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Text Chapter 399: Something happened again

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    Zheng Tan couldn't smell the transparent and sticky thing under his feet. It might have the smell of some kind of animal. However, Zheng Tan's experience was limited and he couldn't guess. He could only feel some fear through the mountains.  He knew in his eyes that this was not a good thing.  Even those who looked dangerous to Zheng Tan, Dashan did not show such a look.  If it is an animal that can make the mountains so fearful, then this animal must be at the absolute top of the food chain in this forest, much higher than the mountains.  As long as it¡¯s not animal feces or snot, it¡¯s fine. Zheng Tan raised his feet and wiped the mucus on the soles of his feet on the grass next to him, while looking around.  Mucus doesn¡¯t only exist here. When Zheng Tan stood up and looked around, he crossed some short grass and saw some not far to the left.  After thinking about it, Zheng Tan chose a fairly tall tree and decided to take a look around to see if he could find anything. At least he had a map in his mind.  Even if Dashan knew what it was, he couldn't tell Zheng Tan. If Zheng Tan wanted to know, he could only find the answer himself.  Standing on a branch more than ten meters above the ground, Zheng Tan looked in the direction where he had just seen the mucus. More than twenty meters away, on a small empty grass field between two trees, there was a brown-gray thing.  , from Zheng Tan¡¯s perspective, it¡¯s still hard to tell what it is. There is a lot of mucus there, the same as the sticky things Zheng Tan stepped on just now.  I listened carefully around, there was no sound of other people or large animals, I took a look around to make sure there was no other danger.  Zheng Tan visually measured the distance to the other tree and gathered strength.  Jump!  Dashan was still walking around restlessly below. He took a few steps to take a look at the mucus. He looked cautious when he got close to sniff. After sniffing twice, he quickly backed away. It seemed that sniffing more would lead to danger.  While Da Shan was carefully sniffing along the traces of mucus, the movement above frightened Da Shan, who was in a state of anxiety and nervousness, and jumped away. After discovering that the noise was made by Zheng Tan, he looked up from behind the tree.  Look up.  His eyes followed Zheng Tan's figure. After hesitating for a moment, he still raised his feet and followed him.  If that animal is a terrestrial animal, it would be relatively safer for Zheng Tan to approach it from above.  Fortunately, Zheng Tan had already mastered the skill of jumping on trees. There were many trees here, so he jumped from several trees in succession.  Zheng Tan came to a branch above the brown-gray thing and stood looking down.  That brown-gray thing was not too big, otherwise Zheng Tan would not have had the courage to approach it. Even if it was only on the ground, it did not mean that it was without danger.  The brown-grey mass looked like the size of a hare.  Thinking about it, Zheng Tan took a closer look.  The more I look at it, the more I find it looks like a hare.     rabbit?  It seems that it is true. ????????????????????????? However, there was a slimy layer on the rabbit, and the overall shape was a little different, as if it had been digested and then spit out.  Many animals.  Such as cats, wolves, wild dogs, etc., when eating.  It will tear the prey into pieces and eat the meat bit by bit from the prey, rather than swallowing it whole.  Yes, the rabbit that had been digested remained intact when it was spit out. There were no signs of being torn, and Zheng Tan did not see any obvious wounds on it.  As an animal that can swallow its entire prey and eat in this way, Zheng Tan thought of that kind of cold-blooded thing that makes people feel creepy when talking about it - snakes.  Moreover, as it stands now, it is still a pretty big snake.  If you can swallow a rabbit, you can definitely swallow Zheng Tan. That hare is quite big, much bigger and fatter than the rabbit Dashan caught yesterday. Such a hare can be easily swallowed, let alone Zheng Tan's cat-like appearance.  Now, Zheng Tan is just that big and has no physical advantage.  "If the mucus is something like the stomach acid of a big snake, it can spit out so much gastric juice and make mountains so fearful, and it must be quite big."  After thinking about the lump of mucus he just stepped on, and then looking at the crawling traces left in the mucus below, Zheng Tan could guess that the snake must not only have vomited such a rabbit, but also vomited before that.  Passed by, and then the snake crawled this way, leaving some traces on the way, and vomited again after reaching here, and then Zheng Tan looked at the big tree where he was. The tree was quite old and very tall.  Zheng Tan climbed a little higher and looked ahead.  The trees in front were not so dense, and there were only some weeds and various shorter shrubs. Because of this, Zheng Tan could see the things there.  Zheng Tan just thought that the one that spit out the rabbit would be a python with the thickness of an adult's calf, but now it seems that Zheng Tan still underestimated it, not the calf, but the thickness of the thigh.  Moreover, two meters away from the snake, there were still some vomiting?, about six or seven rabbits were vomited out, and the digestion level was similar to the previous one.  Zheng Tan thinks that the chance of a python in the wild eating so many rabbits of the same size at once is not high, unless someone raises it specially and throws the rabbits as food for the snake.  Rabbits that are so fat don't look like they often live in the wild. It's very likely that rabbits are specially raised by people.  And why do you keep such a big snake?  On the way from Pei Liang's hometown, Zheng Tan heard Er Mao and the others say that there are indeed many people raising snakes in this province and city. Due to the climate, there are many people raising snakes, turtles and flowers. The number of people raising big snakes is definitely  Yes, but I didn't expect Zheng Tan to encounter one here.  The snake was curled up, motionless, unaware of life or death.  Vomiting almost all the food you eat is definitely a sign of physical discomfort.  That kind of big guy, no wonder the mountains are scared.  