called a subordinate. I could only be the kind of errand boy.  My eldest brother will never remember me at all, but I will always pay attention to him.  He said we can't change our destiny, so we can only change ourselves.  So in order for her to see me among the many people, and to get close to him, I kept working hard, kept participating in gang wars, and kept killing people.  " "Three years sounds very short, right?  But for me it was a hellish life, not physically but mentally tortured.  Killing, killing, killing, that has become a necessary life for me. There is only blood around me and there are dead people.  Can you imagine?  I dreamed that there were dead people everywhere, and I could still feel the smell of blood in my throat when I breathed.  "Wang Long now has no expression of pain on his face. She talks numbly and calmly about her past. Wang Jianchun can imagine Wang Long, covered in blood, coldly pulling the trigger. There are corpses lying at his feet and dying people in the air.  "Being recognized by the boss at the age of twenty and being promoted to the right hand is not something to show off. I was young and quickly recognized."  Reuse makes a lot of enemies in the group.  I don¡¯t mind being isolated, and I don¡¯t mind being turned into a killer. I just want to be able to relieve the boss¡¯s worries. But just like what you said, Li Datong planned an accidental shootout to kill him, and then he got on the car smoothly.  took the position of boss.  " "But the person you are assisting now is the murderer of Jiang Jue. Since you regard Jiang Jue, the boss, as so important, why don't you kill him?  "
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