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Text Chapter 264 (Ending 2 completed) The dragon team is in action

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    In the conference room of the serious crime team of the Lanhai City Police Department in China.  There are stacks of information placed in front of the personnel of the Crime Unit, and the slides projected on the wall also reflect enlarged photos. Each of these slides is of a person.  "Every slide you see now is of people who have disappeared in this city for more than a year. No one is alive, no corpse is alive." He Yuanqing, the leader of the serious crime team, said while playing with the pen in his hand.  "Team leader, I think these cases are not necessarily related to human trafficking. Quite a few of them are men, and they are strong men." A man with a childish look raised his head and said.  "Not only are the men strong, but none of the missing women are weak. Look, this one is Zhou Yali. She has a nice name. She practices amateur boxing. This Yang Wen is on the track and field team and runs 10,000 meters." "Say  That's right. Although these cases have happened one after another over the past year, if they are looked at together, they all have some common characteristics. First, the person is missing, but the person is not alive, and the body is not found alive.  Human trafficking doesn't mean that there are no clues in every case, right? The only explanation is that everyone on this slide has completely disappeared, and the relevant traces have been erased. " "Second, that is.  You have also discovered just now that the physical fitness of each missing person is very good. In other words, if these cases are of the same type, or are related to each other, or even committed by the same person, then the other party specifically picked this kind of case.  "No way, team leader, this doesn't make sense. First, we still haven't found the root cause of these people's disappearance. Even if they are really dead, what is the purpose of the murderer?"  ? And they specifically target those who are in good health? We have encountered people who commit crimes in order to take revenge on society, but these people like to target the elderly or children. " A man with glasses raised his stained glasses.  "Yes, we haven't found out the purpose of the perpetrators yet, but perhaps the secrets of these cases are hidden in the common characteristics we have discovered." He Yuanqing stood up, paced around the room, and said to himself: "  For example, why do you single out those who are in good health? " "Comrades, I have decided to combine these cases. If you have any ideas, you can tell me," He Yuanqing said.  "Team leader, I think it is too hasty to merge the cases now. After all, they only have the same characteristics, and there is no more obvious evidence that the cases should be merged." The man with glasses said.  "Zhou Yang, the reason why I decided to merge the case is not only because of the slides you saw. You can look at the information in front of you. These are some cases that happened in the cities around our Lanhai City." Everyone  He was startled and looked through the information on the table. Not long after, the man with glasses exclaimed: "Are they all missing cases?" "They are all missing cases." "It seems, it seems that the missing people are also related to these missing cases in this city.  There is also a characteristic, the physical fitness of each missing person is higher than that of ordinary people," a female team member said in surprise.  "Yes, the missing cases that occurred in this city or outside this city or in nearby provinces and cities all have similar characteristics to what we just mentioned. The missing persons can never be found again, and the missing persons are all physically strong.  Strong. But as Zhou Yang said, there is still no clue, and it is not enough reason to decide to merge the case. But I am still waiting for some reports. When these reports come out, maybe the reasons for our merger will be clear.  That's enough." There was a knock on the door, and a man brought in a large pile of information.  "Team Leader He, this incident of yours has exhausted the people in our forensics department." "Haha, Director Huo, thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work. I'll treat you all to a drink someday." Director Huo from the forensics department is waiting for you.  After leaving, He Yuanqing put away his smile and began to look through the forensic materials, his brows slowly frowning.  After reading more than ten copies, he began to distribute the materials to other team members.  "I haven't finished reading. If you continue, it seems to be similar to what I thought. The murderer really showed his clues here." The members of the serious crime team quickly looked through the documents. Zhou Yang was the first to raise his head and said: "  These information are all about the last place where the missing person stayed before disappearing. The genetic samples collected about the missing person were compared with their previous genetic samples and confirmed to be the same person. But what is very strange is that the forensic department pointed out that each person  Only trace samples of the missing person were left at each scene, such as a little bit of skin flakes or a few hairs. Apart from that, there was nothing else, and there was no clue to the existence of anyone else who was with the missing person.  ¡± ¡°There is something even stranger. In my information, the forensics department highlighted a strange phenomenon, which is to analyze the hair and dander of the missing person. The state of the missing person before the disappearance was very strange, as ifHe suddenly aged dozens of years before he disappeared.  " "Hey, this is also mentioned in my information.  "    "mine too.  " Everyone in the serious crime team was stunned. He Yuanqing took a long breath, put his hands on the table and said: "Comrades, the clue is out.  " While the members of the crime team were immersed in solving the case and solving the mystery, suddenly He Yuanqing's phone rang. He answered the phone. After a while, his face became solemn, and finally he lost his voice and said: "What?  Director, is this true?  you mean?  OK, I understand, and I will fully cooperate.  "    "What's wrong?  "The team members looked at He Yuanqing doubtfully. He Yuanqing barely suppressed the anger in his heart and signaled everyone to be silent. "The latest development, this case has a major breakthrough, and we are close to being able to identify the suspect.  "    "What?  Isn't that wrong? We have just started preparing to join the case. Can we now identify the suspect?  " "What's going on, team leader?  " "Someone reported it.  He Yuanqing was unusually calm, "But don't be too happy. The director's phone call just now also stated that this case is too serious for us to handle."  " "You're right, if it's not handled by us, should it be handed over to the provincial department?  " "Stop guessing, this case has been classified as a first-level secret, and may even be upgraded to a special level.  All I can tell you is that the whistleblower has been protected.  At the same time, this case will be handed over to a special department organization for handling. We just need to cooperate.  " "What special department is so awesome?  " "Dragon group!  "He Yuanqing said slowly. ¡ª¡ª One month later. A strong wind was blowing in front of a building in Xixiao, Yanjing, China. The sand blew with the wind and hit the face painfully. These  In the past year, desertification has become more and more serious. Very few people know that this inconspicuous building has a very close relationship with the Dragon Group's headquarters. But everyone knows that the existence of the Dragon Group is not secret.  The descriptions are not much more than those described in online novels, even at the level of He Yuanqing, the leader of the Lanhai City Major Crime Team. Online novels often describe the Dragon Group as a mysterious organization that is always shrouded in mystery.  There is a lot of information. But whether it is in novels, legends, or occasionally revealed deeds, one thing is certain, every member of this department has shocking power, and is unusually low-key, just like this one.  The building is the same as the Environment and Development Committee on the surface, but who would have thought that its true size lies underground? Yes, the real Dragon Group headquarters is underground in this building. It is a huge base at the Dragon Group.  There were already many people sitting in the huge meeting at the headquarters, but everyone seemed to be waiting for someone. The door opened, and a man in military uniform who looked like an iron tower came in. He looked around at everyone and walked straight in.  The people in the conference room looked straight. This iron-tower-like man in military uniform was one of the three top leaders of the Dragon Group, General Fei Liguo, who represented the Chinese Communist Party. His position in the Dragon Group was the Strategic Guidance Bureau.  "General Fei, it's fine if you come. Why do you want us to participate?  "The speaker was an old man dressed as a Taoist priest. He was Zhang Shouzhen, the first heavenly master of Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi Province of China. Another Taoist sitting next to him also looked inquiring. Although this one's identity was not as good as Zhang Shouzhen's,  But the background is not trivial. The other people, monks and laymen from the Shangqing Sect, are all puzzled. You must know that these people are all special advisers of the Dragon Group. The original existence of the Dragon Group is to manage and monitor China.  Some superhuman powers in the country, including some supernatural beings and the forces represented by these ancient sects here, once caused resentment. These ancient sects are better, those lonely and powerful supernatural beings.  They are not used to being monitored. Fortunately, during a crisis that began in 2013, China faced unprecedented challenges. At this time, both the ancient sects and the supernatural people gave up in the face of national crisis.  After the crisis, both the military and others deeply felt that cooperation was the main theme.  Under the suggestion and with the courageous support of the top leaders of the Chinese nation, the Dragon Group was formally established. It is composed of the Chinese Communist Party, people with supernatural powers, and ancient sects. It is responsible for supervising inhuman forces internally and cooperating with any external party.They are trying to use inhuman power to destroy the power confrontation of China.  Therefore, these ancient sects are also one of the powerful supports behind the Dragon Group. Their outstanding disciples have shed blood for the country in the past few decades and died in the darkness. There are countless unknown heroes, including Zhang Shouzhen.  Nephew and a proud disciple of Master Yuxiao.  "There is something, but we have to wait a moment, wait for Browning." Fei Liguo said solemnly.  Hearing Browning's name, the eyelids of everyone in the room jumped. Browning's name is the most difficult to deal with among the three forces of the Dragon Group. Among the three forces of the Dragon Group, the other people in the Dragon Group can only deal with  Everyone who has dealt with this guy admits it.  I don¡¯t know what happened, but he was dispatched.  "No need to wait, I'm back." The door was pushed open, and a somewhat lazy young man walked in.  He is wearing a white jacket and has an ordinary appearance. He is the kind of person who can't be found in a crowd. If there is anything about him that makes people feel bright, it is his pair of eyes, which can be seen inadvertently.  