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Text Chapter 158 Temporary warmth

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    "No!" Pu Renjing shouted, and suddenly reached out to grab Lu Yu, who was about to get up and leave, and then whispered weakly: "Just sit here and stay with me, okay?" "Okay." Lu Yu also said  No longer hesitating, he agreed, and then pulled a bench specially for the caregivers from the side and placed it next to Pu Renjing's head. Sitting down, Lu Yu held Pu Renjing's little hand tightly in his, and gently  His eyes looked at her carefully, twinkling softly.  Feeling the familiar warmth conveyed to her by her beloved on her fingertips, Pu Renjing's originally chaotic heart suddenly calmed down and felt extremely at ease. Then she discovered that Lu Yu had been staring at her with gentle and loving eyes without blinking.  , and after a while, Pu Renjing's pretty face was quickly covered with traces of blush at a speed visible to the naked eye.  The snow-white neck seemed to reflect the blush not far away. Park Injing finally couldn't stand Lu Yu's eyes like this, and bowed her head shyly as if giving up.  "Oppa is really annoying!" Pu Injing muttered in a low voice as if refusing to admit defeat.  "Haha!" Park Renjing's words naturally fell into Lu Yu's ears word for word, and Lu Yu laughed.  As if he was moved by Pu Renjing's cute behavior, Lu Yu couldn't help but stretched out his hand out of habit and rubbed Pu Renjing's hair, "Silly girl, you should tell Oppa as soon as possible if you are sick. How can you hide it?"  "Where are you with me? Fortunately, Taeyeon is here this time. Next time, you must tell me immediately, do you hear me?" At this point, Lu Yu still showed what he should be like as a 'qualified' boyfriend.  Drunken and domineering.  ¡°Hmm¡± This time, Park Renjing did not refute. She lowered her head and hummed softly, which was regarded as agreement.  "What a silly girl" Lu Yu rubbed Pu Renjing's hair wantonly, making it a mess, and murmured to himself. The latter naturally had no objections and allowed Lu Yu to do it on his head.  Shi Wei, and himself, indulged in the warmth of this moment.  This kind of happy time for two people to be alone is really rare and precious for them now.  Happy time always passes quickly. The long two hours the two spent together seemed as short as a few minutes.  In the ward, the hands of the clock quickly pointed to seven o'clock, and Renjing hadn't eaten dinner yet!  Lu Yu suddenly woke up from the endless sweetness and tenderness between the two of them alone. He patted his head, which was still immersed in the "gentle country". Lu Yu got up and was about to go downstairs to buy some food for Pu Renjing's dinner.  Because Lu Yu really couldn't worry about Pu Renjing's body that she had practiced for a long time, and was afraid that she would be injured due to excessive fatigue, so he also used today as an excuse to force Pu Renjing to stay in the hospital tonight by Lu Yu, and he would accompany him personally.  Lu Yu also personally contacted Park Renjing's family and company, and both of them were naturally relieved.  "Renjing, it's time for dinner. Oppa will call the nurse first and ask her to help you change the IV bottle. Then I will go downstairs to buy you something to eat. Is there anything you want to eat?" Lawrence Lu  He opened Park Injing's little hand that he had been holding, stood up from his seat, and asked Park Injing who was still lying on the hospital bed for infusion.  After the brief moment of tenderness they had together just now, Park In-jeong at this moment also shed her usual disguise again, and turned into a real little woman in front of Lu Yu no a little girl, unusually docile ~ Face to face  Lu Yu and Pu Renjing frowned cutely, slightly bulging their round faces, as if they were thinking seriously.  After a few seconds, "Yes!" Pu Renjing suddenly exclaimed, then she pursed her thin lips and put a finger on it. Pu Renjing said cutely: "Oppa, I want to eat your cooking.  !¡± A large part of the reason why Pu Renjing was so infatuated with Lu Yu and pursued her after confessing her love was because of Lu Yu¡¯s personality and personality, and because he was very kind to these sisters, like a real family member.  Same, and moreover, it's because Lu Yu has such superb cooking skills that are 'unparalleled in the world'.  It is said that people have little appetite when they are sick, and if you want to eat something the most, it is naturally the taste of hometown and the taste of the person you love the most.  As if she was afraid that Lu Yu would not agree, after Pu Renjing finished speaking, she immediately clasped her hands together, crossed her fingers together, and looked at Lu Yu with pitiful eyes, rippling, as if to say: If you dare not agree to me, do it for me, I will  I dare to cry for you! ????????????????????? This girl is really cute today Lu Yu secretly laughed in his heart.  "Ahem!" Lu Yongyu blocked his mouth with his fist and pretended to cough, as if he was seriously thinking about some important issue. He paused for a few seconds under Park Renjing's "deep" attention, and Lu Yu just "reluctantly"  He opened his mouth and said: "Okay, you idiotCome on, oppa really can't do anything to you.  " "Oh yeah, oppa is so brittle!  "Bo!"  " Two beautiful voices sounded at the same time. " After watching the beautiful nurse help Park In-jing change the IV bottle, and explain some things to Park In-jing, Lu Yu left, took a taxi at the entrance of the hospital, and quickly returned to Apgujeong.  "Love in the Blue Sea", considering the distance from Qingdamdong's house and the fact that he also had the key here today, Lu Yu finally decided to cook for Park Injing temporarily. There should be some emergency food in the refrigerator  £®Two vegetables and one meat, neither too light nor too greasy. Lu Yu skillfully packed the three dishes and placed them in the thermos, fastened the lids tightly, and stacked them together. The whole process only took a few seconds.  Less than an hour later. Okay, I believe that girl Renjing will be satisfied with the slightly exquisite packaging and the unmistakable fragrance of the food. Before Park Renjing saw it and praised him, Lu Yu smiled with satisfaction.  , and then he praised himself lightly in his heart. Because 'Blue Ocean Love' is still open during business hours, and Song Shihou just returned to the store today, Lu Yu also took the initiative to fight with Song Shihou.  He said hello, and encouraged him by the way to express his recognition of his work, and then hurriedly picked up the thermos box in his hand and left. As night fell, all kinds of neon lights appeared on the street.  The colorful lanterns have begun to show their own outstanding graces. The gorgeous lights have replaced the sunshine, trying to reflect the land. Sitting in a moving taxi, Lu Yu's mind is not here on this beautiful scene.  . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.
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