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Text Chapter 250 Everyone needs to share the benefits

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    On Monday, Li Rui couldn't wait to go to work.  He suddenly went to work, which was unexpected by many people. Geng Zhongchen, who they met and was as friendly as family, escorted him all the way to the office. When he entered the office, he immediately rolled up his sleeves, as if he was working in the coal management bureau.  When I was the deputy director, I helped clean the table and make tea, which left Tian Min and Liu Yongmei who came after hearing the news with nothing to do.  Serving a cup of hot tea, Geng Zhongchen complained: "Secretary Li, don't you still have a week? If you have such a chance, you should have a good rest." Li Rui took the tea cup and blew on the floating water.  The tea leaves on the top said with a smile: "You have a life, you can't be idle." After saying that, Jiang Liansheng, Lin Ronghai, Yang Hongwang, including the mayor Cui Yongjiong, etc. all came. Although the office was large, it seemed crowded.  Cui Jiongong also took the initiative to suggest: "Welcome Secretary Li to return in good health. Why don't we go to the conference room and report the situation to you?" Although Li Rui couldn't stand Cui Jiongong's hypocritical look, if I really die  Okay, I don't know how happy I am to be able to sit in the position of secretary as I wished.  But at this time, when he saw that everyone else had happy faces, he did not want to spoil everyone's joy and said with a smile: "Okay, I have been lying down for more than half a month, and my bones have become hard." When everyone rushed to the conference room,  There was no shortage of party committee members, and it was like a full committee meeting.  Although I haven¡¯t been to work for more than half a month, everyone will report major events in the town over the phone or directly at home, so the work report is relatively simple, just some things in the past few days.  After the report, Li Rui briefly expressed his gratitude.  Then he said: "Everyone has worked hard during this period, and comrades can not be affected by this incident. I am very touched that you persist in working hard. The development of Qingshanquan Town is the general trend, and no one or any force can stop or reverse it. I hope that everyone  Be more confident, show more enthusiasm and energy than ever before, be serious and do practical things. I just heard from Chairman Lin that the price of a piece of land auctioned last week has increased again. The increase is a good thing, so don¡¯t worry about investment.  Whether investors or consumers, what everyone sees is the future of Qingshanquan Town. Let¡¯s think about it. If the cement project is launched in the future, Red Sea Electronics will also settle in our Yangliu Town, and the project of the Coal Chemical Industrial Park will be  What does Quan Town look like? A paradise for developers, a paradise for tourists and consumers, and a paradise for people to find jobs and live in peace! What¡¯s more, there are still many business opportunities waiting for us to develop, and many projects transferred from the southeast coast are waiting for us.  We strive to make land and housing prices more and more valuable, and the people's assets will be greatly appreciated, so that every resident of Qingshanquan Town can enjoy the benefits of development, and the people in rural areas can also share in the benefits of reform and opening up.  The result. When I entered the town today, I saw a huge advertisement on the front of the market, Qingshanquan Town-the place we yearn for! It¡¯s well written. We just want to make this place a place that everyone wants to come to and will not want to come to.  Go somewhere! To achieve this, the workload is still huge and the task is still very arduous. Everyone here must make unremitting efforts to achieve this goal" Township work depends largely on the leadership's encouragement.  Everyone's enthusiasm is boiling, otherwise, nothing can be done if they just swallow a pool of stagnant water.  When Li Rui finished his long speech, he saw everyone looking at him intently and eagerly, indicating that the effect of his speech had been achieved.  He was also secretly proud of himself. After being the leader for such a long time, his official words and clich¨¦s became more and more smooth. Moreover, his official words were mixed with some personal insights and were particularly inspiring.  After all, it was not a formal meeting. He joked: "Everyone has been working very hard during this period. On behalf of the party committee, I will reward you by eating dog meat for lunch. Director Lu will contact you." As soon as Li Rui finished speaking, the conference room suddenly became relaxed and lively.  