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    After a stressful day, he was slightly sweating. Li Rui went into the bathroom and took a shower. When he came out, he felt relaxed. Lying in the newly bought quilt, his body felt the warmth and fragrance of cotton fibers. He was not yet sleepy, so he took the day off.  He recalled everything he had experienced in detail. This was a habit he had developed after coming to Nanqiao. Three provinces a day was the best way to improve himself.  The first is the occurrence of the ¡®3.18 Incident¡¯. Li Rui initially analyzed the reasons for its outbreak and the process of its outbreak, which is a constantly escalating process.  The fundamental reason for the escalation is that the preventive measures were not in place, and there was insufficient understanding and underestimation of some of the signs that had already appeared, which led to the step-by-step evolution to the final explosion of conflicts.  Since he only had a general understanding of what happened, he could only make such inferences from everything he saw and heard, but he believed that the general direction would not be wrong, and he would carefully summarize it at the next party committee meeting.  Second, he was deeply impressed by the performance of the two county leaders Ji Faling and Yu Shungen today.  They have been working at the grassroots level for decades and have rich grassroots work experience.  Let¡¯s talk about Ji Faling first. Although the situation was out of control at first, he was still fearless in the face of danger. After he and Ding Junfeng appeared and temporarily stabilized the situation, he made a prompt decision and seized this fleeting opportunity. He calmed the crowd with words and  His posture, tone and law deterred the troubled villagers, and he finally won a complete victory. He used both soft and hard tactics very skillfully. If it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to achieve this level.  They also acted decisively to prevent the riot police from entering the scene to maintain order and avoid greater conflicts.  Now that I think about it carefully, the effect of riot police on the side is far better than that of being on the scene, and the psychological shock to the villagers will be greater.  The last is his speech at the Standing Committee, which fully reflects his ability. When dealing with such extraordinary events, what is needed is his decisiveness, decisiveness, and courage to make decisions, so that he can quickly make correct judgments in complicated situations.  , seize the main issues and give instructions, while stabilizing people's hearts, it also makes the solution of the problem appear on the positive side.  Li Rui particularly appreciated his idea of ??"turning bad things into good things".  In his previous life, he often saw examples of funerals and celebrations in the news. At that time, he was very disapproving and even a little resistant. But now that he is in this position, he has personally realized that this is the best way to stabilize people's hearts and eliminate the impact.  If what happened in Qingshanquan Town today is handled properly and well, it can definitely be turned into a good thing.  Let¡¯s talk about Yu Shungen, I have to say that he is worthy of being a veteran organizer. His speech when announcing the appointment and dismissal documents of himself and Chen Shiwei not only reversed the cadres¡¯ complete denial of Chen Shiwei, but also promptly publicized the correct employment orientation of the county party committee, and also made the participants quickly  Moving from the panic during the day to a normal working state is also a manifestation of ability. As he is about to step into the position of secretary of the Party Committee of Qingshanquan Town, his ability is worthy of serious study and imitation.  When you arrive in a new environment and new position, the first thing you have to do is win people over.  After summarizing this and thinking about the upcoming work tomorrow, Li Rui gradually felt confident. He must settle down, solve problems one by one, and strive to realize what Ji Faling said about turning bad things into good things. If he succeeds,  Perhaps, Li Rui's political career really began at this time.  I was a little excited thinking about it yesterday and fell asleep very late. When I woke up the next day, it was already half past seven. I hurriedly washed up, got dressed and came out. There was a young girl sitting in the outer office, on the table.  There were steaming steamed buns and porridge, as well as two eggs and a plate of kimchi.  "Secretary Li." The girl stood up timidly. She was not bad looking and her voice was soft.  Li Rui nodded with a dignified "hmm", and while sitting down to eat breakfast, he asked: "Do you work in the office?" The girl quickly replied: "Yes, Secretary Li, my name is Liu Yongmei." "Oh,  Xiao Liu, sit down Thank you for going to work so early." Liu Yongmei's face turned red and she replied softly: "Director Lu arranged for me to come at 7:30. I was afraid that Secretary Li would get up early, so I came a few minutes early.  Excuse me." Seeing that she was a little embarrassed, Li Rui smiled and said, "You're welcome, I still hope to have such a delicious breakfast in the future." Liu Yongmei saw that Li Rui was no longer serious, and she was not so nervous.  He smiled and said, "Director Lu arranged for me to take care of Secretary Li. If I don't do well, you can criticize me." "Very good! Do you want me to give you a compliment, Director Lu?" Li Rui peeled the eggs and said with a smile.  "Giggle Secretary Li, your words are the best compliment." She has a lively expression and turns out to be a girl with a very cheerful personality. It may be the first time she meets a new leader, so she will inevitably feel nervous.  The little girl looks good and speaks sweetly. Coupled with the delicious breakfast, Li Rui's mood suddenly improved a lot and he went out.??I feel my confidence doubled.  It was just eight o'clock when he arrived at Tianbao Hotel, and Yu Shungen was already waiting for him in the room.  