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Text Chapter 2 Saving Uncle-in-law

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    Thick hair, smooth face, thin figure.  Li Rui stood in front of the mirror and stared blankly at his own image. It was the self with the best image and the best years of his life.  I have once again gained the most golden twenty years in my life, and I am either ecstatic, hesitant, or confused, and all kinds of emotions are intertwined together.  No one¡¯s life is perfect.  Even though Li Rui was sensual, unrestrained, and happy with his life in the past twenty years, he still had countless regrets.  "The call just now was from my uncle, and he is still alive. Yes! Since God has given me a gift to live for another twenty years, I must save my uncle and prevent the tragedy from happening again." Li Rui suddenly thought through it, clenched his fists, and said to  He waved hard at himself in the mirror.  Brother-in-law Li Wenjun was one of the first batch of college students after the college entrance examination was resumed in 1977. He studied at Pengcheng Institute of Technology and was assigned to the Pengcheng Engineering Machinery Factory after graduating in 1982.  With a solid academic foundation, it took just over a year to figure out the production technology in all aspects of the factory and became the absolute technical backbone of the factory.  ??In 1983 and 1984, when the central government advocated vigorously cultivating young cadres with knowledge and ability, my uncle went from technician to technical section chief, workshop director, deputy production director to deputy secretary of the party committee and factory director.  In 1989, the state integrated industrial enterprises, and Pengcheng Engineering Machinery Factory merged with a subsidiary of the Ministry of Machinery Industry to formally form Pengcheng Group.  My brother-in-law became the managing director and deputy general manager, and became a deputy department-level cadre in his early thirties.  After the integration, the Penggong Group developed rapidly. As the deputy general manager in charge of technology and production, my uncle took the greatest credit and became a strong competitor for the general manager of the group.  But something unexpected happened. In 1993, a major safety accident occurred at Pengong Group. A giant gantry crane with a weight of nearly 2,000 tons and a 300-ton capacity that was being installed collapsed, killing 21 people and five others.  People were injured and direct economic losses exceeded tens of millions of yuan.  Li Rui's brother-in-law also died in the accident.  The accident caused heavy casualties and had extremely negative impact. Relevant central ministries and commissions and the provincial and municipal levels formed a joint investigation team to conduct an accident investigation. The result was that the 300-ton giant gantry crane where the accident occurred had quality hazards. Peng, who was responsible for the on-site installation command,  Li Wenjun, deputy general manager of the Industrial Group, is responsible for the group's technology and production and therefore bears the main responsibility for the accident.  Since Li Wenjun was unfortunately killed in the accident, he will no longer be held responsible. However, the originally scheduled memorial service will be cancelled, and the pension will be paid according to the general employee benefits.  As a family member, Li Rui simply does not believe such investigation results, and cannot accept that his uncle must bear such an infamy after his death.  Privately, I found several of my uncle's former subordinates and learned that the gantry crane where the accident occurred had undergone multiple technical inspections during its previous installation. The quality was completely up to standard and there were no hidden quality risks.  And someone also quietly revealed that the Pengcheng Mining Bureau Mechanical Installation Company was responsible for the installation of the gantry crane, and the on-site command was Qi Cunwei, the manager of this mechanical installation company.  ¡°Obviously someone misled the accident investigation and deliberately poured dirty water on my uncle.  Li Rui went to the investigation team to make trouble, but there was no result. He went to find the people who had disclosed the information to him to testify, but no one dared to come forward.  The reason is that Qi Cunwei is not only a division-level cadre, but he also has a good brother, Qi Yingwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Suhuai Provincial Committee and executive deputy governor.  Li Rui found many people, including his uncle who asked Zhang Zhuoyang to find the deputy director of the Planning Commission for help. He even went to Jiangdong Province to find his father Zhang Jianguo in person, thinking that after all, his uncle was also his former brother-in-law.  But Zhang Jianguo dismissed himself by saying, "I'll understand the situation first."  After that, there was no news at all.  It was not until many years later that Zhang Zhuoyang confided the true situation to him after drinking.  Although Qi Yingwei is the executive deputy governor of Suhuai Province, the Qi family and the Zhang family are not on the same level. If the Zhang family intervenes, it will definitely turn around.  But Li Wenjun is dead after all. To make an enemy of the Qi family over a dead man is not worth the loss for the Zhang family.  What's more, Li Rui's mud can't support the wall, so the Zhang family has even more reason to stand by and watch.  Hearing the news, Li Rui was deeply stimulated.  I hate the Zhang family and myself at the same time, but all this is irreversible.     What's the date today?  Li Rui suddenly realized this serious problem.  I picked up my phone out of habit and saw the date on it: June 25, 1993.     Oops!  Isn¡¯t my uncle the one who died today?  Li Rui quickly dialed the number. Strangely enough, his uncle's eldest brother's number naturally popped into his mind.  "Beep, beep" The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered. Li Rui became more and more nervous. In just a few minutes, uncle, shouldn't he The phone was connected, and a young voice came from the other end: "  Hello! Mr. Li is not here. Who are you? "My uncle's secretary, Wang Tianyu."  