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Text target=_blank Chapter 1624: Things in the Myth

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    The construction of a complete society involves many things in all aspects. These things cannot be accomplished by Zhao Chaogang alone. These things require many people to do them. Therefore, for some things in the secret realm of Wulin,  Zhao Chaogang began to gradually open up to others.  Of course, in order to ensure that the development process of the Jade District is under Zhao Chaogang's control, and to ensure that the Jade District will not become someone else's back garden, Zhao Chaogang will not open some important departments in the Jade District to others, even in the future.  These departments need new blood, and the people Zhao Chaogang chooses will also be those who are 100% loyal to the Jade District.  As for how to identify whether these people are 100% loyal to the Jade District, it is not difficult at all for Zhao Chaogang.  Business is an extremely important part of the entire society. It can be said that without the existence of business, this society would not exist. Therefore, Zhao Chaogang attaches great importance to business matters.  Zhao Chaogang understands that it is impossible to build a complete business in the secret martial arts realm by himself. Therefore, Zhao Chaogang does not object to those who want to enter the business field of the secret martial arts realm. On the contrary, he welcomes them.  These people come to do business in the secret realm of Wulin.  A society wants to develop better and better 4¡ý and become more and more dynamic, and business is an extremely important part of it. As business develops more and more prosperously, the society will develop better and better.  Therefore, Zhao Chaogang has no objection to some warriors devoting their energy to doing business. Warriors understand the strength of warriors best, so.  Even if these warriors go to do business, however.  They still won't forget to practice, and.  The warriors who know how to get involved in the secret martial arts business circle as soon as possible are the smartest and most far-sighted people.  "It is said that these warriors are smart and far-sighted, because these warriors know how to make long-term plans for the cultivation of themselves or their descendants.  Yes, if a warrior devotes himself to doing business now, it will distract him a lot, and his progress in cultivation will be greatly lagging behind other warriors.  However, don't forget that this warrior has delayed his cultivation now, but in the future this warrior's cultivation speed will definitely be very fast.  Doing business can earn enough contribution points for this warrior. The bigger the business this warrior runs, the more contribution points this warrior will earn in the future. With so many contribution values, this warrior will be able to earn more in the future.  You can buy the best cultivation elixir.  In other words, this warrior has great stamina.  ??Also, even if this warrior's training has indeed been delayed,  At the same time, this warrior provides the best conditions for the cultivation of his descendants. In the future, the descendants of this warrior will no longer have to worry about cultivation resources.  Maybe this warrior now can't become a strong man in the martial arts world, but.  At some point in the future, his descendants will definitely become strong.  With such a calculation.  How could it be wrong to say that these warriors are the most far-sighted and smartest people?  The business development in the Wulin Secret Realm is getting better and better, and the Wulin Secret Realm is correspondingly becoming more and more prosperous. The ways for warriors to earn contribution points have also begun to increase. Logically speaking, Zhao Chaogang should not be in the wild areas outside the Jade District.  Or some other dangerous place.  Why did Zhao Chaogang do this?  The answer is very simple, that is, Zhao Chaogang wanted to maintain the ambition of all warriors.  The laziness in people's hearts is natural. Just like a person who was originally very aggressive, once he lives in a comfortable place for a long time, the aggressiveness in his heart will slowly disappear over time, and eventually disappear to the public.  Warriors are also human beings, and as long as they are human, there will be inertia in their hearts.  Don't look at the martial arts practitioners in the Jade District who are practicing extremely crazily. The reason these warriors are practicing so crazily now is because their curiosity about martial arts is still extremely high, and they have mastered powerful power for the first time.  , after feeling the magic of that powerful power, the pursuit of power in my heart became even more urgent.  For these reasons, the state of cultivation of these warriors will of course be extremely crazy. However, as mentioned before, once a person stays in a comfortable place for a long time, the aggressiveness in his heart will slow down.  Slowly disappearing, the same thing happens to these warriors.  These warriors are now extremely crazy about practicing in their hearts, but as time goes by, the madness in their hearts will slowly calm down and eventually disappear. At this time, these warriors will no longer be so crazy.  