He is particularly clever, so clever that those who occasionally catch that look that can be called a cold light will be involuntarily shuddered.  "Is your mission completed?" Fei Liguo said quietly.  "Of course it's done. This is the incident report that was completed on the road." Browning took out a few pieces of paper from his arms, and suddenly his expression became serious, "However, dear Commander Fei, although such a case  It¡¯s not suitable for ordinary police, but the Dragon Group has too many people to deal with. Why did you force me to come back when the matter in Europe came to a critical juncture? " Others in the conference room!  There was also a moment of astonishment, because they all knew what the Europa incident Browning was talking about was, and it must be fighting for something with the Europa League or the United States of Rice.  This kind of competition began with the crisis in 2013. In the following decades, the world's major powers have been competing for everything related to it. With mutual deterrence sufficient to destroy each other, no one can launch a destructive  The war mainly relied on underground forces composed of superpowers or special talents in their respective countries to conduct secret wars.  The most famous organizations among them are the Dragon Group of China, the Knights of the Rose of the European Union, the Battle Angels of the powerful country known as the Polar Bear, the Holy Crusade of the United States of America, and a slightly larger organization.  Secondary ones, such as Fusang's Tianzhu and Bharata's Brahma.  "Ahem, Xiaobai, don't worry, I believe General Fei must have his reasons." A fat monk said. He looks chubby, a bit like the Maitreya Buddha in Buddhist legend, and his identity is also very important. He is the leader of the Faxiang Sect.  Zen Master Jin is known as the Living Maitreya.  Browning suddenly smiled, and there was an indescribable innocence in that smile. If you just looked at this smile, you would think that Browning was just a student who just graduated from campus, but the smile on Zen Master Jin's face turned into a bitter smile.  He knew there was nothing he could do, because when Browning had this harmless smile on his face, it meant that his anger not only did not weaken, but in fact became stronger.  Fortunately, there was a fire extinguisher. Fei Liguo seemed not to have seen his smile and said solemnly: "Because we need you more here." "Is this a case that I have already handled?" Browning also said seriously  , "You know, what our colorful country is doing in Europe, it is probably another ruins related to Atlantis. Now all the underground organizations in the world are in Greece. At this time,  But you insist on me coming back as the supreme commander!" Everyone in the conference room was moved. No one knows what the ruins of Atlantis represent more than these people in the conference room, because the Dragon Group was  It arose because during the maritime crisis in 2013, China took an extremely tough stance in delimiting an air identification zone and fighting for the sovereignty of a small island at all costs.  And the truth of the matter is that the area represented by that small island is one of the ruins of Atlantis.  At that time, the United States of Rice and its ally Fuso did not know that it was the first Atlantean ruins discovered in the world. Under the extremely tough resistance of China, they finally retreated.  As a result, China finally obtained the ruins of Atlantis, obtained the crystallization of ancient civilization from it, and its national power developed rapidly. It has now surpassed the United States of Rice and become the world's most powerful country.  Of course, this truth was not kept secret for too long. After that, all the countries in the world knew about the existence of the ruins of Atlantis, so they searched frantically.  "General Fei, what on earth is more important than fighting for the ruins of Atlantis?" Zhang Shouzhen couldn't help but ask. He himself was also one of the beneficiaries of the ancient civilization in the ruins of Atlantis. From the ruins,  The achievements of civilization brought him an extended life span. ?"It's just such a case." Browning sneered: "Near Lanhai City, with this city as the center, there are about a dozen prefecture-level cities. Over the past year, more than a thousand people have disappeared. Various traces  The image showed that it might have been caused by an inhuman force, and it was ultimately confirmed that it was because the girlfriend of the inhuman force was forced to become his girlfriend. She reported to the police that the inhuman force killed her original boyfriend.  , she once witnessed him using inhuman power. "I took action to end this inhuman power. It was that simple." "Does it require me to take action?" "There is nothing else in this case."  Weird?" Fei Liguo said coldly.  "Weird?" Browning was startled, and then smiled: "It's a bit weird. Before he died, the inhuman force claimed that his power came from an online novel, which seems to be called Taiping Ji." "That's right.  ." Fei Liguo exhaled, as if with an indescribable heaviness.  "This case actually has something to do with the ruins of Atlantis." "What?" Browning lost his voice.  Fei Liguo ignored his surprise and continued: "If I told you that the Book of Taiping was mentioned in some of the remains of the latest Atlantis ruins we obtained, would you believe it?"  "How could it be? It was a coincidence. Before he died, the inhuman force said that his power was in the novel called Taiping Ji when some cultivation methods suddenly appeared, which made him embark on the path of crime.  But according to my subsequent investigation, this novel was only written by a person named Kong Zhang, and there was no abnormality at all. Other readers who have read this novel have never experienced such anomalies. " "According to the Atlan we cracked.  