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Volume 1 Male Gynecologist Chapter 446 The legs are so short

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    There are some things that you don¡¯t regret when you do them, but you regret them after you do them.  Wang Yu is like this now. Faced with the tender and delicious "high-quality young cow," he couldn't help but bite his tongue, and thus exposed his identity After waiting for the clouds to stop and the rain to stop, Mr. Wang secretly cursed himself for being a fool,  I can't help being lonely because of wool, and I can't resist temptation!  "It's a pity that the matter has reached this point. It seems that there is no point in regretting it. I can only think of ways to solve this matter satisfactorily."  Wang Yu was smoking a cigarette, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes. In the end, he only had one thought left - send this "little cow" away as soon as possible!  Xiao Wei is also very nervous now. There is still an aftertaste after the "little shameless game", which makes her little face a little crimson.  With his heart beating "Putteng, Pufft", this "high-quality little dairy cow" regretted it to death. Why did he have to say those words?  Isn¡¯t it good to just pretend that you don¡¯t know what to do?  It¡¯s all because of my too wide imagination!  "Bah¡ª¡ª".  After putting out the cigarette butt, Wang Yu turned his head and said seriously: "Li Wei! Right?".  Xiao Wei nodded blankly, the fear in her eyes became more intense, and she was trembling in Wang Yu's arms.  Wang muttered for a moment and said silently: "I must find a way to make you disappear in Jinhai City!".     disappear?  What does disappear mean?  It may have multiple meanings!  But the only thing that came to mind for "High Quality Little Dairy Cow" was four words - "Kill! People! Kill! Mouths!".     "don't want!".  "High Quality Little Cow" reacted very violently and broke away from Wang Yu's arms and knelt down in front of Wang Yu.  With a pleading look on his face, he said: "Don't kill me! Please! I don't want to die yet. I'm still so young".  Wang Yu: "".     All right!  Someone's momentary shock was taken by Xiao Wei as someone with evil intentions and cruelty, and she was indifferent!  This cliff is a precursor to killing people, silencing their mouths, destroying their bodies and destroying their traces!  "High Quality Little Dairy Cow" was scared to death. The cow looked at Wang Yu with a full face and said: "For the sake of spending one night with you, don't kill me! I won't say anything. I  I don¡¯t want anything, I just want you to let me go!¡±  Wang Yu: "I".  "You don't have to say anything anymore! Yes! Anything is fine! You can play however you want, no matter how many people come! No! No matter if they are human beings or not I just ask you to let me go!"  ¡°What a mess!¡±.  Wang Yu interrupted the words of this imaginative "high-quality little dairy cow", and his forehead was filled with black lines!  How can you play?  No matter how many people there are?  Human or not?  I'll do it!  You really dare to think about it, your thoughts are too impure, right?  Xiao Wei was scolded by Wang Yu, so she covered her mouth and cried repressedly. Her eyes were full of tears and she was extremely pitiful.  Someone Wang rubbed his eyebrows.  He sighed and said: "What I mean is that I am sending you out of Jinhai City temporarily, not to kill you! What are you thinking about?".  "The high-quality little dairy cow" was stunned, and his face, which was sobbing due to emotion, also froze in place.  It took quite a while.  Xiao Weicai asked in disbelief: "You really won't kill me?".  Wang Yu nodded.  "But youbut you pretended to be Lu Youtingdare to pretend to be his person" Xiao Wei said hesitantly again.  Wang Yu spread his hands and said: "Of course he is a more powerful person than him! Isn't he?"  "High-Quality Little Dairy Cow" wiped his tears and asked weakly: "Then where are you going to send me?".  Wang Yu shook his head and said: "I don't know yet. I need to ask others Hmm! It's seven o'clock. I guess it's OK!"  As he spoke, Wang Yu also stood up.  After getting dressed, he said: "You should get dressed too!".  After Xiao Wei got dressed, Wang Yu asked her to lead the way and went to Chu Jingjing first to ask how to deal with this matter.  ¡°Bang bang bang¡­¡±.  After knocking on the door for a while, the cute and busty girl opened the door in disheveled clothes. Regardless of whether the love affair was over or not, she walked into the room again in a daze, burying her head on the quilt.  Chu Jingjing murmured half asleep: "What are you doing? It's so early in the morning!".  Wang Yu touched his nose in embarrassment, and glanced furtively again at the cute girl's snow-white big breasts under her pajamas After a long time, Chu Jingjing seemed to have come to her senses, and quickly covered herself with the quilt, and glared fiercely.  Wang Yu glanced at it and said: "You rascal! What are you looking at? I've never seen it before!"  Someone Wang said in a low voice: "I saw itjust now."". "Go to hell, you¡ª¡ª!  ". "The flying pillow is coming" After a while of fluttering, Wang Yu sat on a chair in the room and motioned for the "high-quality little cow" to sit over, and then spoke. "This my  I'm afraid my identity has been exposed!  "It's really embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing! Mr. Wang blushed for a rare moment. Hearing this, the cute busty girl Zhi Liudai frowned slightly, glanced at Xiao Wei, and said: "What's going on?  