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Text Chapter 209: I was dozing off and met a pillow guy

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    The Standing Committee of the Nanqiao County Party Committee was held as scheduled on Friday afternoon, with only one topic on the agenda: hearing the Qingshanquan Town Party Committee¡¯s review of the ¡°3.18¡± mass incident.  The county party committee attached great importance to this review. Not only were all the standing committee members present, the director of the National People¡¯s Congress and the chairman of the Chinese People¡¯s Political Consultative Conference attended the meeting, and even all the deputy county magistrates appeared in the standing committee meeting room.  Seeing this scene, Li Rui couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he stepped into the conference room.  When Ji Faling, secretary of the county party committee, announced the meeting, Li Rui simply gritted his teeth. Anyway, if he extended his head and cut his head, it would be the same as if he had retracted his head. Besides, I only suffered for others, so it was no big deal.  "Dear leaders, on behalf of the Qingshanquan Town Party Committee, I will make an in-depth review to the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee on the occurrence of the '3.18' mass incident, and I ask all leaders to criticize" Li Rui made the review with a heavy expression and made some opening remarks.  After that, he made a detailed report on the occurrence, handling and final results of the "3.18" mass incident, and made a comprehensive and profound analysis and reflection from the aspects of thought, understanding, organization, measures and other aspects.  The materials compiled by the Party and Government Office were more than 20 pages long. He read them according to the text for almost an hour, and finally said: "After searching for problems, analyzing the causes, and seriously reflecting on them, all members of the Qingshanquan Town Party Committee agreed that the '3.18' group  The occurrence of the ** incident is by no means accidental, but inevitable. Its occurrence is related to our system and mechanism, the emphasis on material production and the neglect of ideological education since the reform and opening up, and the fact that cadres at all levels are not in place, their style is not in-depth, etc.  , all have direct reasons. To sum up, there are five points: First, the reform of rural systems and mechanisms is not in place and there are many contradictions, which is directly reflected in the increasing tension between cadres and the masses. The central government¡¯s policies are distorted during the implementation process at the grassroots level, which aggravates the cadres.  The second is that cadres have not learned enough and have not kept pace with the times. They do not understand and adapt to new situations in rural areas. Typical manifestations are the implementation of the "Rural Land Contract Management Law" and the "Village Committee Organization Law" in rural areas.  After the "Land Management Law" was passed, many of our cadres still clung to the same old working methods and did not fully realize that farmers' awareness of democracy and participation in the management of village committee affairs were constantly increasing, and grassroots organizational work became increasingly difficult and objective.  It has also caused the actual, ideological and emotional distance between cadres and the masses; Third, the management system is not in place, supervision is not in place, and village-level finances are generally in chaos. Take Jiangbian Village as an example.  Human management, all accounts and white slips, eventually turned into confusing accounts, and villagers' autonomy became an empty talk in fact; Fourth, economic construction must be people-oriented, and the implementation of key projects and key projects must be under the premise of fully ensuring the interests of the people.  , carry out compensation, demolition, and resettlement work in accordance with procedures and laws. The plan must be specific and the work must be meticulous. The party committee and government must take the initiative to explain and publicize the policy. It cannot be left entirely to the construction companies. What the companies care about is profits and neglects.  It is the feelings and interests of the people, not to mention political issues and the overall situation of consciously maintaining stability. The occurrence of the '3.18' incident is a very typical case; Fifth, we do not pay enough attention to some clan forces in rural areas and do not study enough, and clan forces are undercurrent in rural areas.  The situation is becoming more and more rampant, with cadres turning a blind eye, party committees being insensitive, and relevant parties failing to combat it, so that the party¡¯s prestige and cohesion among villagers are getting weaker and weaker. Therefore, we need to strengthen cadre education, strengthen the construction of rural grassroots organizations, and improve the legal system of the whole society.  Awareness, fighting crime, and promoting righteousness are top priorities" I have to say that Li Rui's review is quite profound and wonderful.  