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Text Chapter 79 A Nest of Snakes and Rats

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    After having a lying meeting with Xie Wenjian, Li Rui also began to reflect on himself.  In fact, he has always looked down on these grassroots cadres from the bottom of his heart, even Guo Wending, who has always taken good care of him. He believes that this is an equivalent exchange. Guo Wending obtains political resources from his sister-in-law in exchange for taking care of him.  Therefore, more than a month after taking office in Nanqiao, he has not taken the initiative to report his work to Executive Deputy County Magistrate Su Zhiqiang.  In contrast, he maintains a very good relationship with those who take the initiative to show favor to him. Zhao Wenlong, Zhu Jie, Xie Caigen, including Geng Zhongchen, he thinks that this is a small circle that belongs to him, or that he builds his team.  A prototype.  In the final analysis, this is due to his noble and proud character.  And although he has no favorable impression of the Zhang family, and can even be said to be somewhat resentful, in fact the reason why he looks down on these low-level grassroots cadres is that deep down in his heart he actually regards himself as a member of the Zhang family.  Listening to the laughter, anger and curses of Xie Wenjian and Xu Daoping, although it is very vulgar, it is actually the voice of these grassroots cadres at the lowest level.  They exchange methods to deal with the top leaders. They are cunning and can even be called rogues, but you can't deny that these methods are often very effective.  Only then did Li Rui realize why he was always at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Du Jinsong?  It's because the methods he thinks are very sophisticated may still be immature in the eyes of Du Jinsong and others!  The melon and vine theory mentioned by Xie Wenjian greatly touched Li Rui. Compared with them, Li Rui had many advantages, but he did not know how to use these advantages, manage these advantages, and transform these advantages into his own business.  Win in the struggle, not use it to show off and label yourself.  At the same time, Li Rui couldn't help but lament that the complexity of officialdom is far from comparable to that of shopping malls. In his previous life, he used the banner of the Zhang family from time to time in the business world. Generally, he could easily get a few pieces of land or win the bid for several projects. Some grassroots officials also  It's a shame to give you enough face.  But when he really gets to know this group, they are by no means the good men and women he saw in his previous life. Once their fundamental interests are touched, the struggle is no more fierce than that of the higher-ups, and sometimes it's even life-and-death.  When the training class came to an end, the investigation and results of the joint investigation team at the city and county levels on the major water leakage accident in Changshan Coal Mine also came out.  After investigation, the investigation team determined that the accident was a major safety accident. Chen Taizhong, the legal representative of Changshan Coal Mine, was fully responsible for the incomplete disaster prevention and control work, inadequate management, and serious illegal operations. He also escaped from the incident and was extremely bad in nature. He will be investigated in accordance with the law.  criminal responsibility.  An Guangmin, the deputy mine director, failed to implement the water prevention and control work principles of "forecast, investigate when in doubt, explore before digging, treat before mining", failed to take timely measures to control, rushed to organize production, and arranged personnel to work in areas threatened by water damage.  Work in the lower area makes it impossible for personnel to evacuate after a water leakage accident.  However, in view of his active rescue after the accident, he was exempted from criminal punishment, his safety qualification certificate and mine director qualification certificate were revoked, and he was banned from serving as a coal mine director for life.  Zhu Wenbing, the director of the Qingshanquan Town Coal Management Station, was dismissed administratively; Changjiang Liansheng, deputy town deputy in charge of production safety in Qingshanquan Town, was given an administrative demerit; Ma Xuejun, chief of the safety production section of the Nanqiao County Coal Management Bureau, was demoted administratively; Nanqiao County Coal Management  Du Jinsong, the director of the bureau, was given an administrative demerit; Su Zhiqiang, the executive deputy head of Nanqiao County, was given an administrative warning.  Li Rui, who was in charge of production safety, was not included in the bottom-up punishment list. According to a phone call from Xie Caigen, it was County Party Secretary Ji Faling who spoke for him.  At that time, some people indeed proposed that Li Rui should be given at least a warning. Ji Faling made two points at that time. First, Li Rui had only been in office for just a month, and the safety hazards in Changshan Coal Mine did not occur in a day or two.  , it is unfair to attribute the leadership responsibility to Comrade Li Rui; secondly, it is precisely because Comrade Li Rui risked his life to find the trapped miners and connected a life rope that pointed the way for subsequent rescue that this time  Comrade Li Rui deserves most of the credit for the miracle of the rescue work, which is enough to make up for his mistakes.  "It is said that there was quite a heated debate on your issue at the Standing Committee. County Magistrate Yang meant that merits and demerits cannot be generalized. The punishment that should be given should still be given, so as to serve as a warning. In the end, it is still  Secretary Ji made the final decision, no praise, no punishment," Xie Caigen said on the phone.  