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Volume 3 Chapter 9 Preparation

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    Shen Chong came to Japan, worked hard, and brought more than twenty subordinates, including those from the investment department, the film department, newspapers and media, and TV stations. When he went to Singapore, he only brought one secretary with him, and he was unusually low-key.  After time travel, as his career grew bigger and his wealth increased, although Shen Chong had always been modest and restrained on the surface, he was actually extremely arrogant and arrogant in his heart. He didn't even pay attention to a small country like Singapore.  However, the various entanglements after the relationship problems were exposed some time ago made him deeply realize that he is still a human being and is by no means an omnipotent god. Therefore, his arrogance dissipated and his mentality sank, thus truly achieving harmony, naturalness, calmness and restraint.  The realm of life, all the previous manifestations of youth and maturity are just disguises supported by golden fingers.  No matter how strong you are, you are only one person after all. Singapore is a small country after all, and it is a developed country with a backing and favorable geographical location.  Therefore, after receiving the invitation from the National University of Singapore, Shen Chong said he didn't care, but he took it very seriously in his heart. He specifically asked Gu Liwei to collect information and make preparations.  Speaking of preparations, he is very likely to directly use the face of an angry youth on the Internet to speak nonsense and attack Lee Kuan Yew's various anti-China policies that discriminate against the Chinese language - anyway, block it. In a small country with a population of one or two million, who cares about the market?  But now his mentality has changed. When he thinks about it, Singapore is the only Chinese cultural base besides the three places across the Taiwan Strait. Just like the United States uses Taiwan as an unsinkable aircraft carrier, in a cultural sense, Singapore is also a sinking media.  As a bridgehead for the empire's expansion into Southeast Asia, if it is just for the sake of talking loudly and having fun, thus offending Lee Kuan Yew, a local boss, the gain outweighs the gain.  Words cannot change the world. Lee Kuan Yew used policies to suppress Chinese culture. I will use money to support Chinese culture. Let¡¯s use practical actions to fight So on the flight from Tokyo to Singapore, Shen Chong kept reading the fax specially sent by Gu Liwei.  Go to Tokyo for information about Singapore.  The information is divided into three parts. The first part is that Singapore is reclaiming land to build Changi International Airport. Part of this project is undertaken by Kinmen Construction. As the new owner of Kinmen Construction, Shen Chong needs to have a brief understanding.  In 19RU, Singapore's main airport was Sen Ye Leba Airport. It was built in 1955 and could no longer keep up with the needs of development. It was also located in the urban area and was inconvenient for expansion. Therefore, a new airport was built in Changi in the east, using a total of  With UU million cubic meters of soil and 40 UU million cubic meters of sand and gravel, the first phase of the construction project is scheduled to be completed next year, that is, in July 198l, including the first terminal building, the airport runway, 45 aircraft parking spaces, and  All related support facilities such as aircraft maintenance stations, fire stations, affairs offices, cargo centers, etc.  Kinmen Construction was responsible for part of the reclamation project and the construction of a command console about RU meters high. Shen Chong simply looked at this aspect without paying too much attention to it. Firstly, these projects were nearing completion, and secondly, the handover work  It has not yet been officially completed. Kinmen Construction is still nominally a company owned by Jardine Matheson. The second part is the details of Jurong Industrial Park in Singapore.  Jurong is located on the seaside in the southwest of Singapore Island, about 10 kilometers away from the urban area. It covers an area of ????UU square kilometers. It was originally a barren land composed of swamps and hills. In 19U1, the Singaporean government planned 64 hectares of land here for industrial development.  In the park, the construction of factories, ports, docks, railways, highways, electricity, water supply and other infrastructure in the park was basically completed in 19U8. In the same year, the Jurong Town Administration Bureau was established to uniformly control the national industrial land and various parks.  Supply, and the Economic Development Bureau dispatches professional investment recruitment teams around the world to be responsible for unified investment promotion.  Jurong Industrial Park was originally developed to develop labor-intensive industries, mainly to solve the employment problem of Singaporeans. By 1979, the Industrial Park employed one-third of the country's labor force, and the unemployment rate also dropped from 10 in the 1960s.  By then, the task was basically completed, so starting last year, the industrial park began to transform, launching the 19RU-1990 ten-year master plan to support high-growth and high value-added enterprises, and began to build the Singapore Science and Technology Park to recruit technology development enterprises.  This is the reason why Singapore immediately expressed its goodwill after Shen Chong's US$1 billion satellite was exposed in Taiwan. You must know that although Singapore ranks among the four Asian tigers, it is the weakest. In 1979, South Korea's GDP was as high as more than UU000 million US dollars.  , Taiwan has 33.8 billion US dollars, Hong Kong has 500 million US dollars, while Singapore has less than 9.3 billion US dollars, only one-third of Thailand However, looking at the data, the main direction of the transformation of Jurong Industrial Park is chemical industry and machinery manufacturing.  Shen Chong didn't pay much attention to electronic technology. Shen Chong searched in his memory and found that apart from an innovation that made sound cards and headphones, he could no longer think of any well-known computer or IT companies in Singapore.  Innovation is good. Sound digitization is exactly the technology that Shen Chong wants to tinker with recently. However, according to Gu Liwei's verification, there is no company named "Innovative Technology" in Singapore at this time. It must not have been established yet. If it has not been established, there will be no chance to do so.  