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Three Rivers Butterfly Chapter 600: The Golden Age Begins (Grand Finale)

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    Time flies by, five long years passed by without realizing it, and after many baptisms of cold and heat, time has quietly arrived in March of the third year of Tensho (1575), six full years have passed since the Battle of Uji River outside Kyoto.  , it was also the sixth year that Yuanyoshi served as the general to conquer the barbarians.  The former right minister, Nakayuan Tongmi, officially resigned from his official position in November last year and lived in seclusion due to old age and frailty. The court immediately promoted him to the right minister, Nakahara Tongmi, who was promoted to the right minister.  General Wei, Idekawa Haruyuki was also promoted to the second rank of General, H¨­dai Nagon and Sakonoe.  Konoe Maekyu also announced his retirement in the first month of this year, and handed over the family governor to his eldest son, Konoe Yoshitsugu, and resigned from the posts of Guan Bai, Zuo Minister, Uchikan, and the elder of the Fuji family. The imperial court immediately pardoned him and granted him the title of Ichi.  As a minister of Taizheng, he also retained a xuanxia and gave it to the quasi-three palaces to show his honor and favor. He served as Guanbai twice for a total of twenty-one years. During his reign, he completed the process from chaos to great rule. Xiang Zhongyuan  At the time of righteousness, this thousand-mile horse ruled the world, and its contribution was worthy of this honor.  The fifteen-year-old Konoe Yoshitsugu not only succeeded the family governor, but also served as the two ministers at the end of last year when he succeeded Minamoto no Yoshi. In just two months at the beginning of this year, he was promoted to the left minister, Guanbai, and Fuji clan elders.  This promotion speed can be compared to one step to the top. At the same time, he is also the first young family governor at the age of fifteen to serve as Guan Bai in recent decades.  Prince Kazuhito, the nominal grandson of Minamoto Yoshitoki and the current emperor's first prince, married Minamoto Yoshitoki's daughter. At first glance, it seems to be against the principles of human ethics. In fact, this is a normal situation of political marriage. Fujiwara is no better than  The eldest daughter Fujiwara Miyako was married to Emperor Bunmu, and the youngest daughter Fujiwara Mitsuko was married to Emperor Shomu.  This Emperor Shomu is his grandson.  That is really against the principles of human ethics.  But this was not a big deal in the eyes of ancient nobles.  There are countless things that are dirtier and darker than this. In comparison, Minamoto Yoshitoki's actions are in line with the rules. Minamoto Teruko is the daughter of Ashikaga Yoshiteru, and the Prince Kazuhito she gave birth to is actually of the same lineage as Minamoto Yoshiki.  There is no blood relationship, which Minamoto Yoshitoki and the shogunate will never accept, so he wants to marry his daughter to Prince Kazuhito to strengthen the blood connection. This candidate happens to be her legitimate daughter Ashikaga Kaguya.  ?Taken from Princess Kaguya in "The Tale of Bamboo".  This folklore is a famous story from the early Heian period in Japan. It is a parody of the Imshin Rebellion launched by the five princes of Kaijin who participated in the early Nara period. Among them, Prince Shamochi is a metaphor for the famous powerful official of the Fujiwara family, Lord Tamami.  Fujiwara did not wait.  This myth and legend itself is not particularly strange. To put it simply, the goddess fell into the mortal world. The mortal nobles fell in love at first sight and wanted to marry her. However, the goddess accidentally got contaminated by the fireworks of the mortal world, and they could not help but the adoptive father's pleading. Several people came out.  The problem was that the five people were asked to fetch the stone bowl in front of the Buddha, the jade branches from Penglai, the fire rat fur, the beads on the dragon's head, and the swallow's zi'anbei. In fact, the dignitaries retreated in spite of the difficulty.  Unexpectedly, the emperor also wanted to marry the goddess, but at this time, the gods came and gave the goddess the elixir of death.  The goddess ascended to the heavenly palace wearing the feathered robe of heaven.  The meaning of this name given by Minamoto no Yoshi to his one-year-old daughter is self-evident. According to folklore, if the emperor does not marry a goddess, then Kaguya of the Minamoto family will be the wife of the emperor, and there is no need for the emperor to spend five  In order to get a wife with such a treasure, all he had to do was ensure that the Minamoto family's military fortunes would not decline, and the Minamoto family's Kaguya would be the emperor's middle palace.  The intention of this marriage was determined when Ashikaga Kaguya was born. It was another political marriage without freedom. The natural destiny of the daughter of the samurai family was marriage. Marrying a good husband was the greatest hope. Kaguya was only one year old.  Ji is very lucky. Her little husband, Prince Ren, who is only four years old, is strong and very cute. He will definitely be a very good husband.  Ashikaga Yoshiyasu is eighteen years old. Three years ago, he was promoted to the rank of Dai-Nagon and the Great Shogun of the Toufu. Last year, he was promoted to the rank of Sho-Dainagon and Dazai-Shogun last year. These are the two prefectures specially established by Minamoto no Yoshi.  The remote collar system establishes a defense system around the security of the two regional centers of Kyushu Dazaifu and Mutsu Fort.  The core of this system are several subordinate officials of Kyushu Dazaifu. Mogami Yoshimitsu, who was assigned to Kitakyushu, took office, and the four subordinate Dazai Obi, Shimazu Yoshihisa and Hojo Tokimasa respectively served as the five subordinate Dazai and Shaobi. These are counted.  