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Text Chapter 120 The War between Hardness and Softness

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    "You shouldn't be in the same group as them?" Wang Han looked at the other party curiously and asked inquiringly.  "If you are in the mood to think so much, why not think about what will happen if you fail!" The other party said indifferently, but Wang Han smiled secretly. The other party was indeed not the same as the other party. This was to remind them that once the duel fails,  The consequences are serious.  This is the first time that Wang Han has fought against such a powerful MT. The experience of fighting those MTs in the past cannot be counted. This is not only in terms of data, but also in the way of fighting. Compared with Crazy Elephant, it is even worse.  "I said, Old Elephant, this guy is better than you!" The blood lion rubbed his chin with one hand while teasing the crazy elephant next to him.  "Tch! I'm not a professional MT. When you put me in this position, you were just trying to catch a duck. After all, Juxiong and I both focus on attacking warriors. It's just that my talent is more suitable than Juxiong for being the tank. Now,  The defensive power of the Giant Bear is not inferior to mine. It doesn¡¯t matter who of us is the main tank. How can we compare with such a professional main tank and a monster built at no expense?¡± The Blood Lion could only smile helplessly.  When their team was first established, they lacked a real main tank. With their powerful output and recovery, they could solve common difficulties with their opponents, but they were unable to intervene in the top battles. For example, in the last battle of One Piece, they faced  CP9's Rob Luqi didn't take action. It's not that they don't have enough attack power, but they don't have a main tank with enough weight. Especially Rob Luqi is the type who specializes in attack routes. Once the mad elephant can't hold it, several people will die.  It's trivial.  There is no other way. The demand for a career like a main tank is too high. Teams with inferior abilities can just muddle along.  But the core figures of the top team are all main tanks.  Even the head of the group will take great care of them and not slack off in the slightest.  Just like the status of mt in mainstream online games.  It is the supreme truth that you can have output only if you can withstand it and survive. If you want to fight against those rich plot powerhouses, those bosses with elite heads as a prefix, and even ** bosses, no one is armed enough.  This is a gift for mt who is luxurious at heart and extremely skilled.  Therefore, the Beast Group has never been considered a top team but can only be a spoiler. Other teams are also very worried about this.  If all the talents who could become top mts cannot be used by them, they will be eliminated even if they will not join the beast group. At least this is what their enemies do.  "This dragon has great potential! I haven't heard of it before, if it can." The blood lion hesitated to speak. He was a little uneasy in the face of such a temptation. Is it possible?  Such a coincidence?  A man with main tank qualifications was so easily exposed in front of them?  "It's hard to say! With their urinary qualities, people like them must be tightly controlled. You can tell by the way he has no choice but to have something in the opponent's hands. Let's try our best to find it." "It's really hard!  It's so disappointing!" Wang Han saw that the other party could easily use his shield to knock away his telekinesis missiles like a national table tennis player, and then blocked a few wind blades, and then he understood that such an attack would not hurt at all.  itch.  "Have you had enough fun? Come on!" Long stepped towards Wang Han step by step and started a duel in this field.  Wang Han can't fly too high, at least if neither side can threaten the enemy.  Then the person who caused this result in the first place shall lose.  Wang Han also doesn't intend to test it anymore. Three consecutive rounds of the spiral wind gun are his current limit. The limit that he can operate freely is three rounds. Any more will not be able to be mastered. If someone dodges the move, it will be a waste of power.  In terms of quantity, three shots is the limit of his mastery.  This time Long is more cautious. Now Wang Han's spiral wind gun is becoming more and more realistic. He has slowly tried to add the power of embodiment and the power of change to it, but this time he still chose it in pursuit of power in the battle.  The dual-system power of embodiment and operation is not that he is lazy and does not use the six-system power. It is actually that he has the strongest operation and the help of embodiment is the most, and the others are really not comparable.  Three wind guns tore through the sky, and suddenly stabbed the dragon's head and chest from the front, back, left, and right. Wang Han's attacks seemed to be at different times, but at the moment of the attack, the spiral wind guns actually blocked all the opponent's hiding places at the same time.  "What a trick!" The opponent didn't dodge or dodge, only to see his whole body light up and a shadow appear around him.  "No! It's Libra!" The giant bear and white bird who were familiar with the power of the saints shouted in unison.     correct!  The Golden Saint Cloth comes with its own weapons and the largest number. There are six types and twelve pieces in total, including nunchucks and three-knuckle sticks, chain shields, spears, double swords and double crutches.  It can be said that Libra alone can make everyone in the twelve houses have a weapon, which is simply amazing. He once made a contribution in destroying the pillars of Haiti in the battle of Neptune.  