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Text Chapter 35: War of words

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    Pei Mo secretly thought about it, thinking about whether to hit Pu Yongtai, and stepped on him hard in front of Lin Yaxuan. Li Zhengjie couldn't help but change his expression and said: "Junior brother, what happened to you today? Is it right?  Not going well?" Pu Yongtai waved his hand casually: "Brother, you are thinking too much. We are just discussing the matter and discussing history and culture before dinner. Miss Lin and everyone will not take it to heart, right?"  "Hmph!" Lin Yaxuan snorted coldly: "It is said that Koreans are arrogant. I originally thought Mr. Park would be different from other people, but when I saw him today, it was nothing!" Park Yongtai followed up and said: "What if?  Miss Lin understands national pride as arrogance, so I have nothing to say. Our country, South Korea, was founded in 1948. After three years of the Korean War, the whole country was riddled with holes. But your China, which was founded in 1949, was also devastated.  The Korean War was a hindrance. There is no need to discuss the rights and wrongs of the Korean War. I just want to say that the foundations of our two countries in the early days of their founding were similar, and our Republic of Korea is even weaker. Now more than sixty years have passed!  , our South Korea has grown into an economic and cultural giant, Samsung, Hyundai, LG, which one is not at the forefront of the world? Take the humble clothing, the Korean style is popular in East Asia and Southeast Asia, Miss Lin's purpose of coming to Seoul?  Isn't it just for reference? And what about China? What else can you do besides creating smog? Of course, if you mention the total economic volume, you can just pretend that I didn't say anything about culture.  On the other hand, how much of your traditional Chinese culture is left today? Has it almost disappeared in the long history? Today, authentic Confucian culture only exists in the Chinese-inhabited areas of Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, and the United States.  It is an undeniable fact. Specifically, I would like to mention two points. One is medical skills. There is no doubt that the emergence and development of Korean medicine has an unclear origin with traditional Chinese medicine, but the treatment is completely different. We in Korea are all working for Korea.  We are working hard to revitalize medicine and go global. Whenever we make some achievements, we Koreans will be extremely proud. However, in China, traditional Chinese medicine has gradually declined. Traditional Chinese medicine is only used for health care.  Which doctor is using it? Isn¡¯t B-ultrasound more convenient? The medical skills of Westerners are regarded as supreme treasures in your country, and even the ban on traditional Chinese medicine has been in the air since the Republic of China!  An extremely ancient and serious etiquette in China, but it can be completely preserved only in Korea and Japan. Who among you Chinese would sit on your knees when you are idle? Haha~~ It is a pity that our ancestors left so many good things.  ! Of course, I am purely talking about the matter, and Miss Lin can refute if she has different opinions, but I don¡¯t want it to affect the future cooperation between our two families!" As he said this, he shook his head with a look of regret on his face.  This made Lin Yaxuan and Lan Yuqing very angry, but they were speechless. They did not slander wantonly, this was all true. Lan Yuqing even pinched Pei Mo gently like a coquettish girl, hoping that this little  The man came forward and came back to defend the Chinese people.  Pei Mo patted Lan Yuqing's back gently to express his reassurance. Just as he was about to speak, Lin Yaxuan had already suppressed his anger and said: "I, Lin Yaxuan, have learned a lesson today. Mr. Park, don't worry, I will not substitute personal likes and dislikes in my work."  " "If I have offended Miss Lin, Miss Lan, and everyone sitting here, I, Park Yongtai, apologize!" Park Yongtai bowed slightly to apologize, but his victor's posture could even be seen by a blind man.  out.  Pei Mo took it and smiled coldly: "Mr. Park, you are comparing a population of 58.07 million to a population of 1.3 billion, and comparing a population of 99,600 square kilometers to a population of 9.6 million square kilometers. Isn't it a joke?  ? Yes, China is inferior to South Korea in many aspects. There is no need to deny this. China has a large country, a large population, complex ethnic composition, and diverse domestic situations. The smooth implementation of any policy requires more than a hundred times the effort of South Korea, and  It has taken another detour and missed the historical opportunity of the world's first industrial division of labor in the 1960s and 1970s. This is indeed sad. However, China's environment is completely different from that of South Korea. China is surrounded by enemies and is struggling to develop its economy.  Faced with national subjugation and genocide, everyone will choose the latter, and you have US military bases stationed in South Korea and are under the protection of the United States. Looking at the surrounding areas, from the four Asian tigers in the last century to the latest ones!  Among the four little dragons, including you, South Korea and Japan, who does not have the shadow of the United States behind them? Mr. Park, please don¡¯t tell me that South Korea¡¯s achievements today have nothing to do with the strong support of the United States!  The Western forces led by the United States have been encircling the country for more than 60 years and have never stopped. However, we Chinese have never given up on our dream of becoming a powerful country. Today, we have achieved world-renowned achievements. It is true that in development, we have emerged.  