Especially the final summary, from the common situations existing in rural areas to cadre learning issues, combined with the legal system and management, it is very objectively explained from the perspective of economic construction.  It was very realistic. Many people were already nodding when he read it out. When he finished speaking, the venue burst into warm applause.  Li Rui, who was so thirsty after thinking about it, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was being criticized on behalf of Chen Shiwei today, he was still mentally prepared to be criticized and denounced like a landlord.  The round of applause now indicates that he has passed this test.  What also surprised him was that the new executive deputy county magistrate Shen Chao was the first to speak. He fully affirmed the review of the Qingshanquan Town Party Committee as "profound understanding and thorough reflection!" During the handling process, "the measures were effective and the results were remarkable!" Especially!  It was Comrade Li Rui who took the lead and handled the situation decisively to avoid further deterioration of the situation. In the aftermath, it was Comrade Li Rui who took charge of the crisis. The Qingshanquan Town Party Committee headed by him united closely to overcome the difficulties, making "3.18  "The incident was successfully resolved, and the construction progress of the coal chemical industrial park was not affected" At first, Li Rui was confused. The executive deputy county magistrate who spoke was Shen Chao, not the original Su Zhiqiang. This was a review meeting.  Or is it a commendation meeting?  However, he soon remembered what happened at Good Times last Saturday. Wasn't Dong Qiliang also there? Someone must know his identity without asking. ?Although Li Rui feels a little uncomfortable in his heart, it's okay to pull the Zhang family's tiger skin and pull the flag. Anyway, I am the one assigned, so you can please me if you want.  If you don't take advantage of it, you are a bastard.  Although Shen Chao¡¯s speech slightly surprised the Standing Committee members present at the meeting, he had just arrived after all, and what he talked about was the real situation. Moreover, Li Rui himself had suffered for others, so everyone was easier to accept it.  After his speech, members of the Standing Committee spoke one after another, which generally had the same meaning.  Even Yang Liqing changed his past style and also affirmed Li Rui's review. Li Rui was very dissatisfied with this. I guess he was partly trying to exonerate Cui Yongjiu.  Finally, Ji Faling made a concluding speech. From a higher perspective, Secretary Ji made a concluding speech on the reasons for the "3.18" incident, the process of intensifying conflicts, the outbreak of conflicts, etc., combined with several other events in Nanqiao County:  " Comrades, we are facing new situations and new problems that are constantly changing. Our theoretical level, comprehensive understanding of problems, and ability to deal with problems must also be continuously strengthened and we must keep pace with the times A few days ago  Comrades from the Complaints Office reported to me that the current situation is not optimistic, especially in rural grassroots organizations. More than 60% of petition cases involve villagers suing the village secretary and village director. What does this phenomenon mean?  Some people say that ordinary people are unruly people, and people who say such stupid things should be shot in the past!" In excitement, Ji Faling couldn't help but patted the conference table, and everyone was suddenly shocked.  "What is unruly people? Ugh! Who did our party rely on to defeat the Kuomintang? Who did we rely on to seize power? Taizu has always attached great importance to the role of farmers, workers and intellectuals. One of the three treasures of our party is'  Adhere to the mass line. What have we become? The ruling class, the exploiting class? Confused!" Ji Faling took a sip of water and softened his previous fierce tone: "Of course,  Due to objective reasons, people's education level is generally low, their understanding of issues is wrong, and their personal interests are considered more. These are objective and understandable, but our party members and cadres have all received higher education.  They are strictly selected by the organization. Why do we still make such mistakes? In a word: lack of sense of purpose and weak party spirit! Farmers lack organization and are weak in proactively analyzing problems.  If we continue to let it go, the party's prestige and representativeness will become weaker and weaker, and other forces will take advantage of it. This problem is becoming more and more prominent. The '3.18' incident is an early warning, and we must raise it.  Enough attention!" He said to Yu Shungen: "I suggest Comrade Shungen take the lead and launch a comprehensive investigation with the Organization Department, Discipline Inspection Commission, Propaganda Department, Political and Legal Affairs Committee, Agricultural Bureau, Finance Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau, Letters and Calls Office and other departments.  