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Text Chapter 519 Mother-in-law

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    At work the next day, Yan Tao sat in Luan Zhenwu's office for almost a whole morning, and the two fully exchanged views on the rectification and reform of the Criminal Investigation Bureau.  This conversation was conducted by Yan Tao at the invitation of Luan Zhenwu. The last time the two of them broke up in Del City, the capital of country M, Luan Zhenwu gave Yan Tao a task and asked him to consider it carefully from the perspective of the entire Criminal Investigation Bureau.  Let¡¯s talk about how to carry out rectification and reform so that the Criminal Investigation Bureau can better adapt to the needs of public security criminal investigation work under the new situation.  This is a big topic. Logically speaking, it should not be something that Yan Tao, a small assistant to the director, should consider. However, the old director has high expectations and he cannot refuse.  The old man has always thought highly of him, and now it can be said that he relies heavily on him. He sincerely wants to grasp the work of the Criminal Investigation Bureau and make this department truly play its role. To this end, he has not even moved the office work that the ministry agency has prepared for him.  Yan Tao did make careful preparations during his stay in Europe. Of course, he did not formulate it in writing. He mainly clarified his ideas. This was his strength. Any complex plans and programs were completed by his own hands. He  There is no need to put it into words unless a written report is required.  The first suggestion made by Yan Tao is not to upgrade the Sixth Bureau to a deputy bureau-level unit.  Although this has basically reached a consensus in the ministry, he believes that it is still unnecessary to do so. Establishing a second-level bureau in a bureau-level unit will only make the staff more bloated and is not in line with the overall situation of streamlining the agency.  He understands the difficulties of the ministry leaders. The Criminal Investigation Bureau has basically done nothing in recent years, and its role in criminal investigation work across the country has become smaller and smaller.  But, to be fair.  This is due to poor internal management of the Criminal Investigation Bureau and positioning deviation.  There are also institutional factors.  The level of criminal investigation departments of various county- and municipal-level public security agencies is constantly improving, and there are many opportunities for practical combat.  Most of the cases have been digested at this level. Due to the small number of cases, the provincial criminal police corps and the criminal investigation bureau of the ministry have fewer opportunities to contact with actual combat. Slowly, not only the criminal investigation bureau, but also the criminal police corps of the two provincial departments are quickly  It has become a decoration and mechanism.  The higher-level criminal investigation departments only have a few so-called experts, and relatively advanced technologies have a slight impact on major and difficult cases. Their main role is to exchange official documents. A large number of master's and doctoral students work behind closed doors, forming an increasingly complex network.  The more degraded the situation.     on the other hand.  The former leader in charge of criminal investigation was a scumbag, nepotistic and unwilling to make progress. The people in the Criminal Investigation Bureau became more and more like yamen, with serious bureaucracy. They had to eat, drink, live and enjoy themselves wherever they went. There were even people like the Director of the Fifth Division.  For an official who travels around the world, this responsibility should be borne by the leader.  To solve these problems, in addition to rectifying the work style of the bureau agencies.  It is necessary to train a team that can be pulled out, so that the ability to fight against the clock can be maintained in actual combat.  The reformist leaders of the Ministry of Public Security headed by Liao Zhihui have been working hard to change this situation and have taken many measures, but.  Little success was achieved until the Sixth Bureau was established, under the leadership of Yan Tao.  The initial victory was achieved due to everyone's joint efforts and chance.  We have solved several major cases in succession that were beyond our control.  This has greatly boosted the morale of the Criminal Investigation Bureau and given leaders hope.  That¡¯s why the leaders of the ministry came up with the idea of ??upgrading the Sixth Branch to a deputy bureau-level unit and planning to start over again based on the Sixth Branch.  On the surface, this is an effective method, but in terms of long-term interests, where will the original Criminal Investigation Bureau be placed?  It turns out that the personnel of the Criminal Investigation Bureau have become decorations?  Rubbish?  Dispensable?  This is not only a waste of people and property, but also disrespectful to the system of the Ministry of Public Security.  