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Text Chapter 239 Project Implementation (9,000 big chapters, please ask for monthly votes)

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    As the construction process progressed, Lin Ronghai was really too busy to be responsible for urban development alone. Li Rui transferred Wang Bin, secretary of the Xiaoquan Village branch, and asked him to be responsible for the demolition.  After a period of observation, Li Rui found that the two people recommended to him by Jiang Liansheng were very capable, especially Wang Bin. Not only could he quickly turn around the situation in Xiaoquan Village, but he also made the village affairs public and impressive. Li Rui had already  He has been included as a backup candidate in his inner circle, and it depends on whether he can withstand the final test this time.  Considering that demolition work is the most difficult aspect of urban development, the town party committee specially assigned him a huge work team.  The original market town development of Qingshanquan Town lacked planning and the layout was extremely unreasonable. Some of them were old houses. Later, there was no overall planning and construction, and the streets were built crookedly. This demolition task was particularly arduous, with a large amount and a wide area. It can be said that it was completed.  A crucial battle that determines success or failure.  Half a month later, the directors of some township police stations of the County Public Security Bureau changed their guard.  Xiong Wei, the director of the Qingshanquan Town Police Station, was also among them. He was transferred back to the bureau for rearrangement, and a new director named Zhao Jinming was hired.  This is not good news for Li Rui. Although the director of the police station is under the leadership of the superior Public Security Bureau, Xiong Wei is still very obedient and very capable. Since Li Rui took office, Qingshanquan Town has experienced many changes, except for the "3.18 Incident"  "Nothing serious happened after that.  Who knows what the new guy named Zhao Jinming is?  Especially when Xie Baoqing, deputy director of the county bureau, personally brought him to Qingshanquan Town to take office, Li Rui suddenly realized that there was still a very important power in Qingshanquan Town that was not in his hands.  When Xie Baoqing placed the bureau's documents on his desk.  He felt the emptiness of this lack of power more clearly, and he couldn't tell exactly what it felt like.  And he sensitively connected this personnel adjustment with the last time Xiong Wei led the team to take Cui Yongzhi's family from their bed to the hotel in the middle of the night.  At noon, after dinner with Xie Baoqing and the new director Zhao Jinming, Li Rui returned to the office. After much deliberation, Li Rui tried to call Yu Shungen.  Since the last time the two worked together to overcome the first problem in the demolition, the relationship between the two has become closer than before.  Li Rui vaguely revealed his guess on the phone, but was severely criticized by Yu Shungen, saying that this was a normal rotation of cadres within the Public Security Bureau, and that the director could not serve in one place for more than five years, and ordered him to  Do a good job in team unity. If there is a problem of team disunity in Qingshanquan Town.  First, let¡¯s ask Li Rui.  Li Rui knew that Yu Shungen was reminding himself that since the leader said so, he had no choice but to think on the bright side.  At the same time, the first piece of land in Qingshanquan Town was auctioned. Seven or eight developers took turns bidding. From the starting price of 100,000 yuan per mu, the price was directly raised to 250,000 yuan per mu, and the total of 150 acres was 3,750 yuan.  Ten thousand.  Much better than expected.  Two hundred and fifty thousand one acre, with a floor area ratio of 1.2, the floor price alone has reached 300 yuan. Adding the construction and installation costs and taxes, the cost reaches more than 800 per square meter. You must know the original housing prices in Qingshanquan Town  It's only seven or eight hundred yuan.  In the future, the buildings here will cost at least one thousand square meters, which is almost the same as the county housing prices.  Members of the party committee were very excited after hearing the news and were full of great confidence in the development of Qingshanquan Town.  Compared to the properties with land prices of millions or even tens of millions that Li Rui managed in his previous life, 250,000 acres is not worth mentioning at all, but times are different after all.  The geographical location is also different. As a township under Nanqiao County, it is really not easy for Qingshanquan Town to sell land at such a price these days.  At the same time, Li Rui also clearly understood the reason why Qingshanquan Town could fetch such a high land price.  