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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Horror -> Infinite world-famous monster

Volume 4 Is this guy really a zombie?  Chapter 58 Devil May Cry (15) Honkai¡¯s daily life?  Daily breakdown?

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    PS: Let¡¯s take a look at various data, whether it¡¯s recommendations, clicks, subscriptions, collections, monthly tickets, etc (I think I made a typo) "You really have a lot of luck." Seiko looked at it amusedly.  Kotori, who was living, turned her eyes to a certain world protagonist lying unconscious on the ground.  "You won't die even if you do this?" Qinli was speechless.  Xiezi was also speechless for a while.  Looking at the damage Kotori had just caused the large circular crater formed in the middle, even a nuclear bomb explosion would not have this power, but the 'protagonist' Dante Jing'an, who had no ability to resist at all, was unscathed in this explosion.  No, it can¡¯t be said that he was unscathed. At least the clothes on Dante¡¯s upper body have turned into ashes now, and there are still several wounds on his body caused by the collision.  Wounds caused by collision?  Qin Li felt even more depressed.  "Is this the protagonist's halo?" Saeko raised her eyebrows because she didn't know what to say.  This is really fucking incredible luck.  But the pretty girls didn¡¯t sigh too much. After all, they are also the protagonists of their respective worlds. Everyone has the aura of the protagonist, so there is nothing to be jealous of. Moreover, this is not a very good thing. It will disappear after leaving this world.  "It's okay if you don't die," Saeko waved her hand, stopping Kotori's attempt to add another blow, "It's not the time for Dante to die yet, Vergil still needs him to injure him."  For this guy who is easily hot-blooded and violent, it is more difficult to deal with Virgil, the guy who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Originally, it would have been fine if Dante was dead, but now that Dante is not dead, the two women will not disturb him anymore.  The layout of C.C.  "The mission has been completed, let's go drink their rounds." After saying this, Seiko no longer looked at the naked Dante on the ground. Anyway, looking at him, he seemed to like lying on the ground. I didn't see this guy dreaming.  Will you stick out your tongue and lick the ground As for why you want to lick the ground I seem to remember that the area is now covered with some kind of milky white liquid Take a rice green liquid bath, if you have it now  If a fujoshi were here, she would definitely take out the camera with excitement and blush on her face and take some close-ups of Dante lying on the rice green liquid.     pity.  Neither Saeko nor Kotori are fujoshi What a waste of a great resource Bah, bah, such a resource for your sister, it makes me fucking sick just thinking about it.  In this way, the two girls left this land of right and wrong.  Only a certain protagonist is left there with his eyes closed and licking the 'milk' on the ground with a happy face ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ªI am the dividing line of evil¡ª¡ª  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª ¡°This is it.¡± Diao Chan flicked the red bird in her hand and swept away the surrounding weeds, leaving a place for the girls behind her to stand.  Behind them, C.C, Origami and Tohka followed closely, and then they saw the ¡®here¡¯ Diao Chan said.  That is the destination of the four girls - the hometown of Dante and Virgil.  What a big courtyard Although it has now become ruins, you can still see the original grandeur of the courtyard.  "The evil capitalism" This sentence flashed through the minds of all the girls at the same time because this is a mantra of Xing Ming.  But it seems that Xing Ming now belongs to this kind of evil capitalism in the eyes of others In other words, he is a local tycoon.  Thinking of this, all the girls rolled their eyes in unison, and then followed Diao Chan's footsteps into this devil's house where many high-end weapons were hidden.  If Xing Ming were here at this time, he would definitely look at the dilapidated courtyard and say another sentence - No wonder Danding and Ding are going to have their families destroyed. Who told you that your whole family is rich?  If you don't do it, who will do it?  Hatred of wealth Speaking of which, it was a surprise to find Dante and Virgil's hometown.  The game is quite concise, saying nothing. The screen just jumps, and then Dante and Vergil arrive at their original home How can one find this?  