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Text Chapter 194 Entering the state

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    Yu Shungen used threats and inducements to solve two things at the same time. It seems that the whole thing is developing in a good direction.  After lunch, Yu Shungen answered a phone call. It took a little long. After hanging up the phone, he said to Li Rui: "Secretary Ji went to the Municipal Party Committee to report on the situation this morning. In the afternoon, Secretary Wang of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee will come to Nanqiao to guide the work. I  I have to rush back to the county to attend the Standing Committee meeting. You are responsible for handling the rest. If you have any questions, please contact me at any time. You must make sure that there are no accidents from the afternoon to the evening." Yu Shungen paused and said thoughtfully: "I will.  It is estimated that the Public Security Bureau may take action tonight, so you should be prepared and be careful not to leak the news. " Li Rui knew that it has always been a good tradition of our party to settle accounts after the fact. This time, no matter what happened, it was such a big thing.  The county or the city must be very angry. After appeasing most of the people who don't know the truth, they will then start to attack a small group of elements with ulterior motives to eliminate the bad apples among the people, thus acting as a deterrent.  "Secretary Yu, don't worry, I will take care of it." After sending Yu Shungen and Sun Chu away, Li Rui said to Cui Yongjiong who was following him: "Mayor Cui, let's hold a party committee meeting to study it.  He thought for a while and then added: "In addition, inform Jiang Liansheng to come back immediately." Jiang Liansheng was responsible for comforting and explaining the villagers in the two villages. Cui Yongjiu hesitated and said.  "It's hard for Mayor Jiang to leave, isn't he? His troubles" "Ask Li Linsen to take over his job temporarily." Li Rui said without doubt. Li Linsen is the deputy secretary of the town party committee and will be transferred to Xujiaji Township as the mayor.  , like Jiang Liansheng, although the Organization Department has talked to them, the official appointment has not been made yet, and he has not taken up his duties in the new position. However, it is probably only for the past few days, so after what happened yesterday, the party committee did not give him any information intentionally or unintentionally.  What a burden.  Cui Jiongjiu didn¡¯t expect Li Rui to be so tough. He was stunned for a moment and immediately called Lu Jingzhong and asked him to notify relevant personnel to come to the conference room for a meeting.  Half an hour later, Jiang Liansheng rushed to the conference room, where other party committee members had already arrived. Li Rui nodded to him, motioned for him to sit down, and said: "Comrades, after everyone's hard work, the current '3.18 incident  "Initial results have been achieved. Let me inform you that the family of the deceased has agreed to accept the government's negotiation conditions and agreed to be cremated tomorrow and move out of the industrial park three days later. This is a turning point in the handling of the entire incident. We must seize it.  This is a favorable opportunity to do the following work. Now I will inform everyone to come back and hold a short meeting. The main thing is to ask Comrade Lian Sheng to report the situation on site. Based on the situation, we will study the next stage of work in a targeted manner.  Please introduce the situation to Comrade Liansheng. "Jiang Liansheng took a breath, stabilized himself for a while, and then began to report: "I will briefly report that after the working group entered the village, we immediately made arrangements to recruit the village cadres and party members.  They joined in, divided into small teams, and went to each village group. They mainly did two things: one was to publicize the policy and distribute promotional materials, and the other was to do some explanation work and appease the villagers. At present, the overall situation is still stable, but individual emotions are still stable.  We have dealt with the larger ones separately and focused on the work." Li Rui interjected and asked, "Have you found any abnormal situations, such as mutual exchanges, strangers, etc." "We haven't found any yet, because of the manpower.  Too few. A dozen cadres plus village cadres can only focus on key points, and it will be difficult to take care of some remote households. I suggest that the party committee increase its efforts and send more manpower." Jiang Liansheng said.  Li Rui turned to Cui Jiongjiong and asked: "How many serving cadres are there in the town?" "Ninety-three, if you include the logistics staff, there are more than 20." Cui Jiongong replied.  "Now let's rearrange it. Except for the party and government office, only one cadre from each department of the town government will be left to guard the office to facilitate the masses. All the rest of the staff will be on site. Comrade Jiang Liansheng is in charge of Xiaoquan Village, and Comrade Li Linsen is in charge of Jiangbian Village.  , the remaining party committee members must join the two working groups to assist in the work, and Mayor Cui will make detailed arrangements after the meeting. "Li Rui has no intention of studying and discussing at all. The decisiveness required at this time cannot tolerate delay.  .  He glanced around and saw that there were no other opinions, and continued: "After the working group goes down, we must do a good job in pacifying the work, publicizing policies, explaining problems, clarifying rumors, and preventing individual people from talking nonsense. We must use the greatest strength to  Be responsible, sincere, and perseverant, do the work of resolving all conflicts with emotion, and use party spirit to ensure that there will be no accidents from this afternoon to evening! "Similarly, there is no need to talk about meaning in long words at this time.  