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Volume 3 Chapter 65 Night Talk

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    When the flight arrived in Taipei, it was already past ten o'clock at night. Wei Jingmeng specially sent a driver to pick up the plane and took the two of them to the villa in Yangmingshan.  "What a great place. It's warm in winter and cool in summer. Even the wind carries the fragrance of flowers and plants." After Shen Chong got out of the car, he took a deep breath, then looked up at the stars in the sky and said, "The sky is full of stars."  The night is as cool as water, lying down watching Altair and Vega. Every time I come here, I feel that it is very cultural and artistic. It is really a geomantic treasure. " "Stop pretending to be a genius, there is no beautiful woman here for you to hook up with. It's very late, and grandpa is still waiting in the study.  As for you, he's a lot older and can't stay up late like you." Zhang Aijia took the suitcase that the driver had brought down and said, "You have been here before, so go up and I'll tidy up the room first."  Shen Chong put his hands in his pockets and walked leisurely up to the second floor, to the lighted study on the far right, took off his shoes at the entrance, then opened the Japanese-style wooden door and walked in.  "Grandpa." "Xiao Shen is here, sit down." Wei Jingmeng motioned for him to sit on the tatami opposite the coffee table and said, "Where is Jiajia?" "Downstairs." Shen Chong sat down cross-legged and said, "Go clean up the room.  "She didn't get into trouble with you, did she?" "Of course she was a bit emotional," Shen Chong laughed and said, "You are still young, and it's normal to be noisy.  As long as it doesn't change, live your own life and don't worry too much about gossip.  Wei Jingmeng rambled on for a few words about how husband and wife get along, then picked up a newspaper, handed it to him, and said, "Did you arrange this?"  " Shen Chong thought it was some big event, but when he took it over to take a look, it turned out to be a gossip report about the meeting between Li Kaiyuan and Zhang Aijia in the "Sing Tao Evening News" by the master of folk metaphysics. "Grandpa, I have always respected ghosts and gods and stayed away from them. This  This thing has nothing to do with me at all.  He put the newspaper on the coffee table and said, "I only did an exclusive interview in Oriental Daily, and then I was busy with the TV station. How could I have time to do such boring things."  " "I read your interview in Oriental Daily. You retreated in order to advance, lowered your profile, and took over everything. It made people unable to find a selling point to attack the hype. You did a good job and won a lot of public relations.  The key is, if those idiots in the Information Bureau were half as good as you, the government would not be passive everywhere and be breathless under attack by those outside the party.  "Wei Jingmeng picked up the "Sing Tao Evening News" again and said: "When I was young, I didn't believe this either, but the older I get, the more I feel that these things that have been circulated in China for thousands of years are profound and worthwhile.  Research.  "    "oh?  Shen Chong laughed and said, "I only knew that my grandpa had a strong foundation in Chinese studies, but I didn't expect that he also studied metaphysics?"  " "I have only learned a little bit about it, not to mention research.  "Wei Jingmeng tapped the photo of Li Kaiyuan in the newspaper and said: "The eyebrows are the canopy of the two eyes and the appearance of the face. This woman of yours has dark and thick eyebrows, parted into the temples, plump at the beginning and end, and high on the forehead.  People with such eyebrows are intelligent, thoughtful, strong-willed, decisive, and powerful. Moreover, such eyebrows rarely appear on women. Once they appear, they must be extraordinary. The master in the newspaper said that she  It is the appearance of a flying phoenix, which is very insightful.  "Is it true or false?" Shen Chong was surprised. Wei Jingmeng didn't talk about business, but why did he talk about metaphysics with him Why don't you ask the common people about ghosts and gods? "I asked several Taiwanese businessmen, and they all said that you are a dignified and steady woman.  Talking about business with her was a lot of pressure with false pretenses.  "Wei Jingmeng took off his glasses and said: "A woman of twenty-four or five years old can make people who have been in business for decades feel a lot of pressure. It shows that she is indeed extraordinary.  " "I don't feel anything at all.  Shen Chong sneered and said, "Maybe she doesn't like to talk much, so she gives people the impression of being calm, but she is actually just an ordinary woman."  " "One thing is falling for another. If you don't feel it, it means your life is more valuable than hers."  Wei Jingmeng smiled and said, "I saw you said in the interview in Oriental Daily that she did a business of US$500 million in six months?"  " "500 million is just sales. The marketing cost of that product is very high, and the gross profit is only about %, so the money is not much.  " "Twenty percent profit, which is 100 million, is amazing. Apart from you, I really don't know anyone in this world who can make hundreds of millions of dollars in half a year.  "Wei Jingmeng sighed with emotion, shook his head and sighed, and said: "The phoenix has the majesty of a mother to the world. This Li Kaiyuan has such a precious life and such brilliant methods. Even if the daughter of the President of the United States comes, he can't compete with her, let alone Jiajia.  A child who has been without a father since childhood.  " Shen Chong was silent. There was silence in the study. After a while, Wei Jingmeng spoke again: "Xiao Shen, I am not an old-fashioned Taoist. You are a rare hero in the world. Jiajia is better with you than just looking for someone.  It is a hundred times better for a man to get married and be a housewife. As long as your relationship is still there, I will continue to support you in coming to Taiwan to develop. However, I can only say this at home and cannot spread it outside, otherwise others will say that I am half like Lao Wei.After he was buried, he sold his granddaughter to make money, don¡¯t you think so?  As for me, I have retired a long time ago and have no power. I only rely on my old face to ask for help. If my face is robbed, I won¡¯t be able to help you with anything. So you have to find a way to let outsiders know that we are still here.  family.  " "That's what grandpa said.  Shen Chong nodded, moved his stiff legs, and said, "I plan to have a child with Jiajia."  " Wei Jingmeng raised his head, his eyes bright, and asked: "When do you want it?  " "I can't say for sure. Anyway, I try hard to hit the clock every day. If I hit the clock correctly, it will be fine."  "Shen Chong smiled and teased himself, and then said: "But I plan to vent to the media tomorrow and say something.  " "Jia Jia is pregnant, it's time to have a child.  "Wei Jingmeng pondered for a while and said: "That's good, having a blood heir is more reassuring than a marriage contract.  " "That's what grandpa said.  " "Over there in Liu Shaokang's office, how are you going to deal with it?  Wei Jingmeng asked again: "As early as 1948, Wang Sheng followed the president to Shanghai to hunt tigers. 50 years later, he has been assisting the president in presiding over Taiwan's political system. He is the president's confidant. If he interferes with it, your TV station will  It is difficult to drive. If not operated properly, all the previous investments may be lost.  " "I heard that Wang Sheng is a person who has his eyes above his head and is arrogant about everything. He refuses to accept anyone except the president and has offended many people. Is this true?  " "Wang Sheng is indeed a bit unruly, but he is still capable, and Liu Shaokang's office has great power.  "Wei Jingmeng said ambiguously: "So now everyone in Taiwan will stay away when they see him.  " "Using one's own strengths and exploiting the enemy's weaknesses is the only way to go in the business world.  Shen Chong understood and said: "I will take something that everyone likes and lure everyone to attack someone who no one likes."  "    "How to say?  " "Money is the basis of desire, and no one dislikes it.  "Shen Chong tilted his body, took out a map of Taiwan bought at the airport from the pocket of his beach shorts, spread it out, put it on the coffee table, pointed to one of the places, and said: "In the next five years, I plan to  $1 billion invested here.  "
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