On the one hand, it is used as a pilot project for the construction of small market towns in the province. On the other hand, since the planning of Qingshanquan Town, there have been rumors that the county seat is likely to be relocated to Qingshanquan Town in the near future.  Although many leaders in the county have stated that they have no such plans for the time being, no one can tell what will happen in the future.  After all, the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway will be opened to traffic next year, and Qingshanquan Town is only half an hour's drive from Pengcheng. This location advantage is obvious.  Besides, it¡¯s just for now!  Maybe one day we suddenly decide to move the county seat to Qingshanquan Town.  It can be said that the real estate developers who came to bid this time basically came with this hope.  Li Rui thought about why housing prices kept rising in his previous life. In some areas, housing prices increased more than ten times in ten years. The main reasons may be excessive currency issuance, land finance, etc., but at the same time, there is also the word "speculation"  .  Just like a banker in the stock market, you must first choose a theme. Currently, there are at least two themes in Qingshanquan Town. One is the first batch of small market town construction pilot projects in the province; the second is location advantage. Hong Kong businessman Li Ka-shing once said a very true saying  If you want to buy a house, you need to buy a location.  From a broad location perspective, Qingshanquan Town is a prime location compared to Chengguan Town, so the room for appreciation is naturally much wider, providing real room for speculation.  With the subject matter in mind, the land auction price is astonishing.The expected price has increased to 250,000 acres, and the qualities of a dark horse have been met. Now the question is how to increase the price and attract retail investors to follow suit.  In addition, there are gossips, brokers, and black mouth recommendations in the stock market, and Qingshanquan Town also has them.  The relocation of the county seat is a joke, governments at all levels play the role of brokers, and the black mouth is the leader.  What to do next?  Li Rui considered that the first thing is publicity. He regarded Qingshanquan Town as a big commodity. After the overall package was packaged, it was launched to the market. Publicity was the first step.  Li Rui convened a party committee to conduct a special study for this purpose. At the meeting, he said straight to the point: "Today we are going to hold a Zhuge Liang meeting to think about a question: how to promote our Qingshanquan Town." After saying this, he saw everyone dumbfounded.  Looking at a loss, he further explained: "To carry out development, we need people to buy houses! The development of the tertiary industry in Qingshanquan Town also needs people. Let's think about how to bring the county seat, Pengcheng City, Donghai City next door, and even  Attract people from the provincial capital. According to our urban planning, in the next ten years, the urban residents of Qingshanquan Town will increase eight to ten times on the current basis. How can we do this without popularity? Let¡¯s hold this meeting today to liberate our minds.  , Use your brains. We can talk about anything we think of. The purpose is to inspire each other. How about it? "Jiang Liansheng responded first, and said with a lewd smile: "This is not easy, just stand at the intersection of the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway.  A large billboard reads: Qingshanquan Town is a place that men long for! I guarantee that within a month after the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway opens to traffic, all walks of life in our town will be prosperous. "Jiang Liansheng is becoming more and more promiscuous.  Li Rui knew that he was still in contact with Xie Wanting, the women's director of Xiaoquan Village.  It's just that it's done more covertly.  In fact, all the party committee members present here also knew it very well, and everyone laughed.  Li Rui smiled and scolded: "It's true that a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory! If this advertisement is really posted, let alone a month, I'm afraid the Discipline Inspection Commission will come to me the next day." At the same time, he affirmed: "  However, advertising at highway intersections is indeed a good idea, but we need to think carefully about the advertising words. How can we express the characteristics of our Qingshanquan Town?¡± Lu Jinhe, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, said: ¡°I agree with Secretary Li¡¯s opinion. Let¡¯s promote it?¡±  The purpose is to let anyone with a discerning eye know at a glance that the future living environment and asset appreciation space of Qingshanquan Town will soon exceed that of Chengguan Town. How to complete this article must be a comprehensive consideration. Just what Secretary Jiang just said.  The advertising slogan is too strong. "Lin Ronghai also said: "The county party committee and county government have included our Qingshanquan Town in the strategic height of the county's economic development, which is a great affirmation of Qingshanquan Town and is the best positive publicity at present.  