Each of the big local forces in Kyushu has at least 300,000 koku of territory, but they do not have military power in their hands. Not only do they not have military power in their hands, among the five sixty-six kingdoms of Japan, only the shogunate has military power.  The military service in Kyushu is professional samurai and professional ashigaru. They are all warrior assessment systems. Both samurai and ashigaru are hereditary in large and small families. The so-called assessment is that there is only one place for hereditary. There is no way for three people to be born in one family.  A son becomes a matter for three families. A samurai has an inheritance. The other sons either go into business or return to farming. If they really don't want to be willing to pay for their own family, they can support them, but the shogunate will not protect their privileges and wear tachi.  ofThe power is only granted to one heir of this samurai family.  This is not the Sword Hunting Order. Minamoto no one believed that the Sword Hunting Order could govern the country. The Mongolian Yuan Dynasty suppressed the Han people so cruelly that only three households of the Han people had a sword. However, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the peasant uprising was still in full swing and unstoppable. This shows that the so-called collection of weapons is not reliable.  It's amazing, as long as the shogunate's strong people are determined, they won't be afraid of the threats of those swords and guns.  The shogunate only banned the private possession of powerful crossbows, iron cannons and gunpowder, and dangerous items made in the form of plate armor. As for the ornate large armor, simple crotch balls, belly rolls, and ordinary marugi bows, bamboo bows, and self-defense  Weapons such as daggers, kodachi, and ribs are still not allowed, and daily security patrols are maintained by local police officers, so there is basically no need to worry about safety.  Only those who have passed the assessment in the World Military System can take up their posts. The warriors are assessed on many subjects such as horse archery, swordsmanship and iron artillery, military strategy and arithmetic, and knowledge of laws and regulations. Those who pass three subjects are qualified, four subjects are passable, five subjects are good, and six subjects are passed.  Those who are outstanding in one subject, outstanding in seven subjects, and outstanding in eight subjects will be selected to take the advanced examination in Edo. The difficulty will be greatly increased and the examination will be stricter and more comprehensive. The outstanding ones will be recruited as the elite of the shogunate.  The assessment of ashigaru is much simpler: good health, good conduct, abiding by the law, familiar with military discipline, familiar with the basic tactics of the ashigaru formation, and qualified in spearmanship or iron cannon skills, and archery skills.  It only needs to pass the assessment of literacy, legal code, military discipline, and fighting skills.  You can be accepted if you pass the physical fitness test.  This is the only way to maintain strong fighting spirit in peaceful times.  Many people are worried about whether samurai and ashigaru will be affected if they fail the assessment. The shogunate's explanation for this is also very clear. Since it is a military assessment, it must be a combination of hereditary and assessment. If this generation fails the assessment, they will be dismissed.  When a generation comes again, if the eldest son is unqualified, the second son will be the successor. If there is no heir, the successor will be of the same clan. If there is no one of the same clan, the shogunate will appoint a related soldier of the same level to succeed.  The inheritance procedure for samurai is very strict.  It must be implemented under the supervision of the shogunate, and then reported to the Yulian judges for review before approval. The main purpose is to ensure that the same clan has the priority to inherit. The closer the blood relationship is to the samurai, the stronger the succession rights. If there is no candidate from the same clan, then  Just choose your heir from a close branch of the same bloodline.  For example, if the eldest son of the Bando Taira clan is extinct, priority will be given to finding outstanding heirs from the eldest son clan and clan. If there happens to be no male heirs in the clan, outstanding heirs will be found from the Bando Taira clan, and so on for the Taira clan.  system.  Finally, there are other branches. This method can effectively ensure the bond of a leader.  It can effectively combat the random adoption behavior in private through coercive means due to geographical factors. On the contrary, Ashigaru is relatively simple, as long as it is a voluntary adoption within the world military system.  The shogunate returned all military power to the direct control of the shogunate. The Kyushu soldiers were assigned to Kinai, Saigoku, Shikoku, Tokai, Hokuriku, and Kanto according to their different origins. In principle, the Satsuma soldiers would not be allowed to go to the bitter cold Uao to ensure that the soldiers  The soil and water adaptability is within the controllable range, and the defense period is limited to three years before another rotation.  The samurai at the level of reserve general are directly appointed by the shogunate through the imperial family. These samurai are from selected generations of the family, or middle and low-level samurai who have received outstanding evaluations in the assessment. The reserve general is also transferred after the expiration of three years.  In other places, reserve generals are prohibited from commanding reserve soldiers from their own hometown, fellow tribesmen, relatives, and old friends.  