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Episode 5: Homeland Defense Chapter 173: Star Trek

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    The establishment of the hyperspace jump module gave mankind the ability to march into outer space for the first time.  However, the structural strength of the spacecraft was not enough. After the first hyperspace jump, scientists conducted a structural inspection of the spacecraft hull and found a large number of cracks, indicating that the material technology was not up to standard.  The young scientists continued to conduct material analysis on the wreckage of the alien spacecraft and found that the various properties of the imitation materials exceeded those of the original alien spacecraft wreckage. However, why cracks appeared after the jump has become the focus of scientists' attention.  Soon, scientists came up with a hypothesis. Any material alone cannot support long-term, long-distance and multiple hyperspace jumps. The spacecraft itself should provide an energy protection so that during each hyperspace jump,  Reduce or prevent the destructive power of the wormhole subspace force on the spacecraft itself.  Once this point of view was put forward, it immediately attracted the attention of the military.  In response to this problem, the military used the most advanced quantum computers to analyze the size and weight of each piece of debris, and then reorganized it in the computer to restore the original appearance of the alien spacecraft.  Finally, in the restored alien spacecraft, the quantum computer discovered a special energy release device, similar to a protective shield, which had been thought to be a weapon system.  This is a special system that releases energy during hyperspace jumps to protect the spacecraft itself. Scientists call it a protective shield and have started related research and development work.  After three years of hard work, scientists have created the first protective shield system. Human beings can currently only use electricity and magnetism, two types of space energy.  So the first protective cover is also made of electromagnetism.  When the spacecraft performs a hyperspace jump, this protective shield system opens at the same time, generating a strong electromagnetic field.  Used to combat the destruction of subspace energy within the wormhole.  The effect is obvious. After the hyperspace jump using the electromagnetic shield system, scientists found that the damage to the spacecraft was greatly reduced, indicating that the research direction is correct.  Subsequently, scientists tried to obtain subspace energy for research at the moment the wormhole opened, but the cost was too high.  The energy in subspace is only carried out at the moment of hyperspace jump.  But scientists always move forward bravely, and it took several years and more than a dozen hyperspace jumps to achieve this goal.  Eventually, scientists discovered the characteristics of subspace energy and developed protective measures based on this characteristic.  Subspace is filled with matter and antimatter, and the two have reached an ideal state of balance, that is, they will not annihilate.  It doesn't disappear either.  ?According to scientists¡¯ conception.  The length of a hyperspace jump is reflected in how long it can maintain this delicate balance state. After the wormhole is opened, the longer the balance between matter and antimatter is maintained, the longer the wormhole lasts and the farther the space jump distance is.  .  The ability to maintain this equilibrium state relies on the positive matter and antimatter released by the hyperspace jump module. Previously, the hyperspace jump modules carried on the spacecraft built by scientists were used once instantly and would not be opened again in the wormhole.  Therefore, the balance within the wormhole cannot be maintained.  The resulting hyperspace jump distance is not that far.  After scientists discovered this situation, they immediately came up with a solution.  If the hyperspace jump module can continue to release antimatter after the wormhole is opened to replenish the wormhole consumption, it will jump further.  So, scientists boldly tried, and the Earth government military also sent volunteers to participate.  A new type of spaceship was built, equipped with a hyperspace jump module system that releases antimatter for a long time, and a new shield energy module system that uses electromagnetic technology to continuously release positive energy on the surface of the spacecraft to offset antimatter erosion. Fifteen volunteers  Participate and they will conduct a long-distance hyperspace jump test.  "Prepare for hyperspace jump!" As the hyperspace jump module system was activated, fifteen volunteers sat in the bridge command room and could see the wormhole leading to subspace opening through their own large screen.  As for the scientists inside the Earth Space Station, the picture in front of them is different from the visual picture of the fifteen volunteers. The scientists outside cannot see the space wormhole and can only feel the violent vibrations in the space around the spacecraft.  It shook, and then the spacecraft slowly disappeared from beginning to end, as if it was wiped away by a huge rag, and then disappeared.  "Is there any news yet?" It has been three days and there is still no news about the spacecraft. This attracted Zhang Meng's attention, and he immediately asked about the matter.  Li Qiong replied: "There are two possibilities now. One is that the hyperspace jump test failed, and the spacecraft and volunteers disappeared in subspace. The other situation is that they succeeded, but the distance of the jump was too long.  Far, according to our current cosmic communication transmission speed,The news has not been sent back yet.  " "I hope it's the latter!" Zhang Meng didn't want to fail. After all, the cost of building a spaceship was high, and losing it would be a huge loss. " Half a year later, just when the Earth government was about to announce the failure of the hyperspace jump plan, the Earth  The space station received a report indicating that the spacecraft has successfully exited hyperspace and its current location is unknown. ¡°The location is unknown?  "Zhang Meng asked in surprise. Li Qiong explained to Zhang Meng: "That's it!  Calculated in terms of communication time, our spacecraft sent us a report just after it jumped out of hyperspace. Half a year has passed since we received it.  This means that our spacecraft has left the solar system and is located somewhere in the Milky Way.  " "Can't you determine their location?  "Zhang Meng asked. "Since we did not consider that this hyperspace jump would break through the solar system, there was no star map installed on the spacecraft.  However, even if the spacecraft is equipped with a star map, they will be lost once they leave the solar system.  Because the star map we see on the earth is only a two-dimensional map. Once we leave the earth, what we see will be a three-dimensional space map. Each galaxy is actually several trillion light years or more away, making it impossible to judge its own position.  Zhang Meng suddenly frowned and asked, "Then they can't come back?"  " Li Qiong smiled bitterly and said, "I'm afraid that's the case!  " Zhang Meng was silent, and after a while he said: "Then if we make a hyperspace jump in the future, what will we do after we go beyond the solar system?  " Li Qiong replied: "Please rest assured, we will start drawing a three-dimensional star map outside the solar system. Before the next test, we will definitely be able to draw a star map that will not get lost.  " Zhang Meng nodded. The matter has come to this, and he has no better way. " Any experiment must be risky. The fifteen volunteers this time will not come back. Zhang Meng needs to explain to the world. (  To be continued.)
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