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Text Chapter 38 The First Fire

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    The next day at work, office director Zhou Jian finally appeared in Li Rui's office.  Yesterday, Li Rui asked Geng Zhongchen to notify the principal and deputy cadres and business backbones of the departments he was in charge of for a meeting. The office was also his area of ??responsibility, so Zhou Jian had to show up to ask for instructions.  Li Rui didn't bother him, and directly ordered him to notify relevant personnel for a meeting.  With a total of nearly 20 people from the four departments, there was definitely no room for them in the office, so the meeting was held in the conference room on the fourth floor.  Although all the participants except the heads of departments were selected by Geng Zhongchen, Zhou Jian seemed not to want Geng Zhongchen to be in the limelight and took the initiative to perform the duties of the office director.  He introduced them to Li Rui one by one, and at the same time reiterated yesterday's resolution of the bureau party committee.  Most of the business backbones are young people, and it is estimated that Du Jinsong and the others have pulled over the senior ones.  Li Rui paid special attention to the heads of the other three departments except Zhou Jian.  Wu Kaixian, the chief of the Political and Engineering Section, is an old man in his early fifties; Tan Chunyu, from the Finance Section, is in her thirties, dressed to the nines, but her appearance is not flattering; Ma Xuejun, from the Safety Production Section, is in his early forties, wearing black-rimmed glasses.  .  Although the three people were sitting in the front row, their eyes were wandering and they were deliberately avoiding Li Rui's gaze.  "Next, we ask Secretary Li to give a speech to everyone." For most of us, the new leader felt very fresh, and the applause was quite enthusiastic. Li Rui felt proud to be a leader, and he quickly found a new leader.  He felt like, "Thank you for the applause. The applause is very warm, which shows that I am not a hateful person." After a humorous opening remark, Li Rui found that several young people below had surprised expressions.  The excited look clearly showed recognition and welcome to him.  Li Rui is very satisfied with this way of speaking. In fact, just one speech is very learned.  Usually when people see leaders speaking on TV or other occasions, they usually disapprove of them. They always think that the leaders¡¯ words are written by the secretary and can be spoken by any individual.  In fact, it is not the case. When facing different people and on different occasions, it is very important to use the tone, the way, and the angle from which the same words are spoken.  Li Rui also put a lot of thought into his speech today.  First, he is relatively young. The most taboo thing for young people to be leaders is to be impetuous, arrogant, and arrogant. The first thing they must learn is to be modest and prudent, respect the old and love the young, learn with an open mind, and unite all those who can be united; second,  This is Li Rui's first speech today as the party committee secretary. The first consideration is to get most people to accept him and identify with him. He feels that Secretary Li is an approachable and unassuming leader who is very close to everyone and has a close heart.  , easy to contact and make friends.  The second thing to express is that he is willing to share the joys and sorrows with his comrades, not to be special, and to complete all the work together; fourth, in view of the current situation of the Coal Management Bureau, Li Rui must first find a way to gain a foothold, and then wait for the opportunity.  This requires a group of people to support you. As the saying goes, it means forming a gang, so the signal sent to everyone during the speech is: This leader is good and trustworthy, and there is a future with him.  Li Rui talked about his personal personality, how to deal with others, and his humble request to learn from everyone, to his previous experience working in the Youth League Committee of Yenching University.  At this point, Li Rui noticed that most people showed surprise, and then admiration. Yenching University is the dream of many young people!  Li Rui then talked about the work of the Municipal Planning Commission, emphasizing that he was transferred to the Coal Management Bureau after graduating from the Youth Cadre Class of the Municipal Party School. The purpose was to train himself, not to become an official.  Among them, there is no trace of his personal relationship with Director Guo of the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department.  As soon as these words came out, it was no longer those young people. The heads of the four departments, including Zhou Jian, the old fox, all looked moved.  Sometimes you should be high-profile when you should be high-profile, especially when facing those who don¡¯t know how to praise.  Li Rui glanced around and saw that the expected effect had been achieved. The smile on his face became even stronger. He finally concluded: "In short, what am I like? You will know after being in contact with them for a long time. I am willing to do it with you."  Colleagues, make friends. During working hours, I am your leader. Outside of eight hours after work, I hope everyone will treat me as a true friend. The older ones can call me Li Rui or Xiao Li, and the younger ones can call me Brother Li.  " After the meeting, Li Rui called Wu Kaixian from the Political Engineering Department to the office alone. Wu Kaixian was obviously a little nervous. As soon as his butt touched the chair, he said quickly: "Secretary Li, I want to report to you the work of our Political Engineering Department at this stage."  Li Rui nodded, feeling secretly proud in his heart. For such a small person, Li Rui just wanted to tell them that I have a background and a big one. It depends on whether you are honest or not!  Obviously Wu Kaixian already felt guilty.  After listening to Wu Kaixian's report, Li Rui smiled and nodded on the surface, but he was already scolding in his stomach. This old Cai Bangzi pretended to be quite the same. He didn't mention the recommendation of the deputy chief clerk. If Geng Zhongchen hadn't reminded him, today  ??I'm going to be fooled by this old guy.  