Li Rui relaxed slightly?While taking a breath, I immediately thought of a name.  "Xiao Wang, I am Li Rui. Where has Mr. Li gone?" Li Rui asked quickly.  "Hello, Chu Li." Wang Tianyu's tone quickly became polite, "Mr. Li went down to inspect the work. It won't be too long. What can you do" Before Wang Tianyu could finish speaking, Li Rui interrupted him rudely.  : "Xiao Wang, catch up with me right now. Don't let him go to the gantry crane hoisting site. Ask him to call me back right away." "Li Chu, are you in a hurry?" "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up  Yes. Human life is a matter of great importance!" Li Rui shouted loudly.  "Okay! I'll go find Mr. Li right away." Wang Tianyu was startled and quickly agreed.  "What's so bad! What's so great about it." After hanging up the phone, Wang Tianyu muttered in a low voice.  He despised his boss's notorious nephew from the bottom of his heart.  Then he was stunned again, hey!  How did he know that Mr. Li went to the gantry crane hoisting site?  However, Wang Tianyu did not dare to neglect, and hurried out with his big brother.  Li Rui didn't waste any time, put on his clothes randomly, ran out of the door without brushing his teeth and washing his face.  Pengong Group is located in the north of the city, nearly six or seven kilometers away from the municipal government¡¯s family home in the city center. If you don¡¯t have a car, you can only take a taxi.  The situation was urgent, and there was no call from his uncle. Li Rui trotted all the way, and a red Xiali taxi stopped at the gate of the family home. The woman who wanted to recruit was about to open the door and get in the car.  Upon seeing this, Li Rui hurriedly ran a few steps, opened the door quickly and got in the car before the woman.  "Hey!" The woman was startled.  "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry!" Li Rui didn't even look back, "Master, Peng Gong Group." "She was the first" the driver pointed to the woman outside the car.  Li Rui directly threw out a hundred-dollar bill, "Hurry, the sooner the better! This is yours." The driver's eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded hurriedly: "Okay!" He shifted gears and started the car with unusual ease.  "I called for the taxi, why did you" The woman who had just reacted was about to come up and argue, but she heard the door close with a "bang!" and the taxi sped away.  "Who are you? You're so incompetent!" Looking at the car in the distance, Gao Jie had no choice but to stamp her feet and raised her hand to look at the time. It was already past eight o'clock.  There are very few taxis in this area, but I finally managed to hail one and was robbed by a rogue.  "Gao Jie." Just as Gao Jie was anxiously looking for a taxi, a red Mulan drove out of the gate.  Gao Jie turned around and saw that it was Dong Qiliang, his classmate in middle school.  "Dong Qiliang, are you off today?" Dong Qiliang is the secretary of Executive Vice Mayor Li Yifeng. Gao Jie was a little surprised to see him driving the Mulan leisurely by himself.  Dong Qiliang's originally smiling face suddenly looked a little embarrassed: "Mayor Li went to the province for a meeting." The leader went out without a secretary, which meant that the secretary had not yet gained the leader's trust. For Dong Qiliang, he felt embarrassed and lurked at the same time.  A deep sense of crisis.  "Oh." Gao Jie responded, turned around and looked at both ends of the road.  "Are you in a hurry to go to the hospital?" Dong Qiliang got out of the car and pushed Mulan over and asked with concern.  It is extremely concerning that the wife of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary is ill and hospitalized.  "Yes." Gao Jie nodded and complained at the same time: "I went out a little late today. I just stopped a car and it was robbed. At this time, the doctor has almost finished checking the ward." "Just now I  I saw it when I came over. That person was so outrageous." Speaking of the person who robbed the taxi, Dong Qiliang noticed Gao Jie's unhappy look, and then said, "The person just now seemed to be Li Rui from the Planning Commission.  "Dong Qiliang had an unpleasant experience with Li Rui. If given the opportunity, Dong Qiliang would certainly be happy to put some eye drops in front of the daughter of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary.  "You know him! This kind of person is of such poor quality." Gao Jie said angrily.  Dong Qiliang continued: "He is the deputy director of the Industrial Department of the Planning Commission. He was transferred just this year. His working ability is average, and it is said that his life style is not very good." Women generally feel disgusted when they hear that a man has a problem with his life style, and Gao Jie also  He frowned involuntarily.  However, after all, Li Rui was personally arranged by Vice Mayor Guo Wending. Dong Qiliang did not dare to go too far and said to Gao Jie courteously: "There are not many taxis here, so I'll take you there." Gao Jie looked at Xiao Mulan.  The seat was narrow and small, and I was wearing a skirt today, so it was not only inconvenient but also very crowded.  However, Gao Jie hesitated as she thought she wouldn't be able to get a taxi for a while.  Dong Qiliang saw that Gao Jie did not refuse, so heHe hurriedly got on the car, sat forward exaggeratedly, squeezed out as much space as possible, and said: "Gao Jie, come on up! I can drive very steadily." Gao Jie is not only the daughter of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary Gao Changlong, but also a beautiful woman  Woman, and recently divorced.  Thinking of such a delicate beauty sitting behind little Mulan and hugging her waist tightly, she couldn't help but want to drool.  At this moment, a taxi happened to come around the corner.  The hesitant Gao Jie's eyes suddenly lit up, and he waved quickly, and at the same time said to Dong Qiliang, who was looking forward to it: "Thank you, a car is coming." Dong Qiliang watched Gao Jie get into the car, although there was still a smile on his face.  Gao Jie waved goodbye, but in her heart she was cursing the taxi for not coming early or late, but it happened to show up at this time, and the opportunity to kiss Fangze slipped away in vain.
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