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Volume 3 Chapter 67 Continued at Noon

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    "It has been more than half a year since the Performing Arts Center opened, and this is the first time for me to stand on this stage." Shen Chong stood on the stage of the main theater of the Jiajia Performing Arts Center, rubbed his hands, and joked: "It is said that this is the most difficult place in Taipei.  The stage is even more difficult to get on than the podium of the Legislative Yuan" A burst of laughter and applause broke out from the audience.  This main theater can accommodate nearly 17UU spectators. It is currently the largest and best professional indoor performance venue in Taiwan and even in Southeast Asia. Every performance, whether it is a movie premiere, stage play, musical or traditional drama, the attendance rate is maintained at 8  But now, there are only about forty people sitting sparsely in the audience - they are not the audience, but all the employees of Oriental Charm Taiwan Branch and related companies.  Shen Chong ran from the Grand Hotel to the Performing Arts Center at noon to hold an annual meeting of the Oriental Charm Taiwan branch. First, he wanted to cheer up his employees who had been suppressed and ravaged by the Taiwan government in the past six months. Second, he was preparing to take advantage of the opportunity.  The opportunity to build a TV station is to integrate the movies, music, magazines, and theater companies invested in Taiwan, and transform them from separate entities into an organic whole.  He will go to Hsinchu tomorrow, return to Hong Kong the day after tomorrow, and then go to the United States after Jiayi TV Music Station starts broadcasting. He can only take a break from the busy schedule and do it during the lunch break. Otherwise, he will have to wait until next year.  Every inch of time is worth every inch of money. He doesn't want those talented filmmakers or musicians to waste the entire 19RU years "I'm really sorry to call you all here for a meeting at noon, especially when it's so hot today." Shen Chong said first  I apologized as usual, and then started talking about business: "I've called everyone here today. It's nominally an annual meeting, but in fact it's not. I'm here to scold people today." "The purpose of an annual meeting is to summarize the past and look forward to the future.  , but think about it, what can you summarize? It has been a year and a half since I started investing in April last year, and you can count the achievements you have made on ten fingers." "Rolling Stones?  Zhang, UFO Zhang, Tianshui Leji Zhang, and it is not finished yet" Tianshui Leji is an independent music studio established by musicians such as Li Shouquan, Li Jianfu and Tsai Qin after the Academy Award. Shen Chong is also the sponsor.  He raised his hand and nodded at the circle of people sitting in the corner, and then continued to criticize: "Movies? Or the two made last year; magazines? The sales volume is not as good as that of Hong Kong, which has only a quarter of Taiwan's population; stage plays, back and forth  They are all old plays that have been rehearsed before, and there is only one new play, "Lotus Pearls with New Pairs." If I remember correctly, this was a work that was started last year. " "Don't tell me that art needs time to think and refine.  You are not one person, but a group of people. When Jin Shijie was thinking, Li Liqun, what are you doing? When Luo Dayou was refining, what were you doing? Hou Hsiao-hsien Forget it, I am too lazy to talk about the movie.  He was willing to spend money and had the advantage of foresight. Therefore, although he did not come to Taiwan very often, he recruited almost all the pop culture celebrities in Taiwan in the early RU era to his own banner.  All the well-known celebrities were scolded by him! Their faces were red and their ears were red, and they were as sleepy as little sheep.  "Life is too comfortable, and work is burdened by life. You all need to be trained. You have to be whipped by someone behind you before you can think of living. Art is also a job, it just relies on talent.  Working people, you are all rare talents, don't waste your talents." Shen Chong pushed his thumb on his chest and said angrily: "I will tell you clearly now, from today on, I will be the whip.  "You guys are smoking shit and will never give up." "I know that people who play culture are very noble and proud, and they like to do whatever they want and don't like to be restrained. If I talk like this, you must be very disgusted. Some of you may want to leave.  