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Wife and Fianc¨¦e Chapter 163 Bonfire BBQ

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    "Chenghao, I want to hear you sing. Can you sing "Will You Date Me" for me once? I haven't heard you sing for a long time." Huang Meiying leaned shoulder to shoulder with Pei Chenghao and slowly turned the barbecue in her hands.  stick, he said expectantly.  "Want to listen to music? Okay" Pei Chenghao smiled softly.  After saying that, he also opened his voice and sang the song "Will You Date Me" which was the launch of his singing career in "We Got Married" again. In itself, this is a very sweet confession song, but tonight, with Bae Chenghao,  Slow a cappella singing, accompanied by a blazing bonfire in the dark night, the sweetness is also thickly exaggerated into a sense of warmth, as if two lovers who have been in love for a long time are reminiscing about their youth and the beautiful and lush years.  "I really hope this time lasts forever." Huang Meiying's thoughts were racing as she listened to Pei Chenghao's soft singing. After Pei Chenghao finished singing, Huang Meiying said vaguely.  "Yes, but silly girl, if you don't take away the stick, not only will we not be able to eat the buns, but the stick will also be burned." When Pei Chenghao heard Huang Meiying's murmur, he couldn't help but feel tenderness in his heart, but he didn't  She was so good that she could only rub Pani's hair dotingly, jokingly.  Hearing Pei Chenghao's joke and feeling his movements, Huang Meiying woke up. She looked at the baked buns in her hand, her face turned red, and she quickly picked up the stick.  Just now, this cute guy Pani just remembered to listen to the song, and forgot to keep the baking stick away from the flame. Unknowingly, the buns were directly baked into charcoal.  Funny result: Pei Chenghao deftly removed the failed buns and inserted two more.  He handed it to Huang Meiying and asked her to continue grilling.  This time Huang Meiying took it seriously. She stared at the buns intently and baked several buns in a short time. This achievement made her very excited.  Talking and laughing, the two of them didn¡¯t feel like they had tested a lot of ingredients.  Place them on the table by the campfire and get ready for dinner.  "Wait, Chenghao, wait a minute, let's make a call. Taeyeon and the others said they wanted to call and tell them what we were doing." After Huang Meiying put the dishes and chopsticks, she suddenly remembered something and stopped Pei Chenghao who was about to start eating.  "Pani, I advise you not to call. You will be jealous. When you go home, you will be envied by them again." Pei Chenghao said funny.  Silly girl, aren't you trying to create hatred by calling your teammates who are training hard in Seoul?  "It's okay, it's okay. If I don't call, they won't be chasing after me. They will be even more jealous when they find out about it. It's better to tell them now and make them envious for a while. Hehe." Huang Meiying said with a smile, like that, how can  There is the usual cuteness.  "" Pei Chenghao was shocked, these days.  Does Pani know that there is something wrong with her belly?  While thinking, Huang Meiying here had already made a call and had a video chat with Kim Taeyeon and others.  "Pani, where have you been? What have you been playing?" A burst of noisy inquiries came from the phone.  Pei Chenghao knew without looking that the heads of eight girls were stacked together and talking.  "Cheng Hao and I came to Jeju Island and will camp tonight. We will watch the sunrise tomorrow morning." Huang Meiying said with a smile.  "Wow, watching the sunrise on Jeju Island is so romantic. I really want to go there." There was an envious voice from the girl, and it belonged to Kim Hyo-yeon.  "Well, we also had a bonfire barbecue tonight. Look, this is the bonfire. We just barbecued in front of it, just like on TV. Look, these are the buns I baked, and those were made by Cheng Hao." Huang Meiying  Holding up his mobile phone, he showed the bonfire and barbecue to the girls, and the girls on the phone couldn't help but scream in envy.  They can't wait to come to Jeju Island. They have never played with a campfire before, let alone the kind of campfire barbecue that can only be seen on TV. Moreover, looking at the result of the barbecue, it is so delicious. This is simply envy to death.  They did.  "Pani, why did I ask you to marry Cheng Hao back then? I should have gone. There are so many delicious foods, wow, I want to eat them so much." Cui Xiuying said without hesitation.  "Yes, we regret it too. No, son-in-law Pei, you want us to have a bonfire barbecue when you come back. We want to eat too." Various shouts came from the phone.  "Well, let's eat. Let's talk about it later. You guys should train hard. Hang up. Goodbye." Pei Chenghao listened to the noisy shouting and said with a black line. After finishing speaking, he ignored the protests of the girls and hung up directly.  Got the phone.  If he didn¡¯t hang up, it would most likely turn into a bonfire and barbecue party.  Forget it if it¡¯s just two people, nine girls, and a cooking contestant like Lim Yoon-ah and Choi Soo-young. If he bakes, he won¡¯t be dizzy while roasting, but he won¡¯t necessarily satisfy the girls.  That's not looking for trouble.  After hanging up the phone, Pei Chenghao pulled HuangMeiying walked to the table and started eating happily.  Huang Meiying took the lead in picking up a grilled bun and stuffed it into Pei Chenghao, and then picked up one and ate it herself. While Pei Chenghao was biting into the bun, he cut a piece of roast beef into small pieces with slow movements.  The buns were baked in chunks, and after Pani finished eating, he handed them to her.  "Here, eat this, I've cut it up." Pei Chenghao said with a smile.  "Thank you Chenghao." Huang Meiying said sweetly.  There¡¯s not much to say about the subsequent scene. The two of them were eating barbecue and laughing and chatting. There was no unfamiliarity with other couples, just like couples in the honeymoon period who are generally sweet.  Later, after dinner, the two took a walk along the seaside before going to rest.  Of course, Pei Chenghao actually slept in a tent prepared for him by another working group, next to Huang Meiying.  Pei Chenghao woke up before five o'clock the next day. He got up early to wake Huang Meiying up and watch the sunrise.  After shouting softly a few times, Huang Meiying also became confused. The two of them washed up briefly, then came to the edge of the sea cliff, found a seat, sat down next to each other, facing the sea and waited for the sunrise.  While saying heart-warming words, I looked at the gray sea. Unknowingly, there was a sudden light on the sea, and a sun jumped out of the sea and shined on the entire ocean.  "Wow, it's so beautiful" Huang Meiying said intoxicatedly as she looked at the sparkling sea.  Pei Chenghao said nothing, but was shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of him.  After watching the sunrise, the two packed up their things, then packed up the tent and returned it to the rental place, and then took a car to the green tea garden for another trip.   Three days always pass quickly when playing, Pei Chenghao and  Huang Meiying hasn't felt it yet, and the entire wedding trip has been filmed.  Back in Seoul, the two finished filming the interview in the small dark room and completed the filming of this time.  PS: Please save "Genius Producer", thank you (to be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!
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