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¨€Volume 1: Blood-stained Qilu, just for beauty Chapter 325: [Global] (Complete + Remarks)

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    Chapter 325: [Global] (Complete Book + Remarks) ¡­ Unlike the previous three spiritual trees, the inheritance of the old African spiritual trees has revealed that there are five spiritual trees on the earth.  Now Ao Wu has found four trees, and there is still one missing.  According to the distribution of spiritual trees, they are very far apart and do not compete with each other for nutrients.  There is a Taishan tree, and the closest one is the one on the snow-capped mountains of the Tibetan Plateau.  But that¡¯s only one Asia apart.  One is in the far east of Asia, and the other is in the far west of Asia.  The other one is in America, even further away.  This one is in Africa.  Based on this geographical distribution, where will the fifth tree be?  Is it in Australia?  That¡¯s too far!  The legions who have begun sailing and conquering the world all carry Ao Wu's mission to find any place where there is a spiritual tree.  Two years have passed, and everyone who went to Australia has come back once. No spiritual tree has been found. Is it because one of the four is missing?  However, five or six times in Europe, huge fish attacked warships. They sent powerful believers there, but they failed to protect them. Instead, they were pulled into the sea by the giant octopus.  You have to go there in person to do this.  The ship was ready, Ao Wu teleported directly to the iron-clad warship, and the ship headed for the sea area where the accident occurred.  On the calm sea, the sea and sky are the same color, as if the whole world is a blue world.  Suddenly a whirlpool appeared on the sea next to the ship, and everyone became nervous.  Soon a huge octopus sucker stretched out its long legs and wrapped around the warship.  Ao Wu jumped up.  He punched into the sea, and layers of powerful spiritual energy enveloped his fist.  There was a muffled sound, and the sea water suddenly sank a lot. The octopus's hand stiffened for a moment, and then it fell softly into the sea.  There was a bang under the sea water.  Twenty meters away from the warship, a water circle sprayed water.  The soldiers on the boat all screamed, how powerful it must be to throw such a punch!  After the sea water sank, it quickly rose again.  The boat rises as the sea water rises.  And flew up.  But the boat is coming.  Where has Ao Wu gone?  Everyone was dumbfounded!  Where has the leader gone?  Depend on!  They all jumped into the sea to look for it, but they couldn't find it.  After a while, they saw something floating on the bottom of the sea.     octopus!  It¡¯s back again!  By the time everyone climbed aboard, the octopus had arrived.  Ao Wu held the octopus in his hand.  Throw the whole octopus onto the boat.  Said: Throw it back to grill the octopus and eat it! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "I'll go into the water and take a look." Ao Wu said and sank to the bottom of the water again.  He just found a large number of giant octopuses and sharks under the sea.  And these extremely large fish are all surrounding a tree, a tree growing on the bottom of the sea.  That¡¯s right, that¡¯s a spiritual tree.  ¡°I didn¡¯t expect that the last spiritual tree was planted on the bottom of the sea.  Although it is a bit strange, for the spirit tree, this is nothing strange.  Ao Wu dived more than 500 meters underwater, which was the limit of diving for one person.  But when the spiritual energy in Ao Wu's body started to circulate, he could continue to dive downwards.  One thousand meters, two thousand meters, three thousand meters.  We can finally see the spiritual tree that grows seven or eight hundred meters high.  It grew very luxuriantly and became a paradise for fish.  And the fish living around it have all mutated and grown very big.  Those huge octopuses, which are forty or fifty meters tall, are really scary to look at.  As soon as Ao Wu approached, these octopus sharks pounced on Ao Wu. Although Ao Wu was powerful, he did not dare to fight with them under the water pressure where even he had difficulty moving.  He ran away immediately.  With the octopus monsters and shark monsters, we arrived at the shallow water area, where Ao Wu¡¯s paradise was, and we immediately started killing.  The warships on the sea saw octopuses floating up one after another and immediately fished them out. What a grand feast of grilled octopus!  But soon they discovered that two or three warships really couldn¡¯t hold so much.  So he quickly asked someone to move the boat over and bring the tugboat.  Ao Wu killed a bunch of people at the bottom of the sea, and then went to the spiritual tree to lure a group of people up. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? We were able to destroy all the fish monsters next to the spirit tree, and the rest should not affect me.    Arriving at the bottom of the sea, Ao Wu saw a sunken city!  The legendary empire of Atlantis!  It seems that the spirit tree sank to the bottom of the sea together with this legendary empire.  Ao Wu found a place, meditated and practiced, taking in all the spiritual energy in the surrounding water as his own!  The spiritual tree seems to have a strong ability to control the spiritual energy in the water. In the surrounding one thousand meters of water, the spiritual energy condenses and does not disperse. In this one thousand meters of water, the spiritual energy is very dense. Compared with the spiritual energy of the pyramids in Africa,  Much more.  It seems that the spiritual energy is released into the air, using the air as a medium, but it is diluted at any time.  It's much worse than being in Africa.  But being in the soil is lower than being in the water.  Water is the best place to store spiritual energy.  The warship moved a lot of fish monsters, but there were so many fish monsters, which attracted a lot of fish to grab food. The soldiers were shouting that it was a pity that they could not move them all.  It took Ao Wu half a year to absorb almost all the spiritual energy.  At the same time, he also successfully broke through the Nascent Soul Realm and reached the Poxu Realm!  The global weather suddenly changed color, as if the end was coming!  The Heavenly Dao bound to the earth finally reached the point where it could no longer bear the alien Ao Wu and crushed him with all its strength.  In the previous realm, Ao Wu did not practice ancient martial arts, so Heavenly Dao did not do anything to Ao Wu.  " But now Ao Wu is so powerful that he is almost as strong as Heaven, so one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and they must fight together.  For a month, there was no daylight in the world, only endless darkness.  Finally one day, five spiritual trees scattered around the world suddenly emitted five rays of light.  The five trees connected into one, forming a global network, breaking the darkness, and the sun rose from the sky.  This is the effect of the combination of Aowu and the Atlantean spiritual tree.  Ao Wu closed his eyes, and the next second he suddenly appeared on Mount Tai from the European sea!  Zhong Qing looked worried. She didn't know what was going on with Ao Wu, but she knew she couldn't disturb him.  At this moment Ao Wu suddenly jumped out and startled her.  "Hey, you" Ao Wu nodded to her and said, "I succeeded. And I discovered that the five trees are conjoined. They have the function of teleportation." Zhong Qing's eyes widened: "You were really yourself just now  Come here!" Ao Wu nodded heavily.  "This is a bit like a realm. The earth has become my world. I make the decisions in my world and I can do whatever I want!" He clenched his fists.  He hummed: "Besides, I feel it. We can return to the fairy world and take our revenge!" He told Zhong Qing that he had upgraded to the Poxu Realm.  Zhong Qing shook her head in denial and said: "No. Although you are strong now, you are not at your strongest yet!" "Huh?" Zhong Qing did not tell him in detail, but said: "Come to my room tonight, and I will give it to you.  Read a book." After that, she left.  Ao Wu is a little strange. Although he is very powerful, he has no ability to know what she is thinking.  Night falls, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.  Ao Wu pushed open Zhong Qing¡¯s door.  "Huh?" As soon as he entered the door, Ao Wu saw something inappropriate for children and immediately closed the door.  ¡°Well, he just closed the door and didn¡¯t lock himself out.  But it was locked inside.  From emotion to trust, the two of them have reached the point where they are one body. Seeing her body is nothing.  And it is impossible for Zhong Qing not to know that Ao Wu is coming.  ¡°Well, this is what Zhong Qing asked Ao Wu to do.  So it was obvious that she was doing this on purpose.  There was no shyness on Zhong Qing's face, she took out a book and handed it to Ao Wu.  "Learn quickly, don't take too long." Although she said it calmly, she couldn't help but feel a ripple in her heart.  "I have read this." Ao Wu looked at the book cover and knew that he had already read this book.  This is a pornographic book, the content of which is the art of dual cultivation.  Ao Wu finally regarded it as a pornographic book.  How evil!  But the requirements are very high. You must find a virgin in the Nascent Soul stage to practice.  Damn it, all the women in the Nascent Soul stage are very old, okay? How can they be virgins?  Of course, very few people can reach the Nascent Soul stage.  So this pornographic book is just a pornographic book.  "But, that's not right"nbsp; "You, are you in the Nascent Soul stage?" Ao Wu asked, staring at Zhong Qing.  Zhong Qing nodded.  "Since you have already seen it, why not hurry up. A moment is worth a thousand pieces of gold!" Zhong Qing said fiercely.  Ao Wu said weakly: "I'm too familiar with you, I'm sorry to make a move." "You're sorry, I'll do it" Zhong Qing's snow-white body rushed towards Ao Wu.  Even though Ao Wu is stronger than Zhong Qing, he cannot resist at this time.  **One moment is worth a thousand pieces of gold The strict requirement for dual cultivation is because the effect of the technique is very powerful. After Ao Wu and Zhong Qing practiced dual cultivation, their strength improved rapidly within a year. Ao Wu reached the middle stage of Breaking the Void Realm.  Zhong Qing also reached the Poxu realm.  They prepared a lot of spiritual stones and set up a large formation.  Ao Wu activated the formation, and a space gate appeared on Mount Tai.  This is the door to the fairyland.  The enemies of Ao Wu and Zhong Qing are on the other side of the door. Even if the enemies are powerful, anyone who bullies them must find them!  Ao Wu took a step forward, towards his new era.  ¡¾End of the book¡¿ Now that I have finished the book, let me say something.  I must admit that this book was a failure.  By having the courage to face failure, I can better take the next step and write the next book.  This failure, I¡¯m sorry to many people. You or they had great hopes and expectations for me, but in the end I failed.  The person I feel most sorry for is myself, because I have the greatest hopes and expectations for myself.  I had my dreams and goals that I wanted to achieve, but I fell down and it took a long time to complete my dreams and goals.  Every time I start a book, from the conception to the beginning, it is full of enthusiasm, passion and fighting spirit.  No one would think that the more you write, the worse it will be.  There are many factors that influence this, and in this book, they all appeared at once.  This will give me more and better experience in the future.  I have dealt with failure calmly and correctly.  You may believe me when I say that I am confident, but I say that this failure is doomed, and it is a hurdle that must be overcome. Just like the fortune teller said, there will be a evil hood in your destiny. In addition to the evil hood, there will be two big waves. I am like  The fortune teller has already seen such a fate clearly, but you may not believe it.  Speaking of writing a book by myself, it has been several years, it¡¯s been a long time, and the child has no mother, it¡¯s a long story!  In the summer of 2008, on the night of the opening of the Beijing Olympics, I just had an operation on my left hand and was discharged from the operating room.  After raising it for a year, I started to enter the online literary world in 2009 and wrote my first novel "Thousand Souls Baidu".  The pen name idiom used at that time.  It was the first time I used a computer.  First time online.  Registered qq for the first time.  First time practicing Wubi.  First time practicing touch typing.  I didn¡¯t know anything about online writing, so I didn¡¯t know where I got the courage, so I started writing.  The first book "Thousand Souls Baidu" was signed after 800,000 words, and the book was completed with 1 million words.  The book was later banned for reasons unknown.  The second book "I Love the Queen" has 2.4 million words.  But the results are still very poor.  I have begun to see my shortcomings in the layout of the plot.  The third book is "Village Officials Coming to Datang".  I gave up on the fantasy that I had been following, and because I was fascinated by reading history books, I suddenly opened this one.  The plot didn't make much progress, but because the writing was very emotionally moving, the results improved a little.  With this in mind, the mistakes made in the previous two books become clearer and clearer.  So now for the fourth book, when I started the book, I have already started working on the layout. I don¡¯t want to write about a village official who stays in the palace all the time.  But the effort was not enough. It was done forcefully in this aspect, but the plot was still not smooth.  At the same time, the reader's sense of reading is ignored, making the readability of this book appallingly poor.  As mentioned above, the book Son-in-Law is very poor, but I have gained a lot of experience when trying to make various layouts.  It has taught me a lot.  I think I need such a failure to wake me up and let me know which direction the novel should go.  I face it and I will write it in the next book.  Why don¡¯t you stick to this book? Regarding this question, I think there is no need to stick to this book.  I want to keep writing the next one.  One million words written is enough.  See you at the end of June and beginning of July for the new book.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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