If you want to leave, leave now, I won't charge any penalty." Shen Chong pointed to the door, made an indifferent expression, and said coldly: "I can tell you with confidence that all of you will work together.  The profits that I can bring to the company after spending my whole life may not be as much as the money I spent in a year, a month, or even this morning. The ancients learned literary and martial arts and sold their goods to the emperors' families. There are no emperors anymore. Yours  Talent can only be sold to capitalists like me, so don't be too proud. I don't have the talent like you, and I don't have the power of an emperor, but I can make you hungry." The whole audience was silent, and the atmosphere was depressing.  "I invested in building such a good recording studio and building such a big stage, not to show off my wealth, but to show off. I would go to New York, Paris or Tokyo, and the praise and satisfaction I would receive in those places would be a hundred times greater.  The reason why I did this in Taipei is just to hear or see some good works of art. ¡°You can¡¯t make money, and I can¡¯t do art.  " Shen Chong felt that the big stick had almost been wielded, so he used a classic line from Chiang Kai-shek in "The Founding Ceremony" to summarize the bombardment. Then he sighed softly, slowed down his tone, and said: "The more something is lacking, the more I want it.  What do you want? This is a wise saying. I am a businessman full of copper odor. I have no culture and can only do arty things.Come and decorate the facade, everyone, dear everyone, please work harder and make my stinky face look better, okay?  I still rely on it to pick up girls." A few heartless chuckles came from the audience, but they quickly subsided. "Okay, I have summarized the past, and now I am looking forward to the future.  " Shen Chong clapped his hands twice to cheer up the atmosphere in the venue, and then said: "I haven't read the almanac, I only know that today is August, and 8 in Cantonese is homophonic to 'fa', which is homophonic to 'ØÖ'.  "‚Ð" is a homophonic pronunciation for a long time, so it should be a good day, so I announce that starting from today, Oriental Charm Taiwan Film Branch will be reorganized into Oriental Charm Group Taiwan Branch. From now on, movies, music, magazines, and theater troupes will all be integrated into one system.  Come, unified management, unified planning, and strengthen complementarity and interaction with the Hong Kong headquarters" He opened the white background board behind him, pointed to the schematic diagram above, briefly explained the future company's organizational structure, and then announced it  Personnel appointments: "Mr. Duan Zhongyi will serve as the general manager of the Taiwan branch of Oriental Charm Group, Mr. Li Yuan will serve as the film department manager, Mr. Zhuo Botang will serve as the magazine department manager, and Mr. Yu Yushui will serve as the finance and fixed asset investment department manager. As for  The Rolling Stones, UFO, Tianshui Music Theater and Lanling Theater still maintain independent operations. The headquarters is not involved in daily operations, but will audit financial details.  ¡± Duan Zhongyi once worked for China Film and Television and ran a magazine. He is very knowledgeable about the film, music and publishing industries. He has a wide social circle in Taiwan. In his previous life, he built Rolling Stone into the largest Chinese-language record company. He is very capable of management. He is  Li Yuan, whose pen name is Ono, was a famous best-selling writer in Taiwan in the 1970s. He went to the United States to study in 1979, but soon dropped out and returned to Taiwan, where he joined China Film Group as deputy manager and planning team leader of the production planning department.  Then he was hired by Shen Chong to work for Oriental Charm, succeeding Zhang Aijia as the manager of the Taiwan branch. This person is historically one of the standard bearers of Taiwan's new film movement, with "The Story of Time", "A Day on the Beach", "Terrorists" and other RU era  Taiwan's classic films were all filmed under his promotion. The editor-in-chief of "Film Times" was originally Qiu Gangjian, but he was frustrated by the Taiwan government's repeated difficulties and resigned in July on the grounds of focusing on writing scripts.  , the position was taken over by Zhuo Botang. As for Yu Yushui, whose name has an auspicious homophony, he is an anonymous person sent from the Oriental Charming Miscellaneous Secretariat. Celebrities need to be recruited, and capable passers-by must also pay attention Personnel Appointment  After that, he took out a thick stack of folders, raised them, and threatened: "These are the work tasks for the second half of this year. Every department and everyone must complete them. If they can't complete them, don't blame me."  "Give face" Shen Chong has always believed that the core of management is nothing more than making people desperate for life, and to achieve this goal, there has been only one way throughout the ages, and that is coercion and inducement. In layman's terms, it means using a big stick and a carrot together to intimidate just now  It has been used, it is time to use inducements. ¡°Okay, I have scolded you in the past, and your future has been decided. Now let¡¯s come to the last item of today¡¯s annual meeting, to distribute some souvenirs to commemorate the official establishment of Oriental Charm in Taiwan - the previous one.  One and a half years can only be considered a trial operation.  " He waved, and Zhang Aijia walked out from behind the scenes pushing a flat trolley. The cart was piled with red and white paper bags printed with oriental charm. After Zhang Aijia pushed the trolley to the center of the stage, she hid aside,  Shen Chong stuck out his tongue and made a scared face, and many people smiled, making the atmosphere lighter again. Shen Chong took a bag, opened it, took out a square box from inside, opened it, and opened it.  While showing it, he said: "Omega, it is the right time in life. Everyone, time cannot be retained. After all, it will flow away. Please cherish it."  (Note) Then he took out a rectangular box from the bag, opened it, and said: "Montblanc ink pen, we can't keep time, but we can keep memories and feelings. This is a tool to carve time. Please use it more."   If your watch is broken, fix it yourself. If this one is broken, come to me again.  "Zhang Aijia spread her hands behind her, shook her head and smiled bitterly, making a helpless expression, despising his unromantic approach of burning the harp and cooking the cranes. The audience burst into laughter - firstly, her expression was indeed amusing, and secondly, both souvenirs were valuable.  It's an expensive luxury product, and it's a very pleasant luxury product. No one doesn't like it. Amid laughter, Shen Chong started to hand out gifts one by one, starting with Duan Zhongyi and ending with Huang Yunling. She was the youngest employee.  Less than 16 years old. ¡°Thank you, Mr. Shen.  "Haoyu, just because I didn't scold you just now doesn't mean I won't scold you in the future."  " Huang Yunling stuck out her tongue and jumped off the stage with a smile. Before she could sit down again, Shen Chong waved his hand and announced: "Okay, grand, united, harmonious, beautiful, and memorable.  The annual meeting has come to a successful conclusion. Let¡¯s all disperse and go back to our homes and do our own things. It¡¯s time to leave.  " Everyone knew that he had more important things to do in the afternoon. Everyone walked past the stage in twos and threes with different expressions, said a few words of farewell, and then dispersed. The theater quickly became empty. Luo Dayou, Li Zongsheng, Hou Dejian, Li Shouquan, Liang Hongzhi Qi Yu, Tsai Qin, Li Jianfu, Chen Shuhua, Huang Yingying Hou Xiaoxian, Chen Kunhou, Jin Shijie, Li Liqun, Gu Baoming Looking at the young and energetic faces walking in front of them  However, Shen Chong felt vaguely like a military parade, although this group of soldiers was disorderly at all - this is my real career, and the rest are just playing games with plug-ins.  "Why were you so fierce just now?" "You can't be fierce." Shen Chong smiled and said: "When a scholar encounters a soldier, he can't explain why. When dealing with artists, you have to be a bully." "Nonsense, they are all very cruel.  You're easy to talk to." Zhang Aijia held his arm and asked, "Did the talks not go well in the morning?" "It was very smooth, and the talks were basically settled. It doesn't matter if we don't go in the afternoon." Shen Chong said with the golden sledgehammer in the morning.  Having settled all the terms he wanted, he just planned to make a clay sculpture of a Bodhisattva in the afternoon to show off. He looked around the theater, and then said with a sly smile: "You know, I've always wanted to do something weird on this stage.  Things "I'm going to die for you" Note: The right time of life utIm11) is Omega's classic advertising slogan, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
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