The biggest problem is that this strategy is still a slogan. How to implement it seriously is also crucial to make all township and county-level departments in the county aware of this and provide practical support to Qingshanquan Town in all aspects.  For example, we need to find ways to make Qingshan Town a topic of interest to the leaders. Whether they give speeches or have provincial and municipal leaders come to inspect and report on the work, they must say, "How can Qingshan Spring Town be achieved like this?"  The effect is pretty good." Li Rui's eyes lit up when he heard it, and everyone present nodded in agreement.  After all, the old fox is an old fox. He is experienced in making plans and sees things differently.  Propaganda committee member Wang Changqing continued: "Chairman Lin said it very well. The masses look to the government, and the government's actions are the guide for the people. When the county party committee and county government set an example, the people in the county will form a mental tendency: Qingshan  Qingshanquan Town is very important. Qingshanquan Town will surpass the county seat. I would like to make a suggestion. We can open a column on the county TV station. In addition to text promotion, we can also ask the leaders of the county party committee and county government to talk about Qingshanquan Town. The leaders of the county-level departments will stand on their own jobs.  People¡¯s Congress deputies, CPPCC members, influential representatives, and residents discussed how to support the development of Qingshanquan Town from different perspectives, and turned it into a long-term column. ¡°This is a good idea and worth doing.¡±  There were some surprises, and while he affirmed them in time, he immediately combined his experience in his previous life and said: "Inspired by Comrade Changqing, I think we can also carry out some high-level publicity and promotion activities, such as inviting experts to our Qingshanquan Town  Consultation, inviting experts to talk about Qingshanquan Town¡¯s urban and rural coordination issues on Pengcheng TV station, etc. can increase publicity efforts from multiple levels and angles.¡± Mayor Cui Jiongyong also nodded and said: ¡°I think these things can be done.  It doesn¡¯t cost a lot, but the effect is very good. Especially the opinions of experts can present the objective and accurate side of our Qingshanquan Town to the people.¡± Experts were not as criticized as they were later, and everyone was generally more superstitious.  Experts, Li Rui then added: "I think the higher the level of experts invited, the better. It is best to be experts who often appear on provincial, municipal or even national TV stations and are familiar to everyone." Wang Changqing said with a look of embarrassment: "This may be a bit  Difficult, these people have a big air, IWe are at the township level, can they take it seriously?  " "It all depends on people. If you don't even think about it, how can you do it?  "Jiang Liansheng said with a disapproving look, "If you ask me, just go to the provincial TV station to do it once. After all, we are the pilot town in the province. What the provincial station does once is worth ten times or a hundred times.  ¡± Everyone nodded in agreement. Lin Ronghai thought for a while and then said: ¡°Planning and three-dimensional publicity are one aspect.  I think the most important thing is to have high-quality projects. Guilin's landscapes, Jiuzhaigou Valley, Potala Palace, and summer resorts can revitalize a local economy. It would be great if we also have such a tourism project in Qingshanquan Town. The reputation of the people is the key.  A TV station that lasts.  " "Lao Lin's idea is very good. It is to build the reputation of Qingshanquan Town and attract businesses and outsiders to invest and live here.  Leisure travel is indeed the best selling point.  "Li Rui expressed great appreciation. "In fact, he has considered this matter for a long time. There are big mountains around Qingshanquan Town. In addition to forests, the mountains are also covered with 60 to 70% bamboo forests. A bamboo shoot cultural festival can be held every Spring Festival.  , make up a few allusions, why Emperor Qianlong ate the bamboo shoots here, etc., choose a more elegant name, and organize some activities such as digging and eating bamboo shoots. Li Rui believes that it will be popular.  What's more, he also wanted to write a travel article on the Xiaoqing River. For this reason, he also specially inspected the Xiaoqing River. This river originates from the depths of the mountains, flows through Qingshanquan Town, and finally flows into the Pengshui River due to the local limestone geology.  , has a strong purification effect on water quality, so the water quality is excellent. According to research, Qingshanquan Town was named because of this Xiaoqing River. As the terrain continues to increase, the upper reaches of the Xiaoqing River are surrounded by mountains and water, with water and trees confronting each other.  