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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> Go back in time and become a cat

Text Chapter 394: The big cat (asking for a guaranteed vote)

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    Ermao and his master lived in a small town in the southwest. It was already afternoon when the three cars arrived at this small town.  The road here is well built, and there are large fields on both sides of the road.  The mountain is not too high, and some residential houses can be seen from the foot of the mountain to the mountain. The place where Ermao and his master live is on the mountainside on the edge of the small town.  ¡°I haven¡¯t been here for a few years, and I found that the changes here have been quite big. At least the roads have been widened.¡± Er Mao said while looking at the scenic buildings outside the car.  "There are more houses and they are well built." Wei Leng also said.  Pei Liang doesn¡¯t have so many emotions because he comes often.  "Do you still remember the road?" Pei Liang asked.  "Of course I remember!" Although the place has changed a lot compared to the memory, I still remember the road. Ermao and Wei Leng didn't need Pei Liang to say anything, and drove directly along the road. After passing a fork in the road, the private houses  A little less.  Along the road, the car drove up the mountain.  Zheng Tan, like the couple in the back seat, was also looking out the window. He could see more clearly from the passenger seat. After standing up, he could see everything in front and beside him.  As he was watching, Zheng Tan saw something squatting on the stone pier next to the cement road a hundred meters ahead.  A brown lump.  As the car drove past, the stone pier gradually came closer, and Ermao, who was driving, opened the window and shouted excitedly over there.  "Gege! Look here! Look here!" The guy squatting on the stone pier moved. He stood up and looked at the car. He shook his black ears with a bunch of long hair and yawned.  Jump off the stone pier and run with the car.  Just when Zheng Tan was wondering who this so-called "Gege" was, Wei Ling's voice from the car behind came from the intercom.  ¡°As expected, the mountain is still waiting here.¡± The mountain?  Zheng Tan stuck his head out of the car and took a closer look at the big cat running outside the car. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Zheng Tan felt in his heart that the alpaca began to wave its hooves again.  Is this Tamar a cat?  !  !     Yeah?  !  No, it seems to be the case. Caracal cats also belong to the subfamily Felinae. They are cats, right?  Zheng Tan always thought that the "big mountain" Er Mao and the others were talking about was a super cat like Huzi's mother or something.  I didn¡¯t expect it to be such a big caracal!  To Ermao and the others, aren¡¯t caracals, lynxes, wild cats, and domestic cats all cats?  Even though he is different from an ordinary house cat, he still looks like a cat.  For convenience when they are outside, they always just call the cat.  Ermao slowed down the car. It was not far from the destination anyway, so there was no rush. The speed of the car was also slowed down to match the speed of going down the mountain. After all, it was not young anymore.  Even if it can run, jump, and catch rabbits, it cannot be ignored that at twenty years old, it has entered an old age in this group.  "Yuan Yuan, that's your Uncle Dashan" Originally, Er Mao Gang planned to call Yu Yuan "Brother Dashan", but after thinking about Dashan's age, he changed it to "Uncle".  If we were to calculate the age of a cat, he would probably have to call him "Master".  "Why is it called Dashan and Gege? Does it have two names like Hei Ge's Hei Tan and Hei Coal?" Dual doubts.  In fact, only a few people here call Dashan "Gege".  Er Mao also patiently explained the reason to Yuan Yuan.  At first, Er Mao called him Dashan like everyone else. Later, when Er Mao saw the two tufts of hair on Dashan's ears being blown down by the wind, he suddenly remembered what the villagers often saw during that time.  He was the leader of the characters in a drama about the Qing Dynasty Princess, so after that, Ermao often joked about calling Dashan Princess, regardless of gender.  Soon, a large courtyard appeared in front.  At the entrance of the hospital, an old man was standing there waiting. It was the old man Zheng Tan had met once before, the "master" that Er Mao and the others called him.  After Dashan ran home, he squatted next to the old man, half-opening his eyes, looking a little cold, but everyone who is familiar with him knows that.  This is just an appearance, just like the old man standing at the entrance of the hospital who has a calm face but is already boiling with joy in his heart. The appearance may not be the same as the interior.  After seeing the children getting off the bus, the old man couldn't stand still.  Walk over quickly.  The big cat following the old man glanced at Er Mao and the others, and finally his eyes fell on Zheng Tan.  Zheng Tan¡¯s heart suddenly tightened. The look in the big cat¡¯s eyes made Zheng Tan feel a sense of pressure. It was not malicious, but it made Zheng Tan feel very nervous.  "Gege, come and give me a hug!" When he left that year, Ermao always felt that cats were full of ideas, difficult to take care of, and mysterious because of the mountains.Later, they raised black rice, and gradually changed a bit. No matter how many times Dashan teased them, Er Mao still missed them after not seeing each other in the past few years.  In response to Er Mao's embrace, Dashan stood there with a cold expression, without moving, nor struggling, nor showing any sign of rejection.  Although Wei Ling and Pei Liang had feelings for the big cat, they would not go up to hug it like Er Mao did. Wei Ling was scratched back then, and he was afraid that if he went to hug him now, he would be scratched and lose face in front of his wife and children.  .  As for Pei Liang, even though he didn't bring Qi Dada with him, he still smelled like a monkey and would be disliked by the mountain, so he wouldn't go up to tease him.  "I want a hug too!" Yuan Yuan ran over holding Maomao's skirt. Under Ermao's guidance, he slightly hugged Dashan's neck, and was quickly taken away by Ermao.  The little fat guy at the guard was also itchy and came running round.  