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Volume 3 Chapter 54 Killing Power

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    The Mandarin Oriental Hotel is located at 5 Union Road, Central. It was built in 1919. It is the most valuable asset of Jardine Matheson and Land Group. It is also a world-famous top five-star hotel. It has luxurious decoration and pleasant sea views, but Li Guoding has no intention of doing so.  After having a quick lunch in the restaurant, he immediately asked Huang Renzhong to call Oriental Charm to find someone as soon as he returned to the guest room.  He is a veteran of Taiwanese politics and has a close relationship with the Huang family. He uses Huang Renzhong, a playboy, as a pawn. Huang Renzhong has nothing to say. Even though he knows that the time is not suitable, he can only take out Shen Chong's business card and call the office.  After chatting for a few words, he quickly put down the phone.  "What?" "The secretary said that Shen Chong went out to eat and was not in the company, and he didn't say anything about his evening arrangements." Huang Renzhong rubbed his wrinkled forehead and said with a wry smile, "It seems he didn't take us seriously." "Wei Jingmeng's.  Where is the granddaughter? Call her. " "I called her before I came to Hong Kong. Zhang Aijia said that Shen Chong never talked to her about investment. It's useless to call her again." Li Guoding disagreed.  "Whether it's useful or not, it's a great achievement to find Shen Chong. If you can't even see anyone, there's no point in talking about investment. He is tall, has a resolute face, and has been in a position of power for a long time. Every move he makes shows a calm and self-confident attitude. Huang Renzhong does not dare to disobey.  I had no choice but to grab the phone and dial Zhang Aijia's office number, then shook his head and said, "No one answered.  " Li Guoding frowned and walked around the room with his hands behind his back. He was born in 1910 and was already 70 years old. He started as the general manager of a shipbuilding company in Taiwan and served as a member of the Industrial Committee and the U.S. Aid Operations Committee.  The secretary-general of the committee, the minister of finance, the minister of economics and other important positions are one of the important driving forces for Taiwan's economic take-off. They are both highly respected and powerful. Early this morning, they received temporary orders and hurried to Hong Kong to meet a young businessman who was already in his prime.  He is a little unhappy, and now he is being left alone, and he is even more anxious. But what can he do if he is anxious? As an economic expert, he knows very well that this US$1 billion investment cannot be ignored. Singapore has shipping, Hong Kong has finance, and South Korea has it.  With a large amount of investment from Japan and the United States, the annual economic growth rate is as high as the first in the world. However, Taiwan's economic growth rate has dropped from the year before last to last year. This year is even worse. The year-on-year growth rate in the first half of the year was only a little more. This shows that the previous economic  The growth model has bottomed out, and transformation is imminent. The electronics industry is one of the key directions for transformation, and this direction was personally decided by Li Guoding. He even argued with Chiang Ching-kuo face to face. Taiwan only has 7 billion US dollars in foreign exchange, of which 10%.  One-third will be used to import weapons from the United States. After deducting the funds for purchasing various energy and mineral resources, there will not be much left. However, Taiwan does not have a foundation in electronic technology. If it wants to develop this industry, it must use a large amount of funds.  "Brother Guoding, I know it's difficult for you to go to Hong Kong, but Shen Chong's $1 billion cannot be ignored. It is a shot in the arm to stimulate our economic transformation in Taiwan." Li Guoding remembered what Sun Yunxuan said at the airport before leaving.  I sighed secretly, times have really changed. In the past, it was the businessmen who fawned over the officials, and now it is the officials' turn to fawn over the businessmen "Seventy years have passed since ancient times, and I am already 70 years old. How can I maintain my face with this old face?"  As long as it can attract investment, it will be the greatest face. When he thought of this, he stopped walking and said, "Ren Zhong, pack up and change clothes. Let's go to Shen Chong's office and wait for him." Huang Renzhong saw him being so low-key.  The figure was very surprised and hesitant.  "Why are you so dazed?" Li Guoding waved his hand and urged: "Soldiers are very quick. The Singaporeans came yesterday. We are already late today. If we delay it any longer" At this moment, there was a knock on the door.  The sound of the door.  "Who is it?" "Master Huang? I am Shen Chong, is Mr. Li Guoding here?" Huang Renzhong and Li Guoding looked at each other, stood up quickly, trotted to open the door, and sure enough, it was Shen Chong at the door, and he  Also here is Zhang Aijia.  "Mr. Huang, long time no see." Shen Chong exchanged greetings with Huang Renzhong, and then greeted Li Guoding with a smile: "Mr. Li, I'm very sorry. I was in a meeting just now and couldn't go to the airport to greet him. I hope Haihan will be there." He raised his hand.  He raised the food box in his hand and said, "I wonder if Mr. Li has had lunch? I brought some food, authentic Wakayama saury sushi."  As a double member of the Construction Committee, Shen Chong went to Taiwan last time and briefly introduced his investment plan at a meeting of the Executive Yuan. Li Guoding was also present. The two had met once. At that time, he only felt that this young man  He is impetuous and complacent, speaks exaggeratedly, and is suspected of trying to please others by sensationalism. He also has an immoral private life that is exposed everywhere, and behaves eccentrically. He has no moral cultivation of moderation, strictness and self-discipline. Therefore, his impression of Shen Chong is not very good.  But the world is real, and there are always winners and losers. Shen Chong died in just two months.?. He made huge profits in the three industries of stock market, movies, and electronic games. He gained hundreds of millions of dollars in assets and became a genuine super-rich man in the world. His social status rose rapidly. Under the dazzling halo and strong strength,  Next, who cares about his character and private life?  Yang Guang married many concubines, which was called lustful. Li Shimin also married many concubines, but it was called continuing the dragon's veins Before Li Guoding came to Hong Kong, he had already elevated Shen Chong to an equal position with himself. He just said that he would take the initiative to go to Oriental Charm.  When Shen Chong was waiting, he raised him up a level. Now Shen Chong took the initiative to visit and brought food to apologize, which made him feel good. He said with a smile: "Mr. Shen is thoughtful, thank you, thank you, I have heard about Wakayama saury for a long time."  The famous sushi, I just want to try it today Ren Zhong, what are you staring at? Go and get some tea." After some polite greetings, a few people sat down on the sofa. Zhang Aijia took out the sushi and ingredients from the food box.  Place it while chatting.  "Ai Jia, your grandpa misses you so much. Why don't you go back to see him more often?" "I've been very busy recently. I'll go back in two days." Shen Chong pushed a small box of sushi to Li Guoding and said, "Mr. Li  "This is fermented with lactic acid bacteria. It's very soft and glutinous. It's good for the stomach. Please try it."  Well, it¡¯s only received over 00,000 yuan.¡± ¡°It¡¯s only been released for three days, isn¡¯t it? When will it be released in Taiwan?¡± Li Guoding had something on his mind, so he reluctantly ate a piece of sushi.  He coughed, interrupting Huang Renzhong's useless nonsense, and then looked at him, gesturing for him to explore Shen Chong's tone.  This old guy is too impatient, and he hasn¡¯t even had a sip of tea Huang Renzhong cursed and asked with a smile: "Mr. Shen, I heard that Minister Wu from Singapore came to Hong Kong yesterday?" "Yes, yesterday  I had dinner with him tonight. "Li Guoding is a very experienced political leader. Playing tricks in front of him will only make people laugh. Shen Chong did not hide it and said straightforwardly: "I am planning to set up a research and development company in Singapore.  The center has an initial investment of US$500,000. " Li Guoding was taken aback, put down his chopsticks, and said, "Mr. Shen, please think twice. Singapore has a small land and few people, so it is not an ideal choice for building a factory. " " Mr. Li said it with clear eyes.  That's right." Shen Chong also put down his chopsticks and said seriously: "Singapore's development space is limited, and it is indeed not as good as Taiwan. I plan to invest in building a R&D center there. As for the production center, I am still studying it." "Mr. Shen, Shen.  God of Wealth, if you have anything else to study, you must come to Taiwan." Huang Renzhong joked: "After all, you are also half of our Taiwanese son-in-law, so there is no reason for your wealth to leak out." Zhang Aijia rolled her eyes at him, but said nothing.  Shen Chong smiled and said: "Taiwan is indeed a very suitable place, but I have some doubts in my heart, so I haven't made a decision yet." "What doubts? Mr. Shen, it's okay to say it." Li Guoding patted his chest and assured: "As long as  Mr. Shen is willing to invest. Everything is easy to discuss. We are no worse than Singapore in terms of transportation, skilled workers, and preferential policies" As he spoke, he stood up, took out a stack of documents from the bedroom, and then rambled on.  