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Text Chapter 229 Adjustment of Plan

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    This survey was quite satisfactory to Ji Faling, and some of his previous concerns disappeared.  When he subsequently listened to the report of the Qingshanquan Town Party Committee and the government, he praised the current work of Qingshanquan Town, especially the practice of Xiaoquan Village and Jiangbian Village to announce all village affairs on the wall.  "Comrades, this is a good idea of ??posting all village affairs on the wall! Why did the '3.18 Incident' happen? In the final analysis, the masses did not understand the situation and were taken advantage of by a small group of elements with ulterior motives. As for Xiaoquan Village and Jiangbian Village  The approach is precisely to let the masses see clearly and know clearly. Comrades, as society is developing, the masses' democratic awareness is also constantly strengthening. If our work remains as before, things in the village will not go as planned.  If the masses are made public, they will be kept in the dark, they will be suspicious, and they will be taken advantage of by lawless elements. Therefore, our cadres cannot be innocent even if they do not violate the rules.  If the village affairs are not open to the public regarding discipline and law violations, the masses will be suspicious, and the masses will petition and complain, making the whole village restless. How can we lead the masses to develop various undertakings if the village customs are ruined?  ? How can villages and towns develop if their village customs are ruined? How can we develop in Nanqiao County without a stable and harmonious environment? Well! The reason why I emphasize so much today is that this approach can not only achieve  The social stability in rural areas, more importantly, enhances the cohesion of grassroots party organizations and closes the relationship between the party and the masses, which will definitely promote the economic development of rural areas." He turned to look at Zeng Yiming and Li Rui respectively.  : "I think it is necessary to promote this work to a wider range. We can pilot it in your Qingshanquan Town first. When the time is right, it will be promoted throughout the county. The county party committee office should follow up in this regard in a timely manner.  , This will be an important task for our Nanqiao County Committee in the next stage." Zeng Yiming and Li Rui quickly nodded in agreement.  Li Rui couldn't help but secretly sigh that Ji Faling's political sense was undoubtedly quite keen.  It was originally Li Rui's idea to put village affairs on the wall.  There is no village affairs disclosure system these days. The purpose is to quickly stabilize the situation in Xiaoquan Village and Jiangbian Village. It was originally planned to wait until the time was right before promoting it to all villages in the town.  Unexpectedly, Ji Faling not only saw the benefits of this system at a glance, but also elevated it to the category of important work of the county party committee.  The biggest benefit of making village affairs public is that it can promote the construction of party style and clean government in rural areas and maintain rural social stability.  Moreover, this measure is mainly aimed at the most basic village cadres, and there is no pressure on those in power.  If Li Rui proposed to disclose officials' assets, he would not agree even if Ji Faling was killed.  Let alone this year, let alone twenty or thirty years from now.  Neither will come true.  So when it comes to a good policy, not only do you need to be able to see the benefits, but you also need to look at the specific target. No one would do anything to slap themselves in the face.  If this work can really be promoted in Nanqiao County, it will be a heavy political achievement for Ji Faling. At this time, he may not realize that its potential political impact may be far greater than him.  expectations.  Thinking of this, Li Rui still felt a little uncomfortable.  It was obviously Lao Tzu's initiative, but in the future, the credit will be attributed to Ji Faling.  well!  Numb, who told me to be soft-spoken?  Secretary Ji was in a good mood and made an exception to drink some wine at the luncheon.  Li Ji Health Hall currently only has hot pot. It would be unseemly to treat the county party secretary to hot pot on this hot day, so the luncheon was arranged at the Tianbao Hotel.  In addition, there is a dedicated floor upstairs for leaders to rest.  After dinner, Ji Faling called Li Rui to the suite where he was resting. Li Rui originally wanted to find an opportunity to report to Ji Faling about the planned changes.  The preliminary plan for the pilot project of small market town construction in Qingshanquan Town has been released and submitted to the county committee and county government.  