It would be fine if the big snake was dead, but if it were alive, it would definitely be extremely dangerous.  Zheng Tan didn¡¯t dare to approach anymore. He looked at the cautious mountain below and thought, it¡¯s better to leave quickly. Curiosity will kill the cat.  Moving gently on the branches, Zheng Tan planned to leave, but as soon as he moved, he heard the sound of someone coming this way, and they were running very fast.  They are the three people I met before.  Could it be that this big snake is what they are looking for?  Dashan had already heard the noise and hid, but Zheng Tan did not leave directly.  Come down from the tree and hide behind the trunk.  The three people seemed to be in a hurry to find the target.  Zheng Tan couldn't hold back his curiosity and followed them not far behind, but they didn't notice it either.  Zheng Tan thought that if the situation went wrong, he would immediately break up. Even if the three people saw Zheng Tan and Dashan, they would not have the energy to take care of them.  While Zheng Tan was thinking about it, the three people were already approaching quickly, and they stopped about ten meters away when they spotted the big snake.  They were communicating in low voices, but Zheng Tan couldn't understand what they were saying.  But it was obvious that this snake was indeed their target. When they saw the snake, the three people's eyes clearly showed joy, and they seemed to be relieved.  Among the three people, two took out their guns and the other picked up a stone next to them.  Throw it towards the big snake.  A stone as big as a fist hit the big snake, but the snake didn't react at all.  Seeing this, the man who threw the stone continued to walk forward, approached the big snake, and boldly lifted the snake's tail to have a look to confirm what was happening.  He turned back and nodded to his two companions.  Only then did the two men with guns approach with confidence.  Seeing them playing with the big snake, Zheng Tan knew that the big snake was either dead, or not far away from death, or it had no strength to resist at all.  Zheng Tan originally thought they would drag the snake away directly.  But then, Zheng Tan saw one of them take out a folding knife.  Turn the snake over slightly, and then cut it open with a knife not far from the snake's tail.  After cutting it open, the man dug around inside with a knife, and then pulled out a small glass bottle. The bottle had cracks and some blood entered it. In the small bottle, there was some light yellow that had not been completely dissolved in the blood.  Zheng Tan didn't know what the thing in the blood was, but it was definitely not a good thing. Maybe it was another forbidden "drug" or something like that.  Zheng Tan once heard that some people use animals to transport "medicine" so that they can avoid the sight of drug-detecting dogs or people. Such a big snake in front of him is indeed a good warehouse, but for some reason  The bottle hidden inside broke and the medicine leaked out, eventually killing the snake.  It seems that another incredible secret has been discovered.  Go tell Ermao and the others?  No, Zheng Tan directly rejected it in his heart.  This time, Er Mao and Wei Leng brought their families here. They were just here for a trip and to visit the elderly. Some of them were inconvenient. If they really got involved, it would be troublesome. These people might be desperate.  Disciple, don¡¯t you have the courage to do such a thing?  These people are too dangerous.  ¡°Forget it, there are specialized people to take care of this kind of thing. Zheng Tan decided not to worry about it. He is just a cat, not a superman who specializes in punishing evil and promoting good.  After a lot of trouble, the three people dragged the snake away and probably found a suitable place to dispose of it.  They had already gotten what they wanted, and the snake was already dead. They would not go to the trouble of bringing such a big snake back.  After the three people left, Zheng Tan came out of his hiding place.  This time, Dashan had no intention of staying here anymore and went back much faster.  Has Dashan discovered the secret hidden in this?  Zheng Tan had doubts, but the possibility was too small. Although the mountainIt is clear, but it does not understand all these. Its purpose seems to be only those people, as if it has had enemies.  When he returned to the old man's residence, Zheng Tan was relieved. It was not easy to go out. He was frightened and encountered all kinds of bad things.  After looking at the two children who were painting and playing in the yard, Zheng Tan decided to ignore it. When he came out, Jiao's father and mother Jiao also said not to cause trouble. It didn't concern him, so Zheng Tan just pretended not to see it. It was a big deal.  When to report anonymously?  I brought my mobile phone with me when I came out this time, so I can report it anonymously when I leave.  After making the decision, Zheng Tan felt much more relaxed.  I was also in the mood to take a lighter that seemed to have been unused for a long time on the shelf next to the kitchen and play with it.  There is no one here, Ermao and the others haven't come back yet. The two mothers are talking in the hall, looking at the two children in the yard, and don't notice Zheng Tan.  Zheng Tan lit the lighter, extinguished it, lit it, and extinguished it again. After repeated many times, Zheng Tan also despised himself for being so boring. He was so bored that he could play with the lighter for several minutes.  Putting down the lighter, Zheng Tan turned his head and looked over.  Dashan stood not far away, staring at Zheng Tan, looking at Zheng Tan, and then at the lighter that Zheng Tan had thrown at his feet. He walked over and pulled the lighter over, raised his paw to try, but couldn't figure it out.  Tried again, still can't get it right.  Zheng Tan did not stay there and went to the mountains to study the lighter.  So, when the master came back from outside with his two children, he only saw Zheng Tan staying with the two children. After searching, he found Dashan next to the kitchen. When he found Dashan, Dashan was still playing with it.  That lighter has been working for an hour, but it still hasn't been able to make this little gadget fire.  With a snap, Dashan patted the lighter far away, and then stared at Zheng Tan.  Zheng Tan twitched his beard, what do you think I will do if you can't get angry?  !
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