The springs and rocks compete with each other, and it is said that "the river has eighteen beaches, one high and one high". It has both flat blue waves and rapid rapids. It is a natural resource that is very suitable for development of water tourism projects.  The conditions were not yet mature, and secondly, he had not yet figured out how to use the development, so he did not bring it up at the meeting. The biggest advantage of this party committee meeting was that it stimulated the brains of the party committee team and invigorated their thinking.  A lot of good suggestions and ideas have been put forward, and at the same time, everyone¡¯s confidence in developing Qingshanquan Town has been unified. The enthusiasm for work has also improved a lot. Although Cui Jianyong is still an eyesore, Li  Rui finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he made separate arrangements for attracting investment. In addition to the coal chemical industrial park, he also handed over the affairs of Red Sea Electronics to Jiang Liansheng. Tai Tianming returned to Taiwan, but Red Sea Electronics.  There is an office in Jiangning, the provincial capital. Li Rui asked Jiang Liansheng to go there often and give away some local products and so on. Although the Taibazi in those offices did not have much power, the information was important. As long as Red Sea Electronics did not sign a contract with Wushan City for a day,  There is hope in Qingshanquan Town. As for the investment promotion of the cement plant project, Li Rui left it to Cui Jiongjiong. Although Ma Wenjie has not yet given a clear answer, it can be heard after several calls that he still has this intention.  Because of his relationship with Ma Wenjie, even if the project is handed over to Cui Jiongjiu, he does not have to worry about what Cui Jiongjiu will do secretly. As the county leader who guides the demolition work in Qingshanquan Town, Yu Shungen often comes to Qingshan from time to time.  Going around Quan Town, since the current demolition work in Qingshan Quan Town is proceeding relatively smoothly, the communication between the two gradually shifted from the demolition work to various work areas of Qingshan Quan Town development, especially Yu Shungen's response to Li Rui's proposal  I really appreciate Qingshanquan Town's idea of ??vigorously promoting it as a brand and increasing its popularity. On this day, Li Rui accompanied Yu Shungen on a tour of the town, and as usual, he came to Liji Health Hall for dinner.  Gen suddenly said: "Li Rui, there have been rumors recently that you have a relationship with Manager Lin here, is this true?  "    "ah?  Ahem" Li Rui almost spit out a mouthful of beer and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, who the hell is so wicked and spreading such boring rumors!  " You're so stupid, you actually said that I'm having an affair with Lin Fangfei? Li Rui really couldn't laugh or cry. No wonder he met Ma Haisheng from the Transportation Bureau two days ago. The old boy was acting strangely with him. He was just jealous. But he really couldn't figure it out.  Why are there such rumors? Apart from sneaking into Su Xiaohong's place a few times, he has nothing to do with Lin Fangfei. "It really doesn't matter?"  It may not be without reason. Let¡¯s just say that your town government¡¯s usual reception is basically done here.  "Yu Shungen glanced at him and said. Li Rui smiled bitterly and said: "I'd better confess to the leader. This store is actually opened by me, Chen Shiwei, Jiang Liansheng and Shen Weidong. Lin Fangfei is Shen Weidong's sister-in-law, and she was invited to manage it here.  Yes, how could I have a relationship with her?  " Yu Shungen heard this for the first time, so he nodded and said: "Actually, I don't want to care about you.It's a personal matter. After all, you are not married yet. I heard that Manager Lin is also divorced. This kind of thing is nothing in itself.  But this gossip is not pleasant to hear after all, and our Nanqiao County has always been a restless place, as you must know.  " With that said, Yu Shungen gave him another meaningful look and continued: "I heard that you also have a girlfriend in Pengcheng, and the conditions are quite good in all aspects. I am doing something out of concern.  Business doesn't matter, but I still hope you can grasp yourself correctly.  Don't affect your future when the time comes.  "Obviously Yu Shungen knew about the relationship between him and Gao Jie, and what he said today was for his own good. Li Rui was depressed but also very grateful. He picked up the cup and said: "Secretary Yu, thank you.  I know how to grasp the concern.  However, I would like to make it clear that apart from the employment relationship, there really is no relationship between Lin Fangfei and I. Someone must have maliciously slandered me again.  " Yu Shungen drank a drink with him and said with a smile, "It's okay.  As long as you have done nothing wrong, just go for it boldly. If you are upright, don't be afraid of your shadow!  " After sending Yu Shungen away, Li Rui began to wonder who was so wicked that he spread such vicious rumors. At the same time, he thought of the last time Jiang Liansheng was reported. After thinking about it, there was only one person. That was Cui  Forever. It must have been a stupid mistake last time, and he was thinking of revenge. At the same time, he reflected on whether he had any other loopholes in this area. Fortunately, the relationship between him and Su Xiaohong was very hidden.  No one other than Shen Weidong should know, but this is not a long-term solution. Qingshanquan Town is only a palm-sized place, and someone might see him one day. As for Lin Fangfei, Li Rui will have to be more careful in the future.  There's nothing to worry about. It's nothing to worry about except being a little nauseous. The reason Cui Jiongji arranged for him to go there often was because he often went to Li Ji Health Hall in his car.  The door. In fact, this has nothing to do with him. It¡¯s just that guy Ding Junfeng always runs there when he has nothing to do. It seems that I need to say a few words to him to prevent others from misunderstanding that I am picking up girls in there.  Li Rui was so angry as he hesitated. To put it in more fashionable terms, Ding Junfeng looked like a very cold and handsome man from the outside, but as long as he asked about the development between him and Lin Fangfei,  That¡¯s it, he immediately changed from a handsome guy to a junior brother. ¡°Since you like someone, just confess it boldly!  Even if they don't agree, you still have to give up.  I think with your current conditions, if you follow me, why can't you find a beautiful girl?  "But I justjust like her" Ding Junfeng hesitated with a red face. "Okay, okay, I don't even bother to talk to you anymore."  Li Rui waved his hand at him and said, "By the way, you can take care of it from now on. Don't park your car in front of the store, otherwise I will take the blame for you."  "I understand, Secretary Li. I promise not to drive my car over in the future."  "Ding Junfeng said quickly, and immediately came closer and said, "Do you want to check this matter and see who is spreading rumors and causing trouble.  "Because it involves his dream lover, this kid seems to share the same hatred and is very positive. "Forget it, I generally know this matter.  " Just as he was talking, Tian Min suddenly ran in and said, "Secretary Li, something happened. There was a fight between the demolition team's garbage truck and the mine's coal truck.  " "Is anyone injured?  Did you call the police?  "Li Ruihuo stood up. "I don't know. Someone from the work team called just now. He didn't know the situation at the scene. Captain Wang has already rushed over.  "Tian Min replied. "It's so numb, it's only been calm for a few days, and this happened again! Li Rui frowned and told Tian Min: "Hurry up and call the police station."  "He said to Ding Junfeng: "Let's go over and have a look.  "When we arrived at the scene, the fighting was over. The two earth-moving truck drivers had blood flowing on their faces. One of them seemed to have a broken arm. The engines of the three coal-moving trucks were rumbling. They seemed to be trying to escape the scene. There were many people and people around.  Wang Bin, a member of the demolition team, was blocking the first coal truck and was saying something to the driver. As soon as Li Rui got off the car, someone in the crowd shouted: "Secretary Li is here, don't let the murderer run away."  " The crowd made way for a passage, and Li Rui walked straight to the first coal truck. A bald driver was slowly starting the truck. The front of the truck had already touched Wang Bin's body, and Wang Bin was forced to take a step back. " Li  Rui shouted: "What are you doing?  Stop the car quickly!  " When the cadres in the town saw that the secretary had come forward, they immediately became indignant. Some brought bricks, some took wooden sticks they all gathered around. Seeing that something was wrong, the driver quickly turned off the engine and stayed in the car without daring to come out. The two coal trucks behind him  The driver of the car had no choice but to stop. Li Rui asked Wang Bin: "What's going on?"  ?But Wang Bin said anxiously: "Secretary Li, send the person to the hospital first. I will report to you later." Li Rui then discovered that the faces of the two injured drivers were pale, possibly due to excessive blood loss.  People were about to faint. Li Rui quickly said to Ding Junfeng: "Drive the car over quickly. Send them to the health center quickly and treat their injuries first." Ding Junfeng responded and quickly ran over to drive the car over. Several cadres  I helped carry the two injured drivers into the car. As soon as the car started, I heard the sound of sirens. The police from the police station had just arrived.  Bao Guoqing, the deputy director of the police station, personally led four police officers. When he got out of the car, he saw Li Rui running over.  "Secretary Li. We rushed here after receiving the alarm." The police station is much closer to the scene than the town government. Logically speaking, they should arrive first, but they didn't arrive until now. Li Rui felt angry and shouted angrily: "You  Don¡¯t be nagging, let¡¯s get the perpetrator under control before we speak.¡± Bao Guoqing waved his hand quickly, and four policemen ran up and called the three coal truck drivers out of the car.  Then they were all handcuffed.  It was only then that Li Rui saw clearly the appearance of the driver of the first truck. He was in his mid-twenties, tall, with a fierce look on his face. He was shirtless and had a blue dragon tattooed on his arm.  He shows his teeth and claws, and you can tell at a glance that he is not a good person, he is a gangster.  He frowned and asked: "Which mine are you from? Changshan Coal Mine?" Only coal trucks from several nearby small coal mines and Changshan Coal Mine will pass through the town.  The man¡¯s eyes were fierce and his neck was stiff.  He ignored him at all, and a policeman next to him slapped his bald head with his hand.  He shouted loudly: "I'm asking you a question, are you mute?" "I'm from Changshan Coal Mine." The bald man answered honestly.  "Are you all the same?" Li Rui pointed at the next two.  Both of them nodded honestly.  Wang Bin gave a brief introduction to the situation: "The cause of the incident is very simple. This is a one-way road. Our garbage truck came here first. The coal truck should have stopped and waited for the other party to pass, but these people were unreasonable.  We have to tell our scumbag drivers to back off. These drivers usually like to take chances and curse a few words" He pointed at the bald head and said, "This is the guy who stopped the car and opened the car.  The car door came down, and he took a wrench and knocked on the front of the garbage truck. The two sides argued with each other, and five people started fighting. By the time we arrived, our two drivers had been injured. The situation was roughly like this  "Like this." Bao Guoqing asked, "Who made the move first?" Wang Bin pointed at the bald head and said, "It was him who made the move first." At this time, the second police car arrived, and four policemen escorted them into the police car.  , the dump truck drivers now work for the demolition team. In a sense, they belong to the government, especially since the coal truck drivers who injured them are all wealthy people. Li Rui is particularly angry and specially takes care of Bao.  Guoqing said: "You guys give me a good trial, too special mother is lawless!" Bao Guoqing said quickly: "Secretary Li, don't worry." Not long after the police car left, Ding Junfeng came back, Li Rui and Wang Bin hurriedly  Asked about the condition of the two injured people.  Ding Junfeng said: "The health center can only do preliminary treatment. The bleeding has stopped. One of the wounded has a fracture and needs to be taken for an X-ray. He is now being sent to the county hospital. I asked the director and he said his life is OK." Li Rui felt relieved.  , and then learned some about the demolition situation from Wang Bin. Wang Bin replied that it is basically going smoothly so far. Although there are a few nail-biting households, they have made arrangements according to categories and formulated corresponding countermeasures. It is estimated that the problems are not big.  Before leaving, Li Rui never forgot to say: "Don't be careless, tell the team members, do patient and meticulous ideological persuasion work, move people with emotion, benefit, and reason, analyze each contradiction thoroughly, and solve problems in a targeted manner.  "Wang Bin nodded repeatedly and said: "Secretary Li, please rest assured that our team members have basically achieved the goal of not fighting back, not scolding, breaking their legs, saying what they say, clearly explaining the policy, and explaining the truth of early demolition and early settlement.  Haha They have all become experts in mass ideological work. " Li Rui also smiled happily, "Okay, this is also a training ground for training our cadres' work style and exploring effective mass work methods.  If you summarize it carefully, it may be of great use in the future. " Wang Bin is still very capable. Li Rui is glad that he did not misjudge the person. The current demolition work really needs his energy and selfless fighting spirit. He and him  The work team shared one of the most troublesome tasks of the party committee and government, which gave me a lot of time and energy to think about and deal with some overall issues.  There has been no news about Tai Tianming since he returned to Taiwan, but according to the news from Jiang Liansheng's office in the Red Sea Electronics Provincial City, they have no intention at present.Signed a contract with Wushan City.  Hearing the news, Li Rui's spirit suddenly lifted. In his memory of his previous life, Red Sea Electronics' investment and establishment of a factory in Wushan City was going smoothly.  And it should be put into production by the end of this year.  