The junior officers in each reserve unit are ordinary samurai in the world military system. They will be promoted and demoted by the reserve generals according to their age and level. Unless they are outstanding officers certified by the shogunate assessment, there are no exceptions for obvious promotion of status. Seniors  The grassroots warriors retired to give up their positions to their colleagues, and their heirs started from the grassroots to replace themselves. If they want to be outstanding, they can only hope that their own children and grandchildren will become dragons and phoenixes.  Just like the imperial examination system of the Ming Dynasty, the provincial examination was held every three years. Only the lucky one in 100,000 took the examination, and all of them were regarded as talented people. The examination was a threshold set by the shogunate for the soldiers, forcing the soldiers not to dare  Indulging in leisure and indulgence in the seriousness of military discipline and the training of skills, the assessment also gives soldiers an opportunity to climb up. A capable samurai can naturally become a dragon in one fell swoop. Deceptions cannot escape the eyes of the shogun. Lu Yao knows that horse power will be seen with time.  In the hearts of the people, it is impossible for a high-ranking warrior to protect a falsifier for long.  The two-government system does not allow the Dazaifu and the garrison to have large armies, but the Kyushu Dazaifu relies on a few important ministers to control the political stability of Kyushu for the shogunate. They are equivalent to the shogunate appointing the old spokesman in Kyushu to serve as the shogunate's official in Kyushu.  The execution of government orders gathers people's strength. If there is a problem in a certain territorial country or even the entire Kyushu, the responsibility for the implementation of the country must first be held accountable, and secondly, the dereliction of duty of several important ministers of Kyushu Dazaifu must be held accountable.  The same is true for the Mutsu garrison. The important officials of Utsu, such as the Soma clan, the Date clan, the Mogami clan, the Ashina clan, the Osaki clan, the Kasai clan, and the Iwaki clan must make great efforts to stabilize Oshu and grant them territorial favors.  Rewards are not given in vain. They must do something good for the shogunate. They are not needed for the internal affairs of each territorial country.In charge, they only need to record what they see and hear, work with local leaders to discuss solutions, and jointly report to the shogunate if they cannot solve the problem. They have the power of supervision, suggestion, and reporting, but they do not have the power of judgment.  The shogunate's military system was formed after several rounds of eliminations. A total of 250,000 elites were selected from the best of the Five Regions and Seven Paths. These people are all warriors, and the eliminated ones were properly placed in Tongxinjinggu.  Zhongnei is a bit similar to the Northern Song Dynasty Xiangjun who spent money to keep them from causing trouble. Of course, their role is different from that of the Xiangjun. They are still responsible for maintaining public security and patrolling.  The two-government system and the military assessment system were not easy to come by. Minamoto no Yoshitoki and the imperial judges had repeated discussions for many years before gradually improving this system. This system fit perfectly with the new shogunate system. Minamoto no Yoshitoki set up the upper, middle and lower levels in the shogunate.  A three-level system in descending order. These three levels are the imperial companions, the imperial companions, and the imperial family.  The imperial family is the grassroots, that is, 250,000 soldiers. People outside the system do not know the assessment system for soldiers.  This is just a competitive system within the Yu family system that eliminates the weak and retains the strong.  Not only are the samurai in the reserve army members of the royal family.  The people who are responsible for the additional responsibilities of local government affairs are also members of the imperial family. Of course, the two government systems are also members of the imperial family. There is no distinction between civil and military affairs within the imperial family, nor is there any distinction between east and west. There are only differences in the internal division of labor and responsibilities.  The Goryen Banshu has been a permanent institution established by the Kamakura Shogun for many years. When Minamotogi originally adopted this system, it was also based on the old practice as a top-level administrative body for convenient management. After continuous exploration in the years after its establishment by the shogunate, this organization was no longer the original purpose of the army.  Become the essence of the Yu family system.  There are more than 600 members in this system.  This Yulianpanzhong system selects and selects outstanding grassroots warriors from all over the country to fill it. Here, regardless of origin or past, as long as they are capable and popular representatives in the local imperial family system, they can be selected and entered into it.  , which changes every two years based on changes in support within the imperial family system in each region and changes in the normal inheritance rights of the imperial family.  Members of the Imperial Council can only be re-elected three times before retiring. The allowed number of consecutive terms is five before they can be re-elected. If they have not been promoted to the rank of Imperial Council after five terms, it means that this person has not been favored by the general.  Or the general is displeased and abandoned. This can effectively ensure that the imperial commanders will not form a clique to influence the administration of the shogunate.  There is no hereditary status among the Yulian Fans. This is a place where people are only asked about ability, not origin, origin, or even gender.  