The latest posthumous text of Thies did mention the existence of the Book of Taiping, and pointed out that it is a book of demons that can tempt people to fall into evil spirits. The destruction of the ruins of Atlantis was caused by the Book of Taiping." Fei Li.  state Road.  "What?" "This book, according to the last testament left by the Atlanteans, claims that demons originate from the unknown world and were created by the Lord of Demons, Lord Luohou. This is a strange book.  , can appear under various names and with various contents, but the ultimate goal is to open the passage to the world of monsters. ""It sounds no different from those online novels," Browning commented.  Fei Liguo snapped his fingers, and some pictures were immediately illuminated by a slide on the wall, which seemed to be some books.  "These are all contained in the newly discovered Atlantis legacy. If you don't believe it, you can apply for permission to read it yourself." Fei Liguo said solemnly.  Browning looked at the pictures intently, and said with an ugly face: "I will, I will apply for permission to see the new legacy. The screenshots of the legacy on these slides alone are not complete." Fei Liguo did not  He ignored him, lowered his head slightly and said: "At first, I also thought it was ridiculous. Because the civilization of Atlantis was much more developed than our current civilization, they no longer worried about material scarcity, and only focused on pursuing spiritual evolution, or in other words  , the people of Atlantis have realized the Cumming Nathan. Perhaps it is for this reason that they lost their vigilance and were tempted when they first came into contact with the book of Taiping." "Atlantis' legacy.  The mystery of the destruction of Atlantis was revealed, because some of them were tempted by the Book of Demons and opened the passage to the world of demons. As a result, one of the four demons under Lord Luohou entered the universe.  In order to make up for their mistakes, the brave Atlanteans launched a decisive battle with the invading demon army at the expense of their own civilization and homeland. In the end, they severely damaged the demon and drove it back. They closed the door in time and did not completely  Open channel.  For this reason, the once highly developed civilization of Atlantis was destroyed. The continent of Atlantis was fragmented and sank to the bottom of the sea one after another. These are the ruins of Atlantis that countries around the world have been looking for.  Not only that, but it was also mentioned in the Atlantis legacy that they suspected that in earlier prehistoric civilizations, the demon world had been connected to the universe to varying degrees, but the channel had never been fully opened.  After receiving such information, the Dragon Group immediately organized forces to search through all relevant records of prehistoric civilizations, even various myths and legends.  In the end, I came up with an unbelievable guess. The myths of all ethnic groups all mentioned that there were battles of gods or legends of destruction that brought huge disasters, such as the great flood that originated in the Bible, and the myths of the Chinese nation.  Gonggong's collision with Buzhou Mountain and the like are most likely some legends about the battle between prehistoric civilization and visitors from the demon world.  It can be inferred that the inexplicable disappearance of not only the Atlantean civilization but also other legendary civilizations may be related to this.    Even though the Atlantis legacy claims to have closed the passage to the demon world, it can be inferred from what the Dragon Group has learned that the shadow of the demon world has been following human civilization.  ¡°Maybe it¡¯s because the passage didn¡¯t open again, maybe there were other obstacles in the demon world, and they didn¡¯t launch a new attack, but the book of demons has always appeared in human history, but it just changed its name.  For example, Zhang Jiao obtained the Taiping Sutra during the Yellow Turban Uprising.  "You mean to say that the novel "The Book of Peace" that appeared on the Internet is the same book that caused the destruction of the Atlantis civilization?" Browning said.  "Maybe, maybe not. But at least one inhuman force claims to have been born because of it." Fei Liguo said.  "If this is really a projection of the demon world, then the security of the world depends on us. At least, the security of China depends on ourselves." Fei Liguo took a deep breath, "But you don't have to worry too much. The demon world may  Very powerful, but not invincible, because their channel has not really been opened. You must still remember the French doctor Damas who wrote the book "Century". He once predicted that mankind will face unprecedented challenges at the end of the last century.  Disaster, the terrifying demon king will fall from the sky. I suspect that he also came into contact with the world of monsters, but in the end the disaster did not happen. Maybe at that time, there was some power we didn't know that was secretly preventing everything. " "If the monster really happened.  Come, my old bones are no longer afraid of falling apart." Longhushan Celestial Master stood up.  Fei Liguo nodded, suddenly raised his right hand, clenched his fist and bent his elbow, placing his fist tightly on the left side of his heart.  "I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood!" Everyone was in awe, including Browning, who all stood up, stood solemn, and made the same action as Fei Liguo.  "I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood!" (Ending 2) ps: It's a little late, this section is a bit long, it could actually be divided into two sections, and I finally finished demonizing Uncle Kong.
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