Seeing him entering the door, he smiled and said: "Li Rui, what do you think?" Seeing his relaxed expression, Li Rui also relaxed a lot, and said with a smile: "I was a little confused yesterday, but now I feel confident." "Haha.  Haha Yes, this is a normal process. We will wait a moment, Hong Fei and the others are coming. " Actually, Li Rui has always had a question in his mind. Now that he has pushed me to the front line, he must solve some problems.  After figuring it out, he asked: "Secretary Yu, didn't the Public Security Bureau already intervene in the background investigation of the four households who were unwilling to relocate? Why did there still be problems? Wasn't there anything discovered in advance?" Yu Shungen nodded, "Ask  Well, the Public Security Bureau conducted a secret investigation and concluded that after the Changshan Coal Mine ceased production, the farmers lost their income and were resentful and wanted to seek compensation from the government, so the six families formed an interest group.  Fight against demolition." Li Rui shook his head immediately after hearing this. Only a devil would believe such a conclusion!  Damn it, there must be something fishy here!  Now I recounted my previous speculations.  Yu Shungen said: "This is just a guess. Everything requires evidence. At present, it can only be based on the investigation results of the Public Security Bureau." Li Rui remembered that Jiang Liansheng once said that Xie Baoqing, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, was related to one of the families.  Therefore, I couldn't help but ask: "Who led the investigation." "Xie Baoqing." "Oh" Since it was him, it is not surprising to draw such a conclusion.  Seeing the change in his expression, Yu Shungen asked, "What do you have in mind?" Li Rui hesitated for a moment, but finally said it.  Yu Shungen was not surprised. He smiled and said meaningfully: "Since things have happened, let's solve the problem. It will not help to pursue these things. We have to look forward." Li Rui understood, Ji Faling and Yu Shungen  You understand certain things, but you are not completely ignorant.  Yu Shungen continued: "Li Rui, we must pay great attention to the current situation. We must not be careless. We must think about every detail and strive to let the cadres of Qingshanquan Town know you and recognize you in this unexpected incident. As soon as possible."  Open up the work situation." Li Rui thought the same thing last night. He nodded and looked at Yu Shungen with a grateful look in his eyes. He smiled reassuringly and said: "I will give you eight words: calm down and make a decision.  "Thank you, Secretary Xue, I will never live up to your expectations." As they were talking, Cui Changjiong, Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and Deputy Director of the County Party Committee Sun Chu arrived one after another.  Yu Shungen assigned tasks and said: "Mayor Cui and Director Hong are responsible for negotiating with the families of the deceased today. Li Rui, Sun Chu and I will go to condolences to the injured first. The police officers from the Public Security Bureau will continue to stay in place and wait for notification." After that, he turned to  Li Rui said again: "Li Rui, you have to arrange for a working group to enter the village as soon as possible." Li Rui nodded in agreement. Yu Shungen raised his hand and glanced at the time, "Everyone split up, Li Rui, I'll give you half an hour.  "When he returned to the town government, Jiang Liansheng had already organized the relevant personnel in place.  The new secretary made his first appearance, and everyone was very curious.  After the applause, Li Rui sat in the middle with a serious face and said, "Comrades, the matter is urgent, so I won't say any falsehoods. Mayor Jiang has made it very clear about your mission this time. You must have  Have a high sense of political responsibility, maintain a high morale, complete the party committee's decision to the letter, and successfully complete the task. Now I emphasize a few points: First, obey the command and obey the arrangements, the more difficult the time, the more it will test us.  I believe that all comrades can withstand the test of their party spirit, organization and ability and will definitely be able to complete their work. Second, they must be reasonable, courteous and polite, adhere to policies, reason and feelings, and have a simple attitude towards the masses.  Do your work based on class sentiments, do not fight back when attacked, do not retaliate when scolded, face it calmly, and deal with it calmly. Everyone must answer the question according to the principles and explain the problem according to the policy. They are not allowed to talk nonsense or violate it without permission. The national policy is the bottom line for everything!  Act according to policy" The conference room was very quiet, with only Li Rui's voice echoing in the space.  He paused and glanced around the venue. There were estimated to be more than fifty people, and the team looked very capable. As his speech progressed, the curious expressions on many faces had long been replaced by solemnity. He expressed his gratitude to his first time.  Satisfied with his appearance, he coughed lightly and continued: "Comrades, it is related to the overall stable development of our Qingshanquan Town. Everyone must have a clear understanding, maintain a high degree of consistency with the party committee in terms of thoughts and actions, and do  We must work hard to persuade people, calm down the emotions of the masses, and actively seek their understanding and support. Finally, I wish the comrades a complete success!" Li Rui burst into warm applause at the venue.He turned around and asked Jiang Liansheng beside him: "Have the policies been explained in place?" Jiang Liansheng nodded and said: "It's all clear. We also prepared promotional materials and printed 5,000 copies overnight, giving each person one copy." "Okay, thank you for your hard work."  I'm going to visit the wounded with Secretary Yu. Let's see you later." Li Rui handed the microphone directly to Jiang Liansheng, left the conference room, rushed to the Tianbao Hotel to meet Yu Shungen, and took the car to the hotel.  Rush to the county seat
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