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Text Chapter 154 Detour Tactics

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    The lips and teeth met, and the two slightly cold tongues seemed to be attracted to each other, intertwined, becoming more passionate and passionate, greedily grabbing each other's breath, vigorously exploring every corner, this moment of throbbing, making  Both of them completely forget everything around them.  "Hmm oppa" Feeling the wet heat leave her, Jessica suddenly felt an inexplicable emptiness, but then, the wetness began to move downwards, and Jessica couldn't help but let out a sweet cry.  "Click!" There was a sound of something being unbuttoned. Although it was the first time for Lu Yu to unbutton it, a man's nature seemed to have been guiding him from the beginning. Unbuttoning this button seemed to him,  Easy as pie.  "Hmm um" The warm feeling of being contained came from her chest, and Jessica suddenly trembled, as if she was paralyzed. Then, she gradually got used to it, and Jessica slowly began to enjoy it, with some words in her mouth.  Hum from time to time.  In a daze, Jessica opened her eyes slightly and found that her beloved Oppa was burying her head in her arms, working hard and focused.  Subconsciously, both hands were gently placed on his head, and then pressed  "Oppa, I love you, Lu Yu, you are mine" Jessica tilted her neck back hard and raised her voice. ?¡­£®  SM company, a certain practice room.  After finishing the dance, the girl looked a little tired, her face was slightly pale, and crystal beads of sweat covered her forehead.  Dragging her steps to her own place, the girl slowly sat down against the wall, her head drooped a little, and she looked very lethargic. But soon, a white and slender arm appeared in front of her, and her hand was still cooperative.  Holding a bottle of water, the meaning is obvious.  "Thank you." Park In-jeong looked at Kim Taeyeon who was holding the water next to her with a smile on her face, forced a smile and replied.  Perhaps Park In-jeong's expression was too obvious. Kim Taeyeon frowned slightly and said with some worry: "Injeong, are you okay? Are you sick? Why does your face look so bad" Although Park In-jeong is worse than Kim Taeyeon  She is two years older, but except in public places, Kim Taeyeon almost always calls Park Injung by her first name, and the latter seems to agree with it and has no objection.  This is not to say that Kim Taeyeon is completely polite to Park Injung, but that there is a vague competitive relationship between the two women, which started from the day Kim Taeyeon joined the company.  From the day Kim Taeyeon successfully won 9000:1 and entered SM as an outstanding trainee, in the company's previous assessments, no matter how big or small, whether it was assessment of dance, acting, or singing, which the two women care most about, their results,  Almost all are comparable.  ??Almost every time the overall ranking after the assessment is completed, either Park In-jung is a few places higher than Kim Taeyeon, or Kim Taeyeon is a few places higher than Park In-jung.  But fortunately, the two women have healthy competition, and they can be regarded as "unknown to each other without fighting". They have accumulated a deep friendship. In daily training, friendship and competition are also carried out together, so in the minds of the two women  In the relationship, the other party is equal, so no honorifics are ever spoken, except in public places. As for the subtle relationship of competition, they have maintained it and continue to this day.  "It's okay I'm just a little dizzy" Park Injing unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle, took a few sips of it in an unladylike manner, and replied breathlessly.  The dizziness is naturally just Park In-jung¡¯s cover to prevent Kim Taeyeon from worrying. In fact, the reason why Park In-jung¡¯s face looks so bad right now is just because she is restless!  That¡¯s right, I¡¯m just restless!  I don't know why, ever since Pu Renjing opened her eyes and got up this morning, her heart couldn't calm down for a moment. She always felt in a mess, as if something big was about to happen or something was going to be lost. This kind of unrest could not be calmed down.  The feeling really made Park In-jeong, who likes a stable life, feel very uneasy. Likewise, her body's functions also declined rapidly.  Kim Taeyeon believed Park Injing's words easily. After all, Park Injing's face was really bad at the moment, worse than just after dancing, and Kim Taeyeon also believed that Park Injing had no need to make up any excuses to lie to her.  The worried look on her face deepened. Seeing Park In-jeong teetering on the verge of falling down at any time, Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but said, "How about I send you to the infirmary first?" There is still room in the company.  There are simple medical treatment rooms. After all, there are not a few trainees in the company who have fallen down due to over-training.  At this moment, in the practice room, except for myself and Park Injing, the other girls have basically gone to the cafeteria to eat. They are working harder because of the upcoming end-of-month exam. This is also their competition  .If Park In-jung falls down now  No way?Injing must be sent to the infirmary immediately.  Kim Taeyeon instantly made this decision in her heart.  Kim Taeyeon is a person of action. As soon as she made her decision, she immediately stood up from the floor where she was sitting, pretending to help Park Injing.  "I'm not going." I have been a 'rival' with Kim Taeyeon for some years, how could I not understand her thoughts?  Park Injing, who knew that her health was not serious, immediately shook her head and refused, saying a little stubbornly.  Delaying practice is the last thing Park Injing wants to do, unless there is a last resort.  Park Injing's behavior made Kim Taeyeon even more worried. She raised her eyebrows high, raised her voice, and said domineeringly: "Be good, be obedient." "You can't be tough, Lord Jin, I'll be soft, but  It seems that this is not soft  "No, I still have practice. You little girl, do you want to be compared with me this time?" Although she was very touched by Kim Taeyeon's behavior, the stubborn Park Injing will never compromise once she becomes stubborn.  Yes, in an instant, Park Injing used her trump card.  "You" Sure enough, Kim Taeyeon immediately had no words to answer, and only said one word "out of anger".  "Haha, okay, I'm fine. Let's take a rest quickly. We will continue to practice later." Park Injing stretched out her hand and waved it, interrupting Kim Taeyeon's attempt to continue speaking. She also tried her best to squeeze out her face.  Smiling a little, Kim Taeyeon can't worry so much.  Seeing Park In-jung's insistence, Kim Taeyeon couldn't continue to say anything and said, "Okay then you should rest first. If you really can't hold on anymore, you must tell me." Although she has compromised now, but  Kim Taeyeon also said stubbornly, looking into Park Injing's eyes.  "Yeah." Park Renjing only replied with one word and nothing more.  Since the direct approach is not possible, it seems that we can only use roundabout tactics!  Kim Taeyeon, who was just relieved, was carrying Park Injing on her back, but now her little eyes rolled, and then she showed a hint of cunning.  Lu Yu oppa!
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