But now Tai Tianming is obviously hesitant, which means that the words he talked to him last time have taken effect.  Although Li Rui is not sure whether Red Sea Electronics will settle in Qingshanquan Town in the future.  But he believed that with Tai Tianming's shrewdness, he would make the right choice.  At that time, with Qingshanquan Town¡¯s low land prices, preferential policies and convenient transportation advantages, the possibility of winning will be very high.  Good news came one after another. At the weekend, Li Rui was just about to return to his old home in the county after get off work when he suddenly received a call from Ma Wenjie from Russia.  "Li Rui, have you recruited investment for your cement plant project?" "No, I think such a huge advantage should be reserved for our own people! Brother Wenjie, you haven't made up your mind yet. I will help with this project for the time being.  You keep it. But you have to hurry up. Several customers have already come to ask about the situation. " "Hehehe Just brag!" Ma Wenjie said with a smile, "Forget it, this cement plant project of yours.  "I have decided to invest." "Really?" Li Rui was pleasantly surprised. To be honest, the Red Sea Electronics Project and the Cement Plant Project are pillar industries that will support the development of Qingshanquan Town in the future. Although the situation is quite optimistic, his  But he still had no idea, and now Ma Wenjie has made it clear that he is willing to invest.  How could he not be happy?  "Of course it's true. I have already loaded the cement equipment in St. Petersburg and sent it directly to Donghai Port. Are you satisfied now?" Ma Wenjie laughed on the phone.  "Satisfied, satisfied." Li Rui nodded repeatedly, "Brother Wenjie, don't worry. I came up with this idea for you, but I can guarantee that it is absolutely correct. In the future, the country's investment in infrastructure construction will only increase.  "Da, this cement plant project is definitely very promising. When the time comes" "Definitely, you should keep these and wait until I come back to talk about it. This international long distance is quite expensive. I have to stay here for half a day longer."  Month. Recruit a few cement technicians and I will come back to sign a contract with you in mid-September.  "Okay, okay, Brother Wenjie, let's make a deal. I will report to the leader immediately. You can rest assured that none of the preferential policies I promised you will be missing." "Okay, okay, I understand, alas.  If the situation here hadn't changed, I really wouldn't have been able to make this decision Let's not talk anymore. Let's talk when we get back. " Although Li Rui didn't know what Ma Wenjie meant by the situation changing, he could make up his mind.  Investing in a cement plant still made him quite excited, and he quickly called Yu Shungen to report the good news to him.  "Is this true? Mr. Ma has really decided to invest in the cement plant?" Yu Shungen was overjoyed when he heard the news and quickly confirmed again.  "Of course it's true. He told me that the cement production lines purchased in Russia have been shipped in St. Petersburg and sent directly to our Donghai Port next to Pengcheng. He also said that he is currently recruiting some technical personnel in Russia and will return to China in mid-September.  Come and sign a formal contract with us when the time comes." "Okay, okay! I'll report to Secretary Ji right away. Well you'll come over right away and go directly to the county committee." "Okay, I'll leave immediately."  When I rushed to the office of County Party Committee Ji Faling, not only Yu Shungen was there, but also County Magistrate Yang Liqing and Executive Deputy County Magistrate in charge of industry Yang Chao.  In front of everyone, Ji Faling asked Li Rui again to verify the accuracy of the news, but Li Rui had to say it again.  "Okay, once the Qingshanquan Town cement plant project is signed, it will be the largest project introduced by our Nanqiao today. Hahaha Li Rui, you have made a great contribution." Ji Faling patted him on the shoulder and said happily  .  Yang Liqing also had a positive look on his face. After all, the completion of such a large project in Nanqiao was a big political achievement for him, the county magistrate in charge of the county's economic construction. He seemed to have forgotten all the unpleasantness that had happened between the two.  He also greatly praised Li Rui and proposed that Yang Chao should take the lead and that relevant departments such as the County Planning Commission, Economic and Trade Commission, Finance Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau, and Justice Bureau allocate capable personnel to cooperate with the Qingshanquan Town Party Committee and Government to prepare for the signing of the contract.  Preparation.  PS: Two days have passed since April, and the number of monthly votes is still zero. It¡¯s really embarrassing. I beg you brothers and sisters to vote for a monthly vote!
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