After talking for a while, Ji Faling saw that Li Rui had something to report. He was in a good mood and said with a smile: "Li Rui. If you have anything to say, just tell me." Li Rui sorted out his thoughts and said, "After these days,  I feel that our original plan has some limitations and cannot fully play the role of the pilot town in the province, so it must be repositioned.¡±  He seemed to be thinking too.  "Since it is a pilot small market town in the province, and it is one of only two in Pengcheng City, I feel that first of all, the strategic position must be raised to a due level: that is, the first in the city! This is the most important  The minimum goal is also the basic goal. To reach this level, the development of Qingshanquan Town should not only consider the problems of Qingshanquan Town, but the problems of the whole city and the whole county. I think Qingshan should at least be planned from the strategic perspective of the whole county.  "Is it the development of Quan Town?" Ji Faling nodded imperceptibly and said calmly: "Be more specific." "Standing in the south."From the perspective of the whole county, our county currently still has an economic structure with agriculture as the main body. Although many foreign companies have been introduced in recent years, and the coal industry accounts for a large proportion, the real focus of the work of leaders at all levels is still  Regarding rural agriculture and farmers, among the nearly one million people in the county, the urban population is less than 150,000. In other words, Nanqiao County¡¯s urbanization rate is only 15%.  It is said that our country has one billion people and eight hundred million farmers, but based on the current proportion of urban population in Nanqiao County, it is still far behind the level of the whole province.  Our existing towns basically do not have the function of coordinating urban and rural areas. Farmers and urban residents are completely different concepts. They live two completely different lives under the same blue sky. This is the basic status quo of Nanqiao County.  "Li Rui said so excitedly that he couldn't help but lower his head and take a sip of water. He looked up at Ji Faling and looked forward to him continuing to talk. He knew that as the secretary of the county party committee, he must have thought about these similar issues before, and he felt more confident.  , continued: ¡°Now that Qingshan Quanzhen is designated as a province-wide pilot, it shows that the provincial party committee or the central government¡¯s idea is to explore an integrated urban and rural development model with Chinese characteristics through the construction of small market towns to coordinate urban and rural areas.  This is my basic judgment on the pilot.  " "Yes, that's what the provincial party committee means.  "Ji Faling nodded in affirmation. He looked at Li Rui with eyes full of approval. Li Rui was also proud. As a reborn person, being able to grasp the historical trend of the future is his biggest weapon at present. He continued:  "Looking at the map of our Nanqiao County, Chengguan Town and Qingshanquan Town are to the south and north, like a dumbbell!  I think that if the county wants to develop and keep up with the pace of national economic development, it can completely implement a dumbbell-shaped development strategy and rely on Chengguan Town and Qingshanquan Town to comprehensively drive the economic development of Nanqiao County.  Our Qingshanquan Town has this advantage and this condition. The Beijing-Taiwan Expressway will be opened to traffic next year.  By then, it will only take half an hour from Qingshanquan Town to downtown Pengcheng.  And at the beginning of this year, the country has clearly proposed the construction of six vertical and eight horizontal highways. Starting from Donghai City, the highway directly to the west will also pass through our place and intersect with the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway to become a transportation hub.  Therefore, Qingshanquan Town has an advantage in terms of transportation location compared to Chengguan Town. If the development of Qingshanquan Town is included in the other pole of the county's economic development, Nanqiao County's economy can take off on both sides.  " After Li Rui finished speaking, he looked at Ji Faling eagerly. In his memory, the development of Qingshanquan Town took place several years later, and it did not seem to be ideal, especially after the real estate market became hot, and Chengguan Town as the county seat  With its advantages in land finance, its economic development speed and prosperity are far greater than those of Qingshanquan Town. Now that he is in charge of this place, especially after being inspired by Ma Wenjie that day, Li Ruisi thought about it for a long time and finally decided.  He was determined to give Qingshanquan Town a head start in future development. Ji Faling listened very seriously and couldn't help but walked back and forth in the room. After a few minutes, he stopped.  