No one would be able to get Tong Hu¡¯s recognition for having studied for twelve years.The inheritance of Libra Child Tiger, one of the rarest golden warriors.  Wang Han's spiral wind gun actually shattered after hitting the holy clothes in the void, and the wind gun in front was blocked tightly by the big shield in his hand.  "Okay! I only lost more than 200 HP, and my strength is so strong! But I have to do it for real." Wang Han sighed. It was impossible to save skills, but he didn't want to use those powerful killing moves for the time being.  Let¡¯s look at the regular skills first.  Psychic blast!  Long's body was suddenly hit by wireless telepathy. He immediately tried to stand firm, but then a spear pierced him. He subconsciously used his giant shield to block it, but he was hit immediately and staggered.  "No! It's much more powerful than what it was just now." Long immediately understood that the other party had shown his real skills, and his ordinary defense method just now was no longer easy to use.  "The power of the God of War! Body of steel." Long immediately activated two powerful professional skills.  You must know that Wang Han's current attributes have exceeded the values ????that he should have in the normal world. With the addition of luxurious equipment, his skills are extremely powerful with such a bonus, even reaching 7% of the damage of the skill itself.  More than ten, plus he has upgraded his skills to level four, the power is not comparable to the moves he made with his abilities.  "What Wang Han consumes now is not his telekinesis but his MP. There is an essential difference between the two. It is recognized that occupation is higher than ability. Of course, if the ability is tapped to the limit, it will not lose to the top occupation.  Therefore, if Long does not use his own professional skills to fight, then he will be completely unable to withstand it, and even if he can withstand it, it will not last long. No mt can rely on his own defense and recovery to defeat a legal profession of the same level.  They are out of ammunition and food.  Sure enough, with the addition of these two powerful buff skills that increased his resistance, blocking probability, and life limit recovery speed, he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Wang Han's storm-like combined attacks could make most people pee.  , Fortunately, he has a strong body, otherwise he would have to kneel down.  Advance!  Not to be outdone, Long used the sprint skill that comes with his shoes. As a melee professional, especially one who plans to fight in a one-on-one fight, he must consider the problem of being kited, so even his equipment is not purely anti-equipment like against bosses.  , acceleration, removing abnormal status, increasing some attack power and control ability must be considered.  The rush skill is not teleportation, its effect is acceleration, allowing the target to reach a movement speed of 400 in a short period of time, which is naturally much higher than the normal chosen person's movement speed of around 280, unless it is  Agile professions use acceleration skills, otherwise a speed of more than 400 is enough to cover a distance of more than 200 meters in just a few seconds.  However, as a long-distance professional, Wang Han must be extremely proficient in kite training, especially since his speed will never be slower than that of his opponent.  The distance between the two sides was not widened at all. Wang Han, who could float and fly at a high speed, faced the dragon with a strong wind, which immediately slowed him down.  In such a chase, even Dragon would never be able to catch up, because his dash has a skill CD and his flexibility is too poor. Faced with Wang Han, who flies backwards without slowing down without slowing down corners, he can only take the dust from behind.  Soon he stopped this helpless action. He couldn't close the distance with the opponent just by relying on ordinary speed. However, this was also what he expected. Don't think that he would be simply played to death.  Then why would Ashes place the greatest hope on him.  Blitz!  Long is not using ordinary equipment skills but the skills that come with his professional dark gold equipment. The CD takes half an hour, but the effect is extremely overbearing. As long as he is within the range of his sight, he will ignore all obstacles and forcefully lock on the target, and then rush to the opponent.  Attack him next to him. After the attack is successful, they will silence each other for five seconds. They can only use abilities, and all skills will be silenced.  This skill seems to have a shorter CD, but the side effects are obvious. Not only will he be silent for five seconds, but his HP will be deducted. The further the distance, the more the deduction will be. If it spans more than 200 meters, it will be 50%.  HP, but the advantage is that such a large amount of blood deduction can greatly activate his profession's unique energy system. The accumulation of anger points allows him to burst out with powerful output in an instant.  Dragon is a powerful epic professional angry shield warrior. The effect of the armor on his body is reduced by 15%. In exchange for a great bonus to the shield, he also has the powerful power to rely on anger to increase the explosive power of his attack power.  When the dragon's shield hits Wang Han, it means that the explosion has begun.  But something similar happened to him in an instant.  Blitz!  "Throw with telekinesis!" The people present watched helplessly.In a funny scene, the dragon rushes over like lightning, and then flies backwards at the same speed just now. Is this an acrobatic performance?  , (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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