Therefore, Yan Tao put forward this suggestion and gave his own reasons. Luan Zhenwu also fell into deep thought. He was even a little shocked. He did not expect that such a young man in his early thirties would have such a broad vision and overall vision, but  It is said that we should consider the issue from a political perspective.  It can be said that Yan Tao's performance over the past year is basically very clear. This kid's progress can be described as rapid.  He has grown from a low-level criminal police captain to an excellent public security chief, and is now his most capable assistant. Even if his qualifications were not too junior, he would feel that it would be better to entrust him with the concurrent role of criminal investigation chief than to do it himself.  will be better.  Yan Tao did not propose much new content for the reform of the Criminal Investigation Bureau. He believed that the rules, regulations and management measures of the Bureau were very complete, but for some reason they were not implemented seriously.  What we need to do now is to clean up the existing rules and regulations, retain those that are operable, feasible, and necessary, and resolutely abolish those that are excessively high and do not meet the operating conditions, and then strictly implement the rules and regulations and focus on small things.  Starting, for anyThose who oppose the system will never be tolerated.  At the same time, we will improve the supervision and inspection mechanism and give full play to the role of the supervision and disciplinary inspection departments internally. At the same time, we will improve the bureau¡¯s website management and timely access the Internet for all departments in the bureau except for confidential information, so as to introduce a social supervision mechanism.  The most important thing is to clarify the division of labor among various departments, determine the accountability system, and avoid buck-passing.  After the conversation, Luan Zhenwu asked Yan Tao to formulate his ideas into written materials. After discussion and approval at the bureau meeting, he would report them to the ministry, ask the ministry leaders to review them, and then implement them.  Yan Tao had no choice. Writing materials was his biggest headache. In the afternoon, he had to invite Guo Tong into his office. He asked Guo Tong to sit behind her desk and let him dictate. Guo Tong typed it out on the computer and sorted it out.  into reporting materials.  In the comprehensive department, according to the division of labor, Guo Tong is responsible for written materials.  Yan Tao¡¯s rectification and reform plan was quickly adopted by the Criminal Investigation Bureau and the Ministry of Public Security, and an intense round of rectification work was also launched in the Criminal Investigation Bureau.  The leader of the newly established rectification and reform leading group is Luan Zhenwu, deputy minister and director of criminal investigation. The first deputy leader is the executive deputy director, and the second deputy leader is Yan Tao.  This was unique in the past. The so-called leadership group just wrote down the names of leaders in order of seniority. However, Yan Tao was just the assistant director at the bottom of the Criminal Investigation Bureau.  Several deputy directors were squeezed into the back at once, which was a bit unusual.  And he also serves as the director of the leading group office.  Everyone was talking a lot, thinking that this was a sign that Yan Tao was appointed deputy director.  The private discussions about Yan Tao even overshadowed the rectification and reform itself for a while.  No matter what is discussed, the rectification is still progressing step by step. The Sixth Branch has assumed most of the work of the bureau and is playing an increasingly important role in the detection of major and important cases that have a national impact. This has also provided a good foundation for the internal affairs of the Criminal Investigation Bureau.  Organizing provides the necessary protection.  During this period, Duan Tiancheng also came to the capital at the invitation of Yan Tao, and he was accompanied by Zhou Dongbei.  Northeastern also studied in the capital, and has worked here for many years, so he is very familiar with the capital.  I took the old man for a walk.  Duan Tiancheng has been to the capital countless times. However, in recent years, he has grown older and is unwilling to move. He has not been here for four or five years. The capital has also changed a lot.  Yan Tao was busy with the rectification and reform of the unit, so he asked Dongbei to accompany the old man around and visit some old friends. Feng Jing went to Annan.  I will be back on Sunday to investigate matters related to cooperation.  On Saturday, Yan Tao spent a day accompanying the old man to climb the Badaling Great Wall.  The two have reached a consensus on the future development of Tiantai Company and related matters of the foundation, and they are going out to relax today.  The old man is still in good health.  After climbing to the first beacon tower, I didn't even breathe much.  