The samurai who have served for at least one term in the past six years include Mitsuhide Akechi, Hideyoshi Hashiba, Hideyuki Hashiba, Sadakatsu Murai, Kuri Maeda, Takataka Kuroda, Shigeharu Takenaka, Yukimori Yamanaka, Michizuki Tachibana, Nabe  Naomo Shima, Naoie Ukita, Mimoto Date, Sumasa Ishikawa, Masayo Naito, Tomoteru Takayama, Takakage Kobayakawa, and Hisashi Shimazu.  In addition, there are several interesting figures outside the system recommended by the imperial family to serve as special advisers. These people are limited to the non-imperial family system and can only give some advice. Among them, the eminent monks Ceyan Zhouliang and Kuaichuan Shaoxi belong to  The relatively normal ones include the tea masters Imai Munehisa, Tsuda Muneki, Sen no Rikyu, the renge master Satomura Shoba, and the chess and card master Honinbo sand-sanding, who are a bit eccentric. There are also people who tried to recommend Frois but because Minamoto did not like Nanban.  After giving up, one woman was successfully recommended, and that was the notorious Izumo Aguo.  The seemingly rebellious Yulian Banzhong was actually not as chaotic as imagined. The Yulian Banzhong set up a top manager of five people. These five people were nominated by the shogun and personally appointed by the Shogun.  The term is three years and can be re-elected for up to five terms at a time. A five-term interval must be passed before one can be re-elected.  What¡¯s interesting is that there is no limit to the maximum re-election. You can imagine that five terms are fifteen years. If you are re-elected for another fifteen years after fifteen years, it will be three fifteen years. Not to mention how difficult it is, this time span is enough to go through two terms.  General, it is almost impossible to do this in the system of one king and one minister.  The imperial council appointed by the general has the power to convene a court meeting, review government affairs with the members of the court, make a decision on whether to support or oppose the draft, and then hand it over to a higher-level court council.  Make corresponding choices, and finally the general makes the final decision.  The top-level imperial companions are much more serious than this. They pay attention to factors such as family background, merit, prestige, character, etc. The elite children of each family gain support based on their abilities and enter the royal family for three to five terms. During this period, they will be outside.  You can serve as a general in charge or as a reserve general for one or two terms. Once your ability is recognized, you can be selected by the general to serve as the imperial companion.  This place is no longer a retirement home where the imperial concubine was originally with his family, but a serious and cautious line of defense guarding the last gate for the general. There will never be Hashiba Hideyoshi who was born as a commoner, the Nanman Christian Takayama Yuteru, or the Tokugawa rebel Ishikawa Shuji.  Waiting for the possibility of some random people getting involved.  The family governor of the Bando Hachihei clan, who followed Minamoto no Yoshi.Excellent retainers with many years of meritorious service, and generations with high achievements and high prestige. These warriors with clean family lines, impeccable moral character, and excellent ability and background are the important assistants of the general.  It only gives the imperial family a voice to speak out to ease conflicts and limit the influence of the authority and qualifications of the imperial companions. The decisions made by the imperial companions must be approved by both the imperial companions and the generals, otherwise they will just vote against it.  Just decision making.  The members of the imperial companions include the elites of the current shogunate, Honda Tokimasa, who was born in Mikawa, and Hosokawa Fujitaka, who was born in Kyoto.  Naoe Keizuna was born in Echigo.  Kitahata Sobo who was born in Mutsu.  Ota Shimasa who was born in Kanto, Takeda Nobushige who was born in Kai, Akechi Mitsuhide who was born in both Mino and the shogunate, Ukita Naoie and Mori Terumoto who were born in Western countries, Hojo Tokimasa, Mogami Yoshimitsu, and Shimazu Yoshihisa who are currently under the Dazaifu system.  , Yuuki Haruto, Date Terumune, Ashina Moriji, Satake Yoshige and others in the tutelage system are all members of the imperial companions. ? In contrast, the total number of members of the Imperial Palace is very small, with the current quota of 80 people.  Half of the members are re-elected every three years to take care of those older retainers who are in poor health and retire to recuperate. Or when a father, son or brother is selected by the general as the imperial companion, one of them will retire or give up temporarily.  The imperial ministers set up three separate ministers, who are still nominated by the shogun and appointed with the support of the imperial ministers. Each of the three ministers has a term of six years. Every six years, one of the ministers must step down from his duties and cannot be re-elected.  For more than two terms, the interval between elections must not exceed three terms, which almost strictly limits the power of the imperial minister. ? It is allowed to hold concurrent posts provided that the person is related to a certain member.  This is an extreme situation where some family governors and their sons are excellent warriors, and the Yulian Panzhong joint signature has no taboo in this regard.  As long as they are selected by the imperial company and reviewed by the general and the imperial companions, they can serve. The difference between the two is still very big.  Uesugi Kenshin is the first imperial minister, and the other two are Yukitaka Sanada and Ujiyasu Hojo. This year happens to be the end of the first term. Hojo Ujiyasu, who is over 60 years old, is about to step down and go to Kyoto to spend his old age in seclusion.  , the new co-opted one should be Takeda Nobushige. These three outstanding samurai will become crucial figures in the shogunate in the next six years.  