Without the crazy motivation to practice, the development of warriors in the secret martial arts realm will slow down, or even go backwards, resting on their laurels. This is not what Zhao Chaogang wants to see.  As I said earlier, Zhao Chaogang¡¯s opening up of the secret realm of martial arts is notIn order to build a paradise, if Zhao Chaogang wanted to build a paradise, then Zhao Chaogang would not need to spread martial arts in the secret martial arts realm at all.  Because compared to warriors, ordinary people are easier to manage for Zhao Chaogang. Compared with warriors, the destructive power of ordinary people is much different. Also, because of their strength, ordinary people can only  Unless it threatens his life safety and living capital, ordinary people generally will not resist, but warriors are different. Because of their strong strength, warriors on the ninth level will rise up to resist if they encounter injustice. Therefore, ordinary people  Compared to warriors, it is much easier to manage.  ¡°But now Zhao Chaogang is spreading martial arts in the secret martial arts realm, which means that Zhao Chaogang opened the secret martial arts realm not to build a paradise, but to enhance the power of the entire Chinese nation, and ultimately, to make China stand on top of the world.  To achieve this goal, the warriors in the secret realm of martial arts must continue to make progress. In other words, the cultivation of those warriors in the secret realm of martial arts cannot stop.  However, the inertia in people's hearts is very strong. Without external stimulation, as time goes by, the motivation for cultivation in a warrior's heart will definitely slowly diminish. Zhao Chaogang also took this into consideration, so,  Zhao Chaogang established a wilderness area directly outside the Jade District.  There are powerful beasts in the wilderness.  The acquired Dzogchen, the savage beasts of the innate realm are all found in the wild areas.  With these savage beasts threatening the warriors in the secret martial arts realm, the passion for cultivation of the warriors in the secret martial arts realm will not disappear.  Even if everyone knows that the powerful beasts in the wild zone will not attack the jade zone.  As long as they don't leave the jade area, they are still very safe. However, people are born with a crisis mentality. Therefore, in order to be able to fight against these powerful beasts, the warriors in the secret realm of the martial arts will not relax their training.  Of course, the threat of powerful beasts is not enough. Once a person stays in a dangerous place for a long time, it is not enough.  Over time, many people will have psychological problems, so Zhao Chaogang took out the elixir and some rare minerals.  Every elixir will be guarded by powerful beasts. If a warrior wants to obtain these elixirs, he must defeat or kill the powerful beasts guarding the elixirs. The same goes for those precious mineral deposits.  Also, there are countless powerful martial arts secrets in the Jade Pagoda.  These martial arts secret books are also attracting martial artists to continue practicing. It is not that these martial arts secret books are very expensive. Indeed, the price of these powerful martial arts secret books is not low.  However, as long as the warrior has the heart to pay for these money.  You can still make money.  There are restrictions on the practice of these powerful martial arts secrets, and there are restrictions on the level of the warrior.  If the warrior's realm is not at that stage, the warrior should not want to buy this martial arts secret book.  Not to mention practicing.  The martial arts secrets in the jade pagoda are all recorded on the jade slips of memory. Zhao Chaogang did this, firstly, to make people who enter the secret realm of martial arts maintain awe of the secret realm of martial arts.  The more mysterious the power behind the secret realm of martial arts becomes, the more awe the people who enter the secret realm of martial arts will feel. And as long as these people have awe in their hearts, nothing big will happen in the secret realm of martial arts.  The second is to frighten those who are interested.  The thoughtful people here are talking about people in the government departments on Earth, especially those in the military.  The Wulin Secret Realm is such a magical place, and its resources are so rich. Its attraction to countries on the earth is not ordinary.  Although the colonial-civilian governance on the earth has disappeared for a while, after seeing such a resource-rich alien world, the colonial intentions of those countries on the earth will definitely reappear, and once these countries' hearts  If you have the idea of ????colonizing another world, the secret world of martial arts will not be quiet.  Therefore, in order to completely dispel the colonial ambitions of those countries on the earth, Zhao Chaogang directly recorded the martial arts secrets in memory jade slips.  For people on earth, things like memory slips are definitely things in mythology. Faced with such mythical things, countries on earth will hide them deeply even if they have colonial intentions in their hearts.  .  Still not sure where these mythical things come from?  What kind of background do you have behind you?  No country on earth will come out to cause trouble.  ¡°Also, Zhao Chaogang did this to increase his attractiveness.  Things like memory jade slips are definitely things in mythology, and the Chinese people have always had a strong pursuit of gods. Now that such mythical things appear in the jade pagoda, it will definitely attract a large number of people to the secret realm of martial arts.  The purpose is to find the legendary immortal.  In addition to powerful martial arts secrets, the jade pagoda also contains more magical elixirs, such as beauty-preserving pills, barrier-breaking pills, life-extending pillsetc., these are so magical.?? of elixirs, and if a warrior wants to purchase these powerful martial arts secrets and magical elixirs, the amount of contribution points required is not generally small.  This requires the warrior to always be motivated, otherwise, the warrior will not be able to earn enough contribution points to buy these magical things In this way, there are not only the threats of powerful beasts, but also elixirs, rare minerals,  The attraction of martial arts secrets will keep the motivation of the warriors practicing in the secret martial arts realm.  If you always maintain your ambition, the future of the warriors in the secret martial arts realm will be brighter.  In fact, it is not just warriors who need to maintain their ambition, even ordinary people like us must maintain our ambition. Only in this way will our lives be successful, our lives will be wonderful, and our lives will be attractive  ¡­¡­¡­ Self-motivation, what is self-motivation?  Self-motivation, that is, enterprising spirit.  The drive to be diligent and enterprising is actually a need for human development.  As long as you always maintain a willingness and effort for development, you are motivated.  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????mbOUT??  It is the inner driving force for people to bravely explore and keep moving forward, it is the ideological belief for people to adhere to their ideals and pursue their achievements, and it is the spiritual guidance and source of power that leads people to continuously seek development.  How to guide your own ambition? Set a goal and have the courage to move forward.  Self-motivation is the beacon and beacon on the road of life. With it, life has a direction and goal; self-motivation is the driving force of life. With it, talents can overcome difficulties and move forward courageously.  As Gorky said: "The higher the goal a person pursues, the faster his talent develops. The more beneficial it is to society. Characteristics of self-motivation (1) Clear goals Self-motivation must be linked to clear goals. Without  The ambition to set clear goals is illusory and unrealistic. (2) Striving for the top is a mental state that is not satisfied with the status quo and is always aggressive. This mentality requires people to constantly surpass themselves and move towards higher standards.  ) Tenacious will: Self-motivation should be accompanied by a strong will. To achieve career success, it is not enough to have a strong will, because in the process of surpassing yourself and achieving your goals, you will often encounter many difficulties.  , so you need to have perseverance and the courage to despise difficulties. Speaking of ambition, some people will definitely think of a negative mentality. So what is a negative mentality?  The emergence of long-term emotional experiences such as extreme disappointment and depression is related to people's inner expectations and expected fulfillment values.  There will be a state of excitement; on the contrary, when the expected value is smaller than the inner expectation, people's emotions will be disappointed, depressed and other negative emotional experiences. For example, Xiao Li and Xiao Wang took the college entrance examination at the same time.  Xiao Li hoped to get into a prestigious university. Xiao Wang thought that as long as he could study, Xiao Li was depressed and depressed, while Xiao Wang was overjoyed and elated.  , full of joy of victory. Why do the same things produce two completely different psychological experiences? The reason is that Xiao Li expects not only a key university, but a famous university.  Wang only expects academic performance. This means that Xiao Li's expectation realization value is less than his inner expectation value, and Xiao Wang's expectation realization value exceeds his inner expectation value, so he is overjoyed.  At an age when people are energetic, full of fantasy, and dare to think and do, they often have too high expectations of themselves and are full of longing for the future. This may lead to deviations between ideals and reality, causing their ideals to not be realized and their gains to be lost.  Unsatisfied, resulting in negative emotional experiences. Especially middle school students in adolescence often have strong emotions and poor emotional regulation and self-control. Therefore, their moods fluctuate greatly. Many things may cause negative emotional experiences, and they remain in a negative mentality for a long time.  