Many jobs in the Political Science and Engineering Department are vocational. Li Rui has been in the Youth League Committee of Yenching University and Pengcheng City Planning Committee for more than two years. When commenting on this kind of vocational work, he is very familiar with it, and his views are mostly from a high position.  Taking advantage of Wu Kaixian's gradual relaxation, Li Rui asked abruptly: "Old Wu, I heard in the Organization Department that our bureau was given a place as a deputy chief clerk. Have the candidates been submitted? Who is it?" Wu Kaixian heard this.  His eyes were a little panicked, and he quickly said: "The bureau is going to recommend Comrade Fang Lanlan, the section chief of the Administrative Services Section, as the deputy chief staff member, but it has not been submitted yet." Li Rui tapped his fingers on the desk, his eyes  Staring at Wu Kaixian, he still said with a smile on his face: "Old Wu! When you reported your work just now, why did you leave out such an important task! Did you forget it accidentally or did you deliberately hide it from me?  " Wu Kaixian's head is sweating. If he accidentally forgets the answer, who will believe it!  He had just reported on several party member activities organized by the party branches of several coal management stations below. How could he have forgotten such a big thing.  Do you really want to tell Li Rui that I deliberately hid it from you and didn't let you know?  "LiSecretary Li, don't get me wrong!" Wu Kaixian stammered and explained, "Actually, the matter is like this. The matter was already settled before you came. Comrade Fang Lanlan meets the conditions in all aspects, so  " Li Rui waved his hand and interrupted Wu Kaixian's explanation, "Aside from Comrade Fang Lanlan, are there any other comrades who meet the requirements? Lao Wu, you have been serving as the chief of the Political and Engineering Section for many years. I see you.  It is also very qualified. Besides, it has been decided before. Has the party committee held a meeting? Even if the previous party committee has passed the decision, but now that I am the party committee secretary, at least I should know it, right?  As the deputy chief clerk, Wu Kaixian was secretly dissatisfied with this matter, but Meng Chunsheng, who was more senior than him, had already been dismissed, and he had nothing to say. Who told him to be promoted in bed?  Faced with Li Rui's questioning, he could only remain silent, and said secretly in his heart: "Anyway, this is what Du Jinsong decided, and it was Du Jinsong who didn't let me report to you. If you have the ability, go to Du Jinsong and leave me alone."  What's going on!" "In fact, Li Rui also knows very well that there are only three things to do when a new official takes office. If you don't let go of this fire, people will treat you like nothing.  The reason why he put the first fire on Wu Kaixian's head today was to pick up the weakest persimmons, establish the prestige of the party committee secretary, and open up the work situation as soon as possible.  Li Ruiyue said that the fire was getting louder, he slammed the table, pointed at Wu Kaixian and said: "This is the most basic organizational principle. You, Old Wu, have been the chief of the political and engineering section for so many years. Don't you understand this? What are we doing?"  The most important thing in administrative work is to have rules. If you don't understand the rules, then don't blame me for being rude" Hearing this, Wu Kaixian raised his head in surprise. It turned out that he was still thinking of asking Li Rui to scold him.  It was enough to vent his anger for a while. Anyway, there would be a big man to hold up the sky if it fell, but he didn't expect that Li Rui would actually take action.  "Removing you from your post needs to be discussed at the party committee, but as the party committee secretary and deputy director in charge of organizational personnel, I have the right to ask you to temporarily stop the work at hand, reflect on it, and make an in-depth inspection at the next party member meeting! At present, science and technology  The work here is temporarily in charge of the deputy section chief," Li Rui said bluntly.  When Wu Kaixian heard that Li Rui not only wanted to suspend him, but also asked him to self-examine in public at the party members meeting, where could he put his old face? He immediately became completely confused, "Secretary Li, what do you mean? Are you here?"  If you are angry at other places, you can't take it out on me. If you have the ability, go find them! Do you think I, Wu Kaixian, is easy to bully?" Seeing Wu Kaixian finally getting angry, Li Rui felt secretly happy and wanted to retaliate.  When Fang Lanlan went up, this was originally a secret operation. Now he was eager to make the matter bigger and see how Du Jinsong would end up.  "Comrade Wu Kaixian, what is your attitude! As a party member, you must be brave enough to take responsibility and face it when you have done something wrong. You are an old party member who has been educated by the party for many years. You should be clear about our party's policies, learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones, and treat illnesses and save lives.  , As long as you can correct your attitude and repent seriously, you will still be a good comrade!" Li Rui knocked on the table with a sad look.  Wu Kaixian became even more angry. What does it mean to avoid past mistakes and avoid future ones, treat illnesses and save people? What do you think of me?  "Li Rui, don't go too far! I know what you want to use! Don't think that because you have the backing of the Municipal Party Committee Organization Minister, others will be afraid of you. I tell you honestly, I'm not afraid. I'm just a stock-level cadre, it's no big deal.  Yes, the Municipal Party Committee¡¯s Organization Director can¡¯t control me.¡± ¡°Bang!¡± Li Rui slammed the table, ¡°Wu Kaixian, are you still a party member? You don¡¯t want to evade the important and take the easy. There is no room for bargaining on matters of principle.  .Today??I will tell you the truth, if you still fail to learn your lesson and make trouble unreasonably, I will suggest that the party committee remove you from your position as the chief of the Political and Engineering Section.  "    "you dare!  You do not want¡­¡­"
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