These three systems are very complex. Combined with the Yurenzhizhong and Yumenyezhong systems established during the Minamoto no Yoshi period, they form a complex and intertwined network. The original flag generation system and external sample system were completely abolished, and only the Yurenzhizhong and Yumenyezhong systems were abolished.  The family is a basic system, and the five provinces, seven provinces, and sixty-six countries are all appointed by the shogunate to implement the system and combine it with the local associations to form a system of implementation that combines unity and autonomy.  The royal family of the shogunate rotates to garrison the main roads in various places every three years. All major ports belong to the shogunate. Various mineral deposits such as gold, silver, and copper mountains in various places belong to the shogunate. The annual fishing and hunting periods are all determined by the shogunate. This is  An unprecedentedly powerful shogunate, so powerful that no martial artist would dare to rebel.  Wearing a tachi has become a symbol of the imperial family. Non-imperial policemen are only allowed to wear small dachi, short swords, and long spears to maintain local security. Each standard tachi is cast under the supervision of the shogunate craftsman, and the scabbard and handle have special steel seals.  Hiding, stealing, robbing and using a royal sword is a capital crime. The sword-wielding royal family has become a real samurai class. There are only 250,000 people in this class. Only a small number of outstanding people in the system will gradually increase the population. This is to ensure that the interests of the group are not  A means to weaken and maintain centripetal force and competitiveness.   As night fell, the lights in the Edo Imperial Palace were brightly lit. Minamoto no Yoshitomo and his wives were dining together. Torahime looked at the empty seats and said sadly: "I wonder if the Katsuo Maru, Hoo Maru, and Zoou Maru are used to eating well."  How old is Zouomaru? The feudal clan is so pitiful at such an early age. I am really worried about the children." When she saw Yuanyi, she was silent. Numata Sandalwood said with a smile: "Sister, there is no need.  Worrying, His Highness has said that the children will be returned to Edo. It is the shogunate's new custom for the feudal lord to return to Edo every year, and he will see the children soon. " Among the ten sons of Minamoto no Yoshitoki, the eldest son is Ashikaga Yoshiyasu.  He was the second shogunate of the shogunate. There were three other men in the line who inherited the Ashikaga family. The second son, Katsumaru Genfu, inherited the Miao name of the Kira family. He married Princess Keihime, the legitimate daughter of Nagao Masakai and Aya, and changed his name to Kira Yasu.  The clan, as the head of Yu Lianzhizhong, was the 600,000-koku vassal of the Ise Kingdom, and was called the Seshu vassal.  The third son, Hooumaru, became the adopted son of Hatakeyama Takamasa. He married Princess Seihime, the daughter of Hatakeyama Yoshitsuna. He inherited the family name of the two main branches of the Hatakeyama family and changed his name to the Hatakeyama Shige clan. As a member of the royal family, he became the feudal lord of the former country.  Six hundred thousand stones, called Yuezhou Fan.  The fourth son, Zoumaru, was adopted by Yoshigan Shiba. Because he was too young, he was only engaged to Shiba Naohime's adopted daughter. His real father was Naohime Shiba of Kitahata Tower House. Zoumaru's name was Shibarai.  As a member of the royal family, the two feudal lords of Harima and Tajima, with 600,000 koku, were called Banshu Domain.?? The above three people are members of the shogunate's royal family. The stone heights are all three important areas of the 600,000 stone branch near Kinki, which help to help the shogunate stabilize the situation in the Kinki. Ise, Echizen, and Harima are also wealthy.  Earthly, as Yu Lianzhizhong's favor, the color is very strong.  Minamoto no Yoshi allowed the three children to return to Edo every year to visit relatives and spend the summer.  March comes and September goes back and forth every year.  You don't have to worry about the territory's administration yourself, the shogunate's attorneys are responsible for taking care of it.  The treatment of the next six concubines will be much lower. Ii Naotora's son Tora Chiyo, whose original name is Imagawa Nomoto, will inherit the name of the Imagawa family as the real son-in-law of the Imagawa family. His wife is Imagawa Tachihime.  , as the head of the imperial family, he was pardoned and granted the title of Nagato.  Zhou defended half of the country with 250,000 stones, which was called Changzhou Domain.  Numata Sandalwood's son Matsuchiyo, whose Yuanfu name was Isshiki Masahisa, inherited the name of the extinct Tango Isshiki family, married Oda Nobunaga's daughter Princess Fuyuhime, and was awarded the title of 250,000 koku in most of Iyo, Shikoku Island.  , called Yuzhou Fan.  Mochizuki Yoshino¡¯s son Yoshichiyo, whose original name was Ishibashi Nobbo, inherited the Shimonmatsu Ishibashi family name, which was almost extinct, and married Takeda Nobushige¡¯s legitimate daughter Princess Akihime as his first wife.  The fiefdom was located in most of the Hyuga Kingdom in Kyushu, with a total of 250,000 koku, and was called the Xiangzhou Domain.  The son of Oda Inuhime, the little mage.  The name of the Yuanfu was Shikawa Yukishige. He inherited the name of the extinct imperial family, the Shikawa clan, and married Princess Tamahime, the legitimate daughter of Shimazu Yoshihisa, as his main wife. The fiefdom was 250,000 koku in Tosa country, and it was called Tosa domain.  Kuma Chiyo, the son of Mogami Yoshihime, was named Ueno Sadato in Yuan Dynasty. He inherited the Ueno family of the Ashikaga clan. His wife was Princess Yoshihime, the daughter of Hojo Tokimasa. The fiefdom was 250,000 koku near Yamagata Castle in Dewa Province.  