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Text Chapter 65 Rescue (2)

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    Thirty or forty miners gathered in front of the mine. Some of them lived in the mine, while others lived nearby and came to help after hearing the news.  "Brother miners, I am the party secretary and deputy director of the Nanqiao County Coal Management Bureau. My name is Li Rui." Li Rui jumped on a mine car and shouted to the crowd. The originally noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.  , their eyes all turned to Li Rui, who was standing on the mine cart.  "Everyone knows that we have forty-six miners trapped under the well. We need to understand the situation below, how fast the water level is rising, the reason for the water leakage, and where the specific water leakage point is" "We went down just now.  At that time, the roadway leading to the working surface was flooded, and people couldn't get through it. How could we check" "That's right, who knows if there will be water leakage in other places?" "If groundwater is really dug, it will be necessary.  Landslide, doesn¡¯t this mean we¡¯re going to die?¡± Li Rui was interrupted by a flurry of chatter just in the middle of his words.  "Everyone is right!" Li Rui raised his voice and said loudly: "Your mine manager An also told me the same thing just now, but these are all possible, but our forty-six brothers are now actually  They are trapped below, and their lives are in danger at any time. Maybe some people have But no matter what, we can't just watch these brothers die." Then Li Rui calmed down slightly and said: "Everyone is here.  A worker in a mine is very familiar with the brothers working there. Some of them may be related to each other, and some may drink and play cards with each other as brothers. Is it possible that he would put this aside just for the sake of some possible dangers?  Do you care about the lives of forty-six brothers? " "Isn't the rescue team coming soon? Why don't you let the rescue team go down and insist on us?" Another voice came up and questioned.  "Who said the rescue team can't go down? How can we save people if we don't go down? But someone just said that the situation down there is very complicated. It may take the rescue team several hours or even a day to go down and just figure out the situation. And you just  It's different. You have been working down there for many years, and you are definitely more familiar with the situation than the rescue team. And mine director An will also go down. He is your old mage, and he may be the most familiar with the situation, and I am also the one who knows the situation the most.  I will go down. But just the two of us are not enough. Now I only need three people, three people who are familiar with the situation below, so that the rescue team can immediately rush to rescue people as soon as they arrive.  Everyone, if we delay for one minute, we may lose a life. Three people, I need three people. If anyone is willing, please come forward." "I'll go, my cousin is still down there, he must be alive.  ." The first person stood up.  "I'll go too. There's my second uncle down there. Their family is entirely supported by my second uncle. If he has any shortcomings, the backbone of their family will collapse. I must rescue my second uncle." Again.  Someone step up.  "I'm going." "I'm going too. I'm not afraid of officials. What should I be afraid of?" "Yes, let's all go." Seven or eight people suddenly stood out from the crowd.  Li Rui stood on the mine cart and laughed and said: "Okay! Everyone is doing well! But we don't need so many people, three are enough." Jiang Liansheng standing aside saw this scene and couldn't help but express his gratitude to Ma Xuejun beside him.  Said: "Your Secretary Li is really brave. These bastards were all trying to resist and dare not go down just now." Ma Xuejun also said sincerely: "Of course, what you just said made my blood boil with excitement. If I were a few years younger,  I will definitely go down." Li Rui changed into miner's clothes, wearing a safety helmet and holding a mining lamp on his head. For the sake of safety, An Guangmin specially selected four miners, all of whom were strong and familiar with the situation below.  Also carry a long enough rope and emergency light with you.  Because the power distribution room below was flooded and the power supply had been cut off, the six people could only walk slowly down along the track of the mine car.  Although there were searchlights shining in from the outside, as we went deeper and turned, the searchlights soon lost their light, leaving only the miner's lamp on our head and the emergency light in our hands.  "Everyone, be careful." An Guangmin led the way, and Li Rui walked behind him to support him. The old guy was old and already out of breath due to psychological stress.  After walking for nearly a kilometer in the dark and dropping about three to four hundred meters in height, An Guangmin stopped and said, "The water has reached here." An Guangmin used emergency lights to carefully illuminate the surrounding situation and said with a serious expression.  : "The power distribution room should be in front. The terrain here is about two meters higher than the power distribution room" followed byA young miner from ? came down before when installing drainage pipes. He was surprised: "The water came up so fast! When we came down earlier, the water had just reached the door of the power distribution room." "It was until now when you came down.  It has been almost two hours since we went down. Water is still being pumped outside. The water level has risen by one meter in an hour. The height of the working surface is about ten meters higher than the tunnel. "An Guangmin counted with his eyes closed,"  Even if the high-power drainage pump of the rescue team is in place in an hour, it is estimated that it will take two to three hours to install the pipes and then drain the water" An Guangmin opened his eyes and said with a sad face: "The working surface can last up to thirty hours.  , unless the drainage capacity outside can reach 500 cubic meters per hour, but if we want to rescue people, even if the drainage capacity is doubled, it will take at least seventy or eighty hours, and the people inside will have nothing to eat or drink.  "I don't know how long I can hold on?" "Even if there is no food during the seventy-two-hour golden rescue period, as long as we do everything we can to get rid of the water as soon as possible, there should still be hope. And there is no shortage of water here, even if it is a little dirty.  It can quench your thirst." Li Rui patted An Guangmin's shoulder to comfort him.  "Water?" An Guangmin was suddenly stunned, then squatted down and picked up the water in the mine, carefully observed the color of the water under the miner's lamp, and then tasted it.  "Bah! Bah!" As soon as the water was in his mouth, he hurriedly spat it out, "It's bitter and astringent, and the color is red. This is Xiaoyao Laokong water." An Guangmin said with an annoyed look:  "I didn't pay attention when the water was first pumped out. Now it became clear that they must have encountered the old kiln while drilling. I have told them long ago that our area of ??Changshan has been around since the Qing Dynasty.  When mining coal, you must pay attention to these old kiln entrances and do waterproofing work. They just don't listen, and Boss Chen doesn't take it seriously. Is something wrong now? " "What is the old empty water in the small kiln?  "Li Rui really doesn't know anything about the professional names on these coal mines.  Before An Guangmin could answer, a miner next to him said: "The old empty water in Xiaoyao is the goaf area where coal was dug before. Over time, it will be filled with water, which is equivalent to a small underground reservoir. If it is not dug out during excavation, it will be filled with water."  If you touch the edges of these goafs carefully, it is very easy to cause water leakage accidents. Moreover, this kind of water is very acidic and tastes astringent. It will be poisonous if you drink it. "It is really rainy when the house leaks. If it doesn't happen for three or four days."  I can still bear to eat, but once I'm short of water, I'll be in big trouble, and I'm still guarding so much poisonous water. I'm afraid that if someone can't hold on, it's really like drinking poison to quench thirst.  "No!" An Guangmin suddenly exclaimed again, "Once the water in Xiaoyao Laokong breaks out, it will be very fierce, and someone will definitely be washed away. Didn't you see one when you came down to lay the pipe just now?  "No one." The young miner from before shook his head and said, "There was still electricity down there. We searched carefully and found no one, and no one answered our calls.  The water in the alleyway has reached two-thirds of the height of the alleyway, and people can't get through at all. We just returned." Li Rui also understood, and at the same time felt a chill down his spine. This small kiln owner.  Once the empty water is leaked, it is like a small underground reservoir bursting its banks. The water rushing out is extremely fierce. As long as there are people on the working surface, they will be washed away. This means that there may have been heavy casualties.  Li Rui took a deep breath and said: "Since we are here, let's go to the flooded alleyway leading to the working surface to have a look." An Guangmin also had the same idea as Li Rui and was eager to take a look, so he quickly ordered  They tied the ropes they brought around their waists, leaving two people to guard here. The other two who had come down earlier waded through the water with them and walked slowly towards the working surface.  As the terrain drops, the water slowly reaches from the ankles to the waist, and the current feels very fast, and you may be washed down by the water if you are not careful.  "It seems that the permeable place must be the working surface. The terrain there is high, and the water rushes down from above, so it is not only urgent but also rises quickly." An Guangmin said as they walked, their eyes met, both with deep worries.  .
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