Yan Tao and Duan Tiancheng stood at the crenel, looking at the rugged rocks below. Duan Tiancheng said with sincerity: "Thousands of years later, the mountains and rivers remain the same. I don't see Qin Shihuang back then! Taozi, a hundred years of fame and fortune in life are just a passing cloud. You can do something.  Of course it is better to do something useful, but it is equally important to take care of those who love you, are you right? " Yan Tao nodded solemnly in approval.  Duan Tiancheng sighed: "I am old and have only a few years left to live. The one I can't worry about the most is my precious daughter. This child is so stubborn that no one can persuade her about things she is sure about. " "I am already twenty-six this year.  , not young anymore, but she only has you in her heart. The last time we met, our father and daughter had a heart-to-heart talk. She regretted that she had lost the opportunity in a single thought.  "However, she is very envious of those two girls Fu Min and Xin Yu. Yan Tao, you should understand what I mean when I say this, right? That child understands everything and doesn't hide it from me. Compared with her mother, this year  "Yan Tao, I entrusted her to you, just like Tiantai, you have to take care of her for me and accept her, okay?"  " Yan Tao forgot to take a look at the white clouds in the sky, sighed, looked back at Duan Tiancheng, and said affectionately: "Old man, my parents passed away long ago. I regard you as my father, and I appreciate your interest.  I don¡¯t regard Taozi as an outsider. Taozi also wants to tell you what¡¯s in my heart.  "Jingjing is a good girl, kind-hearted, and values ????love and justice. However, I, Yan Tao, have already shouldered too many emotional debts. As you know, what virtue can I do to delay the future of these good girls? Really and  Can they be happy if I'm together?" Duan Tiancheng smiled bitterly and shook his head.  "Happiness? What is happiness? This is originally a topic discussed by you young people. I think it is just a feeling. Since the child agrees, I can seeCome out, you are not without feelings for her. That kid Yang Yang is also an open-minded person. I hope you can give her a chance. This is also a wish of my old man.  " Yan Tao's eyes were a little moist and he nodded silently. "Old man, let everything go. I'm not pretentious. Now I am already in debt. As long as Jingjing doesn't care, I will take care of her for the rest of her life.  " At the end of October, Yan Tao's relatives and friends gathered in a small villa at the foot of the West Mountain in the capital to celebrate the full moon of Yan Tao's son Yan Yunmeng. The banquet was over, and Yun Yang, Fu Min, Xi Xinyu, and Feng Jing were accompanying some close relatives.  The female guests, Yan Tao, She Junwu, and Yunfeng came to a small pavilion in the yard. Yunfeng and She Junwu were both smoking. Mei Yinglan ran out with a glass of red wine in hand because they were afraid of disturbing others in the room.  He gave it to Yan Tao: "Here, you don't know how to smoke, let's have a drink!  " Yan Tao smiled and nodded. " How's it going?  Lanzi, it¡¯s been almost two months since I came to the capital. Are you still getting used to it?  " Ouran glared at him: "Have you forgotten?  I have worked in the capital for two or three years, and I have adapted much faster than Shanshan and the others. If they are fine, why are you still asking me?  Don't mean what you say.  Treat me casually.  " Yunfeng smiled: "This girl's little mouth is getting more and more powerful, probably because of Xinyu's influence.  I saw Xinyu¡¯s answer to a reporter¡¯s question at the founding ceremony of the Imperial Concubine Charitable Foundation. Her words were very sharp.  I guess some people won't be able to sleep.  " She Junwu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Yes, although it is just the opening of a charity foundation, the attention it has received is indeed extraordinary. The attention on the Internet is very high. Some people compared Xinyu's high-profile appearance to  The sharp sword is unsheathed. It is said that this national security elite back then still does not restrain his sharp edge and has become a sharp knife piercing the conservative and stubborn forces!  "Taozi. What do you think? I'm afraid this is not groundless, right?" Yan Tao didn't avoid it. He knew that his relationship with Xinyu could not be hidden from the eyes of these people. As for Xinyu's temper, he didn't care at all, especially  In front of those close to Yan Tao, the little girl once lay in his arms and said coquettishly: "I can't hold your hand in public, but it's okay to show your presence in front of these close people, right? You're not allowed to  Leave me alone." Thinking of this, Yan Tao also showed a warm smile.  He took a sip of the refreshing wine.  He looked at She Junwu.  "Secretary Junwu is trying to trick me, haha! I don't know anything else, but Xinyu's appearance must have been approved by Uncle Cui. Otherwise, no matter how unruly and willful this girl is, she won't dare to do this.  This is not a joke!¡± She Junwu was appointed Secretary of the Anbei Municipal Party Committee just half a month ago, replacing Secretary Chen who went to work for the Provincial People¡¯s Congress.  Became the youngest municipal leader in the country.  She Junwu smiled implicitly.  "Taozi, what are your plans? You have just been appointed as deputy director. Thirty-three years old? This age is really scary. You are really capable. I know that many big guys often say  I heard your name. "Before coming, Secretary Guangyuan asked me to bring you a message, saying that you are welcome to return to your hometown in Jibei Province to work at any time. It seems that the two top leaders in Jibei Province have had a good influence on you.  Yan Tao was stunned: "Secretary Junwu, are Secretary Guangyuan kidding?"  I've just been transferred to the ministry less than half a year ago, how could I go back right away?  " She Junwu shook his head: "It's not entirely a joke. We have been talking to you for more than ten minutes. Secretary Guangyuan has just taken office, and it is imperative to make personnel adjustments in the province. Of course, he will not make too many adjustments, but  Small-scale movements are inevitable.  "Secretary Qiao is a very good person and a good leader. However, due to different camps, he cannot use some people he does not want to use. "Secretary Guangyuan is different. He is a reformist cadre. He has different governance concepts and must  If you want to implement his ideas, you must have capable manpower, so you should consider it. Of course, you will not be called back immediately, but there will be changes in six months at the latest.  " Yan Tao looked at She Junwu doubtfully: "What are you going to do?  Should I go to the Public Security Department or Chuncheng City Bureau?  " She Junwu shook his head: "I'm afraid you won't be allowed to return to your old profession this time. Secretary Guangyuan knows you very well, especially the work you have done in the construction of Anbei. He appreciates it very much. He thinks you should  Make a transition and develop into the party and government, otherwise the path will be too narrow. He also hinted that it seems that some people in Beijing also think so. If you want to change your development environment, the first step will probably be for you to go to the Chuncheng Political and Legal Affairs Committee.  " "Chuncheng Political and Legal Committee?  secretary?  Is that a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee?  A real department-level department, and a department-level department very close to the deputy province?  Is this possible?  ¡±  She Junwu smiled: "What do you think? Can the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee talk nonsense? Besides, when the director of criminal investigation returns to Jibei Province, can he just give him a deputy secretary of the political and legal committee with duties but no power? According to Tao Zi's current voice, even if he doesn't move  , next year it¡¯s almost time to be given a standing position in the Criminal Investigation Bureau, which is actually in charge of the daily work of the bureau. The old director has been promoted to deputy director. Why is this director still hanging on?  I'm reluctant to let him go." Yan Tao drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and didn't speak for a long time.  After seeing off all the guests, Yan Tao, Yun Yang, Fu Min, Xi Xinyu and Feng Jing were sitting on the sofa in the small living room on the second floor.  Yun Yang is leaning in Yan Tao's arms, Xin Yu is on Yan Tao's left and her body is close to Yan Tao, Feng Jing is on the right, her face is red and a little shy, and Fu Min is sitting opposite.  Yun Yang looked up at Yan Tao and smiled narrowly: "Brother, today Aunt Huang, Aunt Xi, and Aunt Feng are here, as well as our mother. How do you feel about seeing so many mothers-in-law at once?  "Yan Tao grinned: "You guys, you just know how to fool around. How about tossing a few old people over here?" Xinyu raised her eyebrows: "Brother, you are thinking about it now.  Pay attention to the impact. What were you thinking when you hugged us? The mother came to see what happened? "Feng Jing's face turned red and she spat.  Said: "You are becoming more and more outrageous. Do you dare to say anything?"  It is said that you are more relaxed in bed, right, brother?" Fu Min glanced at Yan Tao, who had a sarcastic expression, and gave Xin Yu a look: "Okay, crazy girl, the more you talk, the more you talk, the more you talk, the more you talk.  ! Yangyang, you don¡¯t care about her and you still look at her and laugh? "Yun Yang chuckled and said, "I don¡¯t want to offend anyone, I can¡¯t bear to say it. This girl is in the limelight and is very popular outside the family."  He coughed twice: "Okay, stop fooling around. Everyone is tired. Let's go to bed early!"  Sister is right, but you can't touch her now. You have to endure it for a while. If it's really hard to endure, go to Jingjing's place. It's time for her to learn the taste of her new kindness, hee hee!  Jing blushed and turned to Xinyu. Xinyu had already run upstairs. Fu Min also smiled and left first. Yan Tao picked up Yun Yang, kissed her on the face and said softly: "  Let's go back to the room and help you take a bath." Yun Yang pressed her red face against her lover's chest and said softly, "Yeah."  Full text completed (to be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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