The territory of former Mogami Yoshimitsu was also called Yamagata Domain.  The son of Oda Tokihime, the third master, was named Momoi Kiyonaga. He inherited the Ashikaga clan of the Momoi family, which was extinct more than a hundred years ago. The wife of the wife is Princess Nagahime, the legitimate daughter of the principal wife Sanada Yoshiyuki. The fiefdom is in  The 250,000 koku territory of Sendai Plains in Mutsu Province was called the Sendai Domain.  These six bastards, as the Imperial Gate, have territories in Saikuni Nagato, Shikoku Iyo, Kyushu Hinata, Shikoku Tosa, Dewa Yamagata, and Mutsu Sendai, covering almost several important areas. This is the shogunate's feudal guard system.  There are Saikuni, Minami Kyushu, Shikoku, Dewa, and Mutsu all have their own feudal lords in charge to ensure the stability of the place to the greatest extent.  Mikadoha also has four concubines who were not born in the Minamoto no Yoshi period. Among them, Kira Yoshihiro, the direct son of Kira Yoshian, has the highest status. He received 150,000 koku from Higo Province and was married to Ashikaga Chacha, the eldest daughter of Oda City.  As Minamoto no Yoshitoki's son-in-law, he passed on the family business. Although his fiefdom was in Higo Kingdom, it only took three years for it to be established.  The current head of the family of the Oshu Kira clan, the Kira clan dynasty, was awarded the title of Noto Kingdom 150,000 koku, passing on the blood lineage of the Oshu Kira clan. His legitimate son, Kira clan Yori, is engaged to Ashikaga Gohime, the youngest daughter of the Oda Inu, and will also be Minamotoshi in the future.  At that time, the emperor Youxuzhong passed on the family business, and he also established a vassal state every three years.  The status of the next two was much different. Nishio Yitsuji, who was successful but failed, received 100,000 koku near Higashi Minoiwa Village. Arakawa Yihiro, who was even stupider than him, died of illness early, and his son Arakawa Hirotsuna was dismissed.  In Hirosaki Shimanseki, the northernmost part of Mutsu Province, these two families did not have the privilege of permanent residence and were only allowed to visit once every three years.  Yuan Yishi couldn't see the sentimental expressions of the ladies, and shook his head and said: "I sent the children down just to silence everyone. Fortunately, the adjustments to each clan have been basically achieved, and the children will not be permanently stationed in Edo Castle in the future."  "Really? That's great! Your Highness is indeed the best man in the world!" After saying this, Mogami Yiji was trembling with laughter.  The young woman who is 20 years old is still cheering and cheering like the little girl back then. The atmosphere of the dinner suddenly turned cloudy and sunny. The women whispered and laughed about how the children were doing and what kind of things they would buy for the children in the future.  topic, Yuan Yishi listened to the ladies' conversation with a smile, and occasionally chimed in to say a few words.  Early the next morning, there was a daily meeting, during which the Imperial Minister accompanied everyone to discuss government affairs. Eighty people were arguing over a conflicting issue. Uesugi Kenshin, Sanada Yukitaka, and Takeda Nobushige were not surprised by this, so they appropriately  At the time, he coughed to show his respect for dignity and etiquette. When the general Minamoto no Yoshi was conquering the barbarians, he and his eldest son Ashikaga Yoshiyasu sat in the curtain behind the Sanbetsu hall and did not participate in the speech.  The shogun will attend the daily meetings of the imperial accompaniment in this way. He is usually absent from the meeting of the imperial tribunal. Only the once-a-month appraisal meeting of the imperial tribunal will attend. This is a new system of the shogunate. On ordinary topics, the general only needs to bring his eyes.  To see and listen, instructions will be given only at the semi-monthly evaluation meeting of the imperial companions and the bimonthly evaluation meeting of the imperial companions.  In this way, the general's dignity can be maintained, and the imperial ministers and imperial judges can also be present when the general is absent or has made it clear that he will not speak.When speaking freely, Yuan Yishi must use this system to listen to everyone's opinions.  He also has another pair of eyes and ears to see Mochizuki Yoshicho and Hattori serving as a general.  It's easy to identify people who talk too much in meetings.  Secretly, he likes to do some despicable things.  Regarding greedy profit-seeking clowns and conspirators with evil intentions, Minamoto no Yoshitoki's attitude is neither to sanction nor to accuse, but to record it in a small book. When he wants to take action, he will crush it completely with a thunder blow and grasp the information.  It is tempting but not shocking, like a lion taking a nap. It seems harmless at first glance, but in fact it is not clear whether it is really sleeping or fake.  Outside the curtain, the emperor and his companions were having a heated debate, while inside the curtain the atmosphere between father and son was very relaxed.  Discussing some topics that even the audacious Imperial Guardsmen did not dare to discuss easily, the fierce debates of the Imperial Guardsmen were nothing to Ashikaga Yoshiyasu, who was good at government affairs, let alone his father Minamoto Yoshihiro, who had experienced great storms during the time.  , and the father and son were discussing a very sensitive topic, that is, professing vassal status and conquering the dynasty.  Ashikaga Yoshiyasu frowned and said: "Father, do you mean that the Masi Dynasty is a man who deceives the world and steals his reputation? But the child always feels that what they say is right! The 250,000 elites under the shogunate have high morale and tenacious fighting spirit. If you raise them like this  It will take less than thirty years to become a bunch of useless people who have never been in battle, and the samurai are in the mood of seeking reward for their meritorious service" Yuanyoshi shook his head and said: "Wrong, wrong! The original intention of the shogunate was to protect the interests of the samurai family.  