pace. He said seriously: "The idea is right. Judging from the current economic aggregate and future development speed of Qingshanquan Town, it is entirely possible to become the second engine of economic development in Nanqiao County.  When the county party committee agreed to the construction of the Qingshanquan Town Coal Chemical Industrial Park, it was based on this idea, rather than placing the park in Chengguan Town.  If we want to realize the idea of ??coordinating urban and rural areas with small market towns, we must have the support of industry. Cities alone are not enough. Employment issues, sustainable development issues, etc. must rely on large-scale sustainable development of industries.  Tell me what you are going to do?  " Li Rui said quickly: "Secretary Ji, here's what I'm thinking about: The first is to fully make a fuss about Qingshanquan Town as a major transportation hub in Pengcheng City in the future, and increase efforts to attract investment.  Just having a coal chemical industrial park is not enough. When I was checking relevant information, I discovered that last year the county organized geological experts to conduct mineral inspections. One of them was that the mountains on both sides of the Pengshui River in Qingshanquan Town are rich in limestone resources.  Last week, I specially asked Professor Luo Jingbo from the Department of Geology of Pengcheng Institute of Technology to conduct an on-site inspection, and the conclusions reached are consistent.  I think we can take advantage of resources and build a large cement factory on the more than 2,000 acres of river beach in the north of Jiangbian Village" "Well, the idea is good. Regarding the idea of ??introducing large cement plants, the county last year  The Economic and Trade Commission has considered this aspect, but it is very difficult to attract investment. So far, interested investors have not been found.  "Ji Faling interjected. Li Rui smiled slightly and said: "I think as long as we plant the sycamore trees, the phoenix will naturally come.  Secretary Ji, our advantages are: first, we are quite rich in resources. Professor Luo also collected some samples and can help us issue an authoritative test report; second, our Qingshanquan Town has very good land and water transportation.  Developed, especially relying on the waterway transportation advantage of the Pengshui River and the Grand Canal, you can go north to the Beijing-Tianjin area, go south directly to Jiangdong Province, or go directly to Dongdong Province along the Pengshui River.If it is the estuary of Haishi, the scope is even wider and can cover the entire coastal area of ??our country; the third advantage lies in the land price. That area is originally a river floodplain, and there is no cost of demolition or occupation of farmland. As long as it is built along the river  A dike can enclose all these two thousand acres. Such a large area is equivalent to the size of an industrial park, but the actual land cost is less than half of the industrial park. We can completely refer to the industrial park model for three connections and one leveling.  , if necessary, a high-grade highway leading to the town can be built.  We have such prerequisites, I think there will definitely be people willing to invest and build factories here.  " "Well, that's good. I have ideas and more methods.  Hearing what you said, I felt confident enough to continue talking.  "Ji Faling said with a smile. "According to the original plan, a piece of land was reserved in the west of the town.  It was originally intended to be a reserved industrial base in addition to the coal chemical industrial park.  Develop other industrial projects.  My current idea is to take the town as the center, with the coal chemical industrial park in the north, the cement plant project in the east, and the introduction of projects that consume a lot of human resources in the west, forming a three-star situation with the moon, using industry to support the development of Qingshanquan Town.  If these projects can be successfully implemented, the urban population of Qingshanquan Town will increase ten times compared to now, while attracting investment and vigorously developing industry.  We also need to create a high-quality living environment that integrates consumption, shopping, entertainment, and industrial agglomeration, treat the town as a city, and constantly improve the city's functions.  In addition, in rural areas, through the construction of new villages and relying on projects, integrated urban and rural development is finally achieved.  " As he spoke, Li Rui saw that Ji Faling was frowning and thinking, as if he still hadn't digested what he just said, so he quickly explained: "To put it simply, it is to strengthen urban transformation and enhance the radiation and gathering capabilities of the town.  .  In the vast rural areas, we will speed up the construction of roads, elderly care, medical care, schools and other hardware.  