The truth is, the speech should be kept as short as possible. Li Rui saw that the participants looked solemn and serious, with a kind of nervousness and excitement before the war, which had achieved the effect he wanted.    "Director Lu, after you finish the meeting, organize the logistics staff immediately." After saying that, Li Rui turned to Cui Yongjiong, who was sitting next to him and said: "Mayor Cui tell them the requirements, and do a good job in reception and reception.  Logistics work. Comrades, Secretary Ji has reported this incident to the Municipal Party Committee this morning. The Municipal Party Committee attaches great importance to it and has instructed Secretary Wang of the Political and Legal Committee to come to Nanqiao to guide the work. Therefore, we must make preparations in advance and the personnel of the Party and Government Office must take the initiative.  "I'm sorry, I'll tell you if you can tell the Tianbao Hotel that the fifth and sixth floors will be vacant as a temporary resting place for the leaders, and their conference rooms will be used as well." "I'll arrange it right away," Lu Jingzhong agreed.  .  Next, we summarized the situation in various aspects of the work. The situation was not bad, and the situation was basically developing as expected.  Back in the office, Li Rui was about to pick up the phone and report the situation to Yu Shungen, when the phone rang.  "Li Rui, I heard that something happened in Qingshanquan Town? When will you take office?" Gao Jie called and asked with great concern.  Over the years, he has been used to being alone. When someone cared about him, he felt a warm current in his heart and said: "The situation has almost calmed down. I took office yesterday. It's okay. Don't worry." Gao Jie was silent on the other end of the phone for a while.  , said: "Then be careful and remember to call in the evening." "I know." Gao Jie knew that Li Rui was busy at this time, so she didn't say much, but she could still tell from her tone that she was worried  Worry yourself.  Just after pressing the stop call button, the phone rang again, "How is Li Rui's condition?" Yu Shungen's voice came from the other end of the phone.  "Everything is normal." Li Rui quickly replied, "Secretary Yu, I am also preparing to report to you. We have just held a brief party committee meeting, mainly to strengthen the work on Xiaoquan Village and Jiangbian Village to ensure that  There will be no problems from the afternoon to the evening. Except for the necessary left-behind personnel, all other cadres in the town have been sent down" Li Rui reported the situation to Yu Shungen.  "Very good. Secretary Wang's schedule has changed. He and Secretary Ji will go directly to your Qingshanquan Town for on-site work. Some of the county's Standing Committee members and relevant leaders and office leaders have already set off, and I will follow them soon.  Before leaving, you have to prepare for the reception and report the situation to Secretary Wang and Secretary Ji. "Okay, Secretary Yu, I asked Director Lu of the Party and Government Office to make arrangements at the meeting just now.  The Tianbao Hotel has set aside two floors for the leaders to rest, and the conference room is also arranged directly there. " "Well, that's good. In addition, for the sake of confidentiality, the service staff must arrange personnel from your town government during the meeting."  Gen warned again.  "I got it, Secretary Yu." Li Rui immediately called Cui Jiongjiong and Lu Jingzhong to the office and conveyed Yu Shungen's phone call to them. In addition to telling everyone to perform their duties and pay close attention to the progress of the situation, Li Rui asked Lu Jingzhong to be responsible for the reception.  Work.  "We need to arrange people at the door of the town government. Secretary Yu said on the phone that many leaders have already set off. When the time comes, they will be taken directly to Tianbao Hotel." Lu Jingzhong responded and hurried out.  Li Rui then discussed the reporting materials with Cui Jiongjiong. Although he and Cui Jiongong were considered classmates at the party school, they were in different circles at the time and basically had no intersection. However, judging from the two days of getting along, Li Rui felt that  Seeing that this person is a bit slippery and timid, and basically unable to offer any constructive suggestions, it is no wonder that even when he became the mayor, he was suppressed by Chen Shiwei.  In a blink of an eye, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. According to the feedback from the Party and Government Office, many leaders of the committee and bureaus had arrived at the Tianbao Hotel. It was not good for him, the host, to remain silent. He asked Cui Jiongji to go down and assign tasks while he himself  Head to Tianbao Hotel with Lu Jingzhong.  As soon as the car stopped, someone opened the door for Li Rui from outside.  "Secretary Li." He was a young man who looked familiar. Li Rui thought about it and quickly recognized him as the young man who handed the horn to Ji Faling.  .  "Are you from the party and government office?" "This is the college student we just assigned last year, Tian Min." Lu Jingzhong introduced.  "College students?" There are not many college students in the township government these days.  "I just graduated from a college, not an undergraduate degree." Tian Min explained shyly.  "Haha A junior college is also a university. The young man is not bad. Director Lu leads good soldiers!" Hearing Li Rui praise Tian Min, Lu Jingzhong immediately smiled and joked: "Tian Min is very capable and stable, but our party  All the treasures of the political office, Tianmin, are here.Who?  " Tian Min stood there feeling embarrassed. When he heard Lu Jingzhong's question, he quickly replied: "The county government office, finance bureau, civil affairs bureau, construction committee and other leaders have all arrived, but the county leaders have not come yet.  " Li Rui hummed and walked into the lobby. Lu Jingzhong patted Tian Min on the shoulder with a smile and followed Li Rui in.
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