To maintain stability in the world, sooner or later these 250,000 elites will follow me to heaven. Sooner or later, their descendants will be a group of arrogant people who don't know how to fight. This is the law of heaven and cannot be reversed by human power. If you don't believe it, you can take a look.  How many of the descendants of the famous families of the Genpei era are still brave and fearless? How can you prevent the death of 250,000 elites from the descendants of Taro Hachiman? I set up the military assessment system to delay the decay as much as possible  Your descendants have enough time to work hard to adjust their strategies. Don't be deceived by the illusion of peace and prosperity in front of you, nor be fooled by the wealth of warehouses full of copper coins. Once the conquest of the dynasty is launched, all of this will be buried in the land of North Korea. Twenty  The death of thousands of elites in a foreign country caused the shogunate's authority to lose its vitality and all the prestige I had worked hard to accumulate. I believe that I have never made a mistake. " Ashikaga Yoshiyasu thought for a while and seemed to have a clear understanding, but he was confused and didn't know how to express it.  , Yuan Yishi smiled slightly and said: "Do you know why I gave up the imperial conquest? The first is that I don't want to see the shogunate's vitality seriously damaged, and the enmity with the Ming Empire ruins the hard-won good start of maritime trade. The second is that I don't want to let  The shogunate will repeat the tragedy of the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind it. The struggle to conquer the dynasty has greatly damaged its vitality and authority. If your descendants have an unworthy and unfilial person as a general, it may be a new Onin Rebellion.  And your descendants will be pecked to death by the oriole of the new turmoil. Third, Japan and the Ming Dynasty are at odds with each other, which is a waste of national money and the loss of elites but only gains a share of mortal hatred. The interruption of trade has only made the Southern Barbarians peaceful.  The barbarians in the north of the Ming Dynasty were regarded as another oriole, so the idea of ??conquering the dynasty was an outrageous statement. If anyone mentioned it later, he would be expelled. " "The boy probably understood!"  Masters Shuliang and Namkobo went to the Ming Empire to pay tribute!" Ashikaga Yoshiyasu pondered for a moment and said, "Then what if the warriors are eager for military achievements and rewards?  If you train, some people will become resentful over time." Minamoto Yoshiki chuckled and said, "Then go and develop Ezo. I made the decision to develop Ezo a few years ago. If they want a favor, give them a favor.  Reward, the vast plains of Ezo Island are thousands of miles long. As long as you voluntarily give up your identity as an imperial family member and follow the land servants from various places who voluntarily sign up to go to Ezo Island to develop the land, all the land you get will belong to you. If you are not willing to give up your identity as an imperial family member,  Just wait patiently for the shogunate to send troops to Ezo. It will take at least a hundred years for Ezo Island to be developed. This is the one hundred more years of peace and stability that I will fight for. " "What about one hundred years from now?"  Tai said distressedly: "In a hundred years, the land will be divided. Even if there are edges and corners, there won't be many, and the shogunate will be in trouble again.  " Gen Yishi said calmly: "** is a poisonous curse released by the demon of heaven outside. Everyone is under this poisonous curse from the moment they are born. Excellent warriors must learn to restrain the temptation of** and borrow the power of**.  To achieve your goal, you have also seen many swordsmen duel with real swords, but do you know why Hayashizaki Jinsuke put the sword in its sheath and did not draw it?  " "Is it because of a surprise victory?  It doesn't seem right!  Could it be" Ashikaga Yoshiyasu didn't know much about Iaijutsu. After thinking about it for a while, he still expressed confusion. Minamoto Yoshihide took out his saber, Mustache. He showed the bright blade and slowly returned the sword to its sheath. In Ashikaga Yoshihito  Tai looked at him in bewilderment and said: "Two swordsmen are fighting with real swords. After all, they are not killing enemies on the battlefield by slashing with swords. The two sides fight for only one moment, and aThe sharp sword is exposed clearly and poses a great threat to people. The moment the samurai draws the sword, he exposes his hostility in advance and loses the opportunity to make a move. This makes people feel defensive, and then they consider the samurai's flaws to take advantage of the opportunity.  Kill it.  The same sharp sword was put into the scabbard.  It's hard to see how many hidden moves there are, and you can't figure out when the sword in the scabbard will explode. As long as the opponent is careless or thinks he has an advantage and exposes his flaws, it will be the decisive moment to defeat the enemy with one sword, and I will restrain the imperial family.  Just like sheathing the sword, although the light is not ordinary, if you dare to underestimate the power of the 250,000 imperial family members of the shogunate, you will definitely pay a heavy price It is called deterrence if it is triggered but not released!  " "The kid finally understands!  Thanks for the advice, Father!  " Yuan Yishi said with a smile: "Three years ago, I sent Master Ceyan Zhouliang and Master Nanguangfang Tianhai to the Ming Dynasty to pay homage to the newly enthroned emperor of the Ming Dynasty.  