Villages that meet the conditions can implement unified planning of rural housing and centralized housing, and the government will increase investment and construction of public facilities to realize resource sharing.  The biggest advantage of this is that farmers can fully enjoy all government benefits such as schooling, medical security, care for birth, old age, illness and death, as in cities, without having to go to the city.  Equality of civil rights.  The special circumstances of our country make it impossible for all farmers to flock to the city.  It is impossible for cities to accommodate so many people. Sooner or later, they will be absorbed in rural areas, so that rural urbanization can be achieved.  " "Where do the funds come from?  Have you thought about it?  Even if you can introduce cement plants, the industrial base reserved in the west can form a new industrial scale, but this will take time after all.  To achieve what you call rural urbanization, that would be an astronomical amount of money.  "Ji Faling said to the point. Li Rui smiled slightly. He had already had a way to do this, and there was only one way, and that was the land finance that emerged in various places after seven or eight years. With the increase in the proportion of real estate in the national economy,  It is getting higher and higher. This land finance is undoubtedly a big killer weapon used by local governments for urban development. It has endured for a long time. Until 20 years later, land kings are still emerging one after another in various places. But even after that, everyone was shouting that housing prices were too high.  However, we have to admit that it is precisely because of the emergence of land finance that urban construction in various places has developed rapidly. Of course, everything has its two sides, and when it develops to a certain extent, it is bound to happen.  There are all kinds of problems and conflicts, but these are things for the future. For Qingshanquan Town, borrowing land to make money is undoubtedly the best way. So when he heard Ji Faling's question, he answered calmly:  ¡°The source of funds is one: borrowing land to make money.  Adjust the overall urban planning of Qingshanquan Town. Based on the original preliminary planning of six horizontal and nine vertical sections of the town, I want to focus on the transformation of the Xiaoqing River flowing in front of the town to expand the urban planning area on both sides. The current planned area is eight  square kilometers, I think the new adjusted plan can reach 12 to 15 square kilometers.  Land development and real estate construction on both sides of the Xiaoqing River will lead to land revenue and tax revenue. In addition to being used for urban functional construction, part of it can be used to feed back the countryside. If we strive for rural construction funds from superiors and the investment of villagers,  By putting in the work and planning and implementing in phases, we can gradually achieve a comprehensive well-off society in rural areas.  " Ji Faling's eyes lit up when he heard this. His term of office only lasts for about a year. Yan Guo has left his voice and his name. In addition to the coal chemical industrial park, he has always wanted to leave something behind. Qingshan  The small market town construction pilot project in Quan Town was obviously another opportunity, but he never had a complete and realistic idea of ??how to seize this opportunity. After hearing what Li Rui said, he suddenly became enlightened and nodded in praise.  : ¡°Yes, it¡¯s not easy for you to have such an idea in just a few months!  Regarding the overall planning of urban and rural areas to realize my country's urbanization, this may be an issue that central leaders are also thinking about!  Our country is too big, the situation is complex, and the development of various regions is uneven. We should allow multiple models to realize urban and rural integration. As for the question you raised, our county committee is currently?I haven¡¯t studied it yet, I¡¯m thinking ahead of time, can I do this?  What to do?  I can't give you a clear answer now. It depends on what new spirit the Municipal Party Committee has this time. If the Municipal Party Committee has such a trend, you can boldly start it in Qingshanquan Town.  As for reform, the old man once said, 'Crossing the river by feeling for the stones'. This has never happened before. There is nothing to learn from, so we have to reform and innovate.  " The more Ji Faling talked, the more excited he became. He told Li Rui, "You go back and come up with a plan. It doesn't matter if it's a little rough.  The key is to sort out the clues.  I will report to Secretary Gao first. After the National Committee is over, our County Party Committee Standing Committee will conduct a detailed study and discussion on this issue. You can use this time to come up with something specific. The more specific the better, including some projects.  List them down and make a report to the Standing Committee.  "The more Ji Faling looks at Li Rui, the more he likes him. I remember when Li Rui first came to Nanqiao, Ji Faling still disliked him. He dared to barge with Yang Liqing on the first day. It was just because he had Guo Wending as his backer.  It wasn't until Ji Jie later told him that Li Rui was Gao Jie's boyfriend that Ji Faling began to pay attention to him. Later, Li Rui risked his life to save people and was responsible for safety production in the county's coal mines when he was in charge of the Coal Management Bureau.  We have launched a major attack on the problem and eliminated many hidden dangers. In the past six months or so, there have been no casualties in more than 80 coal mines in the county. This has never happened before in the history of Nanqiao County.  At that time, we shouldered the heavy responsibility and eliminated the negative impact of the '3.18 Incident' in just three months, and also proposed a very forward-looking and constructive rural reform measure for Qingshanquan Town.  There was no reason for him to be unhappy when the construction of the small market town came up with such a fantastic idea. Li Rui was originally worried that Ji Faling might object. After all, making money from land is a new thing these days, and some people are conservative and timid.  Try. Unexpectedly, he agreed readily, and he was very happy and asked: "Secretary Ji, what about adjusting the plan" Ji Faling waved his hand: "Adjust!  Just tell Chen Shiwei that I said it and agree with your adjustment.  In addition, didn¡¯t their Construction Committee also set up a construction branch here? You asked him to send all the most capable people from the Construction Committee to re-plan.  " After saying that, he looked at Li Rui and said with a smile: "Lu Chuan, if you do this, the urban area of ??Qingshanquan Town has exceeded the county seat. This may be very rare in the country.  By then it will no longer be dumbbells, but two fists, one big and one small. In a few years, someone will probably suggest relocating the county committee and county government!  Hahaha" Ji Faling laughed heartily. At this time, he felt very proud. The proud thing was that he could inadvertently recognize talents with a keen eye. Putting aside the idea of ????opening village affairs, it was this Qingshan Spring.  As a pilot town for the construction of a small market town, if the plan adjusted by Li Rui can be followed, maybe he will be included in the municipal leadership team when it changes next year. Ji Faling's laughter could be heard outside the door.  When Li Rui walked out of the room, Wang Yougen looked at him a little differently than before. Although Wang Yougen had always been very polite to him in the past, Li Rui could still tell from his words and deeds that Wang Yougen treated him very much.  There's more of a fawning element. "Power!" This is the charm of power. At this moment, Li Rui suddenly realized that he seems to be more and more accustomed to and likes this kind of life in officialdom. People often say: "Thousands of miles away."  Officials are only for wealth. In fact, another reason is the desire for power. With power, you can control a certain number of people and property, and you can control these people and property to implement a certain plan or achieve a certain goal according to your own wishes.  Satisfy people's desire for dominance. Just like now, he can change the development plan of Qingshanquan Town according to his own ideas, which will change the future development trajectory of Qingshanquan Town. Although this desire is in the same vein as the greed for money,  Li Rui felt that this was what he needed. In his previous life, he was just busy satisfying his desire for money and women, but now he felt that the desire for control and dominance was even stronger. He sighed in his heart:  Probably this is why the eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty, after losing their original desire for women, took their desire for power to the extreme and saw others struggling and surviving under the flying magic wand of their power, thus gaining a kind of psychological compensatory satisfaction.  . ?Similarly, this theory can also explain why some people with unappreciated talents in the current officialdom, once they are appreciated by their leaders, can work hard for their leaders regardless of past grudges and rewards. This is actually the realization of the so-called value of life.  A hidden psychological satisfaction of attachment and worship of power, because sometimes he knows clearly that the work ordered by the leader is useless to him and will cause certain harm to other people, things, and things, but he will still be happy to complete it. On the surface, it is  "A scholar dies for a confidant" is actually a manifestation of slavishness to power. PS: ?The first update will be delivered, and there will be another update in the evening, around eleven o'clock!
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