It seems that we can only" "Young hero!  Please let me go!  ". "The "high-quality little dairy cow"'s legs softened, and he threw himself gorgeously in front of the cute girl, with a flattering and well-behaved look on his face. "It's also my fault that Wang Yu didn't explain his origin, so that this "  "High-quality small dairy cows", I still think they are the kind of people who want to play "black and white"! Chu Jingjing rolled her eyes, vindictive, she stretched out her hand to pinch Xiao Wei's big breasts, and hummed: "  Yesterday you dared to say sarcastic words to me, but now you are soft!  How dare you pinch my breasts!  Hum!  ". If I knew what you were doing yesterday, I would have provoked you! Xiao Wei thought aggrievedly. After teasing the "high-quality baby cow", Chu Jingjing felt very happy. Similarly, she also cared about Mr. Wang.  Why did he reveal his identity? Chu Jingjing asked seriously: "What's going on?  ". Wang Yu pursed his lips and said: "This you better stop asking. Alas I regret it!  ". After pressing again and again, Wang Yu was too embarrassed to say anything. With a roll of his eyes, Chu Jingjing turned his attention to "high-quality small dairy cows" and said, "Say it!  Did not say.  I'll kill you!  It's like squeezing a chicken to death!  That's cruel!  ". " Xiao Wei trembled and said hesitantly: "It's about the size In fact, he looks very similar to President Lu You!"  ".    "ha?  What's the meaning?  What size". Chu Jingjing's question came to an abrupt end, because the eyes of the "high-quality small dairy cow" were clearly staring at Mr. Wang's "little friend". "What a powerful reason!  "The cute girl with big breasts was speechless. Wang Yu also stretched out his hand to wipe the non-existent sweat on his forehead and sighed: "Who says it's not the case?  ". The cute girl with big breasts then sighed: "Yes!  It's all your fault for being too young!  ". " Wang was furious: "What are you talking about?"  Are you blowing it?  Once my 'little friend' gets angry, he can drag him to his feet!  ". The cute girl blinked her eyes and said, "Are your legs that short?  ". Wang Yu: "". The stricken Wang was so angry that he immediately took off his belt. He wanted to clear his name! The cute girl with big breasts quickly turned her face away and said: "Okay!  All right!  I'm just kidding!  What a win!  What a gangster!  ". Wang Yu snorted coldly, and then complained: "You are kidding your sister!  What I want to talk to you about now is to send this girl out of Jinhai City, not to discuss the size issue with you!  ". Chu Jingjing nodded and said: "It's easy. Let's go out later.  Just drive her out and then send her away!  ". After a pause, the busty cute girl stared at Wang Yu seriously and said, "But!  This incident also sounded a warning. In addition to this one, Lu Youting also had eleven mistresses!  You". Wang Yu quickly said: "I understand!  I know!  You won¡¯t touch them, right?  learn from mistakes.  I'm not stupid!  ". "Hmph!  If you are exposed because of this problem again, I will castrate you!  ", "Cute Big Breasts" warned fiercely. Wang Yu: "". "Ding Ling Ling". The phone rang suddenly. Wang Yu took out his cell phone, but found that it was not his. He quickly took it out again.  He picked up Lu Youting's cell phone, and the caller ID on the phone said - Sister? Wang Yu made a shushing gesture and said, "Xiao Jing!  ". The call was from Lu Jing, the quiet girl who was born blind and couldn't see. "Brother?  What happened to your voice?  ". With just two words, Lu Jing already felt something was wrong. She really deserves to be the person who knows Lu Youting the most! Of course, this has something to do with Lu Jing's inability to see things. God is closing a door.  Sometimes, a window would be opened. Although Lu Jing's eyes could not see, her ears became very sensitive. Wang Yu coughed quickly and said, "It's nothing, she smoked too much!"  I haven¡¯t called you for several days.??Are you okay?  Are you still taking cello classes?  ". Trying his best to imitate Lu Youting's tone of voice, Wang Yu asked cautiously. There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, and then a leisurely sigh came over and said: "Brother!  Stop it!  I'm tired, come over when you have time!  ". There was no sound on the phone, and Wang Yu frowned, not knowing what he was thinking. After a long time, the busty cute girl asked tentatively: "Hey!  what are you thinking?  Say something!  ". Wang Yu suddenly raised his head, stared at Chu Jingjing, and said: "Call Wang Fang!  Two things. First, send Xiao Wei out of Jinhai City. Second, ask where Lu Youting is now and whether he is awake. If possible, arrange for me to meet him!  ". Chu Jingjing frowned slightly and said, "Why?  ". "Documents and information are only on paper after all. I can't imitate his charm!  In short, you contact Wang Fang and she will understand!  ", Wang Yu replied seriously. The cute girl with big breasts was thoughtful, as if she understood something - "Are you reflecting my lack of IQ?  asshole!  " Wang Yu: ""    PS: PS: Second update, please subscribe, like, recommend votes, monthly votes, get hurtanything! (Thanks to Wang Jingxian for your support.  100 point coin reward for support! Thank you~!) (Thank you for your monthly ticket support from psychopath! Thank you!)
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