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Text Chapter 149 It might not be a good opportunity

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    Lunch was arranged at the Fengyu Hotel next to the Coal Management Bureau. During the break before eating, Li Rui pulled Chen Shiwei aside and told him about someone taking pictures on the road.  Chen Shiwei smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, I'm also wondering why so many cars came today. This is definitely not a good thing, but today is the day when the old lady is buried. Now that things have reached this point, I really don't have the energy to intervene. I can't  Stop all these cars. Sigh" He sighed again. The past few days had made him mentally and physically exhausted, and he looked several years older.  Li Rui patted his shoulder sympathetically and said: "I asked Ding Junfeng to go down and keep an eye on the person who took the photo. Of course it's best if he's not a reporter. If he is a reporter he can only take one step at a time." Chen Shiwei felt very  He was furious. From the time when Gou Fugui gave gifts to so many cars today, it was obvious that someone wanted to take the opportunity to punish him. He said angrily: "I never thought that some people would be so despicable and would use the funeral of a kind old man to  I really have nothing to say! Li Rui, I feel sorry for my dead grandma right now." He gritted his teeth and said with a ferocious expression, "Forget it if nothing happens in the future.  If my grandma still has to be criticized by rumors after her death, and her spirit in heaven cannot be at peace, then don¡¯t blame me for retaliating with teeth.¡± Chen Shiwei has been able to sit firmly as the party committee secretary of Qingshanquan Town for so many years. Naturally, he is not a good man and a woman of faith.  For the first time, he showed his domineering power in front of Li Rui.  "Well, as long as the matter is not a last resort, there is no need to fight them to the death. We are also preparing for the worst. Besides, you have refunded all the gift money and you will go to the Discipline Inspection Commission to clarify the matter after you go to work. I  I think it's nothing serious," Li Rui comforted in a low voice.  Just as he was talking, Li Rui's cell phone rang.  "Director, I'm back." The call was from Ding Junfeng.  "Where are you?" "I'm in the bureau." "Okay, I'll be right over." After hanging up the phone, Li Rui said to Chen Shiwei: "Ding Junfeng is back, I'll go over and take a look." "You go,  Don¡¯t forget to call me if you have any news.¡± It was the New Year¡¯s holiday, and there was no one else in the office except the communication room. When Li Rui walked over, Ding Junfeng was waiting at the door of the team office on the ground floor.  "That woman is indeed a reporter. She not only took photos but also interviewed several onlookers." Ding Junfeng said quickly as he walked into the team office.  "Is she the only one? Are there any other reporters?" It turned out to be a reporter, Li Rui asked with a frown.  "She should be the only one. I paid careful attention and found no other suspicious targets." Ding Junfeng is a professional. Li Rui believes in his judgment. The only thing he is worried about is the photos taken by the reporter. There is a long queue of cars. The scene is real.  It's too big. If it is published in the newspapers, people who don't know the truth will definitely think that Lao Chen is a corrupt person.  "Director, I snatched the reporter's camera." Ding Junfeng took out a camera and said with a mysterious smile.  This was an unexpected surprise. Li Rui took the camera and looked at it. Nikon's professional camera was quite high-end.  "Are all the photos in there?" "I didn't see her changing the film. She took twenty-nine pictures, so they should all be in there." Ding Junfeng said.  Li Rui looked at the camera and it showed that twenty-nine pictures had been taken.  But such a camera was expensive. If Ding Junfeng snatched it from the street, it would be a serious criminal offence.  Ding Junfeng noticed Li Rui's worry and quickly explained: "Originally, I just wanted to take out the film and return the camera to her, but she yelled and many people helped chase her. I finally got away from them.  " Li Rui smiled and said: "That's the only way." As he said that, he was about to open the camera and take out the film for exposure, but as soon as his hand touched the back cover of the camera, he hesitated again. He was a little curious about this.  After thinking about what was taken inside, he handed the camera to Ding Junfeng and said, "Go and develop the photos, and keep them confidential." "Understood." Ding Junfeng nodded.  People who come from the special forces have a very deep understanding of confidentiality, and there was no news about what happened last time.  Li Yifeng returned home exhausted. During the Spring Festival, he was very busy as the executive deputy mayor. On the first and second days of the lunar month, he visited the workers who were fighting on the front line. On the third and fourth days of the lunar month, he rushed to the provincial capital to report to his superiors. After all this busy work, he finally felt relieved.  