It will have many adverse effects on the life, study and health of young people, and even affect the healthy growth of young people. The expression of negative mentality: "Motivational ambition plays a big role in the path of life", as the British proverb says.  Good: "Life without goals is like a ship without a rudder." "Youth without ideals is like a morning without the sun."  "Motivated people generally have lofty ideals and clear life goals. They understand the importance of ideals and life goals to youth and life. Therefore, under the guidance of the sail of their ideals, they step by step?Achieve your goals.  Some people say: Ideals are beautiful, but without will, ideals are just a fleeting rainbow.  Others say: Ideals, if not put into action, are nothing but mist.  Indeed, on the road to realizing our ideals and striving to become successful, it will never be smooth sailing. We will encounter many difficulties and resistance, and even hardships and obstacles. This requires us to have a strong will and an indomitable spirit.  Otherwise, no matter how good the ideal is, it will be difficult to realize it.  ??And self-motivation will inject strong spiritual motivation into young friends and support them to overcome all difficulties on the road to success.  Finally reach the ideal shore.  The story of "The Tortoise and the Hare" is well known to students. The tortoise is a representative with strong enterprising spirit, motivation to win and tenacious will but poor ability.  Rabbit Betty has strong abilities, but lacks enterprising spirit and motivation to win, and is a representative of poor willpower.  The result of the game is that the tortoise wins.  This shows that enterprising spirit and tenacious will are more important than ability.  Today¡¯s society is an increasingly progressive society, a competitive society, and an increasingly complex society.  Therefore, people must be self-motivated and make progress day by day; do not be unwilling to make progress but work hard; do not be idle; think about what you don¡¯t have and don¡¯t always think about what you have.  ??A person, a nation, and a country all need to make progress.  ??Have a desire to make progress.  Fulfill the dream of an emperor.  Liu Bang was originally a small pavilion chief in Peixian County. His family was poor and his status was low. However, Liu Bang had the world in mind and was ambitious. He gradually strengthened his power in the battle to destroy Qin.  After the death of Qin, he was unwilling to be just the king of Hanzhong and wanted to conquer the world.  The king of the world finally fought, Xiang Yu committed suicide, and Liu Bang stood at the peak of victory.  Founded the Han Dynasty and was called the "Gaozu of the Han Dynasty".  The all-powerful Na¡ª¡ªPo¡ª¡ªLunbo¡ª¡ªNa¡ª¡ªMa has great ambitions.  Make progress day by day.  At the age of twenty-five, he became a major general and brigade commander, and his status improved day by day.  Na-po-lun is young and promising.  He has strong military ability and is motivated.  Seize the historical opportunity.  Launched the "Coup of the Brumaire" to seize state power and founded the French Republic. Later, in order to consolidate state power, eliminate anti-French forces, and eliminate internal troubles, Napoleon was crowned emperor and founded the French Republic.  Lun Empire.  The lack of self-motivation leads to the country¡¯s decline.  Liu Chan had no ambition and ignored government affairs all day long. The country faced a crisis and continued to fight cocks, which eventually led to the destruction of the Shu Han Dynasty.  Liu Chan, who was named the "Hou of Anle" by the King of Wei, faced the problem of the King of Wei, but he was "happy and reluctant to think about Shu", which is embarrassing.  Li Longji, who created the prosperous age of Kaiyuan, was proud of his credit and no longer wanted to make progress. He sang and danced all day long, accompanied Yang Guifei and ignored the government affairs. Finally, An Lushan and Shi Siming rebelled, and the rebels once reached the capital Chang'an.  Helpless, Li Longji took Concubine Yang and fled to Maweipo. Unexpectedly, Maweipo became the place where his beloved concubine died. Under the coercion of the soldiers, Li Longji had no choice but to save Yang Guifei's death.  During the turmoil, the people were displaced and miserable, and the country's power declined, losing its former strength.  If Li Longji was motivated, his beloved concubine might not die and history would be rewritten.  Streams have a desire to make progress, so they can flow into the sea, and see the boundless sea; trees have a desire to make progress, so they can grow into towering trees, overlooking everything.  People must be motivated, not content with the status quo, and work hard for their dreams.  A person who is not motivated will never get a chance to succeed. If a person spends all his time chatting and complaining, he will not want to use action to change reality. For them, it is not that there is no opportunity, but that there is a lack of opportunity.  