Conduct comprehensive research to find out what problems still exist in the county and what contradictions we have not discovered. We will build a ledger of the problems, analyze them one by one, and propose solutions" The Standing Committee met until the end.  It became a research meeting and work arrangement meeting about stable work, and everyone seemed to have forgotten that Li Rui was here to review.  After the meeting, Li Rui took the initiative to come to Yang Chao's office to report on his work.  Speaking of which, since Yang Chao took office, he has not come to report to County Magistrate Yang. Since they intend to show good will, he cannot be ignorant.  Moreover, during this period, he was developing bag fungus cultivation, improving wild chestnuts, and developing family breeding for six villages on the mountain. He was worried about the lack of funds for these wealth-making projects.  The executive deputy county magistrate is in charge of finance and project investment. How could he let go of such a good opportunity?  When Yang Chao saw Li Rui coming to the door, he showed great enthusiasm and even walked out from behind the boss' desk to shake hands with him.  Then invite him to sit down on the sofa, as if communicating on an equal footing.  Li Rui acted very modestly. He first expressed his gratitude to County Magistrate Yang for the praise he received at the meeting, and then reported to Magistrate Yang the recent main work of Qingshanquan Town.  Yang Chao listened very carefully, nodded from time to time, and asked several questions that were on point. This shows that he is also a relatively pragmatic leader.  When Li Rui reported that he was planning to vigorously develop bag fungi planting, wild chestnut improvement and family breeding in six villages on the mountain to get rid of the current poverty situation as soon as possible, Yang Chao praised: "Great! We will vigorously develop characteristic agriculture according to local conditions.  , This is a good way to guide poverty-stricken areas to develop as soon as possible, and it is worth promoting! But, how about sales? Have you considered this? Are there any other difficulties for us?  After thinking about it, the villagers originally had concerns in this regard. We plan to introduce several merchants to specialize in purchasing agricultural products. We have initially reached an agreement, and several merchants will come to visit us soon. As for the difficulties we are still facing,  The main problem is funding. Several villages in the mountains are too poor.Most villagers cannot afford the investment in growing mushrooms and need support from the government. In addition, the technological improvement of wild chestnuts and household breeding also lack financial and technical support. Another problem is transportation.  The roads on the mountain are in disrepair and the traffic is very inconvenient. Transportation will also be a problem at that time" Now that Yang Chao took the initiative to ask, Li Rui was not willing to let it go and laid out a series of difficulties. "Haha Li Rui  , I think this is the main purpose of your coming today, right?  Yang Chao laughed loudly after hearing this. Li Rui scratched his scalp and said sheepishly: "The initial investment is relatively large, and our town's finance alone cannot support it for the time being. In addition, there are also technical aspects, which require the county."  Otherwise, these tasks would not be carried out. Today, I shamelessly asked County Magistrate Yang for help.  " "So that's it!  Yang Chao thought for a while and said in deep thought: "The county's finances are also very tight I think you have to report this matter to County Magistrate Tang. After all, he is in charge of agriculture!"  For technical assistance, you can approach the Agricultural Bureau and County Agricultural Technology Station for assistance.  As for the specific capital investment and transportation issues In this way, I will communicate with the heads of several departments such as the Planning Commission, Transportation Bureau, Economic and Trade Committee, Construction Committee, Civil Affairs Bureau, and Finance Bureau, and ask them to go to your Qingshanquan Town for on-site inspection.  Let's sit down and think of a solution together. What do you think?  " Li Rui was immediately overjoyed when he heard this. It turned out that he had also considered that the funding problem was neither too big nor too small. It was obviously unrealistic to rely solely on financial allocations. The method proposed by Yang Chao was good. Like the Planning Commission,  The Transportation Bureau, Economic and Trade Commission, Construction Committee, Civil Affairs Bureau, etc. are all powerful and wealthy departments. If they want to get some help and policy, then the problems of the six villages on the mountain are just a piece of cake! He quickly stood up and said:  "Thank you so much, County Magistrate Yang, you have helped us a lot.  With your support, these projects of ours will definitely be completed. When the first batch of edible fungi comes out, I will definitely send them to you for you to try.  " "Hahaha, okay.  Then I'll wait for you to deliver it.  "Yang Chao laughed loudly, then he raised his hand and motioned for Li Rui to sit down, "I'm going to visit your coal chemical industrial park next week. The schedule has been booked. The preliminary arrangement is next Thursday. I guess the government will  The office will notify you soon.  Since you are here today, I will inform you in advance.  " "We have long been looking forward to County Magistrate Yang's inspection and guidance.  " Yang Chao asked some more about the coal chemical industrial park. After chatting for a while and seeing that the time was almost up, Li Rui stood up and left. He was also anxious to find Tang Yi, the deputy county magistrate in charge of agriculture. Send Li Rui away.  Finally, Yang Chao sat back on the executive chair behind the boss' desk, spinning the signature pen in his hand, but his mind was not on the document in his hand. What surprised him was that he received a call from Li Yifeng on Monday.  The mayor actually asked about Li Rui's situation, and he meant nothing more than asking him to support Li Rui's work. This made him feel very confused. He had been in Nanqiao County for more than a month, and he had nothing to do with Li Rui.  He had also heard about Li Rui. Li Rui was originally arranged to go to Nanqiao County by the Organization Minister Guo Wending, and he had a very close relationship with the former deputy county magistrate Su Zhiqiang. It was also said that Ji Faling thought highly of him, otherwise he wouldn't.  Put him in the position of party committee secretary of Qingshanquan Town. However, the relationship between Li Rui and the county magistrate Yang Liqing is very tense. It is said that Li Rui had an affair with Yang Liqing on the first day he came to Nanqiao, and he was the director of the Coal Management Bureau.  I had several unpleasant encounters with County Magistrate Yang. In fact, Yang Chao had also paid attention to Li Rui during this period. Judging from the subsequent handling of the "3.18 Incident", combined with his work in the Coal Management Bureau, he had to.  It is admitted that Li Rui's work ability is good, but this person seems to be a bit unruly. This may be related to the fact that he has the Municipal Party Committee Organization Minister as his backer. He had two purposes for observing Li Rui at the beginning. The first was.  One reason is that the coal chemical industrial park currently under construction is located in Qingshanquan Town, and Li Rui was also an active promoter of the establishment of this park. As the executive deputy county magistrate, the coal chemical industrial park will be a very important achievement for him in the future.  Highlight, so how could he not pay attention to the Party Working Committee Secretary and Management Committee Director of the Industrial Park? The second point is because of the tense relationship between Li Rui and Yang Liqing. As the executive deputy county magistrate, there is a natural relationship between him and the county magistrate.  There are various conflicts of power and interests. Although he has just taken office and the conflicts have not yet broken out, I believe that this honeymoon period will never be too long unless he is willing to be Yang Liqing's vassal. Of course, with his character and personality.  It was obviously impossible for him to shoulder the mission, so it would be a good thing if he could have someone to take care of him. But after waiting for more than a month, Li Rui didn't take the initiative to report to him.  Due to his status, he was unwilling to take the initiative to show kindness to a subordinate, so things seemed a bit unsatisfactory when he received the call from Mayor Li.?Although he was confused, it seemed to provide him with a good excuse to ease the relationship with Li Rui.  Yang Chao doesn¡¯t know what the leader thinks. Maybe it¡¯s the product of the cooperation between the leader and Minister Guo?  But this is also a good thing for him. When he came to Nanqiao County, he was considered a loner and needed help urgently. The relationship between Li Rui and Yang Liqing was tense, and he had a good relationship with Ji Faling, and it could be seen from today's meeting  , he seems to have a good relationship with the standing committee members of the Ji Department, and the two old guys from the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference also have a good impression of him.  If he can build a good relationship with Li Rui and use this as a bridge, he can quickly establish a foothold in Nanqiao County. This is a win-win situation!  Therefore, when Li Rui raised those difficulties just now, even though it was a bit difficult for him who had just arrived, he still agreed without hesitation.  Li Rui didn't know Yang Chao's confusion and plans. In his opinion, Yang Chao took the initiative to show his kindness to him simply because he or the leaders above knew that he was a descendant of the Zhang family and took the initiative to flatter him.  Anyway, he can't care about that much, as he said, if you don't take advantage of it, you're a bastard!  Besides, after Su Zhiqiang left, he was worried that there was still a lack of supportive leaders in charge of him. Didn't he happen to be dozing off when he came across a pillow gift?  PS: Ask for monthly votes, recommendations, rewards, and likes!  !  !
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