There are many problems, but they are all caused by moss, and they are not enough to affectIt affects the fundamentals. We Chinese people have the confidence and ability to solve the problems one by one, because although the Chinese nation is a nation in deep suffering, it has never given up on self-improvement!  " As soon as these words came out, Lan Yuqing, Lin Yaxuan, even Li Zhengjie and the young model were all in high spirits. Although Pei Mo didn't say anything substantial, a strong sense of national self-confidence lingered in their hearts. Pu Yongtai  A strange light was also directed at Pei Mo! But Pei Mo seemed to be excited about what he said, and said: "Pride is certainly a good thing, but behind excessive pride is actually the shadow of inferiority. This can be seen from sports events.  For any competition between China, Japan and South Korea, South Korea will definitely pay attention to the whole country. If it wins, it will be celebrated like a major festival. If it loses, it will feel like it has suffered a great shame!  In fact, it is very common for sports competitions to have winners and losers, so why should we be so serious about it?  This is really puzzling. I thought about it, maybe it has something to do with the history of South Korea. Since the Han and Jin Dynasties, the Korean Peninsula, that is, the three Koreas at that time, were under the rule of the Central Plains Dynasty. From the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it continued  It is a dependent state of China and was annexed by Japan in modern times. Therefore, the true independence of the Korean nation should only begin after the end of World War II.  At the same time, from the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties until the Qing Dynasty, Japan never gave up its ambitions on the Korean Peninsula. During this period, Japan had numerous invasions and attacks, and it even annexed the Korean Peninsula at the beginning of the last century. In this regard, South Korea¡¯s development before World War II was  History can be seen as a history of humiliation. Now that we have become one of the developed countries, our national self-confidence is extremely inflated and we are trying our best to put the past behind us. It is not incomprehensible!  " " Bang bang bang bang!  Instead of being angry, Park Yongtai smiled and applauded: "Mr. Pei's analysis is very sophisticated. This is indeed a problem for our Korean nation. Well, well said!"  " Pei Mo's face was covered with a layer of solemnity, his emotions and anger were invisible, and he was not moved by external objects. Such people are the most terrifying people. Park Yongtai is exactly this kind of person. If he is his enemy, then  , he will become a strong and tough opponent! Compared with Pu Yongtai, Li Zhengjie is arrogant, angry, and a scumbag. This is why Pei Mo dares to boast in front of Lan Yuqing that Haikou will annex Sancai in the future!  The fundamental reason is that the difficulty of dealing with Pu Yongtai will be increased by more than a thousand times. To be honest, Pei Mo does not want to be an enemy of Pu Yongtai. However, Pu Yongtai has thoughts about Lin Yaxuan, which is difficult for him to accept.  , he would rather Lin Yaxuan be a lily forever and use a plastic rod to solve her physiological needs than let this beautiful woman be pressed on the crotch by another man! This is a bad habit shared by men. I can't have sex, and you can't have sex either!  He is dominant and dominant in sex. The more powerful a man is, the stronger his desire to control the women around him. Although Pei Mo is still very weak, but under the influence of the gay ghost soul, he also hopes to have the right to speak over Lin Yaxuan's sex!  Another point is that if Pei Mo wants to become bigger and stronger, he must first dominate the domestic and even Asian women's clothing market, and then he can enter Europe and the United States. Korean clothing headed by Cherrykeke, with its wide popularity in East Asia and Southeast Asia,  It is a hurdle that is destined to be unavoidable, and Pu Yongtai will also become a strong opponent arranged by fate! Pei Mo sighed secretly, but Pu Yongtai said: "According to Mr. Pei, I  The history of the Korean nation is a history of humiliation, so your Chinese history can only go back more than three hundred years, and all the previous history has been destroyed!  " With that said, Park Yongtai pointed to a waitress who came in to deliver the food and said: "Human beings, from the beginning of eating hair and drinking blood, to wearing animal skins and leaves, to the emergence of clothing, in one aspect can be regarded as a history of clothing.  , Korea¡¯s national costumes have been handed down from the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Although there have been changes between the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the general shape has not changed, and the historical style has been completely preserved!  And your Chinese Tang suit, no!  It should be called Qing-style Tang suit. The shape of the clothing inherits the style of the Qing Dynasty. Haha~~ As a foreigner, it is not easy for me to comment on whether this kind of clothing is beautiful or ugly. I just want to ask, before your Qing Dynasty, the Ming and  During the Song, Tang, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and even the Han and Pre-Qin Dynasties, what were the styles of clothing at that time?  Have you thrown it all away?  If not, why is it not officially recognized?  Please don¡¯t use the Chinese people¡¯s craze for Hanfu as an excuse. If I remember correctly, at the APC summit held in China in the 1990s, your national leaders at the time took out the Qing-style Tang suit as a national costume for heads of state.  Wearing it on your body also means announcing to the people of the world that the Qing-style Tang suit is your traditional Chinese costume, and the costumes of previous dynasties have been abandoned by your officials. Isn't this forgetting history or something?  How can a nation that doesn¡¯t even cherish its own history have the right to accuse others of being arrogant?  "
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