Self-motivation When others are running for their careers and futures, I just waste my time in a daze, without thinking of jumping out of misunderstandings. As a result, I will only wander in despair. Self-motivation and enterprising spirit originally include the following two contents: First,  Strive to improve the quality of work (including reducing work deviations and paying more attention to timeliness) so that you can complete challenging work goals in your position (including setting goals that are higher than those assigned by the company, or being able to successfully complete challenging goals assigned by the company)  ; The second is to be able to set career plans, be able to clearly understand the responsibilities or ability requirements of different positions, and actively strive to improve themselves. Self-motivated people are always full of hope for the future. The French writer Maupassant has a famous saying, people are life.  Only in a life full of hope can you feel the motivation to struggle. A life with hope requires a positive attitude to dream, to pursue dreams, and to realize dreams. We weave a beautiful dream, work hard, and realize dreams.  Go for the dream, go for it, if the dream is shattered, make up another dream to realize it, if it is realized, continue to make up the dream, make up the dream, shatter it, make up the dream to realize it. Life is like this, full of hope. Life is every task that requires constant adjustment and progress.  All jobs contain opportunities for personal growth. You must be clear about what knowledge and skills are required for your position.?Quality, we must constantly improve and improve ourselves to adapt to the requirements of the position. A person's ambition at work depends on his career goals.  Self-motivated people will strongly pursue improving their own value and constantly enrich themselves.  Absorbing new knowledge and constantly improving oneself, self-motivation is the internal energy that makes individuals goal-oriented and moderately energetic.  Serious and persistent work is the prerequisite for individual career success, and self-motivated individuals have the psychological cornerstone of career success. Determine new personal goals, and people will constantly formulate and revise their life goals throughout their lives, and face difficulties.  With new developments, we need to update our goals, whether they are big goals or small goals, so that we can recognize our shortcomings and continue to work hard when we encounter difficulties.  We must update our goals at any time, maintain a positive attitude, and strive to achieve the goals we set. Do some work that you don¡¯t understand well. The reason why people can make progress lies in continuous learning and constantly trying work that they have never done before. Human Resources  There is a saying in management: people always move from one suitable position to another unsuitable position. Employees who are motivated may as well add some pressure to themselves, that is, consciously and compulsorily arrange for themselves some tasks that they have not been exposed to or that they are not familiar with.  Unfamiliar work - self-hint.  People at work and life are like sailing against the current. If we don't advance, we will retreat. If we are people who always want to make progress.  The current boredom, distress, frustration, etc. must be paid great attention to.  Being dissatisfied with the current situation means that your abilities are better than before.  Being able to see that you are inadequate and looking at it from another perspective means that you are standing still.  We need to see the crisis, adjust our thoughts, and silently hint in our hearts, pay attention, sailing against the current will either move forward or retreat, so we must constantly remind ourselves mentally to make a little progress every day. We might as well try saying loudly in front of the mirror three times every morning: "Today I will  "Will work harder" If your current career is not going well; if you have bigger dreams; if you want to make your family happier, if you want to be a winner, then you must remain motivated, as long as your ambition still exists  If you do, you will succeed.  People always learn less from flatness and more from hardships; they learn less from flatness and more from hardships.  If a person goes through hardships when he is young, if he can see it correctly and break out of the darkness, then he is a person worthy of admiration.  No money, no experience, no experience, no social connections, these are not terrible.  If you don¡¯t have money, you can earn it through hard work; if you don¡¯t have experience, you can summarize it through practical operations; if you don¡¯t have experience, you can accumulate it step by step; if you don¡¯t have social connections, you can weave it bit by bit.  However, having no dreams and ideas is the scariest thing, which makes people feel scared and want to escape! So, no matter what, don¡¯t lose the ambition in your heart, otherwise, your life will really fall into hell.  in.  People must be motivated.  No matter how high-spirited you are, no matter how resourceful you are, no matter how much effort you put into it, if you are not motivated, you will live at a loss, gradually lose your fighting spirit, forget your original dream, and you will take detours or even fail.  On the way back, I wasted my intelligence and wasted my youth.  