After taking a breath, he walked into the house and saw his younger sister Li Lin and his wife Fan Ling sitting on the sofa talking. Li Lin looked angry.  "Who made us Linlin angry again?" Li Yifeng said with a smile.  Fan Ling came over and took the bag from Li Yifeng and complained: "?You also said that when my little sister went for an interview today, her camera was snatched away.  " "Is everyone okay?  Where was it robbed?  "Li Yifeng asked quickly. Although he and Li Lin have the same father and are more than 20 years apart in age, they have a very good relationship. His stepmother died young and his father was busy with work at that time. The younger sister almost grew up with them.  Not so much a sister, but the relationship is no less than that of father and daughter. ¡°In Nanqiao County, things are not peaceful during the Chinese New Year. Fortunately, everyone is fine.  Fan Ling said with lingering fear on her face. Li Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that everyone was fine, "It's the Chinese New Year, isn't your newspaper office on holiday? Why don't you just stay at home and run around!"  " "Newspapers are published every day, even on holidays, as long as there is news, reporters will of course go to cover it.  Li Linyou said angrily, "It was definitely not an accident that my camera was robbed today. Someone definitely didn't want the photos I took to be exposed."  Brother, the cadres in Nanqiao are too lawless.  "    "what happened?  "Li Yifeng said in surprise. "We received reports from the masses that a cadre in Nanqiao held a big funeral and took the opportunity to accept gifts and was extravagant and wasteful. When I got the news, I went down to interview, but I didn't expect that my camera was snatched away in broad daylight.  .  " "Is this true?  "Li Yifeng interjected. "How is that not true? Dozens of cars drove by in a row, and the pomp and circumstance even blocked the road. Most of them were buses. This kind of cadre is really corrupt.  "Li Lin said angrily. Li Yifeng couldn't help but frowned and asked: "What is the name of this cadre? Do you know?  " "My name is Chen Shiwei. He seems to be the party secretary of Qingshanquan Town. It is his grandmother who is being buried today.  Brother, you don¡¯t know what the people below are talking about. They all say that this kind of pomp is even grander than when the grand master of Nanqiao County sent his father to mourn.  I originally wanted to take a photo of this scene to expose such a corrupt official, but I didn't expect that the camera was taken away.  This is a new camera bought by the newspaper. It costs 10,000 yuan. I will definitely have to pay for it when the time comes.  "At the end, Li Lin couldn't help but frown and said. Li Yifeng didn't pay attention to Li Lin's little trouble. How could the newspaper president ask her to pay for the camera if he knew that Li Lin was his sister! But what interested him was this  As for the matter itself, he knew the name Chen Shiwei. The Nanqiao County Party Committee was still short of a standing committee member. It was said that Chen Shiwei, the party secretary of Qingshanquan Town, was very popular. Even Guo Wending was very optimistic about this person. He knew this standing committee member very well.  Gao Changlong specifically asked Nanqiao County to choose the quota. To put it bluntly, he asked Ji Faling to nominate him. Speaking of which, he had a lot of opinions about Gao Changlong during this period. Last time, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection brought up the county magistrate of Shihu County in front of him.  Go, let him lose face. It is unlikely that the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission will not handle the case through Gao Changlong, but he didn't even say hello in advance. Isn't this a joke on him? And this time Shihu and Nanqiao!  Everyone else benefited from the personnel adjustments in the two counties. Not only did he not get any advantage, but the dismissal of Shihu County Mayor also greatly damaged his prestige as the executive deputy mayor. The last time Yang Liqing came to report.  Worker once tactfully suggested that Jin Shuigen, secretary of the Chengguan Town Party Committee, was good. Li Yifeng knew that Yang Liqing had a good relationship with the richest man in Nanqiao, Gou Fugui, and that Gou Fugui also had a good relationship with Cui Jian and He Yunzhi. The last auction of Changshan Coal Mine  In that farce, Cui Jian and Ho Yun-zhi spared no effort to praise their wealth. Li Yifeng sneered at this. It was typical of Chen Shiwei's grandmother to be obedient. Today, someone went to the newspaper to report Chen Shiwei's grandmother. With Li Yifeng's political wisdom, how could he not understand this?  There's something going on here, but it's not a bad opportunity for him. Sorry, there are so many people at home during the Chinese New Year. Lao Wan is busy entertaining the chef. I will resume updating twice a day tomorrow. Please forgive me and save more!  , highly recommended, thank you!
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