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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> Korean entertainment: late winter sadness

1: At that time, Yoona¡¯s chapter: Wei Shuli¡¯s cultivation plan

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    Many years ago, on a cold winter night, there was a girl of 17 or 18 years old crying in the night, and there was a boy who was easily soft-hearted, and told her softly that reality was not a fairy tale, and that he and she were both children in the mist.  But she liked him so much, ever since she was a child. At first, it was just a child's admiration. Gradually, she didn't know when she fell in love with him.  Maybe it was because every time she saw his melancholy expression, her little heart ached, and then she would find ways to make him happy, because she had said that she had a dream, which was to be someone's pistachio.  "But, all this is gone, Lin Yuner is very sad, she feels like she is going to die because it hurts too much.  Her Han Bin oppa rejected her and refused to let her continue to like her. From now on, she would no longer be able to hold his shoulders affectionately. It would really be like the bloody scenes in Korean dramas. If they can't be lovers, they will become forever.  stranger.  It¡¯s really heartbreaking to say this.  The wind is biting, very cold and freezing. The newly planted seedlings are bent down by the cold wind. The air in the middle of the night is a bit humid. Under the cooling of the cold wind, it freezes into pieces of crystal frost. This winter is a bit cold.  In the dark darkness, a thin figure walked slowly, walking very weakly, and the heels looked numb when raised and lowered. He was only wearing a thin long shirt and a pair of thin cotton pants, just wandering around in the extremely cold winter night.  Her face was gloomy, her eyes were red and swollen, and she had two big bags under her eyes. Her usually cute and coquettish face looked really ugly because it was swollen from crying. She didn¡¯t look good at all and looked dirty.  The delicate little face as big as a palm is still covered with tears, the watery eyes are full of mist, the teeth are biting the lips tightly, and there are still some crystal tears hanging down from the chin.  She woke up crying late at night, with tears streaming down her face.  She didn¡¯t dare to cry at home for fear of disturbing her family, so she could only secretly go to a deserted community like last time and cry loudly in the quiet night. This way, she felt she would feel better.  The cold wind howled, scraping down her face like a blade. It hurt so much, but at least it was lighter than her heart.  She couldn't bear it and still walked forward step by step, just looking for a place where she could hide and cry.  "Winter is such a sad season." She sniffed and snorted, suddenly feeling that she was so talented.  To be able to say such nice sentences.  The thought of comforting herself made her feel a little better.  His frown was slightly amused.  But after a moment, it became darker.  She felt that her ability to speak such nice sentences had an important relationship with a certain person, because every time that person said something, it was like a beautiful quote in a book, which was not only nice to hear.  And it's very profound.  As she thought about it, she was about to cry, her eyes full of tears soaking in the corners of her eyes and sliding down her cheeks.  "We are all the same. Like a toddler, or like a lost child looking for an exit in the fog, we are all bravely overcoming difficulties and learning to face reality, but we are unable to adapt to the strangeness of sudden changes."  Yoona bit her lip and hummed softly. The girl's sad tears flowed unbridled, and she became even more sad as she murmured what Han Bin said that night.  Although it makes sense, this metaphor is not appropriate at all.  She felt this way, maybe because she couldn't adapt to the unfamiliarity of the sudden change.  "This sentence is not profound or beautiful at all." She found a place where she could cry and shouted loudly.  "Ughbecause even a big idiot like Lin Yoon-ah can understand it, how can it be profound." Yes, a sentence that even a big idiot can understand is really not profound at all, but such a sentence is really beautiful  .  ¡°Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"  "  She squatted under the dim street light, curled up into a ball, and cried heartbreakingly. She raised her head, but couldn't stop the tears from sliding down her face. The words she shouted were confusing, but yet so clear.  She said she was about to cry, but she was actually crying hard because she cried so loudly that although she didn¡¯t disturb anyone sleeping at night, it attracted the attention of someone who couldn¡¯t sleep. ?? A cry echoed in the night, drifting into someone's ears along the cold wind. He really couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned in bed. Even though his eyes were closed tightly, he was not sleepy at all.  Possibly, I am worried about a certain guy, a troublemaker who often troubles others, even though that troublemaker has grown up.  The dark windows and frost-covered glass reflect the silent night.Desolate and cold, Han Bin slowly opened his eyes, his expression was particularly calm, he sat up straight and looked out the window quietly.  The weather is freezing. It should be below zero.  "You guys, you'd better not let me see it, otherwiseI will" He was only wearing pajamas and walked downstairs slowly, or at a trot. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? He always felt that he heard some distressing sounds, which were so thin that they could almost be ignored, but he was worried, because he also heard such sounds last night.  It was a loud, sad cry.  The night was really dark, and the community was completely empty. Only the icy cold wind was raging. It hurt when it hit my face, but it was a little moist, like the coldness of melted snowflakes.  Han Bin stood in the open space of the community, his face was dark, his eyes were lowered, his head turned uneasily, examining the surroundings, trying to find the source of the crying sound. This time he heard it very clearly.  That was the sound of someone crying, and only a heartless guy could cry such a heart-breaking howl.  He paused for a moment, then immediately took off his toes and started running as fast as he could, speeding along the quiet path. The dim street lights just flashed a shadow without pause, as if he was teleporting.  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT Off out, I just ran for a short time, but I always felt like I was running for a long time.  Then, it was found.  The dim light illuminated a thin girl wearing thin clothes.  She looked weak in the biting cold wind. She held her head high, her face was as dry as wrinkled paper, her eyes were full of tears, and she kept crying.  Han Bin stopped and took a few breaths, his chest filled with anger. He wanted to give this ignorant guy a good beating and ask her why she was still as troublesome as before when she grew up.  Actually, the reason why Yoona cried that night was really simple.  She confessed to Han Bin and was rejected, that's all, there were no other factors.  This is not a hypothesis, nor an if.  Because this is the story of Han Bin and Yoona.  Just when Han Bin was about to step forward and scold him, he just took a small step on his toes.  But he stopped midway.  He felt a little wet on his face, as if something had melted and was cold.  It turns out that it¡¯s snowing.  Petals of pure white snowflakes drifted down from the dark sky, dotting the monotonous night, and then it started to snow.  Yoona's cry paused slightly, she sniffed, and looked up at the night sky sadly with her red and swollen eyes.  She stretched out her hand, and a snowflake fell on her hand.  Holding it gently, she slowly looked at the signs of the ice melting and the snow melting. Then her little face became more wrinkled, and she suddenly felt very enlightened.  I heard that every forty-five-degree look up, especially when it snows in winter, is a sad angle.  "This must be sadness." She rubbed her red eyes, her voice was soft but very clear.  "I hope Han Bin can be happy in the future, like a pistachio, and leave all the sadness to Lin Yoona, because she was happy before." Yoona suddenly stopped crying, shrank her shoulders, hugged her whole body, and folded her hands  Pan, her chin resting between her elbows, although she felt very cold, she didn't feel cold at all, which was really strange.  This guy is always so sensational, why can't he just say a good word?  Han Bin opened his mouth slightly, but no sound came out. His eyes were particularly bright, twinkling in the night, a bit like stars hanging in the sky, but he didn't know what kind of light it was.  .  I have been familiar with it since I was a child. I am used to having a troublemaker around me. She is very small and has a strange appearance. I hold her hand and take her to school. I have to pay attention every time, for fear that she will jump away in the next second.  Come, because she can't settle down for a moment.  Maybe it¡¯s because she is too happy every day, so she can¡¯t take any time off.  And the reason why she is happy may be because there is always a superman Oppa beside her, but he always pretends to be a bad guy with a straight face, but the next second he is frightened by her pitiful expression, and then he turns into a handsome and gentle big guy.  elder brother.  Then, I don¡¯t know when, the naughty little guy started to like him. Although she didn¡¯t know what liking meant, she could clearly feel that as long as she saw him, she would be happy.  Although he looked very sad, she always believed that if she was happy, then he would also be happy  So Lin Yoona has always been happy because she must be happy. You should be able to understand this reason.  Why did it suddenly snow this winter? But it¡¯s very beautiful and beautiful.It looks beautiful, but there is no scene as imagined - a romantic love scene like a Korean drama.  "Lin Yuner, do you think that person will appear? Like the male protagonist of a Korean dramasuddenly" Yoona snorted, her nose trembled slightly, she breathed in a sad breath, and her head subconsciously turned to the left.  .  "Appeared!" Just like that, the male protagonist appeared. There was no earth-shattering formation, just a very quiet look, so quiet that it made people want to cry loudly.  When you are so sad that you are choking, will the soreness in your heart become more clogged because you see an extremely familiar person? Then, you will feel that you are the saddest person in the world.  Then, you will try your best to suppress your tears, but you can't help but cry.  Just like Lin Yoona, she bit her lip, clearly not wanting to cry. She had already sworn, but she just couldn't help it. Maybe her tears were too willful, and it wasn't Yoona's fault.  "Woo Wu" Such sad cries were really not meant to show to anyone. She really couldn't help it. She blinked her red and swollen eyes, but the tears could not blur the figure.  He is still the same as before, he is really good-looking, tall and handsome, but he just doesn¡¯t like this girl Lin Yuner.  In fact, Han Bin always felt that he should be extremely angry, but when he saw Yoona's crying face, he couldn't even get angry.  I just feel a dull pain in my heart.  He didn¡¯t know why it hurt, but he knew a little bit, he just didn¡¯t want to understand.  He stepped forward and walked over slowly, but as he walked in, Yoona became more and more sad, crying louder and louder, and her eyes were full of tears.  But it couldn't stop the clear vision.  "Han Bin, you are here." Yes, Han Bin is here, but Lin Yuner is crying again, with a look of fear on her face.  His tone was full of fear and apology.  "I'm sorry I shouldn't have woken up so late and cried. I've disturbed you I'm really sorry. It's just that I really couldn't help it. It's so sad." As she spoke, she wiped the corners of her eyes and hurriedly  I jumped up, my little body was trembling, and my face turned pale. I don't know if it was because of fear or because it was too cold.  Why do you need to apologize?  Because Han Bin said that he hoped that Lin Yuner would stop liking her, otherwise it would be very annoying.  It should be like this.  "Why are you crying again!" Han Bin was really distressed.  "I'm not crying, it's just that there's sand in my eyes." It's really an extremely childish lie, but it's not funny at all, but makes people sad because Lin Yoona is sad but can't tell the reason.  "The sand must be very big, otherwise you wouldn't have cried for so long." Han Bin came to her and looked at her quietly.  "No, it will be fine after a while. The sand will be gone soon. If you wait a while, you won't cry." Yoona raised her hands indifferently, but she cried harder.  .  "But now the sand is still in my eyes, so I still cry." The suppressed cries really make people feel sad and full of pity. When will this guy who talks kind lies say something that doesn't make people feel distressed?  .  "Thenif I sayI say Han Bin likes Yoona" He spoke really slowly, his voice was clear and a little trembling.  "Then do you still want to cry?" As the sound fell, the snowflakes also fell, and silence spread unbridled in the gap between the two, and Yoona's crying face froze.  Han Bin said that he likes Lin Yuner!  But I think this is a lie, because Han Bin is a big liar, he just wants me not to cry, because he is easy to be soft-hearted.  "You're lying." "Why do you say that." "Because it's the truth, isn't it?" "Then what do you think if I say no?" Han Bin's expression was a little serious, and this  A little serious expression was undoubtedly as full of hope as the sun in Yoona's eyes. She wanted to take it seriously, but she didn't dare.  "Don't worry, I won't bother you anymore, and I won't cry." Yoona raised her little hands aggrievedly. She only regarded his seriousness as a luxury, but she didn't have the luck to enjoy it.  "I'm telling the truth." In fact, even he didn't know if he was telling the truth.  Then, the expression on Yoona's face trembled slightly, her eyes full of hope. She really hoped that every word Han Bin said was true.  "Really?" She tested it carefully.  "Yeah." He nodded slightly.  "But I still don't believe this is true." Yoona said lightly.?? shook his head, bit his lip, and looked at Han Bin's face eagerly.  "Unlessyou let me kiss you, mouth to mouth, I will believe what you say." Otherwise, she would not believe it even to death, but to be honest, she really, really hoped it was true.  "No!" Han Bin refused decisively.  Yoona laughed at herself, and the brightness on her face quickly dimmed, looking like she was lost.  "Let me tell you, how could Han Bin like a girl? It turns out that everything is a lie." "You are too ugly, your face is wet with tears, and I can't let you kiss me, so let me kiss you.  " A pair of big, warm palms gently held Yoona's wet cheeks. In her dull pupils, a handsome face quickly enlarged, and then a warm breath came from her lips.  The girl's lips were trembling like her mood, trembling slightly, maybe still in a state of extreme disbelief. She gently bit her lips and teeth, feeling the fluid in her mouth, and swallowed her dry throat.  She felt that this fantasy was so real.  Sucking greedily, the girl couldn't bear to let go of this real dream. She stretched out her lilac tongue and wrapped it around her hot big tongue, as if she was licking candy.  Sure enough, a kiss or something.  The most loving, Lin Yoona likes it very much.  "Do you believe it?" Han Bin asked.  "I still don't believe it." Yoona raised the corners of her mouth, her eyes were still swollen, but she looked a little smiling.  "Kiss me again, or let me kiss you, and I will believe it." "You are too young." Han Bin shook his head. He had already expressed his rejection euphemistically.  ¡°We¡¯ve already kissed each other anyway, so it really doesn¡¯t matter if we kiss again.¡± Perhaps, every girl who worries about gains and losses is greedy, because they are really afraid of losing again.  ¡°We¡¯ll talk about it when you grow up.¡± Han Bin continued to shake his head.  "Then can you tell me? Why do you suddenly like me? Last night you said you didn't like me." She really wanted to know the reason.  "I don't know either." Han Bin still shook his head, his eyes a little blurry, and he said it inexplicably.  "Haven't you heard that surprises and happiness always come unexpectedly?" Yes.  Sometimes, there are things.  It really happened unexpectedly.  You can't guess.  "I've heard of it, and I think so." Yoona nodded her little head, smiling like a little flower, with tears in her eyes, but it was an expression of joy.  Han Bin smiled when he saw her, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised a slight arc.  Maybe it's because he can't see others crying, but he always sees people crying, so he becomes soft-hearted.  And Yoona won¡¯t say it. She actually knows that this is very likely to be a white lie.  But she will work hard to make everything a reality, and she believes she can do it.  ¡°You bad guy, my plot will succeed.¡± She snorted vaguely, stood on tiptoes and secretly kissed the side of Han Bin¡¯s face.  "What did you say?" Han Bin raised his face slightly and asked.  "It's nothing, I just made a small wish." Yoona's eyes flashed with a cunning light, her face was still dirty and ugly.  "A wish that will come true. The wishing opportunity will help me." She didn't tell anyone what her wish was, not even Han Bin, but her little wish really came true.  I don¡¯t know how much time passed, it must have been many years. In a spring season, when Han Bin opened the door, he saw a delicate and beautiful face.  That¡¯s Yoona, the face of South Korea¡¯s number one girl group Girls¡¯ Generation. She is indeed extremely beautiful, but in Han Bin¡¯s view, the girl in front of her still cannot escape the impression of a brat.  Although the two are together, sometimes they still feel weird, because sometimes Han Bin always feels a little guilty in his heart. After all, Yoona is the girl he brought up since childhood.  It seems that Loli can¡¯t escape the crime she developed, and Yoona sometimes likes to use this to tease Han Bin, especially when she does some bad things that only boys and girls do together.  "Good morning, Yoona." Han Bin reached out and rubbed her head.  "Shh" Yoona raised her middle finger furtively, put it to her mouth, lowered the brim of her hat with one hand, and still looked around with her eyes, and then she slipped into the room.  "Huhu It's always secretive. It's like having an affair." Han Bin shook his head, feeling funny but helpless.  The reason for this situation is simply because Girls¡¯ Generation has become extremely popular in recent years and has become the number one girl group in South Korea.  "But, I still quite like the feeling of having an affair, it's so exciting." Yoona took it offHat, took a few steps forward, put his hands around Han Bin's neck, and hung his whole body on him.  "Now, don't you think so, Han Bin." Here we go again, there are really no big or small guys.  ¡°It seems like I¡¯m really addicted to it.¡± Han Bin laughed.  "Hmph If you weren't a man from Lin Yuner's family, I wouldn't be too lazy to steal it." Yoner curled her lips, with a smile hidden in her eyes, and moved her lips towards Han Bin's face.  "Come on, give me a kiss." "It's so shameless to think about doing bad things just after we met." Han Bin sighed, but moved his face to her mouth.  ¡°Don¡¯t you like me, right? We¡¯ve only been together for two years, and we¡¯ve gotten tired of it so quickly?¡± Yoona¡¯s lovely eyes widened, looking stunned.  "How about I stop playing for two years? I've already played anyway. It's more cost-effective to play for a while. Besides, I'm Girls' Generation's Lin Yoona, so I said it beautifully." Han Bin felt that if he continued to talk to her, his IQ would improve.  It was plummeting, but he liked the childish and relaxed atmosphere.  "No, you are too young to play happily together." Han Bin pretended to be indifferent.  "It's not small anymore. It's really not small. I'm not lying to you. You'll know by touching it." Yoona blushed, grabbed Han Bin's hand and pressed it to her chest, making a soft sound.  "I know you like this. It's a sense of accomplishment to develop a plan and so on." Han Bin smiled, put his head close to Yoona's ear, blew a warm breath, and then pointed  Micro movement.  "You have indeed grown up a lot." "Huh, you are satisfied, you bad guy." Sure enough, in the end, Lin Yoona was ruined by Han Bin, the weird Shuli. Because this was originally a training plan, Lin Yoona was logical.  The land became Han Bin's people.  Because, he and she have to be together!  Then, the door closed shyly, and Han Bin and Yoona seemed to have done some bad things that were inappropriate for children. These bad things were so bad that no one knew about them.  This year is already 2012. Do you think it has been many years?  And after so many years, the love of that cold girl still lingers in Han Bin's heart - it belongs to Han Bin named Zheng Xiuyan.  PS: These single-story endings should take place in different intersecting time and spaces, and may or may not be connected to the previous ones, that¡¯s all.  I am explaining something, because I still can¡¯t show that I don¡¯t care when I see other people¡¯s slanderous book reviews. Whenever I see these, I feel sad. ?????????????????????? Thank you, mortal among mortals, I see you are giving rewards every day, even though I didn¡¯t write it.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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