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Volume 1: Destiny is the most unpredictable, donĄŻt hesitate before moving forward Chapter 1,287 Okay, letĄŻs have the finale

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    "Pay attention to the mental fluctuation tolerance change value. This value has been steadily increasing from the initial to the seventh day. Compared with the active value, this passive value is sometimes more instructive." Fang Shi  Pointing at the rows of data and a chart on the projection screen and talking eloquently, in Fang Shi's hands, the originally mysterious and mysterious changes in mental power were being accurately depicted by several brand-new data.  The warlocks below all have a feeling that the methods mentioned by Fang Shi are not difficult, and it should even be said to be very simple. Some data can even be measured directly with ordinary medical instruments. However, after these data are combined, they produce a surprising result.  Surprising results.  Whether you are willing to admit it or not, what geniuses do is actually not that magical, they are just a little more magical than you.  The data they measured by themselves showed that the awakening potion has a miraculous effect on children under the age of 18. This point does not even need to be refined by these tests. It can be discovered from subjective feelings alone. After taking the awakening potion continuously,  A few weeks later, the children who participated in the experiment thought that their memory was better and their brains were functioning better.  This result was not actively asked by them, but was self-expressed on the basis that participants in the experiment were strictly prohibited from communicating with each other. The credibility should be quite high.  These warlocks who participated in the clinical trial training even felt that Fang ShiĄŻs trial plan was too conservative. In fact, they privately felt that as long as the toxic and side effects tests passed, it could be promoted on a large scale.  However, when some people suspected of flattering people publicly proposed this suggestion, they were firmly rejected by Fang Shi. He gave many examples to tell everyone that many new technologies only discovered their side effects after serious and dangerous consequences occurred.  , Awakening potions will be used by the public on a large scale and for a long time in the future. There will be many situations that may occur, and early experiments must be strictly prohibited.  In fact, Fang Shi has expressed the same strict prohibition attitude repeatedly in public, just like the research on artificial evil aura field to speed up cultivation, to the end.  It is still being promoted rigorously on a large scale, and the yin and yang breath power generation technology has only been piloted on a small scale.  Although the leaders didnĄŻt say anything about Fang ShiĄŻs caution.  But there must be some anxiety in my heart. Who doesnĄŻt want to realize the great rejuvenation of the nation one day earlier?  Who doesnĄŻt want to realize the unity of Taoism and secularity one day early?  Fang Shi raised his hand to turn off the projector, closed the handout folder in front of him, straightened up, raised his head, and glanced slowly.  A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said in a slightly relaxed voice: "Okay, here, this training is basically over. Of course, subsequent training will be conducted from time to time, but it will be conducted in other forms, or by  Others will do it. The next thing I have to do is to leave it to you, especially Master Wuya and Miss Wang Linpei. The clinical trials and training work here will still require your hard work. In addition, I am very grateful to everyone for your hard work during this time.  Only through cooperation and hard work can we complete this mission in such a short period of time. Maybe you don't realize that our unknown work is inconspicuous, but what you do is adding bricks and tiles to the Tower of Babel. Maybe  One day, our descendants will look up to this Tower of Babel, and at that time, they will regard us who built this Tower of Babel as legends. Thank you all!Ą± There was a warm applause in the classroom.  Regardless of whether they were sincere or not, in fact, during this period, they all learned a lot, not just limited to testing and experimental methods, nor just novel concepts and theories.  More importantly, they are using their own hands to open a door to a new world.  After the training, of course there was a dinner party. Not to mention the excitement, Fang Shi took his wife on a tour the next day to other test sites in the country. However, they were mostly at these test sites.  After staying for a day or two and going back, it's almost the end of the year and we have to prepare for the wedding.  Before leaving, Fang Shi also emphasized the status of Taoist Wuya and Wang Linpei. This arrangement made many people ponder and savor it.  In the words of Wuhui Taoist, the master of Baiyun Temple, Fang Shi is well versed in the art of balance, and he also understands the catfish effect. Wang Linpu stirred up a pool of muddy water in the capital, and at the same time pointed out the rebalancing of the capital's power.  direction.  A small thing can make a big difference. The situation in the capital is also a barometer for the whole country. With the end of the reshuffle in the capital, the first round of reshuffle in the entire country will also end. After the situation stabilizes, it will be the time for the awakening potion to be put into use.  With the promotion of the Ruyi Illusionary God Formation and the promotion of the Energy Transformation God Gathering Formation, secular Taoism will enter a period of rapid development in an all-round way.  Throughout the entire layout of Fangshi, both political and business aspects can be taken into consideration. The commercial aspect uses the latest biopharmaceuticals and the latest results of the Institute of Physics to quickly break the original business relationship.The network and industrial production system paved the way for Chinese businessmen to enter the world and laid the foundation for Chinese products to seize the commanding heights.  The political aspect is more subtle and subtle. Although on the surface it is the government that is promoting power integration and system reform, if you think deeply about the motivations behind it, you will find that all of this is caused by Qingcheng Mountain's continuous introduction of various technologies and concepts.  In particular, the emergence of the Dazangshu Pavilion, the Institute of Physics, and the Supervisory Academy founded by Qingcheng Mountain are definitely the most important factors in promoting innovation and change in the entire power structure of China.  If we were to be more detailed, we could list one by one the many new technologies and techniques discovered or invented by Fang Shi, including Feng Shui modular technology, advanced three-dimensional modular technology, ultra-large-scale star formations, and new-concept rune formations.  , electromagnetic transducer, thinking sensing technology, virtual reality network technology, etc., each of them has revolutionary significance, each of them can promote great changes in the world, not to mention bringing so many innovations together, it is impossible to  Doubt, this is the most realistic reason why the new era is about to accelerate.  Perhaps, China's rise still has some way to go, but China's rise itself is already an unstoppable trend. More importantly, with China's rejuvenation, the great Chinese civilization has once again brought great benefits to the world.  changes, the development of human civilization has also reached a new level.  No one knows whether cultivating civilization is the most correct path, but everyone can see that cultivating civilization is definitely more correct than the current technological civilization.  In the history of future generations, this great era will be recorded with thick pen and ink, as well as the many great and not-so-great people who appeared in this great era. They are lucky to be born in this great era. They are  Witness and create a whole new world, opening up one path after another full of possibilities for myself and future generations.  Their ordinary or extraordinary stories will surely become legends, passed down from generation to generation, and become an example for mankind to continue to create a new world. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I am too tired to write anymore, and the work has been blocked inexplicably, and all my anger has been vented. Well, in fact, there is nothing to write about the story itself, so letĄŻs take a break before starting a new book.  Finally, although it is very vulgar, I still want to say thank you to every book friend who has subscribed and those who have not subscribed and peeked at it. Thank you for reading my book. When I think that there are still people reading my book, I feel like I am in the dark.  The feeling of seeing the lights, thank you for bringing me warmth and direction, thank you!  Finally, I want to tell everyone that I will come back!  Ąż(To be continued.)
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