Wei Leng wanted to stop him, but the old master said: "It's okay, Dashan won't hurt children at will." Wei Leng could only stop taking a step, but told his son to give him a little hug.  Little Fatty Wei responded and went over to open his arms and hugged Dashan. Probably because it was his first time to come into contact with such a big cat. Little Fatty Wei was very happy and added what his father had just said, "Just a little hug."  He forgot about it, tightened his arms, and rubbed Dashan's face twice.  In Little Fatty Wei's impression, cats should be as friendly as Hei Mi and Hei Ge from the Duan family.  Ermao hugged Yuan Yuan and took a step back without leaving a trace.  Wei Leng planned to go over and carry his son back, but was blocked by the crutches stretched out from the side, so he could only worry in his heart.  The old man looked over there with a faint smile on his face.  Fortunately, Fatty Wei did not continue to hug him. He let go of his arms, turned around, and said to Wei Leng, "Dad, come and take a picture!" Er Mao took another step back while holding Yuan Yuan.  Before Wei Leng moved, his wife moved first.  She took out her camera and it was obvious that she was very interested in Dashan, this special big cat.  "Come on, little fat man, smile, 3-2-1!" Little fat man Wei grinned and felt a chill in his lower body. Before he could take back his smile, the camera clicked.  Zheng Tan: "" That big cat.  In full view of everyone, he took off Fatty Wei's pants just before the photo was taken.  Ermao has blocked Duan Duan¡¯s eyes.  The smile on the old man¡¯s face deepened.  "Ha, Wei Leng, this is the same as when you" Pei Liang couldn't help laughing.  "Ahem!" Wei Leng glanced at Pei Liang with a threatening look, stopping Pei Liang's remaining words.  Go over and help Little Fatty Wei lift up his pants.  When the brothers and sisters were here before, because they couldn't figure out the cat's temper at first, they would always suffer a bit and make a fool of themselves. But behind this cat was the master, a big supporter, even if the master was not at home.  , it is difficult to find it even when it wants to hide.  There's really nothing you can do about it.  Wei Leng had been arrested before, his pants had been stripped off, and his shoes had been taken away to contain bird eggs; Pei Liang had also been teased, with small insects put in the cup, grasshoppers stuffed in the quilt, and snakes being stuffed;  Due to his profession, he is particularly keen on paying attention to his vision, and every time Brother Walnut comes here to visit the elderly, Dashan squats outside Brother Walnut's window.  He didn't do anything, just stared inside, which made Brother Hetao unable to sleep peacefully all night long. Even closing the curtains didn't help. He was still sweating and had nightmares. As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt a pair of people with a strange smile in the darkness.  The eyes of the beast are close at hand.  There are too many such things.  It was so much that Wei Leng and the others didn't want to recall it.  There have never been any children here, but this cat is worth several naughty children, but a naughty child only lasts a few years.  This cat has been struggling for twenty years. If everything goes well, it will continue to struggle in the future.  Not only does it love to toss, it also has developed a weird temper like the old man. In the eyes of Ermao and the others, many cats have weird tempers. If they learn from the old man, it will become even weirder.  Even though he looks serious, sometimes he still has an arrogant and indifferent air. In the blink of an eye, he can do something bad the next moment.  Although the others were curious, Pei Liang stopped talking. Who wouldn't be embarrassed here? If he exposed Wei Ling's affairs, Wei Ling would also expose his affairs. Why bother? They are all fathers now.  As a human being, it¡¯s okay to talk about it in private, but forget it in front of adults and children.  Ermao said to Yuan Yuan: "Uncle Dashan, you don't like to be hugged by others all the time, unlike Heimi. Remember?" Yuan Yuan nodded seriously.  Zheng Tan looked at Little Fatty Wei's suppressed red face, and then looked at the complicated expressions of Ermao and others, and seemed to understand something.?.  Several people were talking in the yard here, and a man walked in from outside.  "Hey, we have a guest." The visitor was in his fifties, wearing faded green cloth clothes and carrying a box.  After seeing the visitor, Er Mao, Wei Leng and Pei Liang all smiled.  "Uncle Lin, you are here." "It turns out that Er Mao, Wei Leng and Pei Liang are back, and they have their wives and children with them. No wonder I can feel the joy in the yard even before I come in." Uncle Lin said.  "Come into the house and talk." The old man stepped into the house first and greeted the others.  A few people first moved the things out of the car, cleaned up the room, and asked Uncle Lin to chat with the old man in the lobby.  While packing things in the room, Gong Qin asked Er Mao about the identity of Uncle Lin just now.  "He is considered a health care worker." "Oh, this is one of the health care workers of the master you mentioned." Gong Qin said.  "No, he is not the master's health care worker, he is from Dashan." "Dashan?!" Not only Gong Qin was surprised, but also Zheng Tan, who was listening with his ears propped up on the stool next to him, was also shocked.  A cat actually has a dedicated health care provider!  !  ¡°The year I left here, he started helping Dashan with acupuncture.¡± Er Mao still said in a calm tone.  "Acupuncture?!" "Yes, otherwise do you think Dashan really has a special physique? That's because of Uncle Lin's help." Zheng Tan couldn't calm down anymore. The one with numbness was also a cat. This cat actually had  You get special treatment from specialized health care staff, and you also receive acupuncture, which sounds like a high-end treatment!  PS: I thought I posted the statement in the previous chapter at 11 o'clock, but when I updated this chapter, I found out that it was only uploaded but not published. I'm sorry.  Now the two chapters are released together.  I¡¯m getting ready to go back to my hometown on November 1, so I won¡¯t stop updating, but there will probably be some changes in the update time, so let¡¯s talk about it first.  I wish everyone a happy National Day holiday, smooth travel, and pay attention to safety.
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