However, he remembered that Ma Wenjie was ready to formally sign the contract and had not yet communicated to everyone, and that the construction of the Pengshui River Dam was about to start quickly, so he said to Cui Yongjiong who was sitting next to him: "Mayor Cui, there is still some time, let's start  "A secretary meeting?" "Okay!" Cui Jiongjiu responded quickly, and then said to the others: "Chairman Lin, Secretary Jiang, and Secretary Lu will have a short meeting, and the other comrades will go back first."  Go, after Lu Jingzhong called Li Ji Health Hall, he took a notebook and took notes. There were only six of them left in the huge conference room.  Li Rui coughed twice and said: "We are having a short meeting at the last minute. First of all, I want to tell you the good news. Mr. Ma has returned from Russia and he has officially decided to sign the contract" Before Li Rui finished speaking,  The people below suddenly felt happy again. Cui Jiongjiong, who was in charge of the cement plant project, couldn't help but said: "Really?" "Of course it is true. I will report to Secretary Ji and County Magistrate Yang tomorrow. We are having this short meeting today.  The first purpose is to tell everyone the good news, and the second purpose is to?You need to study the signing of the contract.  This is the first industrial project after our Qingshanquan Town was listed as one of the first batch of pilot small market towns in the province. It is also the largest investment project in the history of our Qingshanquan Town.  I won¡¯t go into details about other important aspects. The next focus of our work is to ensure the smooth implementation of the cement plant project.  "As he spoke, he turned to Cui Yongjiong and said: "Mayor Cui, what's going on with the Pengshui River flood control dam? It's already November, and time waits for no one. We must complete it before next year's flood season, otherwise we will have to wait for it.  It will affect the construction and equipment installation of cement plants.  This is a project with an investment of hundreds of millions, and the loss from a day's shutdown would cost tens of thousands in interest alone.  Cui Jiongjiu hesitated and said: "Secretary Li, the eight million from the Provincial Department of Water Resources has been received, but the county's matching funds of four million have not yet been implemented?"  " "How come it hasn't been implemented yet?  I remember it has been almost two weeks since the funds from the Provincial Department of Water Resources came in. Have you reported it to County Magistrate Yang?  Or is the Finance Bureau trying to do something else?  "Li Rui frowned and asked. I'm joking that I have spent so much effort to get such a large amount of funds from the Provincial Department of Water Resources, but the county has not implemented it yet. What's more, even if there is no such funds,  For the sake of the cement plant project, the county will build this dam even if it is a swindle. ¡°I have already reported it to County Magistrate Yang, but Magistrate Yang has not expressed his position so far.  "Cui Yongjiu said. "Why?  "Li Rui felt a little strange. Is Yang Liqing trying to get in the way again? It seems unlikely. Cui Jiongjiu is in charge of this project, and as the county magistrate, how could he not be active in the implementation of such a big project! Cui Jiongjiu looks at it  He glanced at it and said: "I also told County Magistrate Yang that the Pengshui River Dam must be completed before the flood season next year, but the time is already very tight.  I'm afraid it's too late to start bidding. What County Magistrate Yang means is to just find a few companies and choose from them.  " Hearing this, not only Li Rui, but also all the other participants knew it. Jiang Liansheng and Lin Ronghai looked at each other with obviously disdainful expressions. The reason why Yang Liqing has not expressed his stance for a long time is simply because he already has  He wanted to make a name for himself in the construction company he wanted to do. In fact, it was very simple for Li Rui not to let him succeed. First, Yang Liqing would have to agree.  Qingshanquan Town will provide the four million yuan by itself, and Yang Liqing will have no control over it at that time. But Li Rui doesn't want to do this. Once he does this, the conflict between him and Yang Liqing will not only intensify again, but also become completely apparent. He needs to concentrate now.  It would be a waste of time to deal with Gou Fugui and involve Yang Liqing. Secondly, although Qingshanquan Town has sold several pieces of land recently, the town's finances are still very poor, so it would be difficult to spend four million at once.  After thinking about it, I think it¡¯s better to forget it. Everyone is doing it anyway, as long as the quality of the project is ensured. Besides, everyone has to share the benefits. If you keep monopolizing it, you will be at your own risk.  