Everyone will experience confusion and confusion, and everyone has experienced fear and avoidance. But don¡¯t use confusion and confusion as an excuse to give up on yourself and settle for mediocrity, let alone a bitter drink of self-pity and frustration.  Life needs to be borne by oneself, and destiny needs to be controlled by oneself.  The sooner you find the direction in a difficult situation and get out of confusion, the easier it will be to achieve success and create excitement on the road of life.  A headless fly will run into walls if it cannot find its direction; a person will be confused and fearful if it cannot find a way out.  In life, when faced with difficulties, we often feel that we have no way out.  Don't be discouraged, persevere, and believe that there is no dead end in young life, difficulties are ahead, and hope is around the corner.  As long as we have the right ideas, we will definitely be able to avoid detours and find a way out! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Don¡¯t just have a narrow understanding of progress. In fact, as long as you always maintain a willingness and effort to develop forward and upward, that is progress.  Different people have different understandings of progress.  In order to better develop yourself, you must learn to: 1. Coordinate your body and mind, and coordinate the relationship between yourself and the environment (especially society). Only in this way can you get more support and help, and can you be more relaxed, harmonious, and happy.  Only in this way can we establish the correct direction of development and achieve the maximum utilization of potential.  A motivated person should be approachable, warm, sincere, enthusiastic, and always full of confidence.  2. Continuously learn, experience, and comprehend various methods and techniques.  Efficiency is quite important.  Only by being efficient can you become an efficiency center.  Gather resources and call resources.  Wisdom is the prerequisite for direction and efficiency.  ?Wisdom is the ability to correctly understand things (including oneself) and properly handle the relationship with things.  3. Progress exists in every aspect of study, work and life.  No matter what you do, you should consider how to do it better and what is best.  Progress is reflected in a kind of dissatisfaction.  But this dissatisfaction with the status quo is not achieved through confrontation, complaint, escape, or numbness.  Rather, it reflects striving for, creating and winning together.  When you cursed the stair light for not working, did you wait until you had time to fix it?  When you see other people's success, do you feel jealous or do you work hard secretly?  When you see rich and powerful people, do you blend in or avoid them? When you encounter difficulties, do you face them directly or shrink back? When you face competition, do you feel confident or do you do what you can? In the future, the answer  You figure it out for yourself! There is no absolute 'right or wrong' in this world, nor is there absolute 'good or bad', because it depends on who sets the standards, think what others dare not think, do what others dare not do, and break through yourself  , is also a kind of improvement.  To surpass oneself and break through oneself requires continuous practice, accumulation and improvement in doing things down to earth.  Mere daydreams/fantasies are of no use.  When proposing your own direction, you must set goals.  It is best to have a quantifiable goal and develop a feasible plan for it.  You need to be able to muster the mental strength to complete the plan.  It is human nature to make progress.  There is a progressive power in everyone's heart, but when this power is blinded or distorted, people will show depression, overprotection, and fear of change.  Progress is an inner desire to pursue constructive change.  ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  To achieve career success, it is not enough to be motivated; you must also have a strong will.  Because in the process of transcending oneself and achieving goals, many difficulties are often encountered, so one needs to have perseverance and the courage to defy difficulties.  So, how to cultivate your self-confidence systematically and effectively?     First.  Always focus on your strengths and achievements.  If you always think about your shortcomings and failures, of course you will become less and less confident.  Isn¡¯t this destroying one¡¯s prestige?  You must grow your own ambition.  You will always have many strengths and achievements, list them out and write them down on paper.  Write down at least five strengths and five accomplishments.  To this note.  Look and think about it often.  As you engage in various activities, think about your strengths and tell yourself what you have accomplished.  This is called the ¡°confidence contagion effect.¡±  This effect is great for boosting your self-confidence.  It is helpful to improve the success rate of engaging in this activity.  Second, have more contact and interactions with confident people.  "Those who are close to vermillion are red; those who are close to ink are black." If you are often with pessimistic and disappointed people, you will also become depressed.  