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Volume 1 Encountering a Vampire Chapter 104 Why fight if you want to die?

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    Even in the virtual space, one can lose consciousness - Asuna thought inadvertently the moment she fell to the maze floor.  Loss of consciousness is caused by a temporary delay in blood flow to the brain, resulting in a temporary cessation of body functions.  But it is hard to imagine that the same reaction will occur in the physical body in reality. Even if it does, it probably doesn't matter. After all, such a virtual online game kidnapping incident occurred, and the real body has been transferred to the hospital.  Consciousness gradually becomes thinner, and all distracting thoughts disappear.  ¡°Forget it, it doesn¡¯t matter.  Finally, Asuna thought like this.  Yes, it doesn¡¯t matter what you think about now.  .  Because she will die here.  It¡¯s impossible to stay safe while passed out in a maze where ferocious monsters roam.  Although there may be other players nearby, considering that rescuing others who have fainted will also involve themselves in danger, so as long as they are not fools, they should not go to the rescue, and the result will be obvious.  In addition, they don¡¯t know how to help the player who falls on the ground.  In this world, the system has strict regulations on the total weight that each player can transport.  At the bottom of the maze, everyone should be carrying medicines and preparation equipment that have reached the maximum weight limit, and there should also be money and props dropped from battles. It is absolutely impossible to carry other players on their backs.  .  ¡ª¡ªWhen she thought of this, Asuna finally realized it.  A strong feeling of dizziness came over me.  As a reflection at the moment before falling to the ground, it was too long and too comfortable, right?  ??And the bottom of the body should have been a hard stone pavement, but what came from the back was a subtle soft touch.  Slowly, the body began to warm up, and at the same time, I felt the peaceful breeze blowing on my cheeks Naturally, I opened my eyes as if I had woken up.  The surrounding area is no longer a maze area isolated by thick stone walls, but an open space in a forest.  Wherever you look, there are trees covered with bright green moss and small flowers with thorns.  In the middle of the open space, which was almost half a room in size, Asuna found herself passed out on the carpet-like grass no, sleeping on it.     ¡ª¡ªWhat the hell does this happen?  Why did I, who should have fallen at the lowest level of the maze area, move to this remote area?  Soon, eyes mixed with confusion noticed the figure not far away.  An almost completely black figure was sitting next to the roots of a huge tree.  There was an ordinary one-handed sword on hand. He raised his head and looked at the sky calmly, not knowing what he was thinking, as if he was in a daze.  Only the profile of his face was visible, but it was obscured by his purple hair, but judging from his equipment and physique, there was no doubt that he was the male player who spoke to him before he fainted in the maze.  ¡°I¡¯m afraid this man used some method to move his fallen body to the forest outside the maze.  Looking at the surrounding forest scenery, more than a hundred meters to the left, there is a huge tower that reaches straight to the sky - the dark maze area on the first floor of Aincrad is right there.  His eyes couldn¡¯t help but focus on the man again.  I don¡¯t know if he was aware of his own actions, but the man in the dark black coat shook his shoulders and turned his face.  In this bright noon forest, his eyes were as dark as the starless night sky.  The moment he met the gaze of those eyes, a strange feeling of frustration arose in his mind.  Asuna¡ª¡ªYuki Asuna bit her lip and squeezed out such a sentence in a low and hoarse voice.  "Don'tmeddle in other people's business." * Since being imprisoned in this world, Asuna has asked herself these words hundreds of times.  Why did you want to touch this emerging game machine that did not originally belong to you?  Why put it on your head, lie on a mesh bench, and say the activation command?  It was not Asuna who purchased this cursed killing machine and the vast Soul Prison game, but her much older brother Koichiro.  But for Koichiro, he has lived a life that has nothing to do with games and MMORPGs since he was a child.  As the eldest son who is the representative management president of a large electronic machinery manufacturing factory, 'Rector', why does the elder brother, who has received various educations and excluded many things in order to become his father's heir, have such an attitude towards SAO?  I'm interested. The reason for this has not been clear to Asuna until now.  But the irony is that Koichiro is not interested in this game that he bought for the first time since his birth.??Have never played it.  On the days when the server was officially launched, he went overseas on a business trip.  The day before departure, while having dinner with Asuna, he made some joking complaints. It seemed that he really felt sorry.  Although not as good as Koichiro, Asuna has only been exposed to some free games on mobile terminals until her third year of junior high school.  I know about online games, but because the college test is imminent, I have no interest in online games and no motivation to play.  Because of this, why one day a month ago, in the afternoon of November 6, 2022, I visited my brother¡¯s empty room and put the NervGear on my head with everything set and ready.  As for this, the reasons are not yet known.  If I want to put it in one sentence, on that day, everything changed No, it was all over.  Hiding in a hotel room in the Beginning Street, Asuna was waiting for the end of the incident. After two weeks, she did not receive any news from the real world. At this time, she gave up on the outside world to rescue her.  idea.  And even though the number of player deaths had exceeded a thousand at that time, the original dungeon had still not been broken. After learning this news, Asuna understood that waiting to clear the game from the inside was futile.  The only option left is ¡®how to die¡¯.  I don¡¯t know how many months, no, how many years I will stay in this safe street if this continues.  Moreover, no one can guarantee that the rule "monsters will not invade the streets" will not last forever.  Rather than worrying about the future and hiding in a dark hut, it¡¯s better to get out of this street.  Do your best to learn, exercise, and fight.  If you eventually run out of energy and fall down, at least you won't regret your past impulsive actions and regret your lost future.     let's move.  Go forward with courage.  Then disappear.  Just like the meteor that burned up in the atmosphere at that moment.  With this thought in mind, Asuna walked out of the hotel and embarked on the wilderness of an MMORPG world where she didn't understand the terminology at all.  Relying only on the weapons of his choice and the only skill he acquired, he reached the bottom of such an inaccessible maze.  Now, it¡¯s after four o¡¯clock in the morning on Friday, December 2nd.  Perhaps it was a reflexive loss of consciousness caused by the fatigue caused by such random battles, and Asuna's path should have ended here.  Located near the left side of the "Monument of Life" in the "Black Iron Palace" in the initial street, a horizontal line will be drawn on Asuna's name, and everything will end - as it should be.  That's how it should be.  "Swinging a sword to seek death, swinging a sword to fight, these two determine a person's fate, what do you think?" The male player looked back at him with his head raised at a 45-degree angle.  A smile that Asuna couldn't understand spread across her face.
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