The innovative ace "Sound Blaster" series of sound cards only came out in 1989. Shen Chong couldn't wait that long.?The speed at which he is burning money on research and development like crazy, and in three years at most, the still mute p will start to make a sound.  Singapore is just a backup tool used by Shen Chong to stimulate the Taiwan authorities. Studying the information on Jurong Industrial Park is just superficial. What he is really concerned about is the third information.  This is information about "Nanyang Siang Pau" and "Sing Chew Daily". In Shen Chong's previous life, most people may have never heard of the names of these two newspapers, but if the name of the other newspaper is mentioned, they must be  Many people know that it is Lianhe Zaobao.  "Lianhe Zaobao" is the only overseas Chinese newspaper that can be sold in mainland cities. Its website is also one of the few overseas media that can be viewed without having to circumvent the firewall. "Lianhe Zaobao" is just the abbreviation of this newspaper, and its full name is called  "Nanyang Sin Chew Lianhe Zaobao" is a newspaper formed by the merger of "Nanyang Siang Pau" and "Sin Chew Daily".  "Nanyang Siang Pau" was founded by the famous overseas Chinese Tan Kah Kee in Singapore on September 1, 1923. It was the largest newspaper in the Chinese community in Singapore and Malaysia. At its peak, it sold more than 100,000 copies. In 1971, Lee Kuan Yew accused the newspaper of being pro-communist.  The Chinese News Times reported good news but not bad news, glorified communist life and harmed Singapore's interests. Then it launched the so-called "May Storm" and arrested the general manager, editor-in-chief and other senior officials of "Nanyang Siang Pau", and then changed the law to stipulate that daily newspapers  It must be reorganized into a public limited company, and the maximum shareholding of shareholders must not exceed 30. The ownership of Nanyang Siang Pau changed hands, and it declined.  "Sing Chew Daily" was founded by Hong Kong newspaper tycoon Wu Wenhu in 1919. It originally belonged to Sing Tao Newspaper, one of the three major newspaper groups in Hong Kong. However, before Wu Wenhu passed away, he made a will to separate the companies.  Zhou Daily was inherited by his adopted son Hu Jiao. This newspaper originally had a moderate influence and was not profitable, but Hu Jiao was lucky and recruited a super talented person as the chief editor. This person's name was Li Kexing, who was originally from Agence France-Presse.  An editor who is proficient in newspaper management and has outstanding literary talent. His editorials are extremely brilliant, sharp, and well-argued, and he is very popular. Even several of the world's leading international news agencies use his editorials as models, and the U.S. Consulate in Singapore often uses his editorials as examples.  His editorials were reported back to China as political reports, boosting the sales of Sin Chew Daily and becoming the leading Chinese newspaper in Southeast Asia in the 1960s.  Although "Nanyang Siang Pau" and "Sin Chew Daily" compete fiercely and quarrel with each other, the two newspapers have a completely consistent position, which is to strongly promote the Chinese language, safeguard Chinese education, and resolutely oppose the English language that was forcibly promoted by Singapore and Malaysia after World War II.  In education, not long after Singapore became independent, some government officials suggested that Nanyang University emphasized Chinese and was not suitable for a multi-racial society like Singapore, and that it should change the teaching of Chinese to English teaching. Li Xingke published two consecutive articles in the "Sin Chew Daily"  An editorial refuted it, which caused great social repercussions and forced Singapore to abandon this policy.  However, during the "May Storm" in 1971, Sin Chew Daily was also suppressed by Lee Kuan Yew. The boss Hu Jiao was invited to have tea by the Political Department every three days. Lee Kuan Yew publicly accused him of accepting funding from the CCP, so the newspaper was always  Attacking the Singaporean government, Hu Jiao was originally a second-generation ancestor with no ability or courage. He just accepted it and neither denied nor defended it. The reputation of the newspaper was greatly affected. The chief writer Li Xingke was forced to go into exile. After many twists and turns, "The Star"  The owner of Zhou Daily became a local bank in Singapore.  After the two banners of Nanyang Siang Pau and Sin Chew Daily that advocated Chinese education were cut down, Chinese education in Singapore quickly collapsed, and a large number of Chinese schools were reorganized into English schools. Starting in 1976, Singapore began to advocate  Nanyang University changed its education to English. By 19RU, Nanyang University was merged into the National University, and no one dared to raise objections.  Lee Kuan Yew's reason for merging Nanyang University was that the Chinese University could not recruit students. According to public survey data, 10,000 Singaporeans over the age of ten only understand Chinese, more than 300,000 understand both Chinese and English, and 10,000 only understand RU.  There are so many people who understand English and Chinese, but they cannot support a university. Who would believe it?  Of course, university education is Singapore's own business. Shen Chong is not the president, so it is not his turn to take care of this matter. He is in the media and just wants to deal with Nanyang Siang Pau and Sin Chew Daily.  The two newspapers merged into Lianhe Zaobao in 1983. It is said that when the two newspapers with more than 50 years of history merged, some people said with emotion that it would be better to call it "Shangxing (Sad) Morning News" instead of "Lianhe Zaobao"  .  Until the 21st century, Singapore was considered to be one of the countries with the lowest press freedom in the world, even lower than mainland China. The control was extremely strict. How to operate these two newspapers was a very troublesome matter.  Shen Chong scratched the map on the document with his finger, curled his lips, and said secretly: "Malaysia strictly controls all Chinese media, Indonesia prohibits the publication of Chinese newspapers and the import of Chinese books, plus Singapore, they are all in need of training.  "
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