He also presented 10,000 silver coins and 1,000 gold coins.  Please pay tribute once every five years for the exploration and cooperation of trade. In two years¡¯ time it will be the day of tribute. On behalf of Yu, you will go to the Ming Dynasty to see His Majesty the Ming Emperor. You will take Yu¡¯s handwritten credentials and tell His Majesty the Ming Emperor that our Yuanyoshi clan is willing to be hereditary.  He wanted to be loyal to the Ming Dynasty on behalf of the Ming Dynasty, defend the East China Sea and exterminate Japanese pirates, and seek a qualification to allow normal trade. Of course, it didn't matter if the negotiation failed. As long as this meaning was expressed, I believe that the Ming Dynasty's prime ministers would definitely notice the wishes of the shogunate.  " Ashikaga Yoshiyasu bowed and said: "My child, I remember.  " "At the beginning of the year, the imperial court and the shogunate communicated and set a date for the emperor's eastward expedition. Five years later, in March, it will be the period when the emperor makes an eastward expedition to Edo, and the construction of the Tokyo Imperial Palace can begin.  "Minamoto Yoshishi stared at Ashikaga Yoshiyasu's childish face and said slowly: "At that time, I will announce my resignation as General of the Conqueror and leave the entire shogunate to you.  " "Father!  How could you be in your prime" Ashikaga Yoshiyasu was shocked and at a loss. He was stunned for a long time and didn't know how to express the correct attitude. He just repeated mechanically: "This decision is so unexpected!  " Minamoto Yoshiki patted Ashikaga Yoshiyasu on the shoulder, comforting him not to be nervous, and said with a smile: "Those who are about to become generals should be happy" "How can a child be happy when his father makes such a sudden decision?  You are the general of the shogunate, and you conquered this entire world!  " Ashikaga Yoshiyasu lowered his head in frustration. When he raised his head again, his eyes were full of reverence, admiration, reluctance and pleading. As a young man, he didn't know how far he could fly without his father's protection. "There is always an eagle.  One day when you spread your wings and soar, I cannot always sit down and protect you. Sooner or later, the shogunate will belong to you!  "Recollections flashed through Yuan Yishi's eyes. The little baby back then grew up into a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy in the blink of an eye. He couldn't help but lament that time flies by without mercy. He is already a middle-aged man of thirty-five years old.  In another five years, we will be in the age of forty. After twenty years of fighting in the first half of our lives, we have already been exhausted physically and mentally. Now that the people in the world are at peace, the shogunate has experienced the chaos and discomfort of the early days, and it has gradually improved by this time. It is time to support the horse and send him a favor.  Cheng's work has been done, it's time to stop and take a rest. Thinking of this, he became more and more determined. Yuan Yishi comforted his son: "The assessment of the world's soldiers, the imperial family, the imperial company, the imperial companions, the two."  The government system, feudal garrison, money, food and salary system, Kyoto-Edo Daiban service, garrison rotation, etc. constitute every link of the shogunate, and Yu's abdication will be the last link in the entire chain. This last link is  Let me start with you!  " While the father and son were talking quietly, the quarrel outside the curtain suddenly stopped. An attendant quickly walked outside the curtain and leaned on the ground and said: "Your Majesty, a large Nanman fleet is requesting to dock at Edo Port.  , According to the port officials, the flag held by this Nanman fleet is a red cross flag with a white background, claiming to be in accordance with the agreement of His Highness" "It turns out to be her!  "The corners of Minamoto no Yoshiki's mouth raised slightly, showing a happy smile: "She is finally here" In the eighth year of Tianzheng (1580), under the escort of 30,000 elite members of the shogunate's imperial family, the emperor took Nakamiya Genki  His Majesty, Prince Hirohito, hundreds of civil and military officials from both sides of the court, and thousands of maids, boys, and servants left Kyoto to hunt for Edo in fragrant carriages. This was the first time since the legendary Japanese warrior Lord  The emperor left Kyoto for the first time to hunt for Kanto, which was of great significance. The emperor and his ministers were surprised to find that a super giant city several times the size of Kyoto had risen on the land of Kanto that they had remembered. Their surprise and shock were beyond words.  Under the warm hospitality of the shogunate, the emperor immediately decided to visit Edo once every five years from now on. The Tokyo Imperial Palace located in Shibuya Town, southwest of Edo, became the emperor's palace, and Edo was renamed Tokyo.  He submitted his resignation to the imperial court as the Great Shogun, and was subsequently appointed as a Taizheng Minister. He then followed the Emperor's carriage with his family back to Kyoto to live in seclusion. His legitimate son, Ashikaga Yoshiyasu, succeeded him as the Great Shogun.The two right ministers and the elder of the Minamoto clan became the second general of the Edo shogunate to conquer barbarians.  At this moment, the curtain of the Edo period was slowly opened, ushering in a peaceful and peaceful era.  (Complete book) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: I bow and thank the book friends for the reward, this is the last thank you before the book is finished, thank you to everyone  To those book friends who have supported and encouraged Wu Mei, Wu Mei would like to say thank you! Without your support, Wu Mei would not have persisted to this day!
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