Shen Chong kept introducing Taiwan's advantageous environment and preferential policies. Shen Chong didn't say a word. He just listened quietly and looked carefully. After fully understanding Li Guoding's trump card, he said: "Mr. Li, look, I  I made a lot of money making game consoles, but I didn¡¯t live in Silicon Valley. I bought a lot of stocks on Wall Street, but I didn¡¯t live in New York. I invested in a lot of companies in Japan, but I didn¡¯t live in Tokyo. I always lived in  "Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, there are many companies including Jardine Matheson, Hutchison Whampoa, Wharf, and even HSBC that want to ask me to be a director, but I have not gone there. I have only been working in one place."  Pointing to the direction of Oriental Charm Building, he took out a business card from his pocket and said, "Mr. Li, this is my business card. You see, there is only one title on it." Li Guoding took it and took a look and found that the business card was very simple.  , only a pattern and a line of words were printed. The pattern was the oriental charm with white characters on a red background, and the text was Shen Chong's name in Chinese and English. Other than that, there was nothing else.  "What do you mean, Mr. Shen?" "Some media in Hong Kong like to sensationalize and say that I am the reincarnation of the God of Wealth. It is all nonsense and cannot be taken seriously." Shen Chong shook his head and joked to himself: "If I am really the reincarnation of the God of Wealth, then  Definitely not a God of Wealth, but a Kuixing or a comedian, because I have no interest in making money, I am only interested in the culture and entertainment industry. " "Mr. Shen is really good at joking." Huang Renzhong changed the topic when he saw Shen Chong, and seemed to be interested in what Li Guoding just said.  There was little interest in those things. In order to adjust the atmosphere, he said with a smile: "In just over a year, I have earned more than a billion US dollars without any interest. So if I am interested, how much should I earn?"   "Master Huang, from last year to now, I have spent two-thirds of my time tinkering with movies and magazines. Do you think I would spend this time and energy on doing business and stock trading, how much money would I have now?" Shen Chong smiled proudly.  , he picked up a piece of sushi with chopsticks, threw it on the ground, and then said: "This piece of sushi costs 0 Hong Kong dollars, which is very expensive, but I just threw it away, not because it is not delicious, nor because I  I have money, not because I love to waste it, but because I can throw it away, so I throw it away. The same goes for making money. I can become a billionaire, not because of my luck, hard work, hard work, diligence or other reasons, just because I have money.  Because I can do it, so I did it. "I can do it, so I did it" This is a bit convoluted, but the meaning is obvious - making money is just a piece of cake, and all his billions of wealth are.  Earned unintentionally This is probably the most arrogant and unreasonable businessman in the world Shen Chong took out a piece of tissue paper, bent down to pick up the sushi, put it on the coffee table, and then said: "I have no ambition.  Isn¡¯t it something to say that you should only try to be happy in everything you do? The most important thing in life is to be happy, and the most important thing to be happy is to do what you like to do. If you can¡¯t do what you like best, even if you have everything  What¡¯s the point of all the wealth in the world?¡± ¡°What does Mr. Shen like?¡± ¡°I am very interested in the entertainment industry, especially movies, so I have been tinkering with movies since the day I made my first money.  That's how I got to know IvIa." Shen Chong gestured to Zhang Aijia to take out the documents in her bag and said, "I opened a film branch in Taiwan last year and have been attracted by all kinds of strange people and things.  Harassment and failure to operate normally make me very uneasy. " Zhang Aijia handed the thin folder to Li Guoding. After Li Guoding took it and browsed it quickly, he put it aside and said, "Mr. Shen, in the current political situation.  "Next, these things are inevitable, but I can guarantee that these trivial things will never happen when investing in building a factory. Whoever dares to cause trouble, I, Li Guoding, will tell him to get out."  However, in the eyes of such old-school politicians, making movies is just a casual pastime. It is not a big deal at all, and it is not worth mentioning when put together with a billion-dollar business "Mr. Li,  Singapore is indeed not as ideal as Taiwan, but what about the mainland? A worker in Taiwan has a monthly salary of at least US$0, and a worker in the mainland has a monthly salary of only US dollars. On this alone, Taiwan cannot compete with the mainland." Shen Chongyu Jian made it clear, "Only.  However, the mainland does not allow foreign investment to open film companies in the mainland. Taiwan allows it. This is your only attraction to me. If it allows my film company to operate normally, I will invest. If not, I will not go.  After saying that, he stood up and said goodbye, and then left regardless of his efforts to stay.
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