Let the county magistrate do what he wants. The supporting funds must come from the county finance. We also have to undertake the construction of three links in the factory area and roads leading to the town. The pressure is not small.  " Cui Jiongjiong couldn't hide his joy when he saw that Li Rui finally nodded in agreement, and quickly nodded in agreement. In fact, when he proposed it just now, he was not sure, because he was afraid that Li Rui, a stupid young man, would not care about any face.  Even if Yang Liqing is not allowed to stay, he will not be able to explain to his master. Moreover, after Li Rui was assassinated, another big news broke out in Nanqiao County official circles. Li Rui was actually the future son-in-law of Gao Changlong, the secretary of the municipal party committee.  Cui Yongjiong didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Li Rui, so when Li Rui came to work today, he was particularly active and enthusiastic about the Red Sea Electronics project. According to the news Jiang Liansheng received from their provincial office, Red Sea Electronics has already cooperated with the United States.  Dell Computer Company formed a strategic partnership, and the scale of their investment in the new factory will be further expanded. The original investment was at least 50 million US dollars, and it is said that an additional 20 million US dollars was added to the investment scale. During his hospitalization, Red Sea.  A vice president of Electronics, You Zeng, led a team to conduct an on-site inspection. At the same time, he exchanged opinions with the Qingshanquan Town and County Economic and Trade Committee on some preferential policy matters. He is still waiting for feedback from Jiang Liansheng.  Finally, Li Rui emphatically said: "Lian Sheng, you must pay close attention to this matter. You must not let this big fish of Red Sea Electronics get away. You must keep close contact with their office in the provincial capital. If you don't do anything for a day,  A definite answer. If we don¡¯t sign the contract for one day, we won¡¯t be able to relax for one day.  Jiang Liansheng nodded and agreed: "I basically talk to Manager Chen in their office once a day on the phone now, and this Manager Chen is already a member of their new factory preparatory team."  He was with me a few days ago. Mr. Tai Tianming will come over early next month, and he will try to arrange a meeting between me and Mr. Tai."Li Rui nodded and praised: "Of course it would be best to have face-to-face communication with Mr. Tai Tianming. I didn't expect that your relationship with Manager Chen has already been so good. Well, not bad.  Then, he told others: "There are basically no variables in the cement plant project. Once Red Sea Electronics can implement it, it will determine 80% of the future of our Qingshanquan Town."  I hope everyone here will take these two projects as their own business. Mayor Cui and Secretary Jiang are only responsible for the specific tasks. Each of us has a responsibility.  " It was said to be a short meeting, but when it was about to begin, Li Rui saw that the time was almost eleven-thirty, and smiled and said: "That's it for today, let's go eat dog meat together, otherwise other comrades will have objections to waiting.  .  " He returned to the office and found that Shen Weidong had arrived and was sitting in the office waiting for him. When he saw Li Rui coming in, he asked with concern: "Don't you still have one week of sick leave?  Why did you come to work so soon?  Is everything okay?  "Li Rui stretched out his arms and said with a smile: "Take a look.  All is well.  " Shen Weidong nodded with relief, and then said: "Our Director Su has asked me several times. She has been very anxious during this time.  " Although Shen Weidong was smiling when he spoke, Li Rui didn't think he was joking at all. Now that he is the future son-in-law of Municipal Party Committee Secretary Gao Changlong, how dare Su Xiaohong come to see him? She should take the initiative to see him.  When it was time to look at her, he subconsciously touched his injured area. During this period, Aunt Fang stewed this soup and supplemented that medicine almost every day, which made him as strong as a bull.  His body was not allowed to be touched, and he was feeling uncomfortable. Unknowingly, a lustful smile appeared on his face. When Shen Weidong saw it, he couldn't help but laugh. Li Rui didn't feel embarrassed either.  He is considered his brother, and only he knows what happened between him and Su Xiaohong. It doesn't matter! He patted Shen Weidong on the shoulder and said, "Are you okay at noon?  Let¡¯s go and eat dog meat together.  "Three days later, Ma Haisheng, director of the Transportation Bureau, came to the town to inspect and supervise the construction of "Qingyi Road". Li Rui spent the whole morning walking back and forth along the rough road where the roadbed had just been completed, and talked with the construction unit  The person in charge, Zhang Defa, had just returned to town and was about to go to Liji Health Center for dinner when he happened to meet Cui Jiongjiong, Zhu Wei, and Party and Government Office Director Lu Jingzhong, who were also coming with Xujiaji Township Party Committee Secretary Gao Yingjie.  Seeing Gao Yingjie while eating, Li Rui couldn't help but said: "Secretary Gao, when did you come here and why didn't you call me?  " He and Gao Yingjie haven't seen each other for a while. This girl didn't come to visit her after she was injured. However, although this girl looks a little darker than before, she is full of energy and high-spirited. After all, being the leader is different.  , It looks quite different. Gao Yingjie said with a smile: "I also came here temporarily. I went to the county committee to report to Secretary Yu in the morning. I happened to talk about the openness of village affairs, so I wanted to stop by to learn from it.  When I arrived, I found out that you had accompanied Director Ma downstairs to inspect the work. I was afraid of disturbing you, so I didn¡¯t ask Director Lu to call you to inform you.  " Ma Haisheng is a person who likes liveliness. He was worried that it would not be a lively meal with just three people. He just asked Li Rui to call Jiang Liansheng and Lin Ronghai. Before Li Rui had time to make a call, he happened to run into Gao Yingjie and Cui Yongjiong.  Ma Haisheng said quickly: "Secretary Gao comes here rarely. Since we have met, let's all come together.  " The Transportation Bureau is a powerful department. It holds the funds for road construction in the county. The towns and villages below all want to have a good relationship with him. It is not easy for the secretaries and mayors to invite him to a meal sometimes. Of course Gao Yingjie refuses.  Giving up this opportunity, he glanced at Li Rui and said quickly: "Okay.  " When going upstairs, Gao Yingjie deliberately lagged behind and said to Li Rui: "Secretary Li, I'm sorry, I didn't come to see you last time when you were hospitalized. I'll treat you to dinner next time I'm free.  " Li Rui was not sure what she meant. After all, after everyone's cooperation last time, the relationship should be good. It was reasonable and reasonable for everyone to come and see him. Not only did she not come, but he just said hello? Li Rui  Rui also said a little narrowly: "As long as Secretary Gao invites me to dinner alone, of course there is no problem.  " Gao Yingjie's face felt hot. Fortunately, she was tanned during this period and it was not obvious on her face. Just when she was about to open her mouth to say something, she heard Ma Haisheng's shout from upstairs: "What are you two dawdling about?  , served.  " A round table for ten people seemed a bit empty with seven people sitting there. Today, Ma Haisheng was the host and guest. As soon as he sat down, he shouted loudly: "Where is the boss lady?  Call the boss lady over quickly.  " Speaking of it, he has been coveting Lin Fangfei's beauty for more than a day or two. Several months have passed without making any progress. Li Rui really admires his perseverance. He smiled slightly and told the little girl next to him to go  Invite Manager Lin.sp; In less than two minutes, Lin Fangfei came in with a sweet smile, "Director Ma, welcome to the health hall, please ask me if you have any requests." Every time Ma Haisheng saw Lin Fangfei, his eyes would straighten and he would pat her gently.  He looked at the table and said, "You hide every time I come. Are you afraid that I will eat you? My old horse is not the Bull Demon King?" Lin Fangfei giggled: "You only eat people when they are raw, horses."  The director is a civilized person," she said as she sat down next to Li Rui. She probably had suffered from Ma Haisheng before and didn't dare to get too close to him.  At the beginning of the meal, Lin Fangfei said she would not drink. She said she was not feeling well. There were only two women at the table, so Gao Yingjie had no choice but to avoid the embarrassment and drink a small cup.  Li Rui knew that her drinking capacity was actually very good, and drinking from a small cup was nothing to her.  Today¡¯s treat is Zhang Defa. He knows that Li Rui usually prefers Moutai, so he specially gave the girl four bottles of Feitian Moutai.  For him, everyone here is his leader, his god of wealth, food and clothing, especially Gao Yingjie, whom he didn't know before. Since he was sitting at the same table to eat today, of course he wanted to fawn over this Xu family member.  Secretary of the township party committee.  He took the initiative to persuade everyone to drink. Within half an hour, the atmosphere at the table gradually became lively.  PS: The second update has been delivered, please ask for monthly votes and recommendations
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