But by accident, C.C and the others found it How did they find it?  If you ask the girls this question, they will definitely shake their heads and spread their hands, "Who knows?" Okay.  Who knows So don't worry about it, everyone, so what are you talking about? If you are serious, you will lose To be honest, the girls really don't know how to fall in loveIt¡¯s here.  After coming out of the golden gate, the temporarily formed mezzanine world collapsed, and then C.C's mind swept away and found that he was already nearby So, I really don't know who is the protagonist of this world Enter inside  , in front of the girls, it has turned into the kind of collapse and destruction of the mezzanine world.  Looking at the world around them, which was mainly composed of black and blood red, the girls frowned. No matter how many times they saw it, they were still not used to such a world.  There will naturally be a feeling of disgust in the mind towards this world.  "Okay, let's go." Diao Chan took the lead and opened the way with the Suzaku Divine Whip in her hand.  C.C followed behind her, constantly scanning the surrounding situation with her mental power.  This place is not big, really not big.  But in this small place, C.C always fails.  Mental power can only cover the surface layer, and the rooms upstairs seem to be blocked by an invisible layer of fog.  Make it impossible for C.C to perceive the situation inside.  It¡¯s really troublesome Although this courtyard is not very big, it is not as small as in the game. There are over a hundred rooms, large and small, and all the passages and corridors are well developed.  At first glance, it looks like a small maze.  In a place like this, four people want to find so many weapons, with or without the help of spiritual power, this is really a big project.  "Didi." After walking for a long time, the girls were cautiously alert for a long time before walking from the long corridor to the hall.  Nothing happened along the way. The girls were really nervous and didn't dare to relax. Who knew if something would suddenly come out. Although they were not very scared, it would be terrible if that disgusting thing stuck to their bodies.  What a nightmare.  "Huh?" As soon as they walked out of the passage and saw the empty hall and the girls finally breathed a sigh of relief, a burst of electronic mechanical sound came from C.C.  C.C took out a miniature communicator from his pocket. There was a red light flashing on it, and the "didi" mechanical sound was obviously coming from it.  After looking at the word ¡®ƒê×Ó¡¯ displayed on the communicator, C.C smiled slightly and clicked the pain relief button.  Thenthen C.C had a weird expression on his face.  "What's wrong?" The girls stopped and looked curiously at C.C, whose expression suddenly became very strange.  "What?" C.C glanced at the girls around him with a strange look on his face, and then handed them the communicator in his hand.  The girls were stunned for a moment, and then they all gathered together to watch.  What Saeko passed through was a video It was the video of Dante's battle with the tentacle monster 'Hunter' The beginning part was fine, but when they saw the rice green liquid flying in the sky, the faces of the girls were a bit  It¡¯s weird, and then I saw Dante¡¯s roar of ¡°I want a hole¡± The girls all had a sore face No one watched the next scene, and they would be blind if they watched it again  ¡­ The girls looked at each other in embarrassment well, they were embarrassed.  What is this situation?  Tentacle monsters intruding?  World collapse?  Dante was spoiled?  "Another unexpected change." C.C rubbed her temples with a headache on her face, but she couldn't hide the weird smile at the corner of her mouth.  The girls also had funny faces. Is Dante such a piece of shit?  The most unlucky protagonist in history?  Dante is already like this, what will happen to the other protagonist, Virgil?  "Now Saeko and Kotori are coming this way." C.C explained Saeko and Kotori's movements to the girls.  ¡°Let¡¯s search separately.¡± Diao Chan raised her eyebrows.  "Yeah." Tohka and Origami agreed happily.  ¡°Oh~¡± C.C showed an expression that I knew. ????????????????????????????? It¡¯s better to fight The matter with Saeko and Kotori was solved surprisingly easily, but now there is still nothing to do here, how can this be done?  !  Although we are all teammates and good sistersbut don't forget that these girls are also love rivals for each other.
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