I have to admit that he is very well-informed. Less than half a day after the Standing Committee meeting, he already knew what the leaders said at the meeting.  Paralyzed, it seems that Yang Liqing still harbors a grudge against him.  Li Rui cursed secretly and at the same time secretly warned, even though he had Guo Wending as his backer, it would be easy for Yang Liqing to put on his own shoes.  If Ji Faling hadn't spoken for him, he wouldn't have been able to escape a warning.  And it can be spread out on the table. Because you have merit, it will be recorded as a demerit and you will be warned. Even Guo Wending can say nothing.  But don't underestimate a small warning. It will be a stain that stays in the file for a lifetime. If you encounter promotion or something in the future, it will be very easy.??Being brought out by competitors to make excuses.  "How is the situation in the bureau recently?" Li Rui asked with some worry.  "We are busy evaluating the Changshan Coal Mine." "What's going on?" "Oh, you don't know yet, right? Chen Taizhong caught it. If you don't check, you won't know if you will be shocked. What a shame.  He was in debt, lost tens of millions in gambling in Macau, and even owed the wages of the miners below for several months. As soon as this happened, everything was exposed. Now the miners are making trouble, so the county government  It was decided to nationalize the Changshan Coal Mine, and then transfer it through bidding. Now the bureau is busy with this matter, "Oh, I understand." As long as Du Jinsong and the others don't bother, Li Rui will be relieved.  .  As for the affairs of the Changshan Coal Mine, it was not within his scope, and if it was sold as soon as possible, at least the miners could get their wages earlier. During the days when he was trapped underground, Li Rui also fully felt the pain of those who worked hard every day and put their heads in trouble.  It's not easy for miners who wear belts.  But not long after Li Rui finished his training and returned to work, the appraisal price from an intermediary company commissioned by the Coal Management Bureau came out, which surprised Li Rui. Experts like Xie Caigen and others had previously estimated that the Changshan Coal Mine was worth at least 20 to 30 million yuan.  It turned out to be only 12 million.  After a series of hazy operations, Gou Fugui finally won the bid with a price of 10 million.  This price surprised Li Rui again. In his previous life, he had experienced many secretive biddings. This was the first time he had encountered such a bidding process in which the price got lower and lower.  So damn dark!  In addition to the Coal Management Bureau, the Bidding Committee is also composed of personnel from the Discipline Inspection Commission, Audit and other relevant departments.  Let Xu Daoping really say it, Gou Fugui's relationship in Nanqiao is indeed extraordinary.  The final payment method is even more fucking strange. The ten million is not collected in one lump sum, but paid off year by year within five years. Damn it!  Isn't this a waste of money?  Changshan Coal Mine normally produces 500,000 tons of coal a year. Based on the current market price, excluding various expenses, taxes, management fees, etc., the annual net profit can reach about 3 million.  This means that Gou Fugui can not only make a net loss of more than one million yuan a year without spending a penny, but also the coal mine will be all his own in five years.  This business was difficult for many people to understand, but the main leaders of the county party committee and the county government fully affirmed it. It has become a successful example of integrating non-performing assets. Gou Fugui was heard on TV and filmed in newspapers, and became Peng Peng  A celebrity entrepreneur who is a household name in the city suddenly has an unparalleled reputation and is at the top of his game!  "Male Gobi, what's this? A coal mine worth 20 to 30 million yuan was sold for 10 million yuan at a low price. What a typical girl? Du Jinsong, He Xianqun, and Zhou Jian have been busy with this matter these days.  I don¡¯t know how much benefit I got!¡± Li Rui couldn¡¯t help complaining while drinking with Xie Caigen.  After returning from training, he has been very busy these days. He visits the coal mine every day and checks various safety facilities.  After working so hard, I came back to see them sharing the money with a smile. Is it strange that I feel unbalanced?  "Okay, stop complaining!" Xie Caigen poured him a glass of wine with a smile, "This kind of thing is beyond our control. Didn't you see that not only Secretary Ji and County Magistrate Yang sang praises for him, but also  Mayor Cui also fully affirmed it." Xie Caigen said with a mysterious face: "Don't you see the truth behind this? I guess Du Jinsong and the others can only drink some soup.  Most of them are on top." Xie Caigen pointed upward.  Li Rui was not without doubts. On TV, in newspapers and even at conferences, the county committee and county government spared no effort to praise those who live in wealth and status, who show their courtesy for nothing, commit adultery or steal, and are indeed a den of snakes and rats.  Assets of 20 to 30 million were sold at a low price of 10 million, and they did so with confidence, with great fanfare, and carried the red flag to set an example. Even Li Rui, who had seen numerous examples of collusion between government and businessmen in his previous life, could not help but admire these people's courage to ignore the laws of the country.  .
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