If you often come into contact with people who are broad-minded and confident.  You will definitely become such a person.  Make more friends with people who are ambitious and confident.  Third, self-psychological suggestion, constantly strengthen yourself with positive psychology and avoid negative reinforcement of yourself.  When you encounter difficulties, never give up.  Keep saying to yourself: "I can do it!", "I am great!", "I can do better!" and so on.  Repeating words of confidence to yourself is a very important positive psychological suggestion for yourself, which is conducive to continuously improving your self-confidence.  This has been confirmed by psychological research.  Fourth, establish a confident external image.  A person who maintains a clean and decent appearance is helpful to enhance his self-confidence.  If you behave freely, behave well, help others, and keep your eyes straight, you will have inner self-confidence.  At the same time, strengthening exercise and maintaining a strong body shape are also helpful to enhance self-confidence.  Fifth, maintain a certain sense of pride.  Humility is necessary for a person, but it cannot be excessive.  Excessively belittling oneself is extremely detrimental to the cultivation of self-confidence.  One cannot be arrogant, but one cannot be without pride.  Believe in yourself and be proud of yourself.  Sixth, learn to smile.  Smiling increases happiness, which in turn also boosts self-confidence.  You might as well give it a try.  With a smile, confidence comes, almost immediately.  Seventh, know how to exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses.  In study, life, and work, you should always seize opportunities to show your strengths and specialties, and at the same time, pay attention to making up for your own shortcomings and constantly strive for progress.  This way, you'll increase your success rate, get more compliments, and definitely boost your self-confidence.  Eighth, read more biographies of famous people.  Because for many famous people, their own qualifications and external environment before becoming famous are no better than yours.  Some of them were even far worse than what you are now when you were your age.  Reading more materials in this area will let you know that you actually have the conditions for success, and success is completely within your reach. This will help improve your self-confidence.  Ninth, be fully prepared.  If you are fully prepared before engaging in an activity, you will be more confident when engaging in the activity, which will be beneficial.??Complete this activity successfully.  Once this activity is done successfully, it will in turn enhance your overall self-confidence.  Tenth, set appropriate goals for yourself.  The goal is too low, too easy to achieve, and cannot improve self-confidence.  But the goal cannot be too high.  If the goal is too high, it will be difficult to achieve, and it will damage your self-confidence.  The appropriate goal is: jump as hard as you can to just touch it.  As long as you do this, you will be able to cultivate your own ambition.  For men, self-motivation is even more important!  Men must be motivated, whether in work or in life.  If a man is not motivated, he will also lose his sense of responsibility. Without his sense of responsibility, he will also lose his heart to take responsibility. A man can have no money, but he cannot be without ambition.  With ambition, even if he has no money, he can still straighten his back and live an upright life.  If a man loses his ambition, he will continue to degenerate just like a drug addict. If a man loses his ambition, he will not be able to give his woman a sense of security. If a man does not let his beloved  A woman feels safe, she will feel that she will endure hardship at any time, and great changes will happen at any time. Therefore, a woman will leave this man sooner or later, so for a woman, she needs to have a safe and comfortable environment. Don't say that this is reality.  Because that's what you have to do as a man.  Also, to live in this world, a man must keep climbing, have a strong desire to move up, and have the pursuit of getting ahead. A smart man usually has a relatively clear timetable and knows his path in the next few years.  Although there are many uncertainties and interference from various external factors, we must have a rough plan.  A man who has no direction or goals will often be confused and confused. The result is that he will drift with the crowd and go wherever he goes. If a woman marries such a man, she will be doomed.  A man who has no ambition or enterprising spirit cannot be motivated. He will not fight for a woman or fight for a woman, because such a man is easy to muddle along and can do everything. In turn, he will ask women to be content with what they have.  , don¡¯t compare with others. For a young man, when his career is not yet completed, he cannot be satisfied. He must reach a certain height before being satisfied. Therefore, a man can be dissatisfied and fail, but he must work hard.  Don't lose your ambition.  PS: Note: Thank you Xie Zhixiu for your monthly support, thank you!  Thank you Xie Zhixiu for your generous reward and support, thank you!  
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